Sequential Evolution

Chapter 536: Mother Nest

Akasi looked at the tall monster in front of her with satisfaction, and then touched her collarbone with both hands.

With a click, the synthetic girl pulled off her head like a soldier toy.

"Please use the teleportation skill to keep my body."

She held her head and handed it to Lin Tianyi with both hands.

As the liquid memory metal quickly differentiated, Lin Tianyi directly put Akasi's head into the liquid memory metal.

Watching the other party fall towards his body, Lin Tianyi stretched out his hand to support it. The light on the black flame ring flashed lightly, and Akasi's mechanical biological prosthesis immediately disappeared, and two inconspicuous eyeballs appeared on the side of the thick neck of the death claw.

Death claw, the most dangerous beast in the Southern Cross Forest, ran quickly at this moment.

Inside the liquid alloy armor, this is one of the few fully enclosed armors that Lin Tianyi has operated with a large amount of air inside.

After the transformation by Akashi, the legendary native of the fruit, the liquid memory metal can easily achieve external structure bionics. In order to increase its size, it has consumed one-third of the metal mass of liquid memory metal in many battles, thinned the thickness of the armor, and then filled the interior with more air, like an inflated balloon man, giving Lin Tianyi a lot of space.

This bionic method is quite bluffing. He, who was less than two meters tall, instantly grew to a height of four and a half meters, swinging his lizard-like tail and running quickly.

The gnawers who had gradually surrounded them looked at the death claws that were gradually going away in the dark night in confusion.

They couldn't understand what was going on, so they could only follow their instincts, stay in place for a few seconds, and then slowly disperse.

With this camouflage color, Lin Tianyi easily crossed the Forest of Sorrow with Akashi and looked at the so-called "mother" of Akashi!

It was a huge mother nest that was twenty stories high.

The closer they got to here, the more gnawers and death claws there were around.

They seemed like zombies wandering in the wasteland, crawling aimlessly. Some of the martyrs looked the closest to humans. Some were embedded in trees, and some were lying in the collapsed ruins. They were swollen and huge, like a fat man weighing more than 300 kilograms who was soaked in water and turned into a giant.

The dangerous atmosphere spread everywhere, and Lin Tianyi looked around like a tourist driving a mecha to visit the doomsday world.

There were spider webs made of flesh-like tissue everywhere, and a large amount of muscle tissue was entangled like mycelium, covering the ruins and the side of the building.

Skeletons were everywhere.

A larger death claw noticed Lin Tianyi coming over. It was a huge beast seven meters tall. Seeing Lin Tianyi's quick arrival, the latter let out a vigilant roar, and the frequency of its tail sweeping was gradually increasing.

"Huh?! The other party has a sense of territory?"

Even if Lin Tianyi was not very familiar with this kind of BOSS-level beast that frequently appeared in wasteland games, he could understand the meaning of the other party's threatening warning.

The opponent's sharp claws, which were more than two meters long, slapped the ground, and a piece of ruined wall inlaid with steel bars was instantly cut into several neat pieces like tofu.

What sharp claws.

"Don't provoke him, go around him."

Akasi warned carefully.

Lin Tianyi was about to turn around when he suddenly saw a larger mother nest creature.

It was a huge creature that sat on the cross section of a building as a bench.

The huge body, multiple thick arms, and knotted muscles, unlike those gnawers that crawled like hounds with humanoid appearance but low IQ, this huge creature seemed to be very intelligent. On his body, there were two tracks of the Hunter main battle tank, and two hardened stratum corneums that were so thick that they were raised were inlaid on his chest.

And next to this guy's hand was a slender main tank gun barrel and a rotating axis turret connected to it.

This thing seemed to be used as a hammer by the opponent.

When Lin Tianyi looked at the other party, the tyrant's head, which had been drooping, suddenly slowly raised up, and stared at the position where Lin Tianyi was with a scrutinizing look.

The other party has wisdom!

And it is not low.

Lin Tianyi was secretly shocked, and the death claws around him seemed to become restless because of the tyrant's gaze.

Not far away, the gnawers were still whimpering one after another, as if to express their submission to the awakened tyrant.


The tyrant raised his arm, and a large number of muscle fiber-like slime molds connected to his body by the wall were immediately torn off, and the surrounding stones and walls immediately broke.

This thing seemed to stand up and walk towards him!

It seemed to be exposed in the next second.

However, at this critical moment, a black arm suddenly held a dagger and fiercely stabbed into the belly of a martyr half-buried in the ruins in the distance.

Boom! ! !

The martyr exploded violently almost the first time he was touched, and the shadow arm was blown away without a trace.

The thick blood-red mist and the blood and flesh spores that were splashed out spread out quickly.

In this absolutely quiet forest of mourning, all the creatures in the mother nest were startled.

The restless gnawers and death claws ran around in an instant, and the tyrants also looked in the direction of the explosion.

Lin Tianyi did not hesitate, and moved his lizard-like feet like a Tyrannosaurus Rex, and quickly moved towards the mother nest in the dark night.

The closer he got to this large mass of flesh and blood mother nest, the more intense Lin Tianyi's heartbeat became.

A rotten and bloody smell permeated around this flesh and blood slime mold sphere that covered most of the community.

A large number of sphincters contracted regularly with the weak beating of this towering egg.

There were all kinds of broken standard weapons and traces of missile bombing scattered around.

Some newborn gnawers were spit out of the nest from time to time by the mother nest and fell to the ground. These tender cubs began to mature at a speed visible to the naked eye. The bright red flesh became firm and dark, the nails grew rapidly, and the bones began to harden.

In less than a minute, this thing became almost the same as the gnawers on the periphery, and then roared and crawled towards the periphery...

It's amazing...

What do these things use as nutrients and energy?

Lin Tianyi thought to himself that he was also a person who had seen many big scenes.

But this was the first time he had seen such a huge flesh and blood creature.

Auditing the Death God, has been raising this kind of thing in this forest of mourning?

And this huge thing was originally Akasi's mother? !

It's really hard to imagine.

Just as Lin Tianyi was lamenting the horror and distortion of artificial life, Akasi suddenly used the hacker nano single soldier to transmit the sound:

"Don't stay here too long, continue to the east, the concentration of radiation sources here is too high."

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