Sequential Evolution

Chapter 320 The wrath of God Lord Drabes

The old gods have gone and new gods have returned?

Peilov was shocked, but the oracle could not be false.

As the overlapping and illusory names of honor came to his ears, Peilov's expression became increasingly difficult to conceal.

"The Lord of the Seven Sins who does not belong to this world;"

"The spreader of miracles who walks in the heavens and the world;"

“The personification of sleep and silence;”

"A companion in the pale disaster, a companion of the goddess of the night."

The names of gods must be true and accurate in order to have mystical significance.

The new god in front of me is not only shocking in the direction of the first two sentences, but he also mentions two gods of the same level in the latter part?

What is the origin of this new god?

With this thought in his mind, Bishop Peilov did not dare to neglect the gods.

He quickly replied:

"Honored God, Pelov is willing to be your most humble servant."

While activating the oracle, Lin Tianyi was also examining the soul of the Archbishop through spiritual light points.

This is a privilege that belongs only to gods. They can easily see through the hearts of believers while delivering oracles.

If the other party has strange thoughts, he can completely use his divine power to corrode human nature and actively use his mental power to inflict divine punishment.

The other party was the number one disciple of Petichius, the archbishop in charge of the Dormition Temple in Del City.

If this person has rebellious intentions, it goes without saying that he is a threat to Lin Tianyi, who has just become a god.

Lin Tianyi tried his best to recall the Western Bible classics, and when the other party gave an affirmative answer, he issued the first oracle after becoming a god.

"The old gods have gone. I must forgive the past and redeem you."

"Everyone who is my believer shall receive the Ten Commandments."

He had little experience in being a god, but he copied the Ten Commandments from the Bible at will.

“The first commandment: Believe in me and my followers.”

“Second Commandment: Thou shalt not take my name in vain.”

"The third commandment: You shall not be sacrificed alive. All people and everything in the world are my people. You shall not be sacrificed in human form."

“The fourth commandment: Love your father, mother, husband, wife, and children, as you have loved me.”

"The fifth commandment: Remember the Sabbath. Six days you must work hard and do all your work, but the seventh day is the Sabbath to God. All my believers must rest on holy days and rest."

"The Sixth Commandment: Thou shalt not kill the innocent."

"The Seventh Commandment: Do not make false accusations, do not make false accusations, and do not break promises."

"The Eighth Commandment: Do good and spread my gospel, and do not deny your faith."

"The Ninth Commandment: You shall not commit adultery."

"The Tenth Commandment: Those who do small evil must first atone for their sins, and then be forgiven."

As soon as the Ten Commandments oracle came out, the entire black temple was filled with golden light, and the countless weeping believers behind the chief priest heard bursts of Sanskrit sounds in their ears.

The chief priest's hands trembled with excitement, and he took the lead in kneeling and saluting. They saw the true God appear and perform a miracle!

Everyone was enveloped in a warm light.

As the priest of the Lord of Sleep and in charge of all the believers in Del City, Pelov possesses the strength of a top-level B-class priest and has sufficient insight.

Regarding the old god Petichius, other believers did not know the true face of the god, but Pelov knew it well.

As a priest, his worship of the 'Lord of Sleep' is more based on fear - fear of powerful power.

The Lord of Sleep, eats people.

This is the secret in the heart of the priest.

Whenever Peilov thinks of this incident, he will deliberately avoid this fact and listen more to the stories of believers who have regained their lives because of the blessings of the gods.

Originally, the change of authority in the gods made him feel more uneasy.

But now, the sudden change in the god made him extremely happy.

Pei Luofu, who was crying, lay prone on the ground, with his whole body lying on the ground, his hands raised above his head, spread out in a support posture and said:

"Your devout and loyal servant, obey your will."

The miracle composed of huge golden light gradually manifested into a vague figure.

He wears a dragon scale robe and wears the [Crown of the King] on his head. There is a fire in front of him and a vortex behind him to absorb the golden light.

As the loud voice slowly dissipated, the miracles gradually disappeared, and in the black temple, believers kept kowtowing.

Pelov turned around excitedly and asked other clergy:

"Have you received the oracle?"

"Yes, Master Priest, we have seen miracles. The Lord of Sleep has returned to the earth. We listened to the divine voice and received the Ten Commandments."

A clergyman also wearing a black robe said excitedly.

Fortunately, this is not my imagination.

God really sent an oracle.

"Write the new Ten Commandments into the Holy Scriptures immediately to tell all believers that God has changed his image and we must build a new one! Just according to the picture we just saw!"

In Del City, the news that the Lord of Sleep has performed a miracle is spreading rapidly.

At the same time, Lin Tianyi, who was far away in the forest, was extremely tired and slowly dissipated the [Buddha's Wrath] temporary skill obtained by killing Pudu Cihang.

Lin Tianyi issued the first oracle. In order to increase his power, he not only mobilized the godhead hidden in the clone, but also let the power of [Sloth] appear behind his back.

Moreover, he immediately used the [Buddha's Wrath] skill to build momentum for his image.

Now it seems that this effect is surprisingly good.

The Archbishop of Petichius was intimidated by Lin Tianyi's image. Almost as soon as he promulgated the Ten Commandments, he instantly gained the power of faith from all the clergy in the entire temple.

"No wonder the gods liked to perform miracles frequently when they were getting rich in the early days."

"The effect is immediate and rapid."

"However, these powers of faith must be well preserved and used as much as possible to respond to believers and create more miracles. They cannot be wasted at will."

Lin Tianyi looked at the sleeping people around him a little sadly. He was really in a tight situation now. He clearly had the [Divine Head] but he couldn't use it at will.

Weier is better. As a container of gods, she carries a lot of the power of faith of the original witch and the moon god. Unlike him, he forcibly swallowed Petichius, only getting the other person's identity, but not inheriting it. To what 'legacy'.

Just as Lin Tianyi responded to the believers and performed miracles.

Above the huge sky-curtain beast, in the Sky Patrol headquarters of the GBL Order, Drabes, the first god-lord to revive the [Seven Deadly Sins] fruit, sat on the towering throne and crushed the golden Holy Grail in his hand.

The god was so angry that the sky around the giant beast was instantly covered with dark clouds, the surrounding air surged, and strong winds blew.

The ten-thousand-meter-long sky-curtain beast, like a whale, rushed directly from the sky toward the sea out of fear of the divine power.

Seeing the angry Lord Drabes, surrounding him, a beautiful goddess over twenty meters tall gently asked:

"Why is the throne angry?"

This beautiful goddess who opened her mouth seems to have gathered the beauty of all women in the world. Her voice is holy, ethereal, and full of sacred meaning. She is the beauty goddess Ritaya, the wife of the god Lord Drabes.

The thirty-meter-tall body of the God Lord Drabes, his huge eyes were full of coldness, and as soon as he opened his mouth, thunder exploded in the sky.

"The aura of Petichius disappeared, and there was a mortal who accommodated his uniqueness and seized the authority of [Sloth]."

I'm here

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