Senior Sister, Please Help Me Practice

9. Chapter 9 Bah! Abnormal!

Chapter 9: Ugh! Pervert!

As soon as the Iceheart Pill entered, it transformed into a surge of cold spiritual energy that temporarily relieved An Muxi's body heat.

Looking at her stunningly beautiful face, Chu Ming suddenly felt like he had gained something from being bitten!

So he didn't plan on pulling out his finger, allowing An Muxi to continue biting and enjoying it with half-closed eyes.

"Is it fun?"

Suddenly, a cold voice brought Chu Ming back to reality.

An Muxi was still biting his finger, but the intoxication in her eyes had already turned into coldness, and the blush on her cheeks slowly faded.

"Chu Ming, how dare you..."

"Sister, you've misunderstood!"

Chu Ming quickly pulled out his finger, showing the deep bite marks on it with a bitter expression.

"You bit me willingly, what can I do?"

"But you shouldn't..."

An Muxi stopped halfway through her words, and the blush on her cheeks suddenly reappeared.

Although her consciousness became blurred when her Natural Charm Body erupted, the memories of that time would be deeply imprinted in her soul once she regained her senses.

Did she really make a kissing gesture towards him?!

But obviously, Chu Ming feeding her the Iceheart Pill and being bitten on the finger were not intentional acts, but rather helping her suppress her Natural Charm Body.

But that doesn't mean you can treat me like a toy!

However, due to the girl's shyness, An Muxi didn't have the courage to ask these questions clearly, so she could only give Chu Ming a fierce glare.


Faced with Sister's sweet scolding and her disdainful gaze, a strange thought suddenly popped into Chu Ming's mind.

What is this inexplicable sense of comfort...

"Thank you for the Iceheart Pill this time. Without it, I'm afraid I would have done something excessive to you."

An Muxi got off the bed and stared at Chu Ming with a cold gaze.

"But on the other hand, why did my Ice Silk Gloves suddenly disappear?"

"Well, maybe when Sister guided me in practicing the Heavenly Evolution Inner Scripture, you accidentally used too much force and dispersed it."

Chu Ming averted his gaze somewhat guiltily, then quickly changed the subject.

"Sister, aren't you taking this a bit too seriously? It's just palms touching..."

"That's why I reminded you not to get too close to Master, so as to avoid making a big mistake."

An Muxi held her left arm with her right hand, her eyebrows slightly furrowed.

"Although the Iceheart Pill is effective in suppressing the Natural Charm Body, I always feel that each suppression makes the next eruption more severe."

"After all, it's not a long-term solution."

Hearing Chu Ming's sigh, An Muxi's expression became slightly anxious.

"Don't you have a way to solve the Natural Charm Body? What is it?"

I do have a way, but I need to consult ancient texts to confirm if it's correct."

Chu Ming's gaze suddenly became more determined.

"If it's confirmed, I will definitely inform Sister as soon as possible. After all, Sister has taught me the Heavenly Evolution Inner Scripture."

"It's just a small favor."

An Muxi waved her hand, indicating that she didn't mind, then softly reminded him.

"Remember, when you practice the Heavenly Evolution Inner Scripture for the first time, try to complete one cycle of spiritual energy circulation within an hour. Once you're familiar with it, you can speed up."

"If you have good comprehension, it won't take long for you to break through to the Qi Refining Fourth Layer, and then I can teach you some simple Divine Abilities."

"Thank you, Sister!"

Chu Ming showed a grateful expression.

He didn't plan on telling An Muxi about his current Qi Refining Fifth Layer.

After all, his previous actions had already aroused her suspicion. If his cultivation speed continued to be so abnormal, she might report it to the higher-ups of the Heavenly Evolution Sect and let those old monsters investigate.

Before having strength, everything must be kept hidden to avoid attracting the malicious curiosity of others.

"If there's nothing else, I'll leave first."

An Muxi walked towards the entrance of the main hall, but suddenly, as if she had thought of something, she hesitated and slowly turned around, with a look of wanting to speak but stopping.


"Sister, what do you want to say?"

Seeing Chu Ming's attentive appearance, An Muxi tightly held her skirt and hesitated for a while before asking softly.

"In the future, can you prioritize giving me the Iceheart Pills you refine?"

You see, Iceheart Pills, which can prevent cultivation from going astray, are in high demand. They are usually snatched up as soon as they appear in the trading hall of the outer sect, and she never gets a chance.

If she could have a Fourth Grade alchemist provide them one-on-one, then she wouldn't have to worry too much about her Natural Charm Body suddenly erupting.

However, because Chu Ming also had a Natural Charm Body and also needed Iceheart Pills desperately, An Muxi blushed slightly, feeling a bit embarrassed.

"Of course, I will buy them with spirit stones, but because the quantity is large, the price may be lower than in the trading hall..."

"Of course!"

Chu Ming didn't think too much and agreed, revealing a sunny and cheerful smile.

"We are fellow disciples, so it's best to help each other. I'm glad I can help you, Sister."

"Um... thank you."

Feeling a bit overwhelmed by Chu Ming's sudden kindness, An Muxi tightly held her skirt and, with a face full of seriousness, asked.

"If you sell all the Iceheart Pills to me, what will you do?"

"I'll be fine."

Seeing An Muxi's worried expression, Chu Ming couldn't help but tease her again.

"I have your help, Sister."


An Muxi was stunned for a while before she reacted. Then her face turned red again, and her round legs tightened slightly due to embarrassment. In her calm heart, there was an inexplicable ripple of emotion.

Chu Ming was teasing her like this, so she should be angry, right?

But why did she feel a faint sense of touched and joy...

"I don't have so many stockings to give you."

An Muxi averted her shy gaze and murmured. This coquettish gesture was truly unexpected for Chu Ming, making the smile on his lips widen.

"It's okay, I can buy them for you. Just wear them for a few days and give them to me."

"Ugh! Pervert!"

An Muxi didn't seem to refuse, but she muttered with a slightly red cheek, then turned around and quickly left the main hall.

"You're always so improper!"

Watching her figure fly away, Chu Ming stretched lazily, clenched his fists, and carefully felt the abundant spiritual power in his body.

The benefit brought by the entry "Low Grade Water Spirit Root (Green)" was not only an additional path for cultivation but also the combination of water and wood, which seemed to accelerate the operation speed of the Heavenly Evolution Inner Scripture.

But beginners usually need an hour to complete one revolution of the Heavenly Evolution Inner Scripture. Was half an hour too fast for him?

"Could it be because of the Dream Essence Platform? Or..."

Chu Ming summoned his personal panel (to avoid excessive repetition, the personal panel will be mentioned in this chapter for the first time).

Looking at the line of the cultivation technique that had added [Heavenly Evolution Inner Scripture (Rank Two)], excitement surged in his heart.

It really is Rank Two?

Just as he learned the Heavenly Evolution Inner Scripture, he broke through to Rank Two. This was extremely rare even within the inner sect!

"I, Chu Ming, have such talent. It's all thanks to my personal efforts."

Happily putting away the panel, Chu Ming walked out of the hall, contemplating his future path.

Since he had learned the Heavenly Evolution Inner Scripture, he might need to determine his direction of cultivation.

Although alchemy was also a good path, it only served as an auxiliary to cultivation, and there was also the unresolved drawback of low combat power.

Earning money to support his family seemed more promising.

"But why am I so poor?"

Chu Ming took out his "Spatial Bag" and found that the spirit stones left by the original owner were pitifully few, mostly used for refining pills. He sighed softly.

Well, let's refine pills first.

Today's task is not yet complete.

(End of this chapter)

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