Senior Sister, Please Help Me Practice

87. Chapter 87 How Do You Attract Chu Ming? Showy! (Please Subscribe For The Third Update!)

Chapter 87: How do you attract Chu Ming? So saucy! (Three more chapters, please subscribe!)

The crippled tiger... and it's the leader?

The steward carefully observed the dead tiger in front of him, a hint of imperceptible fear flashing in his eyes.

Gray skin with white spots, larger in size than the average Qi Refining Realm Seventh Layer crippled tiger, it should be a leader-level beast.

But did he really solve it?

You see, with the same strength, it is difficult for humans to contend with Demonic Beasts due to their advantage in size, unless they use some spells or Divine Abilities.

But he is just a pill cultivator, it's impossible for him to have such means.

Moreover, he completed three tasks of dealing with Demonic Beasts in one day, yet his face is not red and he is not out of breath, not even a stain on his clothes.

Who would believe that? Do you take me for a six-year-old child to deceive?

"Did you kill it?"

The steward calmed down a bit and stared at Chu Ming's eyes, his tone carrying a hint of warning.

"If you cheated, you will be blacklisted by the Affairs Hall."

"Cheated? Hehe."

Chu Ming smiled lightly, his gaze fixed on the steward as he spoke softly.

"How about we go to the Martial Arena?"


Faced with Chu Ming's provocation, the steward, who was already annoyed by him, couldn't help but feel a surge of anger, his words full of sarcasm.

"Forget it, you, a pill cultivator, want to go to the Martial Arena with me, a Qi Refining Realm Seventh Layer body cultivator? I don't want people to say that I'm bullying you."


Chu Ming smiled faintly, just two words made the steward's eyes turn cold. He rolled up his sleeves to show off his strong muscles.

"Scared? I, Song Ming, don't know this word!"

"Alright then."

Chu Ming smiled and then went to the Martial Arena with Song Ming. It was an octagonal open-air arena, resembling a more advanced version of the ancient Roman Colosseum.

Compared to the other halls that were deserted after dusk, this place was bustling with activity. Spells and Divine Abilities flew across the various platforms, and the collision of flesh and flesh was accompanied by the constant cheering from the stands, making people's hearts race.

After all, conflicts and disputes were inevitable among young cultivators full of youthful energy. In order to prevent private fights, the Heavenly Evolution Sect established the Martial Arena for them to spar and stop when necessary.

Of course, to enrich the fun of sparring, they also established a ranking system and provided rewards to those disciples with higher rankings.

Therefore, when they saw Song Ming, who was in the top fifty, coming to the Martial Arena, many people gathered around with the mentality of watching the excitement, feeling a bit sorry for his opponent.

"Song Ming, body cultivator, steward of the Affairs Hall, ranked forty-nine."

"Chu Ming, pill cultivator, attendant of the Sacred Alchemy Hall, unranked."

After hearing the brief introduction from the referee on the platform, many people in the stands sighed and felt sympathy for Chu Ming.

Another naive young man who couldn't resist Song Ming's provocation and came to the Martial Arena to spar.

You, a pill cultivator, even if you are at the First Layer of a higher realm, you can't beat a body cultivator!

"Are you ready?"

The referee looked at the two of them and only spoke coldly after they both nodded in agreement.

"Spar until one side admits defeat. Anyone who intentionally inflicts serious injuries will be expelled."

With the command, Song Ming's clothes burst with a "bang," and his whole body began to swell like a small mountain. The brown-colored spiritual energy fluctuated around him, carrying an astonishing pressure as he attacked Chu Ming, causing a gasp from the stands.

"The Mountain Transformation? Why is Song Ming taking it so seriously? Could it be that someone is trying to steal his Dao companion?"

"Don't say that, it's actually possible. Chu Ming looks quite handsome... Sister, do you know if he is a disciple of that peak? Does he have a Dao companion?"

"What's wrong? Are you interested? Even if he is an attendant of the Sacred Alchemy Hall, how can you attract him?"

"So saucy."


There was an instant silence in the stands, but it didn't affect the sparring on the stage at all.

After a furious roar, Song Ming rushed towards Chu Ming, stomping on the stage and waving his fists.

"Mountain Fist!"

However, Chu Ming remained unmoved, his expression filled with disappointment.

It wasn't that he was disappointed in Song Ming's lack of strength, but rather disappointed in this sparring match.

According to reason, shouldn't the sparring between cultivators be a clash of Divine Abilities?

What's with this close combat like an ordinary person?



Chu Ming sighed lightly, stood with his hands behind his back, and his hair instantly grew longer like vines. It then split into nine strands, with the tips gathering into a dragon head, exuding astonishing power as it suddenly charged towards Song Ming.

Faced with such a strange attack, not only were the people in the stands dumbfounded, even the experienced referee was taken aback.

Song Ming's pupils contracted, and before he could react, his limbs were bitten by the dragon head, instantly bound like a zongzi, unable to break free no matter how hard he struggled.


After a fruitless struggle, he calmed down from the panic. His eyes narrowed, and he quickly ran backward, a smug smile appearing at the corner of his mouth.

You used your hair to bind me, right?


Then I want to see how long your hair can be!

However, when he saw that the black hair covering the stage not only wasn't broken, but instead gathered more and more, Song Ming instantly regretted it. His face started turning red due to shortness of breath.

Veins bulged on his forehead, and just as he was about to struggle again, he saw two faint yellow figures slowly approaching him, accompanied by Chu Ming's wicked smile.

"You must be curious about how I dealt with the leader of the Broken Tendon Tigers, right? Well, it's like this."

Seeing the two pills rolling towards him and the figures condensing above them, Song Ming was suddenly filled with terror and couldn't help but angrily roar.

"Aren't you a pill cultivator?"

"So, I will use the methods of a pill cultivator to defeat you fairly and squarely."

Chu Ming spoke righteously, stroking his flowing long hair, pointing forward, and solemnly said.

"Attack, True Child Pills, beat him!"

"You!... Ouch! Ah! Brothers of the pills, spare me, don't hit my face, don't hit my face!"


In the end, this "farce" came to an end with Song Ming's surrender. Although he was covered in bruises, his eyes were almost swollen shut, he still weakly voiced a soulful question.

"Referee, he... he won unfairly! It was three against one! I want to fight him one-on-one!"

"In this sparring match, Chu Ming is the winner."

"Referee, you..."

The referee's voice was like the last straw that broke the camel's back. Song Ming was so angry that he fainted on the spot. The arena fell silent, and the sound of discussions filled the entire martial arts hall.

Song Ming lost?

And he lost to a pill cultivator?

Is this for real?

Can pill cultivators be this powerful?

"Sis, this pill cultivator named Chu Ming is so amazing! I think I'm in love!"

"Sister, I haven't asked you for anything until now..."

(End of this chapter)

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