Sequential Evolution

Chapter 333 Eat Melon

Activates with [Guard Dog's Evil Eye].

Under the gaze of the Supervisory Eye, Lin Tianyi easily saw the scene outside the Adventurer's Guild.

However, what surprised him was that the cooldown time of the pumpkin carriage had not expired, but the boy started fighting with someone.

Behind him, flames were burning in the sky. The pumpkin carriage he sold to the other party was actually ignited by the explosive fire technique, burning into steaming black smoke.

Lin Tianyi touched his chin with regret.

This kid has always been malicious towards him. He is still waiting for the other party to come to his door, and then uses the [Junhou] skill to do an experiment to see if he can make the other party his servant.

Looking back now, I really don’t know whether the other party is lucky or unlucky.

The battle scene was quite chaotic, and the leader seemed to be a member of the local adventure guild.

However, when Lin Tian looked over, the battle was already over.

Because that kid who buys and sells by force has strong support around him.

This team is indeed elite. Not only is there an A-level adventurer, but there are also five or six adventurers with similar equipment to him, standing silently behind him.

Among them, there was a B-level adventurer wearing a hood and a pure white divine robe, with his eyes covered by white cloth, which gave Lin Tianyi a very bad feeling.

"Outlander, you are too arrogant."

"By taking action in our city of Del, doesn't it mean that the GBL religious group no longer pays attention to the Ten Kings?"

A man wearing a fiery red dragon knight armor holds an equally fiery European knight's spear.

This spear is in the shape of a tightly twisted umbrella, looks heavy and sharp, and is two meters long.

From Lin Tianyi's perspective, the young man who had forcibly bought the pumpkin carriage before had the demon knife in his hand steaming with flames.

"You are unreasonable. Your sister broke my carriage and she should pay compensation."

"What? Your city, Del, is a city of robbers. You destroy other people's things and you still want to deny it?"

"The dignified leader of the Red Dragon Knights is nothing more than that."

Hearing what the young man holding the demon sword said, a girl protected by a man in fire red dragon knight armor said unwillingly:

"You were obviously teasing me first, and I got angry and broke your carriage."

Lin Tianyi's attention shifted to the girl, and he suddenly showed a playful expression.

Before he came, he saw that the girl was clearly nestled in the man's arms. She was one of the two girls that the man held in his arms after he came to Del City.

Is this boy with a striking appearance trying to trick this girl into deceiving the so-called leader of the Red Dragon Knights?

Sure enough, the man smiled and spoke.

"Am I teasing you?! Come on, hot girl, you took the initiative to stick to me when I came down from the carriage. There are many people in the Adventure Guild, everyone can testify."

"You also know that there are many people here? In public, you shouldn't, shouldn't..."

The girl's face suddenly turned red with embarrassment. She clutched her chest tightly and opened her mouth to defend, but she couldn't say anything.

"Hahaha, shouldn't what? Shouldn't I do this to you in front of so many people? I should pay more attention and find a place where it's just you and me?"

"Hahaha, I'm so sorry, I thought you were very open-minded."

"Thank you!!!!" The girl's face was pale, her eyes were full of hatred, and strong magic waves were emitting from her body.

Lin Tianyi's eyes widened.

This kind of melon is not easy to eat even in his world.

It seems that neither of these two people is good.

The leader of the Fire Dragon Knights seemed a little unable to afford this person. Hearing what the other party said, he interrupted directly:

"Okay, stop talking."

"Since my sister admitted that she broke your things, we will pay for it."

As he spoke, he turned back to glare at his sister, and then said:

"Get out of here, you're a disgrace."

The girl who was scolded burst into tears, covered her face, turned around and ran away. As she was leaving, she glared at the man named Xie Wujiu hatefully.

The people around him were so intimidated by the A-level strength of the leader of the Red Dragon Knights that they only dared to watch the excitement from a distance and did not dare to say a word.

Xie Wujiu didn't care about the other party's strong oppression, and said proudly:

"Okay, just compensate."

"Looking at the fact that this is the hometown of the Chief of the Ten Kings, I don't want much more. Just give me an identical one in return."

Seeing the carriage completely destroyed by the explosive fire technique, the leader of the Red Dragon Knights was a little helpless.

He thought he was unlucky and said:

"Forget it, let's just pay. You tell me the number and buy a new one yourself."

"Okay, I will only charge you the cost price, 50 B-grade star beads." Xie Wujiu stretched out five fingers and said loudly.


Many B-class adventurers behind the leader of the Red Dragon Knights had angry looks on their faces.

As one of the largest knights stationed in Del City, where have they ever suffered such a loss?

This is obviously a price hike.

Although the leader's sister should also be responsible, but... the other party has no way to rule out the suspicion of deliberate frame-up.

The leader of the Red Dragon Knights turned to the few GBL members behind Xie Wujiu who had been hugging their shoulders and remained silent, and said lightly:

"Thorin, is this what you mean?"

Behind Xie Wujiu, a man who had always been smiling while watching the show spoke for the first time.

He is the only A-level in this team, and should also be Xie Wujiu's boss.

The man named Thorin spread his hands, holding a silver wine gourd in his hand, and poured a mouthful of scarlet juice into his mouth.

Judging from the thick and mixed appearance of the blood, it should be some kind of special drink made from blood mixed with alcohol.

He smiled and said:

"Hey! What does this have to do with me?"

"My duty is to protect the young geniuses of the GBL Order. I can only be regarded as a nanny at best."

Xie Wujiu showed surprise, looked behind him, and said respectfully:

"Lord Thorin, do you know him?"

"Yes, we have a bit of a friendship. We were once recruited together to defeat S-level natural disaster copies. No help, are you willing to give me a favor?"

The man's clothes were gorgeous, his silky white hair was tied loosely behind his back, and his handsome appearance gave off a gentle and elegant feeling.

When Xie Wujiu heard the words, he nodded respectfully, all his arrogance restrained, as if he was born to be a good boy, not a bastard who took off people's clothes in public.

"It all depends on your arrangements, sir."

The man nodded with a smile, looked at the leader of the Red Dragon Knights, and said with a smile:

"He agreed to let me make the decision, but I can't let my team members suffer. How about this, Chen Yifei, you know the philosophy of our GBL cult, and you also know what I am here to do."

"Our GBL cult has always paid attention to the cultivation of talents. This time we came to your territory of Del City and brought this group of children to practice. Why don't you give us a B-level dungeon ruins as a trial venue."

"You, the Red Dragon Knights, have many resources, is this not too much to ask for?"

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