Sequential Evolution

Chapter 564 Cloud Monster

Above the doomsday wasteland, the sky is dark and distorted, shrouded by heavy clouds of dust.

Driving the city lord's titanium alloy aircraft, shuttling through the vast wasteland, the magnificent scenery of the wasteland is in full view.

As the aircraft flies, the scene on the ground gradually becomes clear. The once prosperous city is now only left with intermittent ruins, covered by sand and stones.

The high-rise buildings no longer exist, replaced by rolling sand dunes, and only the occasional exposed steel bars and cement prove that there were once humans here.

Lin Tianyi stared at this uninhabited wasteland through the window of the aircraft, and a complex emotion surged in his heart.

This was once a glorious place for human civilization, but now it can only exist in this way, ruthlessly eroded by nature.

However, in this wasteland, there are also vibrant scenes.

In some corners, green vegetation stubbornly drilled out of the sand, as if nature was trying to prove to humans that even in the most cruel environment, life can still find a way to survive.

In the driver's seat, Lu Lixi excitedly pulled the joystick and rushed towards the location of Spark Company at a speed of Mach 1.

Looking at the continuous clouds in the sky, Lin Tianyi said helplessly:

"I say, should we drive slower? If we really run into those cloud monsters at such a fast speed, won't we have no chance to avoid them?"

Lu Lixi said indifferently:

"It is almost impossible to avoid those cloud monsters on the wasteland."

"Once you encounter these things, you can only fight. Instead of thinking about how to avoid these acid rain clouds, you might as well think about how to deal with these annoying things."

Lin Tianyi looked at Lu Lixi's attitude, so he asked curiously:

"Are there a lot of these things?"

"If we fly lower, the threat we face should be much lower, right?"

"Or, we can take a detour. No matter how many clouds there are in the sky, there will always be clear areas. Anyway, our spacecraft is fast enough."

Akasi heard this and shook her head and said:

"With There are many pilots who share the same idea as you in the wasteland. Unfortunately, those cloud monsters feed on mutated birds or humans driving flying devices. Sometimes, even if the radar predicts the distribution of the surrounding clouds, they still cannot avoid the attacks of these guys. "

Lin Tianyi heard what Akasi said and couldn't help asking:

"Speaking of which, you should have a considerable understanding of the creatures on the wasteland."

"This kind of cloud life is so strange, hasn't your institute studied this kind of thing? !"

Akasi immediately said after hearing this:

"Of course there is, and it has been studied more than once. Any species on the wasteland is not born out of thin air."

"Some of them are man-made disasters like the mother nest, and some are biological species that survived natural deformation."

Lin Tianyi has seen two of the three major natural disasters.

The so-called mother nest, the source of this thing, is naturally the human slime mold cultivated by the Audit Death God based on the undead cells of Akasi's mother Brinda.

The ghouls are human corpses that have evolved out of control after being exposed to radiation and taking excessive amounts of fragrance.

The former is the man-made disaster mentioned by Akasi.

The latter is a human being contaminated by the power of God, just like most of the Western superpowers that Lin Tianyi has experienced.

As for the third disaster, the mutants, also known as the green-skinned muscle guys, these guys with amazing fertility are not only immune to various radiations, but also have unparalleled strength and terrifying healing abilities.

It is said that their origin is the failed product of Giant God Biotechnology Co., Ltd.'s research on human genes.

However, this view was severely denied by Giant God Biotechnology Co., Ltd., which claimed that they were residents of a certain shelter.

Akassi continued:

"Our research institute once joined hands with Giant God Biotechnology to capture thousands of such clouds in the form of a net with special high-density materials."

"Then we conducted a research project for several years."

"After all, if this kind of thing can be completely controlled through the mind interference system, any survivor base on the ground will be at the mercy of others."

Hearing Akassi's words, Lu Lixi couldn't help but shudder.

As an authentic wasteland native, Lu Lixi has heard more than once about the survivor bases shrouded by this kind of cloud in the form of "fog".

If these bases do not have the cover of underground shelters, the results are often extremely miserable, no matter how advanced the weapons are, or how powerful the large defense shield is, the end is the same.

That is, in the fog where you can't see your hand in front of your face, there will be desperate howls one after another.

When the fog dissipates, only some bones and residues left on the ground will be left, and the entire settlement will become a dead city.

"What are the results of your research?"

Looking at Lu Lixi's vigilant eyes, Akasi said with a smile:

"Of course it ended in failure, but it's not a complete failure."

"These clouds don't seem to be living organisms in some sense."

"They are more like some kind of soul, or some kind of energy. They exist like jellyfish, without brain, bones, heart, blood, gills, mouth, etc., and the water content of their bodies is generally more than 98%."

"But even with such a water content, it is enough to restrain supersonic fighter jets and even melt gold and iron. It is really an extremely strange creature."

"Speaking of this, what do you think of?"

Akasi looked at Lin Tianyi and asked.

Lin Tianyi tried hard to think about the various strange life forms he had seen.

Walking in the trial copies of various worlds, he is also knowledgeable.

But this is the first time that Lin Tianyi has heard of such a strange creature.

However, since Akasi asked this question at this time, it means that there is something similar, close to the structure or principle of this cloud monster.

After a little thought, Lin Tianyi asked in a tentative tone:

"You mean the soul?!"

In addition to dark matter energy and human or animal souls, Lin Tianyi could only think of human souls, which are energy substances condensed by strong emotions and transformed.

"Yes, after our research, we found that these cloud monsters often appear over large cities where nuclear explosions have occurred."

"Not only are there highly active radioactive substances gathered there, forming violent radiation sources, but there is another factor in their location."

"That is the life of people...who died in the doomsday."

"So, we call this thing formed by the fragments of human souls a cloud monster."

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