Sequential Evolution

Chapter 540: War Begins

The hydraulic hatches of rows of dormant chambers were fully opened, and steaming white mist filled the slender house made of alloy.

These dormant freezing chambers can very well delay the aging of cells, allowing synthetic humans whose memories have not been uploaded but have not reached the standard of eternal existence to be able to extend their life span to the maximum extent.

Legion of death.

A large number of pale-skinned synthetics sat up neatly from the hibernation cabin. Before they got up from the hibernation cabin, the mission goals and instructions had been completed through the brain neural connections, and the electronic combat system of the synthetics was still working continuously. Repeating the task instructions, the cell activation nozzle sprayed a uniform cell stimulating fluid towards the synthetic man who ran out.

The synthetic warriors who rushed out in groups, their pale skin immediately turned bright red the moment they crossed the door, as if they were soldiers on standby, boarding the chariot and grabbing their weapons in accordance with the assembly instructions!

From the moment Lin Tian started the war to the time the alarm sounded and the synthetic army gathered to set out, the whole process only took five minutes.

As the gate opened, several tanks filled with armed personnel had already driven out of the underground hatch, rushing out of the settlement's safe area.

At the same time, on the starship, each troop evacuation bay opened, and rocket pilots equipped with powered jet packs quickly attacked in an orderly array.

Under the shadow, Lin Tian couldn't help but click his tongue when he saw it, what a strong military quality.

Compared with the members of the Death Auditor, the fanatical and fluctuating combat group is simply a bunch of rabble.

No wonder the other party doesn't take other settlements seriously, and no wonder Akasi's father, Hozgeir, declares that all other organizations are just worms on the planet.

The other party does have the qualifications and the strength!

But no matter what, the plan succeeded.

A large number of rocket flying units were the first to break out of the starship's protective light shield. The probe-type radar behind them quickly scanned the entire terrain and quickly dispersed as scouts.

Akashi reminded hurriedly:

"Be careful. The terrain scanning of this group of rocket flying units can easily detect us, but it takes time to delineate their suspicious targets. The data analysis of the intelligent AI can be done within 1 minute."

Lin Tianyi looked at the rocket pilots who were quickly dispersing, with a smile on his lips and said:

"If I kill all these rocket pilots, their detection time will be extended, right?"

He had to observe a little more for the time being. The higher the military quality shown by the other party, the more careful Lin Tianyi needed to deal with it.

Akash frowned when she heard this:

"Theoretically, it's possible. If you can kill so many rocket pilots in one go, the war level of the entire starship will definitely be raised, but they all carry Holtzmann defensive stance shields."

"Even if your shadow magic can penetrate the opponent's defense, it will take too long to kill each one individually. By then, we will have been exposed."

Hearing Akashi's words, Lin Tianyi smiled slightly, but snapped his fingers again.

This inexplicable move made Akashi stunned, but the next second...

Hundreds of individual rocket combat soldiers scattered like drones, and the dragnet originally woven in the sky suddenly shrank in an instant!

Those rocket jet devices burning with raging flames seemed to have completely malfunctioned. Such sudden changes made many synthetic warriors subconsciously activate their defensive shields!

In the sky, a large number of orange honeycomb-shaped bucklers lit up one after another. These actively activated Holzmann defensive stance shields made a loud buzzing sound, making the entire sky noisy as if tens of thousands of hornet's nests were being poked at the same time. .

However, what is even more troublesome is that the basic principle of defensive stance shields is to use energy fields to form ultra-high frequency molecular structure fields, which makes them like extremely active unstable energy particles that interact with other energy fields. At the moment of collision, a huge load of energy sparks will explode.

As for the other rocket soldiers who did not activate their shields in time, the defensive force fields they carried with them were in a passive state, and the speed at which they collided with each other was not enough to trigger the shield's defense mechanism.

This resulted in an energy explosion generated by the violent collision of the force fields, causing horrific damage to the rocket soldiers who had not activated their shields!

Originally, this disaster shouldn't have happened too quickly. The Earth Explosion Sky Star launched by the clone would only lump everyone into a ball.

As long as everyone turns on the shield, or no one turns on the shield, the number of casualties will theoretically not be too many.

But synthetic humans are all human beings, and as humans, their thoughts will not be absolutely unified.

So...disaster happened!

The terrifying explosion instantly exploded into a flash of blue fire high in the sky.

The rocket backpack energy material used by the Auditor of Death is a highly stable solid hydrogen material. The main cause of the explosion was that two members who activated the Holzmann shield caught a rocket soldier who failed to activate the shield. The energy The fierce collision of the fields, as well as its unique high penetrability, instantly acted on the solid hydrogen raw material in the opponent's backpack.

As the violent explosion occurred, countless rocket flying individuals in the sky were pulled by gravity, like lit firecrackers, and exploded one after another.

Blue explosion flames came and went, like a feast in the end of the world, dazzling everyone.

Just a single Earth Explosion Star skill caused the loss of most of the high combat mobility individual soldiers that the Audit Death God had worked so hard to cultivate. The all-area radar coverage and screening system that he had worked so hard to develop was eliminated in an instant.

Akassi looked at the scene in disbelief.

When magic and technology collided, the result and price could be so tragic? !

She really couldn't believe it.

Similarly, the commander of the Mother Nest Ecological Research Center inside the starship didn't believe what was happening.

"How is this possible?"

"It shouldn't be like this."

In the dead silence, Commander Brian roared nervously:

"Continue to send more people to find the magician who cast the spell. No matter what camp the other party belongs to, find him for me!"

The earth began to rumble and vibrate, and tracked tanks loaded with anti-superpower and element dispersal devices rushed out of the hydraulic cabin door.

The essence of magic is nothing more than the use of energy fields, which is similar to the metal probe extending to the cumulonimbus cloud in the rain. As long as the specific dark matter energy is driven away from this area for a period of time, magic and superpowers will lose their hotbed.

It was because the Audit Death God mastered this technology that they were able to show an invincible situation when dealing with the cultists of Liweiheim College and the Western Secret Coven.

Facing these vehicles emitting strange and harsh energy waves, Lin Tianyi suddenly felt that he was knocked into a forbidden magic field again.

Without getting rid of these vehicles, Lin Tianyi couldn't even activate his skills.

Lin Tianyi gradually frowned. The strength of this settlement was really beyond his expectations. He was a little glad that he didn't rashly use the portal to directly enter the command post of the starship. Otherwise, he might be in prison now and it would be difficult to escape.

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