Senior Sister, Please Help Me Practice

Chapter 23 Invitation From The Beautiful Young Woman

Chapter 23: The Invitation of the Beautiful Young Woman


In an instant, the assessment site for Fourth Grade Alchemists fell silent. Everyone looked at the pill in Chu Ming's hand in disbelief, their hearts filled with astonishment.

They had thought that he had reached into the pill furnace to salvage the materials after a failed alchemy attempt, but they didn't expect that he had actually succeeded in refining the pill?!

This is impossible!

It has only been the time it takes to burn an incense stick!

Could it be that they were watching the assessment of a First Grade Alchemist instead of a Fourth Grade Alchemist?

And looking at his appearance, he couldn't be older than eighteen... An eighteen-year-old Fourth Grade Alchemist?

Wow, today is truly a lucky day!


Someone swallowed their saliva, breaking the deathly silence. People started whispering and pointing at Chu Ming, their eyes filled with confusion, admiration, and even fanaticism.

Meanwhile, the attendant on the side had already been dumbfounded. He didn't even notice when the pen and paper in his hand fell to the ground. It was Chu Ming who walked over and helped him pick them up, along with the Qi Condensation Pill.

"Hello, can I consider this a successful assessment?" Chu Ming politely asked, bringing the attendant back to his senses. The attendant used his hand to push up his chin and quickly examined the Qi Condensation Pill.

The surface was still warm from just being taken out of the furnace, so it definitely wasn't hidden in his palm to cheat.

Three pill lines, perfectly formed...

No matter how picky one was, this was indeed a high-quality Qi Condensation Pill. The richness of the spiritual energy was so strong that it would dissipate with just a light squeeze.

The attendant regained his senses and quickly took out a pill bottle, carefully grinding the Qi Condensation Pill into powder and putting it in. He then sealed the bottle with a sigh of relief.

"I almost let its medicinal effect dissipate."


Chu Ming was about to ask about his assessment again when the attendant hurriedly ran off without saying a word. This left Chu Ming's hand awkwardly hanging in the air, and he could only scratch his head helplessly.

What does this mean?

Does he still plan to go somewhere else to carefully inspect my pill?

"Forget it, I'll just wait here for a while."

Chu Ming sighed lightly. Without knowing the result of his assessment, he didn't dare to leave rashly. So he could only sit cross-legged in front of the pill furnace and continue refining Qi Condensation Pills with the remaining materials.

It was said that the materials used for the assessment belonged to the person themselves, so he could freely take two more pills!

However, just as Chu Ming's butt touched the grass mat and before it could even warm up, a voluptuous and beautiful young woman in a light blue dress walked gracefully towards him from the stands. She took off the veil covering her face and bowed with a seductive posture.

"Esteemed sir, I greet you."


Esteemed sir?

After taking a good look at the charming woman in front of him, Chu Ming couldn't help but feel confused.

You see, in the Heavenly Evolution Sect, people generally address each other as senior brothers, senior sisters, or elders. The titles of sir and esteemed sir were the first time he had heard them.

Just by looking at the alluring attire of the woman in front of him, it was clear that she wasn't from the Heavenly Evolution Sect.

"My name is Wanshu, I am from the Xu family in the northern market of the Heavenly Evolution Sect."

"So you are Lady Xu."

Chu Ming returned the greeting calmly, a gentle smile on his face.

"I am Chu Ming, may I ask why you are looking for me?"

"I have seen the handsome and talented Chu Ming during the alchemy process earlier. I would like to get to know you."

Wanshu walked over with a smile, boldly linking her arm with Chu Ming's left arm, pressing her soft body against his, her eyes filled with seduction.

"I saw the mighty image of Chu Ming during the alchemy just now. Could you please visit the Xu residence when you have the time?"


How did refining a pill make me so powerful?

Chu Ming couldn't help but feel speechless. As a person with meticulous thoughts, he naturally understood why Xu Wanshu sought him out.

Although it might be because of her Natural Charm Body, he didn't expect that an eighteen-year-old Fourth Grade alchemist would be so popular, to the point where such a beautiful lady would openly throw herself at him in public!

Feeling the constant teasing behavior of the other party, who kept pressing her delicate body against him like a water snake, Chu Ming sighed lightly. He didn't intend to act like a righteous gentleman either. He sighed with regret as he elbowed the hot tofu a few times.

"Madam Xu, you don't know, I have many important matters to attend to. It's really difficult for me to find time."


Xu Wanshu snorted softly, her seductive eyes blinking frequently. She pressed her entire body softly against Chu Ming's, whispering in his ear with a fragrant breath.

"My husband has been seduced by a vixen and has been away for half a month. As a result, his skills have become rusty. Could Chu Gongzi please give me some guidance late at night?"


What audacious words!

Seeing Xu Wanshu licking her red lips and the spring-like expression in her eyes, Chu Ming's Adam's apple rolled, and he felt a hint of wavering in his heart.

You see, a woman in her thirties is the most alluring age for a woman, especially when the lady in front of him has a devilishly enticing figure. This kind of voluptuous body is the type that Chu Ming likes the most.

I understand, Prime Minister!

Just as Chu Ming was happily planning to experience the joy of being a man, a cold and light sigh suddenly made him shiver.

"Chu Ming!"


Looking to the left, he saw An Muxi, dressed in black armor with her long hair tied into a single ponytail, standing with her arms crossed, her face full of frost.

Obviously, she was angry.

Originally, when Wu Zuirao mentioned it, An Muxi had a serious expression, but she didn't take it to heart.

After all, Chu Ming was very clever and would definitely not fall for a woman's tricks.

Of course, to prove that her guess was correct, An Muxi came to the Sacred Alchemy Hall with confidence, intending to admire her junior brother's stunning performance.

As a result, she arrived just in time to see him flirting with that vixen in public!

Seeing this, a nameless anger surged in An Muxi's heart. She walked directly to Chu Ming, grabbed his ear, and was about to leave.

"Chu Ming! I can't believe I trusted you like this. You really are, as Master said, fooling around here!"

"Sister! Listen to my ex... no, listen to my explanation!"

Seeing that the prey that was about to be caught was about to be taken away, Xu Wanshu tightly held Chu Ming's right arm, looking puzzled.

"Fellow Daoist, do you know Chu Gongzi?"

"I am his sister!"

Hearing this answer, Xu Wanshu was first stunned, then covered her mouth and chuckled.

"I thought you and Chu Gongzi were a couple. I didn't expect you to be just his sister. Is it normal for personal matters between fellow disciples to be so lenient?"


An Muxi's expression instantly turned gloomy, her fists clenched tightly, but she couldn't find a reason to refute.

That's right!

I'm just Chu Ming's sister. Why should I care if he fools around?

Looking at the restless crowd on the platform, especially some ill-intentioned women among them.

Their intentions were clear, they wanted to seduce her innocent junior brother!

After all, if they could win over an eighteen-year-old Fourth Grade alchemist and nurture him carefully, their family would soon rise to prominence!

An Muxi bit her red lips lightly with her teeth, feeling more and more angry in her heart. After stealing a few glances at Chu Ming's side profile, she suddenly hung her sword at her waist, tightly holding his right arm with both hands, and said in a firm voice.

"Who said we're not a couple?!"

(End of this chapter)

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