Senior Sister, Please Help Me Practice

35. Chapter 35 First Kiss (Please Follow Up On The Third Update!)

Chapter 35: First Kiss (Please continue reading at 3 AM!)


An Muxi's words were like a timed bomb, exploding directly in Chu Ming's heart.

Help me relieve the Natural Charm Body?

Besides Yin-Yang Harmony, is there any other method?

Could it be that Senior Sister has come to a realization?

Seeing Chu Ming's bewildered and surprised expression, An Muxi tightly held her skirt, looking both shy and timid. It seemed like she had made a decision as she raised her head, her clear and shy eyes staring intensely at Chu Ming, stammering to explain.

"Because recently, I've found that the Iceheart Pill doesn't seem to be effective anymore. If we continue like this, something bad might happen sooner or later. So, I thought about using Yin-Yang Harmony..."

"Is that so..."

Chu Ming touched his nose, and his previously calm heart became flustered. He scratched his head and tentatively asked.

"What should we do then?"

"Don't you understand it well?"

An Muxi gave Chu Ming a coquettish glance, her tone soft and alluring as she lightly hummed.

"Hmph! Now you're pretending to be innocent?"

"I really am innocent!"

Chu Ming boldly and shamelessly retorted, looking at An Muxi's soft red lips, his Adam's apple bobbing, and his heart pounding.

"Then... should we kiss first?"


An Muxi was momentarily stunned, her cheeks instantly turning hot, and the redness spread along her neck.

But she had already prepared herself mentally before coming here, so this was within her expectations. Without hesitating for too long, she tightly held her skirt with both hands and slowly closed her beautiful eyes, tilting her chin slightly.

Seeing this, Chu Ming's gaze couldn't help but become fixated.

Since the previous life, as a single dog and an expert in pure love theory, he hadn't even kissed a girl, let alone held hands.

Now, the opportunity was right in front of him, and he couldn't help but feel excited and nervous. But after all, he was a man, so he made up his mind, hugged An Muxi's shoulders, and slowly leaned down...

Moist, tender, with a hint of coolness, it tempted people to devour it like it was frozen.

This was Chu Ming's most direct feeling about his first kiss.

The moment their lips touched, An Muxi's body instantly stiffened. Her long eyelashes trembled lightly, and her heart was filled with overwhelming nervousness.

This state lasted for a few seconds, and then she suddenly felt her hot cheeks being forcefully held, causing her to abruptly open her eyes.

In her impression, a kiss was just the touching of lips. But Chu Ming's French kiss scared her so much that she started to struggle.

However, at this moment, several streams of hot energy with a tingling sensation surged from her dantian, instantly filling her entire body.

In an instant, a faint crimson mist enveloped the two of them.

An Muxi trembled all over, and the clarity in her slightly narrowed beautiful eyes instantly became hazy. The breath she exhaled from her nose became moist and sweet, and her hands, which were originally pushing against Chu Ming's chest, now tightly embraced his body from under his arms.

Chu Ming also felt a nameless fire suddenly stirring within his body, making him feel restless and impatient. Even the Qi Sea in his dantian began to autonomously operate the cultivation technique.

In addition to An Muxi no longer rejecting him and instead actively responding and seeking, it was like igniting a raging fire, devouring the remaining trace of his clear consciousness.

Chu Ming tightly embraced her soft waist with his left arm, enjoying the sweet and sticky taste in his mouth.

Because they didn't have any indecent clothing, and the dress was thin, Chu Ming couldn't help but have some improper thoughts.

At the same time, he suddenly felt a miraculous change happening in his Qi Sea due to the influx of a hot current.


Before he could fully experience it, An Muxi suddenly woke up and kicked him away again, sending him flying onto the bed.

Compared to the previous startled kick, this kick was exceptionally strong, making Chu Ming fly far away with a "thud" sound. He couldn't help but groan in pain.


"Chu Ming! You jerk!"

An Muxi crossed her arms, her face filled with embarrassment and anger. Her cheeks were as red as ripe apples, as if they could drip water at any moment.

"You!... Where are your claws trying to touch?!"

"Listen to my explanation!"

Chu Ming rolled over on the bed, raising his arms and shouting in protest.

"Sister, I know you may not believe it, but this is a subconscious behavior that males have had since birth!"


An Muxi seemed to calm down, her eyelids drooping as she sat at the table. Her right hand instinctively touched her crystal-clear lips, seemingly savoring the intimacy from earlier.

She could clearly feel that the heat brought about by the Natural Charm Body had miraculously disappeared these past few days!

Even more strangely, her Foundation Building level in her Qi Sea seemed to have a faint tendency to rise...

This meant that her strength had actually improved unconsciously!

Was it true?

Just a kiss could cause such a noticeable improvement in strength?

Of course, Chu Ming was equally surprised.

He sat cross-legged on the bed and opened his personal panel, looking at his cultivation level of Qi Refining Fifth Layer (0%), feeling extremely astonished.

Did the change in his Qi Sea just now mean that he had made a breakthrough?


Just a kiss... Could it be that the mutual harmony between Natural Charm Bodies could also enhance cultivation?

This was simply a constitution with the function of dual cultivation!

"Sister, have you felt an increase in strength?"

Chu Ming's sudden question made An Muxi widen her eyes and blurt out.

"Has your cultivation also increased?"


Chu Ming covered his aching stomach and smiled bitterly.

"It seems that the mutual harmony can increase the cultivation of both parties."


An Muxi saw Chu Ming's enduring painful expression and couldn't help but feel a sense of self-blame and worry, mixed with a hint of resentment.


Serves you right!

Who told you to touch me without permission!

And not only did you touch me, but you also...

Thinking about the feeling of being wantonly bullied just now, An Muxi bit her lip, her face blushing, and her arms tightened around her chest.

Although she didn't want to admit it, judging from Chu Ming's technique alone, she didn't feel any discomfort. Instead, she faintly felt a warm and comfortable sensation...

Why was he so skilled at this!

An Muxi pouted with a hint of grievance, got up and slowly sat down by the bed, softly asking as she looked at Chu Ming lying on his side.

"Does it hurt? I'm sorry, I was too impulsive just now. Are you okay?"

Hearing the faintly painful voice, An Muxi furrowed her brows and gently turned Chu Ming over.

She saw that his body was burning hot, with a thin layer of sweat on his reddened skin, and his contorted facial features seemed to be enduring something.

"This is..."

An Muxi immediately realized what was happening and her pupils contracted.

This state was clearly the eruption of the Natural Charm Body!

(End of this chapter)

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