Sequential Evolution

Chapter 519 A Difficult Battle

The opponent's small team is really strong.

The shock wave of the explosion separated the two groups quickly.

Endless insects immediately flew towards Lin Tianyi from all directions.


Seeing the two sides separate, there were already a lot of insects flapping their wings around.

Lin Tianyi instantly mobilized the power of the godhead and began to paralyze the opponent's nerves.

However, when he mobilized his authority to try to keep the insect disaster in place, a strong resistance force emerged from the insect disaster.

That was... the power of a high-level blood warrior!

Like the power of the old mad corpse ghost shaman, the steaming blood-colored smoke interrupted Lin Tianyi's power.

The opponent had obviously experienced at least two [Blood Kashila Trials] and had a high resistance to the power of the gods.

At this time, the shock wave of the explosion had not even completely dissipated, and a large number of jet devices behind the [Butcher-T-type Killer] had already appeared from the back, legs, and arms.

The azure flame burst out, and [Butcher-T-type Killer] took the lead and rushed to Lin Tianyi's position almost instantly.

He raised his right fist and held it high, and the whole fist immediately emitted a dazzling light.


Lin Tianyi looked at the opponent's movements and immediately thought of the mechanical modifier in One Punch Man, that is, Saitama's apprentice Devil Modifier, an S-class hero with mechanical modification.

A smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and his body was about to flash and disappear in the same place.

However, at the moment when the magic dimensional shoes were activated, a group of tentacles like black venom instantly wrapped around his limbs, causing Lin Tianyi's magic ban to fail directly!


Lin Tianyi's face changed, and he felt that he had completely lost contact with the elemental power around him, and the power of animation could not be activated! The servant could not be summoned!

"It's quite tricky."

Lin Tianyi cursed in his heart, but the opponent's mechanical body had already passed through the thick smoke of the explosion and came close.

A large number of jets opened up on the arm of the huge steel fist in an instant, and a large amount of white mist, like the liquid nitrogen acceleration thruster of a car, directly sprayed out extremely long tail smoke, and the whole fist hit Lin Tianyi fiercely.

Without magic, Lin Tianyi can be controlled by others?

Just to test the strength of liquid memory metal!


The opponent shouted violently, and the fist came in an instant. Lin Tianyi raised his fist, and the entire liquid memory metal instantly turned pure black. Under the transformation of a large number of nano-hackers, a large amount of memory metal was instantly gathered, turning into a huge solid shield.

Boom! ! !

This is a collision of pure power.

Lin Tianyi's terrifying explosive power, coupled with his super physique and the ability to pick up the Berkeley Vibranium Giant Sword, instantly collided with the punch of [Butcher-T-type Killer].

The harsh sound of metal and iron hitting each other was like iron felt hitting a huge steel bar from hundreds of meters high, making a harsh explosion.

Huge iron flowers splashed everywhere, but the opponent, as a killing machine, had the advantage of alloy strength in his body!

The iron felt made of liquid memory metal instantly deformed and exploded into iron flowers under this collision, but Lin Tianyi did not retreat a single step!

Behind him, the support of glasses and a large number of robot dog servants had already swept towards this side.

In normal times, if Lin Tianyi wanted to mobilize liquid memory metal to resist such an intensive offensive, it would be impossible, and he had to respond in other ways.

But now, such an attack did not work.

Because the hacker nano soldiers had already responded, a large amount of liquid memory metal took the initiative to mobilize the unused part behind Lin Tianyi, and protected Lin Tianyi in front, and with the powerful defense of the dragon scale robe, he took this wave of attacks!

Did it succeed? !

When they found that Lin Tianyi did not carry the Holtzman defense force field shield, everyone's face was happy.

The role of thermal weapons is still huge, and the opponent actually wants to rely on metal armor to resist such an attack? !

Seeing this enemy suddenly appearing and being covered by dense firepower, Isa and the dog-faced brothers were not idle at this time. The leading ghoul shaman girl was about to mobilize extraordinary power when she heard the red-robed wizard old man exclaim!

"Obislachi! My witchcraft is ineffective!"

Almost at the same time, several shadow arms carrying extraordinary blades appeared out of thin air on the backs of Isa and the dog-faced brothers, and the sharp cold weapons directly stabbed at the opponent's neck, back of the heart and other vital parts.

Lin Tianyi had already used the divine fire to burn off those black weird tentacles. At the moment he could launch the spell, he immediately responded and used the fastest shadow assassination technique to directly kill two melee fighters and the ghoul shaman who looked quite troublesome.

Puff puff!

At such a close distance, even with the warning of the red-robed wizard, it was already completely late.

The sharp armor-breaking function of the dragon horn's long and short blades could not be resisted by any ordinary protective gear.

Moreover, the other party carried the technology of this planet, Holtzman's defensive stand shield, and they were not afraid of hot weapons, but they did not expect that the other party could use strange shadow magic to directly manipulate cold weapons to kill the vitals.

The chest and neck were wiped, and a large amount of blue blood spurted out immediately.

However, Lin Tianyi's attack only interrupted the other party's help, but failed to kill three people.

After discovering that his skills were ineffective, the red-robed wizard immediately targeted the opponent's shadow magic and drove the power of darkness again to dispel the shadow arm.

The three people who lost blood were healing rapidly at this time, and their faces showed painful expressions.

[Kashila Xiangsu]!

In the fierce battle, the importance of Kashila Xiangsu was vividly reflected here. The three people who were hit in the vitals and whose wounds could not heal should have died.

However, the blood and flesh threads diffused by the Xiangsu quickly sutured the wounds like knitting a sweater.

This was also the first time that Lin Tianyi was forced into such a passive position, and he became more and more interested in the fruit controlled by [Brutal Wings].

"More people against fewer people?"

"Then let's compare the number of people!"

At this time, Lin Tianyi, who had been suppressed, did not dare to be arrogant anymore. With his mind moving, the figures of the first, second and third servants were summoned instantly.

As soon as Albedo, Fan Wujiu, and Max appeared, they immediately attracted the other party's exclamation:

"Damn! Isn't the other party sent by the fanatic wave? How can he use the undead summoning of the ghoul shaman?!"

Before the other party's surprised voice ended, another five figures walked out from behind the unknown mysterious strong man.

Lin Tianyi's clones, this time specifically used the power of the blood warrior, transformed into different faces, and the split liquid memory metal quickly transformed into various combat uniforms.

In a blink of an eye, the situation changed from seven to one to seven to nine!

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