Senior Sister, Please Help Me Practice

41. Chapter 41 Senior Sister’S Secret

Chapter 41: Senior Sister's Secret


Looking at Wu Zuirao's non-joking and shy appearance, Chu Ming was momentarily stunned, but then his expression became extremely excited.

So, it turns out that my master isn't plotting against me, but rather lusting after my body?

No, that's still considered plotting against me, right?


Before Chu Ming could say anything, Wu Zuirao used her right index finger to cover his slightly open lips, leaning down to listen to his heartbeat in silence. Her left hand became restless as it traced along his neck and collarbone, eventually drawing circles on his exposed chest after unbuttoning his shirt.

"Ming'er, what do you think of your master?"

"It's great!"

Chu Ming blurted out without thinking, then repeated what he had just said, only to be glared at by Wu Zuirao with a hint of resentment.

"You know that's not what your master wants to ask."


Looking at the beautiful face so close to him, feeling the soft body pressed against him, Chu Ming couldn't help but swallow his saliva and scratched his cheek while forcing a dry laugh.

"Master, you're very beautiful, and you have an outstanding temperament, strong power, and a great figure. You're very feminine..."

"Since that's the case, don't you want to... hmm?"

A seductive charm filled Wu Zuirao's beautiful eyes as her lips curled up, her tongue teasing her rosy lips, and her body twisting playfully, enticing Chu Ming's heart, making him feel restless and hot all over.

"Actually, compared to underwear, your master herself is even better to enjoy~"


These words exploded in Chu Ming's mind like a nuclear bomb, leaving him momentarily blank. When he finally snapped out of his daze, he realized that he had already rounded second base, causing Wu Zuirao to let out a soft and charming gasp, her flushed face now just inches away.

Forget it, I don't care!

What's the point of talking about ethics and morals in the Immortal Cultivation World?

Today, I, Chu Ming, want it all!

As Chu Ming lowered his head, intending to savor Wu Zuirao's tender and delicate lips, she suddenly laughed and evaded, a seductive voice ringing in his ears.

"How does it feel to kiss Muxi?"


Chu Ming's eyes widened suddenly as he looked at Wu Zuirao's slightly playful smile, his face filled with astonishment.

So, my master actually knows what happened between me and Senior Sister?

"Ah... well..."

Cold sweat broke out on Chu Ming's forehead as he forced a dry laugh and averted his gaze, nervously scratching his cheek.

Damn it!

I just kissed Senior Sister last night, and now I want to kiss my master, and she found out!

I really don't know my limits!

Seeing Chu Ming's helpless appearance, Wu Zuirao's smile grew wider. She then sat down by the bed, tidied up her disheveled clothes, and looked at him with a playful smile.

"What? Do you want to have both Senior Sister and your master?"


Chu Ming's expression froze, and he coughed lightly with a guilty look. Then, he solemnly spoke with a serious expression on his face.

"Master, both you and Senior Sister are my wings. How can there be any talk of taking sides?"


Wu Zuirao's moist and beautiful eyes blinked lightly, and for some reason, she straightened her chest and her smile became particularly charming.

"Since that's the case, then tell me, who do you think is better to touch, me or Muxi?"


This sudden question left Chu Ming completely bewildered. Although he really wanted to ask, "Why do you know that I touched Senior Sister?" in the end, he couldn't bring himself to say it and could only show an awkward yet polite smile.

"Of course it's you, Master! If we compare Senior Sister to a mango, then you are a pineapple!"


This strange analogy not only didn't make Wu Zuirao angry, but instead made her laugh uncontrollably. It took her a while to recover, wiping away the tears at the corners of her eyes, her smile mischievous.

"But in the end, you still chose to eat the mango first and left the pineapple aside."

After saying that, she gracefully got up and left, not forgetting to blame Chu Ming with a hint of resentment before she left.

"To punish you, come find me after you've dealt with Muxi, hmph!"


Watching her departing figure, Chu Ming let out a sigh, clenching his fist and savoring the lingering sensation from earlier. His heart was filled with conflicting emotions of excitement and disappointment.

Although he didn't get to have Master, he did receive some good news. It turns out that Master doesn't mind my relationship with Senior Sister?

It seems that the customs in the Immortal Cultivation World are quite open!

A slight smile appeared at the corner of Chu Ming's mouth. He then found a bucket of bathwater and sprinkled the Hundred Flowers Concentration Powder into it. He sat cross-legged in the water and began cultivating.

After setting the goal of entering the Inner Sect, his cultivation became particularly diligent.

Of course, resolving the issue of the Natural Charm Body was also a top priority, but it wasn't as concerning as before.

After all, An Muxi had promised to help him alleviate the Natural Charm Body. In this way, the trouble had turned into a means to improve his cultivation.

However, the intensifying side effects would eventually become a time bomb.

Since then, Chu Ming's life became quite fulfilling.

In the early morning, he would go to the main hall of Floating Jade Peak to report to Master, and then use the Dream Essence Platform to cultivate. Afterwards, he would go to the back mountain to practice controlling the Long Bull Technique and spar with True Child Pill to learn martial skills.

At noon, he would find a shady spot to take a nap, and in the afternoon, he would go to the affairs hall with An Muxi to handle tasks and gain contribution points while honing his own abilities.

However, with the strength of the two of them, going out actually felt more like a special form of a date. Sometimes, after completing their tasks, they would even stroll around the market, buying snacks and clothes.

At night, it was their rest time. Chu Ming borrowed many ancient books from the library to learn about the Immortal Cultivation World, so as not to offend any powerful figures unintentionally.

Of course, sometimes when there was no one around late at night, An Muxi would come to him. They would use kissing as a substitute for the Iceheart Pill they usually consumed, in order to alleviate the side effects of the Natural Charm Body.

However, for Chu Ming, this was supposed to be a romantic moment of enjoying Senior Sister's tender and red lips, but it ended up being a great disaster!

For some reason, every time he kissed An Muxi, he would be engulfed in a painful and burning sensation, and even his consciousness would become blurry.

But the next day, he would wake up as if nothing had happened, feeling extremely comfortable all over, and even his cultivation showed a faint trend of improvement.

It's really strange!

Chu Ming was very puzzled by the abnormality in his body. He had asked An Muxi about it before, but she just blushed and brushed it off.

There's definitely something fishy going on!

Curiosity grew in Chu Ming's heart, until one night two weeks later, after kissing An Muxi in the room, he once again fell into a state of burning sensation all over his body and blurred consciousness.

But this time, because he had developed some adaptability and resistance to this state, he gradually regained consciousness in his dazed state.

Thanks to [白翼墨羽] and [书友尾号4093] for the support! Thanks to [书友尾号7642] and [书友尾号1629] for the monthly votes!

(End of this chapter)

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