Senior Sister, Please Help Me Practice

6.Chapter 6 Exquisite Skills

Chapter 6: Masterful Skills


Come up?

Chu Ming looked at the table covered with countless red butterfly robes, his Adam's apple involuntarily bobbing up and down.

Where should I go?

Although this jade platform is quite large, it can easily accommodate two people.

But if I kneel on it, we would have to be tightly pressed against each other on one side, and there would definitely be some contact during the massage...

Isn't this too stimulating?

Chu Ming laughed awkwardly.

"Master, should I continue like this?"

"What's the difference between you continuing or not?"

Wu Zuirao raised her chin slightly and gave Chu Ming a disdainful glance. Her jade-like hand gently brushed over her own graceful back, and a blush inexplicably appeared on her cheeks.

"I don't mind, so why do you? Come up quickly~"

Of course, I mind!

Chu Ming's mouth twitched unnaturally.

Do you know how much damage this kind of action can cause to a young man full of vitality?

Moreover, I have to straddle it, not just sit on one side!

Who can withstand this?

Faced with the problem, Chu Ming decided to think twice before acting.

Ponder, contemplate, black stockings...

"Then, Master, please forgive this disciple's offense."

Chu Ming focused on his breathing, calmly supporting himself on the edge of the jade platform, and slowly sat down.

At the moment of contact, it was obvious that both sides trembled slightly due to nervousness.

Seeing that something bad was about to happen again, Chu Ming quickly took a deep breath and used his spiritual power to slow down the flow of blood.

Just a massage!

Just a massage...


Gritting his teeth, Chu Ming's nimble fingers gently glided over Wu Zuirao's delicate shoulders and neck.

Cool as jade, like cherry blossoms.

Such perfect skin!

Chu Ming marveled once again in his heart.

As a former office worker, he used to have a lot of stress every day, so he would occasionally go to a massage parlor to learn and seek advice with a learning attitude.

Although his technique was not as professional as that of a specialist, he was more than capable of serving others.


Facing Chu Ming's caring massage, Wu Zuirao's cheeks became even more rosy, her eyelashes trembled lightly, and she couldn't help but softly praise, mixed with some heavy breathing.

"Ming'er, you're so good. Master didn't dote on you in vain."

"Thank you for your praise, Master."

Chu Ming laughed dryly, and when Wu Zuirao gradually adapted, he began to exert more strength with both hands.


At this moment, a bone-chilling moan suddenly echoed in the silent hall, instantly causing goosebumps to rise all over Chu Ming's body, and he inwardly exclaimed that something was not right.

This is bad!


Ignoring the overwhelming pleasure that surged to the top of his head, Chu Ming quickly tried to get up, but was suddenly pulled back by Wu Zuirao, her smile slightly playful.

"Hmph, trying to escape?"

Her face flushed with two streaks of red, her misty eyes like a pool of spring water, and between her soft red lips, she continuously exhaled hot and moist breaths.

"Continue. Master thinks that Ming'er's massage technique is very professional. Where did you learn it from?"

"Uh... I learned it on my own without a teacher."

Chu Ming replied while coping, his mouth twitching slightly.

Continue my ass!

This is the main hall, what if someone sees us...


Suddenly, a cold voice filled with doubt broke the silence of the main hall.

Chu Ming's heart skipped a beat, then he turned his head and met the slightly surprised eyes of An Muxi, who was wearing a green lotus skirt.

One second, two seconds...

At this moment, time seemed to freeze, with only the sound of three breaths continuously panting.

After a while, one of the breaths became noticeably heavier. An Muxi's face instantly turned red, and she clenched her fists in embarrassment and anger.

"Chu Ming! What are you doing?!"

"Sister, calm down. I'm just giving Master a massage!"

Chu Ming quickly jumped off the jade platform, raising his hands in a gesture of respect.

Being provoked like this, he no longer had the romantic thoughts he had before. Instead, he felt embarrassed and relieved.

What did I say?

I knew I would be discovered!

"Muxi, you're here."

"Ming'er's massage technique is great. Why don't you lie down and let him give you a massage too?"

"Who wants that!"

An Muxi's ample chest kept rising and falling, and the blush on her cheeks not only didn't fade away, but became even more radiant.

Originally, she hadn't slept well last night because of what happened with Chu Ming. And now, in the solemn main hall, they actually...

"Master, please don't condone this kind of behavior in the future."

An Muxi took a deep breath, touching her chest, then glared angrily at Chu Ming.

"And you, pervert!"

"I swear to heaven, I didn't do anything, Master asked me to give her a massage!"

Chu Ming raised his right hand and cried out in protest, while Wu Zuirao just covered her mouth and chuckled, seemingly a little afraid of An Muxi.

"I understand, next time I'll find Ming'er to massage me in a place where no one is around."

"A place where no one is around is also not allowed!"

"Alright, alright, Muxi, you really don't know how to enjoy. But speaking of which, why do you have dark circles under your eyes?"


An Muxi's imposing manner suddenly softened, and she looked flustered. As someone who couldn't lie, she stammered for a long time before pointing at Chu Ming seriously.

"Last night, Junior Brother told me that he had broken through to the Fourth Grade Alchemist. As his senior sister, I felt honored, so I didn't sleep much."


Wu Zuirao smiled charmingly, then gracefully approached An Muxi, reaching out to gently rub the long hair on the side of her face.

"Now that you're all here, I'll give you the 'Dream Essence Platform'. Remember not to get too obsessed with it, and if necessary, take a 'Tranquil Heart Pill'."

"Yes, Master."

An Muxi bowed and saluted, and then a thick red mist surged in front of her. The next second, Wu Zuirao and An Muxi slowly dissipated together.

Chu Ming breathed a sigh of relief and looked thoughtfully at the jade platform beside him.

According to his memory, this treasure is called the 'Dream Essence Platform', a Spirit Treasure that can increase cultivation speed. As long as one sits on it and circulates their spiritual power, it will enhance their cultivation.

Similar to elixirs, Law Weapons also range from Rank One to Rank Nine, and above that are Spirit Treasures, Holy Artifacts, and Divine Essences.

The Dream Essence Platform is the only Spirit Treasure in the outer sect of the Heavenly Evolution Sect. Many peak masters of various mountains have wanted to borrow it from Wu Zuirao, but she has always coldly refused.

The reason is that the Dream Essence Platform has a side effect, which is that it easily makes people indulge in decadent dreams and not want to wake up, leading to demonic possession and a violent outbreak of spiritual power.

Chu Ming knows that this may be the result of its incomplete evolution.

[Because the quality of the 'Qingwu Dream Essence (damaged)' is too high, it cannot be simulated.]

This was the light screen that suddenly appeared in front of Chu Ming while he was massaging Wu Zuirao.

From this, it is clear that the Dream Essence Platform is not only a Spirit Treasure, but also likely a damaged Spirit Essence Object!

(End of this chapter)

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