Sequential Evolution

Chapter 513 The desire for fragrance

After a brief exchange with Lu Liqian and Akashi.

Lin Tianyi completely ignored the two people. He went directly to the back seat of the car and began to realize the true benefits of becoming a bloody warrior.

The mysterious power of life contained in [Kara Fragrance], after Lin Tianyi defeated the will of the God of Life and completely refined this rich power into himself through the divine fire, every cell in the body contained There is some unknown powerful vitality.

After several hours of research, Lin Tianyi kept trying to communicate this power.

Although this thing mainly improves its potential, after fighting with the people in the red factory in the dungeon, Lin Tianyi clearly knew that this power can actually be controlled.

At this time, in the spacious RV space in the back of the all-terrain vehicle, Lin Tianyi began to extract this life force from each cell of the body through subtle manipulation of body cells over and over again!

Because this was the first time for this process, Lin Tianyi was not familiar with it.

But as the amount he extracted gradually increased, a small ball of red energy finally gathered in the palm of his hand!

As this energy appears on the palm of your hand.

Suddenly, pieces of strange and magnificent patterns appeared around Lin Tianyi's palm.

These patterns sometimes become as domineering as tiger stripes, sometimes as magnificent as dancing butterflies, sometimes as timeless as trees, and sometimes turn into strange blue-ringed spots.

This... is the secret of life!

Plants are life, microorganisms are life, animals are life, insects are life!

How wonderful...

Lin Tianyi realized the mystery of all things and couldn't help but close his eyes.

Soon, his body began to change again.

The lines in his body were like various strange patterns on animals, changing rapidly.

That is the powerful spread of microorganisms.

That is the breath of the king of beasts in the roaring tiger mountain forest.

That's the electric eel's unique muscle arrangement.

Life means adaptation.

Life means evolution.

Life means reproduction.

Life means tenacity...

After blending [Kasala Fragrance], Lin Tianyi realized the true meaning of life.

And the true meaning of life has another name, and that is the Avenue of Life!

When the cells are changed to wood, they can naturally draw energy from the sun, capture water, and perform photosynthesis.

The cells change into those of an electric eel, which can naturally create electric charges.

The reason why superpowers are strange is undoubtedly the choice and evolution of life direction and the accommodation of energy.

In other words, some special naturally evolved species can naturally develop an affinity for certain 'elements'!

Fusion of the original body of the God of Life, Lin Tianyi can easily understand the world that humans cannot understand.

He began to have a clear understanding of the elements!

Whether it is metal, wood, water, fire, earth, wind, thunder or light, you can perceive it more clearly!

God! !

After Lin Tianyi discovered this hidden change, he gradually gained some understanding!

As long as he completes the [Blood Kaerodra Trial] a few more times, he can even begin to understand the 'original law' of the universe!

This is the true power of [Blood Warrior]!

Lin Tianyi can control his own cells and change his race to a certain extent!

Although now, Lin Tianyi still absorbs very little [Kara Fragrance].

However, he has vaguely understood the real power of this thing!

In the right environment, at the right time, at the right place, he can truly be ever-changing.

It's not like the [Body Modification Template] produced by Pewter Space, which only changes the appearance!

"Just one fusion has led to such an improvement. I really don't know how high it will reach after the second, third, or even more fusions!!"

He was secretly surprised, and at the same time he gradually understood the reason for General Bolis's failure.

As he absorbs more and more [Kara Fragrance], he gets closer and closer to the God of Life.

This means that with each promotion, the God of Life’s will will be awakened and the power it can use will be greater!

However, Lin Tianyi didn't care.

With the help of divine fire, the will of the God of Life poses no threat to him!

"The more [Kasora Fragrance] you want to win, the better!"

Lin Tianyi's eyes were bright.

"Before completing the [Red Label Mission], you must capture as much fragrance as possible!"

"If you have the chance, I will go to the Red Factory and completely offend [Cruel Wings]!"

Lin Tianyi thought in his heart, and the mysterious patterns all over his body gradually dissipated.

He looked at Akashi and suddenly asked:

"There should be a lot of valuable things in the place we are going to, right?"

The fastest way to get [Kara Fragrance] is to buy it, and the best way to buy things is to make money.

Although in order to continue to complete more red label tasks in the future, Lin Tianyi cannot sell the wildly fluctuating materials in the black flame ring.

However, this does not prevent him from helping Akashi and making a lot of money at the same time!

I heard Lin Tianyi suddenly ask.

Akashi, who had been extremely quiet, nodded and said:

"Of course, if you can take me with you, I can help you identify which things are valuable enough."

Although she didn't understand what Lin Tianyi and Akashi were talking about, Lu Liqian on the side gradually understood something.

They do have something to do.

"Do you need my help?" Lu Lixi asked, pushing the steering wheel with her hands.

"No, we still have a mission to complete. You just need to communicate with the neutral organization."

"Oh." Lu Lixi pouted and responded unhappily.

Lin Tianyi looked at the edge of the desert he had already driven to, and his heart had already flown to the branch base of the Audit Death God.

He wished he could rob the other party's entire base right now!


After seven hours of driving, the scenery in front of the car was finally no longer endless sand dunes. Looking out the window, lush forests began to appear around.

The landscape here is really strange. The end of the desert is not a wasteland, but a direct transition to a forest.

Moreover, what surprised Lin Tianyi was that the endless desert was actually a high-latitude area. After crossing the last sand dune, they saw a huge forest area, with a large number of towering trees growing unreasonably, appearing wild and abrupt.

Lu Lixi pointed to the forest all the way down and said:

"Do you see that lake? Our first stop is to go there. There is a neutral base there. Let's go in and rest for a night, and then continue the next day."

Lin Tianyi followed the direction of Lu Lixi's finger and saw the huge sapphire lake in the center of the forest depression. He asked curiously:

"Which organization's settlement is that?"

Lu Lixi said excitedly:

"The Violent Hunting Group, a settlement created by pure wilderness hunters, we can go and enjoy it. There are the most wild game there, and the entertainment services provided are also the most complete!"

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