Sequential Evolution

Chapter 388 Evil God Fog Light Ember

It's not that Natsume is strong enough, but the ghoul's special evolver physique, combined with the extraordinary prop [Daqianlu], has exerted a terrifying strength that one plus one is greater than three.

The weak defeat the strong!

Xia Muci is good at planning and his methods are ruthless enough.

He used his companions, just like the ancestors of their nation, to pursue the treasures in the great country's heritage, and used it on Lin Tianyi.

The worms locked onto Lin Tianyi's body, and the surrounding trial battlefield had now become a sea of ​​worms.

There was a sea of ​​sea intestines, centipedes, earthworms, and maggots everywhere. Within 700 meters with Lin Tianyi as the center, there were boiling bugs everywhere, which were different from their seemingly soft bodies.

Under the blockade of the five elements of Zhirun, all insects are as hard as the fairy ropes in the world of Jambu.

Lin Tianyi, who was imprisoned in place, looked at the thick oil-like centipede tail sweeping towards him, and the light in his dark golden pupils became more and more intense.

Xia Muci, striving for stability, did not give Lin Tian even half a chance to make a comeback.

Countless worms were crawling all over Lin Tianyi's body, and they were getting tighter and tighter.

He gave up more powerful attack methods and wanted to directly crush the opponent into a puddle of rotten flesh when Lin Tianyi was unable to move.

In doing so, it would be a pity for the precious equipment on the S-class hunter.

However, it is stable enough to kill this powerful opponent 100%.

"Hey, how are you? Still unwilling to give up?"

"So what if you have the authority of a god? Judging from your appearance, it seems that you cannot exert His power at all."

Although he was mocking Lin Tianyi in his words, Xia Muci used the great power given to him by Daqianlu to speed up the three-point squeeze.

The sound of creaking metal twisting kept coming, which was the sound of liquid memory metal and dragon scale armor being squeezed and crushed.

The ferocious voice of the will-o'-the-wisp in the dragon's head armor came. He was helping Lin Tianyi to support himself and resist the squeezing force of the worms.

"Uncle, I can't hold it anymore. Boy, please think of a way!"

Ignoring Xia Muci's sarcastic words, Lin Tianyi's energy and blood surged all over his body, and all his clones instantly returned to their original form.

With the blessing of two major deputy professions, the power of [Sloth] returns to the body.

Lin Tian suddenly squeezed out the worm package with both hands, exposing it to the air.

However, Xia Muci didn't take it seriously. How could he give Lin Tianyi a chance to resist.

Countless worms re-wrapped Lin Tianyi's arms in an instant. The twisting worms connected end to end and continued to squeeze Lin Tianyi's arms.

At this time, every inch of Lin Tianyi's skin was being crushed by terrifying force. Even with the epic dragon scale armor covering his whole body, his bones were still shattering.

At this moment, Lin Tianyi's hands were facing the sky and placed flat in front of him. After a slight silence, a strange light lit up on his empty left hand.

It was a silent, decaying, twisted black vortex, as if just looking at it would make people drowsy.


The power of the gods.

There was a trace of sarcasm in Xia Muci's pure black eyes, and there was no tension in his expression.

He had seen strange gods in the world of Weird Immortal. Although he was worried that the body of the S-class hunter in front of him could contain authority, for some reason, the S-class hunter in front of him seemed unable to exert his divine power. One thousandth of .

Therefore, although Xiamuci was nervous, he was not afraid, and there was even a hint of greed in his eyes.

This godhead will be mine.

I thought so in my heart.

The sarcasm in his scarlet pupils only existed for a moment. As soon as Lin Tian stretched out his right hand with three rings, an extremely unstable pink vortex suddenly rose up again.

That power is like a Pandora's box that has been overturned, with weird thoughts that make people unable to help but have self-destructive thoughts. It is despair, joy, and disease.

Xia Muci's black pupils suddenly shrank.

A feeling of horror surged into his heart, and even with the flesh-and-blood [Da Qian Lu] squirming in front of him, he was still extremely shocked.

"This... this... this is actually the power of gods! Damn it! How is it possible? How can your body be compatible with more than two gods' powers at the same time?"

Feeling the two completely different auras of destruction flickering on and off in Wu Guangjin's palm, Xia Muci was stunned for a moment. His body was instantly lifted up by the huge black tail, floating in the air, and he roared in a sharp and unbelievable voice.

At this time, far away on the periphery of the battlefield, the S-class hunter [Psychological Scalpel Ms.], who had been waiting for Lin Tianyi to call for help, took a deep breath of air-conditioning, feeling as if her heart was turning upside down.

Based on her knowledge, she has never heard of anyone possessing two [authorities] at the same time.

it's out of the question.

It is extremely difficult for ordinary people to control the power of any kind of divine authority. Not only do they have to face pollution and resist madness all the time, their personality will also be constantly eroded by the power of the divine power.

You must know that the power of gods is overbearing and extremely destructive. There are only two possibilities for the power of gods from different ways to meet together.

Or, they are entangled with each other, like twin stars, influencing each other, eventually colliding and merging, and the host that accommodates them will naturally explode and die in the end.

Or, the consequences would be even more disastrous, that is, at the moment of encounter, rapid repulsion would directly tear the body as the container apart, like a red giant star exploding internally, disappearing in an instant.

How did this fog light ember do it?

Can it be compatible with two kinds of authority and use two separate divine powers at the same time?

At this time, opposite Lin Tianyi, Xia Muci was far more shocked than the ladies watching on the edge of the battlefield.

It was a matter of life and death for him.

At this time, Lin Tianyi ignored all the changes outside.

On the battlefield, the explosions, loud noises, and sounds of fighting sounded like the New Year, as if they had nothing to do with him.

The dark golden eyes stared at the whirlpool formed by the condensed divine power of two different colors in the hand, and slowly moved closer to the middle.

"Damn!! Ah Hou (idiot), madman! This guy is absolutely crazy!"

Looking at Lin Tianyi's actions in horror, both the lady in the distance and Xia Muci, who was dueling with Lin Tianyi, all cursed in unison.

The psychological scalpel no longer considered helping at this time and quickly retreated.

And Xia Muci, who was floating in front of the [Daqianlu], also had the idea of ​​​​escape.

A kind of divine power that is enough to make any S-class hunter fearful.

If the two divine powers collide, the result will definitely overturn the entire trial battlefield.

This is a crazy experiment.

In the eyes of outsiders, Lin Tianyi died by suicide after falling into a desperate situation.

But in Lin Tianyi's view, this was not a reckless act without any certainty.

If he wants to break through the divine power that bursts out from the [Da Qian Lu] and break the invincibility effect on Xia Muci, unless he can use stronger divine power.

And he has divine power!

Moreover, he is also sure that he will not die!

As the two forces came into contact with each other, a thunderous sound erupted from the center of Lin Tianyi's two palms.

Suddenly, his body, which was 13% stronger than other evolved beings, was instantly torn open and blood flowed freely.

Under the severe pain, the divine power was extracted from Lin Tianyi's dark golden eyes, and black vortexes and pink vortexes appeared in his eyes.

The left side is weird and demonic, while the right side is twisted and charming.

Black and pink are mixed and alternated, making it look extremely strange and eerie.

"Evil God..."

"This Wu Guangjin is definitely not an evolver. He is a non-human evolver whose body was taken over by the evil god..."

Xia Muci thought this way. In his opinion, the fog in front of him was about to explode in the next second...

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