Sequential Evolution

Chapter 504 The will to revive

Lin Tianyi continued to dream.

As if I were a sober tourist.

Bodhisattva was eaten by greedy people.

His flesh and blood turned into mountains and rivers, nourishing all things.

A large number of people got a new life and survived.

They began to worship the God of Life and chant His honorable name. However, the good times do not last long. Greed seems to be the original sin of mankind. Even if the gods do not impose divine punishment, mankind will move towards self-destruction.

The world-destroying nuclear bomb baptized the entire Yatan planet, and the end of the world truly came.

In the dream, Lin Tianyi seemed to have turned into a helpless man, running away desperately, afraid of being destroyed and killed.

He hid in the basement of a building where there was a small supermarket.

Soon, the first thing he lost was his electricity. Darkness enveloped his world, and he could only survive through supplies in the supermarket.

Lin Tianyi tore open a bag of bread and chewed it while trying to communicate with the various powers in his body.

"It seems that all the power in the body cannot be used."

"This dream is somewhat similar to full role-playing."

"With such a huge amount of money due to the crazy fluctuations, letting me enter the space created by [Pharmacion Zero] is definitely not going to cost my life."

"That is to say, this dream actually points to an ultimate goal! As long as I can pass safely and become one of their own, I can leave this dream smoothly."

Lin Tianyi kept thinking about the situation in front of him, but he still didn't dare to take it lightly.

When it comes to gods, you can never be too careful.

The same as Lin Tianyi thought.

This dream was quite long, as if he had entered a real doomsday. The weather outside was gradually getting colder, and the entire underground garage was as cold as an ice cellar.

Food and water are dwindling, and some supplies in supermarkets are starting to go bad.

It was so quiet, it seemed like only Lin Tianyi was left in the whole world. It was so long that it made people crazy.

Counting the time silently, Lin Tianyi had been in this desperate dream for almost three months.

As the food quickly bottomed out, he began to prepare equipment and supplies for exploration...

Just like this, Lin Tianyi was in a dream, lingering for more than a year.

Although Lin Tianyi was extremely careful, he still contracted severe radiation sickness during the move.

No matter how much he searched, he just couldn't find a way to leave this dream.

"I won't be ridiculous and die in this dream in this way, right?"

Lin Tianyi thought to himself countless times.

Because there was no medicine, Lin Tianyi, who had survived for so long, finally came to the end of his life.

He was extremely weak, and with multiple organ failure, he could only huddle under the quilt in an abandoned residential building.

"God of life, if you really exist, please save me."

Lin Tianyi, who was dying, murmured.

He was about to reach the end of his life. He was completely helpless and could only pray!

The next second, golden light shone through the window, and it was a huge human face like the sun.

The facial features of the human face were extremely soft, as if they heard Lin Tianyi's pleas and prayers, and moved their whole head towards the window where Lin Tianyi was, getting closer and closer.

“Become me, inherit me, and you will have eternal life and restore the world.”

finally come……

It turns out that all the suffering was just for that heartfelt prayer just now.

If Lin Tianyi had some realization, he finally understood the true meaning of that special achievement [Candidate of God].

The biggest trap of [Potion Zero] is that it forces users to become believers of the God of Life.

What a weird way.

"If I refuse, will I die here immediately?"

Squinting his eyes, Lin Tianyi fell into a brief silence as he looked at the huge head that was gradually squeezed into the window.

Seeing that Lin Tianyi didn't answer his question, his head moved closer and closer to the window.

The soft and huge tip of the nose touched the dusty window glass, and the entire window made a tooth-breaking sound due to the squeeze.

As the huge nose gradually flattened, a large piece of the window shattered with a scratch. Glass shards fell into the room and sprinkled Lin Tianyi's bed. The hot breath and heat burned Lin Tianyi's body, and the mechanical The voice came again.

“Become me, inherit me, and you will have eternal life and restore the world.”

“Become me, inherit me, and you will have eternal life and restore the world.”

The huge mouth slowly opened, and the bricks around the window began to collapse. The mouth moved closer to Lin Tianyi little by little. He could even see the stringy saliva, white teeth, deep red mouth, and thick Tongue.

It seemed that as long as Lin Tian refused, the big mouth would swallow him up like an abyss.

Do you want to agree?

Sweat began to form on Lin Tianyi's forehead.

"I reject."

As these three words were spoken.

The whole dream was shattered instantly!

Lin Tian opened his eyes suddenly, and a lot of sweat soaked the sheets. Just now, he figured out a logic!

First, the divine compass did not move.

This shows that within the entire fanatical fluctuation, no gods or godhead appear around him.

Secondly, as soon as the special achievement of Candidate of God appeared, the dream came immediately. This actually means that the conditions for the emergence of the trial depend on the extent of Lin Tianyi's absorption of [Pharmacion Zero].

Third, from beginning to end, the entire dream revolves around only one core, which is to show the mercy of the God of Life and to coerce people who use [Pharmacion Zero] to pray to him!

In other words, the other party wants him to agree, but cannot force him.

In occultism, anything promised to the gods will turn into a contract. In other words, if Lin Tianyi agrees to the God of Life, then in the occult sense, he will indeed become the God of Life.

This will lead to the most intuitive consequence, that is, he will become the vessel for the coming of the God of Life, just like Lilith Weier, and the will of the God of Life will be revived in his body!

This is why Fanatic Fluctuation gave him [Pharmacion Zero].

Lin Tianyi understood the key in an instant, so he chose to refuse without hesitation.

As a result, this [Pharmacion Zero] was unable to cause substantial harm to him, allowing him to wake up smoothly.

"It was really dangerous just now."

Lin Tian, ​​who was still frightened, wiped the sweat from his head and suddenly saw an extremely interesting scene.

Lu Liqian was getting out of bed quietly at this time, her smooth feet stepped on the ground, her body was slightly bent, and she picked up a piece of clothing on the ground.

Round hips, gentle curves, and swishing tail.

Lin Tianyi smiled and asked:

"where to?"

Lu Liqian heard Lin Tianyi's voice, like a cat with exploded fur, its tail flicked uneasily a few times, and then curled up between her legs.

"I'm on a mission. I have a lot to do today."

Lin Tianyi looked at the other person's curly short hair and said with a smile:

"Won't you lie down for a while?"

Lu Liqian ran very fast, and when Lin Tianyi finished speaking, the bridle in the bathroom was already ringing.

"If you have time to sleep, I won't lie down yet."

The movement of the two people obviously woke up the others.

Lin Tian glanced at his arms. Ivy's eyelashes were obviously blinking, pretending to be asleep...

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