Sequential Evolution

Chapter 341 A breath of energy

Xiao Chen, the lame shop owner who has not participated in dungeon missions for several years, is actually recognized as the number one B-level powerhouse in Del City?

Who doesn't know that a strong person needs to be constantly tempered and polished in life and death battles in order to continue to improve.

Why does Jiang Ya say that Xiao Chen is the first B-level powerhouse, and it is even recognized.

"There was once an A-level adventurer from a foreign country. He saw that Uncle Xiao was a cripple and planned to bully him. He absorbed 7 A-level star beads in front of Uncle Xiao, and then lied and said that he had only absorbed 3."

"As a result, he was severely injured by Uncle Xiao with his big sword."

"Later, someone released the news that Chen Shi, the current swordsman, once learned swordsmanship from Uncle Xiao when he was in the A-level. Among them, his commonly used [Throat Seal] and his killing move [Ye Xiao] were both inherited from Uncle Xiao's swordsmanship. .”

"So powerful?" Lin Tianyi didn't expect that the owner of a star bead buying shop next to the Adventure Guild was actually a hidden powerhouse.

Jiang Ya continued:

"More than that, Uncle Xiao, as the owner of the Star Bead Acquisition Store, should be the B-level strongman who has the most violent fighting skills. He has absorbed so many low-level star beads that he can even be called an encyclopedia of crazy fighting skills. The whole book'."

Lin Tianyi was already quite moved.

But he was deeply aware of the danger of this event. Although this boss Xiao Chen only had a relationship with him, he was generous, frustrated, and had suffered from illness for so many years. Lin Tianyi really couldn't bear to drag him into the water.

If it were an ordinary B-level dungeon he was looking for randomly, he wouldn't even mind helping this man and letting him advance to A-level first and then complete the mission.

"This operation of the GBL Order is quite dangerous. Boss Xiao has just recovered. Will he be willing to participate in the strategy of the dungeon ruins?"

Jiang Xiaofei, who had been standing aside, said helplessly:

"When we had dinner together last night, Uncle Xiao was so excited that he wanted to sign up as soon as he heard the news about GBL. He has been suppressing it for too many years and can no longer hold it in any longer."

After hearing Jiang Xiaofei's words, Lin Tianyi, who had finished eating, immediately said to the two of them:

"Let's go to Uncle Xiao Chen's shop and ask about the details carefully."

Lin Tianyi suggested that the two of them naturally had no objection.

In their opinion, Lin Tianyi can be said to be omnipotent. With him by Uncle Xiao's side, the two of them will take care of each other, and the probability of danger will be much smaller.

After crossing the block, the two people came to Xiao Chen's shop. What surprised them was that the shop was actually dismantling the sign at this time, and the star beads and various equipment collected in the shop were also wiped out.

The three people walked forward quickly and came to Xiao Chen's side outside the store door.

If Xiao Chen felt something, he turned around and saw that the people coming were Lin Tianyi and Jiang Ya, and said with a smile:

"Brother Lin, you are here."

Jiang Xiaofei, with his young mind, quickly asked:

"Uncle Xiao, what's going on in this store?"

Xiao Chen laughed and said:

"Now that I have recovered with the help of Brother Lin, I can no longer stick to such a comfortable place and cut off my retreat before I can move forward. So I cashed out the store overnight. Of course, I will give you the Star Beads I promised to your team." Leave it to Lao Nie."

"I plan to save the remaining money to attack A-level adventurers and buy a good set of equipment."

Jiang Ya couldn't help but ask:

"Uncle Xiao, are you really going to participate in the GBL Order's ruins dungeon crusade?"

Xiao Chen said without hesitation:

"Participate! It is God's will that my legs can recover before catching up with this incident. At present, the large B-level dungeon expedition teams in Del City are all fighting in nearby cracks. This team is the fastest to enter the dungeon. If possible, I can’t wait to go in now and have a good fight with the monsters.”

Lin Tianyi looked at Xiao Chen's bright eyes. Compared with yesterday, Xiao Chen's eyes were shining with light today, and he looked ten times younger.

He thought for a while and said to Xiao Chen:

"I also want to participate in this ruins dungeon. Brother Xiao, should we find a place to discuss it?"

Xiao Chen had seen Lin Tianyi's magic with his own eyes. In his opinion, although Lin Tianyi had just been promoted to B-level priest, he was definitely stronger than many A-level priests.

With his joining, it can be said that your chances of survival will be greatly improved.

Two people can also have a caregiver.

"Okay! It would be great if Brother Lin goes together. Let's go! Go to my house and let's discuss it."

With that said, he turned around without any nostalgia and left the shop where he had lived for many years.

Xiao Chen's home is right behind the shop.

Four people entered Xiao Chen's home. Lin Tianyi discovered that this home was simpler than Xiao Chen's shop. In addition to tables and wooden beds, the entire living room was filled with various weapons, as well as iron men used for sword practice.

These iron men were full of scars from being hacked, and there were various tearing wounds in their vital parts. Far away in the living room, there were many broken wooden swords piled up. It seemed that Xiao Chen usually used these wooden swords for practice. Swordsmanship.

"I'm sorry, I'm a single old man and my home is a bit shabby. I'll get you some water."

Jiang Ya was very discerning and said quickly:

"Uncle Xiao, you guys chat, I'll go get ready." With that said, she walked to the kitchen in a familiar way, and even pulled Jiang Xiaofei who was standing there stupidly.

As soon as Lin Tian saw the two people walking away, he followed Xiao Chen and sat on the seat on the side of the dining table.

He got straight to the point and said:

"Brother Xiao, as far as I know, the GBL Religion's expedition to the ruins dungeon this time is not simple."

"The reason why the other party offered such a high price was because they understood the dangers in advance."

"They are recruiting people because they want to find a few powerful cannon fodder."

"Moreover, the other party may have bad intentions. We have to guard against more than just monsters."

What he said was direct enough and said everything that needed to be said.

Hearing what Lin Tianyi said, Xiao Chen fell into a brief silence.

Lin Tianyi originally thought that Xiao Chen had already passed the age of high-spiritedness, especially after experiencing the disappointment of his youth. He would be wise to protect himself from this hard-won opportunity.

Xiao Chen's silence lasted only three breaths.

He smiled, with crow's feet piling up at the corners of his eyes, but he had an air of dignity that would make him laugh even though there were thousands of people there.

Like the pile of broken swords piled in the corner, they would rather break than bend.

"I understand."

"are you going?"

Lin Tian had a plain face. He had a reason to go and only answered one word.


"A fellow-minded person."

With just four words, Lin Tianyi understood why Xiao Chen was qualified to teach swordsmen.

Putting himself in his shoes, Lin Tianyi thought that he would not choose this way.

But Xiao Chen gave this answer after being silent.

The word "Jianhao" refers to the sharp energy in his chest.

Lin Tianyi gradually realized that the ordinary uncle in front of him was extraordinary.

At this time, Jiang Ya had brought hot tea. Xiao Chen took it, drank it in one gulp, and continued thoughtfully:

"It seems that the plan is going to change. I want to buy a [Lord Challenge Ticket] first to regain my belated strength. I will complete my dream ahead of schedule and leave no regrets."

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