Senior Sister, Please Help Me Practice

Chapter 2 I, Chu Ming, Male, Natural Charm Body

Chapter 2: Me, Chu Ming, Male, Natural Charm Body

"No wonder they asked me to help refine the 'Iceheart Pill'."

Chu Ming searched through the alchemy furnace and found a pale blue pill with tiny black spots on it. He held it in front of his eyes and examined it carefully.

Clearly, this Iceheart Pill was a semi-finished product.

It had the effect of stabilizing the origin and dispelling distractions. It was one of the commonly used pills for seclusion cultivation in the Cave Mansion and had excellent sales in the Immortal World.

"I guess An Muxi intends to use it to suppress the Natural Charm Body."

Chu Ming glanced at the miscellaneous items on the nearby wooden table and found that the materials for making the Iceheart Pill had been almost completely used up.

What should he do?

Playing with the pill in his hand, the familiar light blue screen suddenly appeared again in front of him.

[Do you want to simulate the 'Iceheart Pill (One Line)'?]

"Pills can be simulated too?"

Chu Ming widened his eyes in surprise and chose yes.

[You were born in the alchemy furnace of the alchemy boy Chu Ming and were purchased by An Muxi to suppress the Natural Charm Body.]

[You knew that your life was very short, so even when you were lightly bitten by those teeth, you didn't complain too much. You turned into spiritual energy and poured into An Muxi's limbs and bones. Simulation complete.]

[Note: Because the 'Iceheart Pill (One Line)' is your personal item, only reward one can be chosen.]

[The current 'Iceheart Pill (One Line)' can add an attribute (choose one).]

['Fragrant Drift (White): Enhances the taste of the pill.']

['Perfect (Blue)': Can turn a damaged one-line pill into a perfect three-line pill.]

"Do I even need to choose?"

Without much hesitation, Chu Ming added 'Perfect' to the Iceheart Pill. Then, a burst of light flickered, and the black spots inside it slowly disappeared. It became crystal clear, and even three pill lines faintly appeared on its surface.


Feeling the coolness in his palm, Chu Ming suddenly didn't dislike this somewhat abnormal simulation system as much.

At least, the function of optimizing the items around him by adding attributes was quite good!

"Now I have something to negotiate with An Muxi."

After carefully putting away the Iceheart Pill, a cold voice suddenly came from outside the door.

"Chu Ming, is the Iceheart Pill ready?"


Speak of the devil.

Entering through the door was a beautiful young girl wearing an elegant white dress and holding food in her hands.

Her face was cold, her features delicate and beautiful. Her long black hair cascaded down her shoulders, with the ends playfully curled. A ribbon was simply tied around her slender waist, perfectly showcasing her slim and well-proportioned figure.

Of course, the most eye-catching thing was the misty white silk wrapped around her long and slender legs.

They were tight, revealing a hint of softness, fullness, and roundness.

The moment the girl entered, Chu Ming's gaze was deeply attracted by her, and he suddenly understood why the original owner was so infatuated with her.

First of all, let me clarify that I am not a pervert.

Secondly, I really want to have my face squeezed between those legs...

"Master said you haven't entered seclusion, so she asked me to bring some food."

An Muxi's words brought Chu Ming back to his senses. She placed the food on the table, her expression unusually cold.

"Master thinks your alchemy talent is still acceptable, and because it was your first offense due to being infatuated with beauty, she told me not to make a big deal out of it."

"But since you stole my personal clothing first, I will never let you off the hook!"

"Is that so?"

Chu Ming held the back of his head with a smile on his face, a playful expression.

"Shouldn't it be you, Senior Sister, who invited me to your room before I stole your stockings? I remember that as soon as I entered, I felt extremely hot all over. Why is that?"

"Hmph, isn't it normal to feel guilty when you're a thief?"

An Muxi snorted lightly, her gaze flickering. However, Chu Ming noticed every little detail.

There's definitely something fishy!

"What happened at that time, Senior Sister, you should know better than me."

Chu Ming slowly approached An Muxi, his gaze burning as he stared at her beautiful face with a teasing smile.

"Senior Sister, you must be the Natural Charm Body, right?"


An Muxi widened her eyes in shock and blurted out without thinking.

"How did you know..."

As soon as the words fell, she realized that she had misspoke and quickly covered her mouth with both hands. She blinked her eyes frequently, and her full chest rose and fell several times before she spoke in a cold voice.

"What nonsense are you talking about? Natural Charm Body is the physique of a fox demon. How could I, as a human, have it?"


Chu Ming couldn't help but laugh.

"At that time, my condition was very consistent with the effects that Natural Charm Body would have on the people around me. I felt hot and my consciousness was blurred."

"Plus, Sister, you wanted the Iceheart Pill to suppress it, right?"

"So, Sister, you intentionally gave me the stockings to divert attention from this matter, and also to get a free Iceheart Pill. Am I right?"

"Chu Junior Brother, if you dare to talk nonsense again, I will report it to our Master!"

After a moment of stunned silence, An Muxi's eyebrows slightly raised as she angrily said, but her fierce appearance did not intimidate Chu Ming at all.

His eyes slightly chilled, and he calmly smiled.

"Muxi Senior Sister, what if I told you that I have a way to temporarily suppress Natural Charm Body, or even solve it?"

"How is that possible..."

Before An Muxi could finish speaking, she saw Chu Ming slowly take out an Iceheart Pill, which surprised her greatly.

"You actually managed to refine it?!"

"I'm just a Fourth Grade alchemist, it's nothing special, right?"


Seeing Chu Ming's indifferent appearance, ripples suddenly stirred in An Muxi's calm heart.

Being a Fourth Grade alchemist was indeed nothing special, but being a 16-year-old Fourth Grade alchemist was quite extraordinary!

Such talent in alchemy could be considered as exceptionally gifted even within the Tianyan Inner Sect!

Originally, she just wanted to punish him through this method, but unexpectedly, it stimulated her junior brother's potential?

Taking the Iceheart Pill handed over by Chu Ming and confirming its exceptionally perfect quality, An Muxi pursed her lips and felt conflicted.

She was on the verge of a breakthrough these days, and the frequency of Natural Charm Body outbreaks had increased. She needed a large number of Iceheart Pills to suppress it.

And as Chu Ming had just said, perhaps this talented alchemist really had a way to solve Natural Charm Body...

For a moment, the dim room fell into silence.

Chu Ming was not in a hurry, wearing a smile on his face as he patiently waited for An Muxi's response.

He knew that the bait he had thrown out was enough to lure this mermaid.

Sure enough, after a few moments, An Muxi tightly held the Iceheart Pill, her face showing a skeptical expression.

"Do you really have a way to solve Natural Charm Body?"

"Of course."

Chu Ming took a step forward and suddenly grabbed An Muxi's right hand, which unexpectedly made her tremble and instinctively try to break free.

What is he doing?

Is he going to propose that kind of request as an exchange to solve Natural Charm Body?


She couldn't compromise!

An Muxi glared fiercely at Chu Ming, but a familiar warmth suddenly surged through her palm and spread throughout her body, causing her to blink in surprise.

"This is..."

"Yes, Senior Sister, you're not mistaken."

Chu Ming let go of her right hand and a helpless bitter smile appeared on his face.

"I also have Natural Charm Body."


An Muxi took a deep breath, looking up and down at the handsome young man in front of her.

Did I hear it correctly? Did he say he has Natural Charm Body?

Can this kind of physique exist in a male?

But the familiar spiritual power just now couldn't be fake. It could only belong to someone with Natural Charm Body...

An Muxi felt that her worldview was collapsing. She was about to ask for more details when Chu Ming suddenly interrupted.

"So, Senior Sister, helping you solve Natural Charm Body is also helping myself. You can rest assured about that."

"But as an exchange, I hope Senior Sister can assist me in my cultivation."


Looking at An Muxi's bewildered expression, Chu Ming lowered his gaze and stared at her straight, slender legs.

"I hope Senior Sister can give me the stockings on your legs."

(End of this chapter)

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