Senior Sister, Please Help Me Practice

189. Chapter 186 Bird Song [4K Please Subscribe! ]

Chapter 186 Bird Song [4k please subscribe! ]

Before the voice fell, old man Sheng Ling suddenly stood in front of Xie Zijin with his hands behind his hands, a light smile on his lips.

"How are you doing lately?"

"Thanks to the blessing of Hanhai Sect Leader's Soul Pill, my body is no different and my cultivation has improved slightly."

Yu Zijin pursed his lips and then said expressionlessly.

"The Hanhai Sect Master sent his avatar to the Blazing Fire Immortal Sect this time. Is it not to reminisce about the past?"

"Fairy Mengdie's beauty is unparalleled in the Northern Territory. I'm not surprised that I came here to reminisce about old times, right?"

Old Shengling stroked his white beard and smiled gently.

"Fairy Mengdie should know why I came here this time."

"The illusion of floating life is about to open, and I need the help of Blazing Fire Immortal Sect."


Facing the request put forward by the old man Sheng Ling, Hu Zijin seemed to have expected it, and then he lowered his eyelids and said softly.

"Life is like a dream, strange and inexplicable."

"The more advanced the person is, the easier it is for him to get stuck in the illusion of floating life and be unable to extricate himself."

"So every time it is opened, the best of the younger generation needs to enter it and explore the opportunities brought by the essence of dreams."

"So, Hanhai Sect Master is going to ask me to borrow the disciples of Blazing Fire Immortal Sect to help you enter the illusion of floating life?"


Old man Sheng Ling nodded slightly.

"Fairy Dream Butterfly should also know that our Vast Ocean Alchemy Sect disciples are not good at fighting, and the dream monsters in the floating illusion are extremely difficult to deal with."

"However, we can provide elixirs to avoid the erosion of dreams and strengthen the resilience of the spiritual sea, so as to prevent the soul from being sucked into the illusion of floating life and used as nourishment for self-growth."


Hearing this, Yu Zijin couldn't help but fell into deep thought.

They have an alliance with the Blazing Fire Immortal Sect and the Vast Ocean Alchemy Sect. They usually cooperate with those who explore secret realms and deal with evil.

One side provides elixirs as logistics, and the other side provides strong combat power as protection.

So she had no reason to refuse this time exploring the floating dreamland.


Xuzijin's eyes were slightly stern, and he said softly.

"I can assist, but because the floating illusion is too dangerous, I will only send four Saint Children there."

"Won't you send Saintess?"

Old man Sheng Ling smiled slightly.

"The reputation of Blazing Fire Immortal Sect Saintess is known to everyone in the Northern Territory. This floating illusion has been reopened after many years. Shouldn't you send her there?"

"She is temporarily recuperating in the sect due to a recurrence of her old illness."

"That's such a pity. I originally wanted to see the heroic figure of Saintess."

Old Sheng Ling couldn't help but sigh, and then waved his hand to express that it didn't matter.

"But it doesn't matter. Blazing Fire Immortal Sect Saint Child is also a genius of the Northern Territory. By joining forces, we will definitely get enough opportunities when this floating illusion opens."

"The leader of the Hanhai Sect should be staring at the Dream Essence."

Xuzijin's words revealed what was in Old Sheng Ling's heart, his bright eyes narrowed slightly, and his tone was light but extremely firm.

"I won't let them come into contact with the Dream Essence this time."

"Isn't that a pity?"

Old man Sheng Ling spread his hands and said helplessly.

"Dream Marrow serves as an opportunity for various Taoist practices to break through the Heavenly Dao. Fairy Mengdie should know how precious it is as a treasure of heaven and earth."

"If we lose this opportunity, we will have to wait until the year of the monkey next time."

“Those who are capable learn about it, and those who are incompetent encourage themselves.”

Hu Zijin glanced at the old man Sheng Ling, his eyes slightly stern.

"Have you forgotten the tragedy that occurred when the illusion of floating life was opened last time?"

"None of the thirty-four disciples of the five major sects in the Northern Territory escaped from the illusion of floating life, plus other sects. Just when the illusion of floating life was opened, the Northern Territory lost a total of hundreds of the most favored disciples of the younger generation."

"Compared to the temptation of Dream Essence, I care more about the lives of my disciples."

"Fairy Mengdie, you are too steady."

Old Sheng Ling shook his head and sighed softly, with a calm smile still hanging on his lips, but it was a little restrained compared to before.

"Genius disciples can be trained again after they die, but as long as we get the Dream Essence, old guys like us, whose strength has been bottlenecked for many years, can also take a step closer to cultivation. Isn't this a good thing for the entire Northern Territory?"


What does it mean that a genius disciple can be trained again after he has died?

Do you just use them as a tool to break through your own realm?

Regarding the views of the old man Sheng Ling, Hu Zijin couldn't help but sneer, and a hint of coldness flashed in his bright eyes.

However, due to the alliance between the two sects, she couldn't say much, so she could only lower her eyelids and speak softly.

"If Hanhai Sect Master wants to explore the secret of Dream Essence, it would be better to find another sect. We, Blazing Fire Immortal Sect, will not make the same mistakes again."

"It's just a joke, Fairy Mengdie, don't be angry."

Old Sheng Ling laughed and dismissed the topic. He chatted with Hu Zijin again and exchanged a few words before dispersing the clone that descended on Blazing Fire Immortal Sect.

"I'll take my leave first, Fairy Mengdie, we'll talk about it another day."


Looking at the slowly disappearing phantom of Old Sheng Ling, Xuzijin's eyes became deeper and deeper, and he didn't know what to think about.

At this time, in the Vast Ocean Alchemy Sect, the terrifying spiritual energy fluctuations mixed with hostility swept across the entire dark cave in an instant, causing the huge sealing formation on the stone ground to flicker with faint light.

"As expected, women have narrow vision and cannot be reused."

A hint of gloom flashed in Old Sheng Ling's eyes, but it quickly dissipated.

"Maybe we need to find allies again."



Blazing Fire Immortal Sect, inside the wing.

"You are already great. I didn't expect that you have already mastered the essence of the Asuka song just twice."


Facing Chu Ming's praise, An Muqing, although extremely shy, still threw herself into his arms with a smile and asked in a coquettish voice.

"How about her compared to my sister?"

"Everyone has his own merits."

Chu Ming smiled slightly, and couldn't help but compare the Chidori songs made by the two sisters in his mind.

Xi'er is more persistent and patient. After all, she often takes care of herself.

But Muqing may be slightly inferior in this aspect because of her smaller mouth, but her flexibility is much higher.

Of course, the points deduction brought by the tiger fangs is unavoidable...

While Chu Ming was thinking silently, An Muqing suddenly blushed and became playful, and then his jade hands became naughty and nimble, which made him widen his eyes and sigh helplessly.

"Muqing, this is not fun."

"I'm still not as good as my sister."

An Muqing muttered, and her charming cheeks suddenly cast a look of loneliness.

"If it were my sister, she wouldn't make you feel so uncomfortable."

"Muqing doesn't have to feel sorry for himself."

Chu Ming chuckled and pinched An Muqing's tender cheek, then said with a mysterious look.

"How about I teach you a cultivation method that Xi'er has never learned before?"


Upon hearing this, An Muqing's expression was filled with joy and excitement, and his shy eyes blinked frequently, vaguely sparkling with curiosity and expectation.

"What method? I want to learn!"

"This method is called Sugu, and it was created exclusively by me. It has never been recorded in the Hehuan Heart Sutra."

The corners of Chu Ming's mouth raised slightly, and then he suddenly leaned over and whispered in An Muqing's ear.

"But it requires you to take off your cheongsam, otherwise it will be inconvenient."


As soon as An Muqing heard that he had to take off his clothes, An Muqing blushed and cowardly refused to do anything. In the end, Chu Ming couldn't help but sigh and changed his proposal.

"Why don't we take off our clothes and change into something more suitable?"

Change clothes?

Got some new clothes to wear?

An Muqing's eyes flashed brightly, and he nodded slightly and agreed without hesitation.

However, when he saw the clothes and skirts that Chu Ming took out from the space bag, An Muqing couldn't help but blink his eyes, and was stunned for a long time. Then his face turned red instantly, and he threw the skirts on Chu Ming's face and said in embarrassment .

"What kind of clothes are you wearing? The skirt is too short! You let me wear such shameful clothes?"

"This is called a pleated skirt."

Due to the difference in ideas, Chu Ming could not explain much. He could only gently hold An Muqing in his arms from behind, lie down in her ear and whisper sweet words to comfort her.

"Put it on, you'll look beautiful in it!"

"Not wearing it!"

"Muqing, I hid this suit from Xi'er and asked the cloth shop to customize it for you according to your body size! The reason I brought it here is because I want to see you wearing it."


"Let's try it. No one will see it anyway."

"This is too shameful, I... ugh!"

An Muqing turned his head angrily and was about to scold Chu Ming for his lewd behavior, but before he could say anything, Chu Ming pinched his chin and blocked the mouth of the cherry. His right hand dishonestly reached down slightly, stroking the small mouth of the cherry. Smooth and delicate thigh meat.

"Do you want to wear it or not?"

"I don't...uh!"

Every time Chu Ming asked An Muqing a question, he would release her slightly open lips to let her breathe for a while, and then continue to kiss her when she was about to speak.

"Do you want to wear it or not?"


After pulling like this for a few times, An Muqing was defeated. Her struggling body gradually softened, and her beautiful autumn eyes were filled with the spring feeling of being lost in love, and she begged for mercy in a soft voice.

"Stop kissing me, I can't even wear it~"

"Then hurry up!"

Chu Ming patted An Muqing's back slightly displeasedly, which made her let out a sweet cry. There was a deep resentment between her brows, and she puffed out her red cheeks and mumbled.

"Why are you so fierce, huh."

Although he kept complaining, An Muqing still held the JK uniform given by Chu Ming and hid under the quilt, and threw the cheongsam out after a while.

"Don't take off the white stockings on your legs!"

Chu Ming suddenly reminded him, and immediately his vision went dark and the whole quilt covered him.

After pulling the quilt aside, his eyes suddenly lit up with An Muqing sitting on the couch in a duck sitting position in front of him.

Her upper body is in a white shirt, with the bright red color of her bellyband vaguely showing through; her lower body is in a pink and white pleated skirt, and her slender legs protruding from the skirt are even more charming under the white silk suspenders.

Coupled with the vaguely visible absolute realm, as well as the fat stretched out by the socks and ribbons, each item deeply stimulated Chu Ming's senses, making him feel hot inside, and he couldn't help but praise.


"Huh, don't even look at who is wearing these clothes."

An Muqing turned his face away and snorted. His heart, which was still filled with complaints, was now filled with rich sweetness and happiness.

This turned out to be a dress specially customized for me by Chu Ming!

Although it’s a bit embarrassing, as long as you don’t go out, it shouldn’t be a problem if you wear it in the private room, right?

An Muqing looked down at her dress, fiddling with the hem of her pleated skirt from time to time, her beautiful eyes full of curiosity and appreciation.

"Which cloth shop came up with the design of this dress style?"

"I thought of it myself."

Chu Ming chuckled.

"Because this kind of dress can better highlight the graceful curves of your legs, but it's just not as good as your sister's."


As soon as An Muqing heard Chu Ming say that he was not as good as his sister, he became very angry and punched his arm with fists.

"You made a custom-made dress for me, but you ended up saying that I'm not as good as my sister? You're a playboy, I'll beat you to death!"

"Actually, you also have many advantages."

Chu Ming smiled helplessly and pulled An Muqing into his arms again and hugged her tightly.

"For example, if you are delicate and frail, you can easily defeat these three points."

"Who is weak? You can't beat me now, do you believe it?"

An Muqing said arrogantly, which made Chu Ming smile.

"Yes, yes, my Muqing is the most powerful."

"Who is from your family..."

An Muqing blushed, but she behaved obediently and stopped making noise. Instead, she curled up into Chu Ming's arms and squirmed.

"Didn't you say you still want to teach me how to practice?"

"What? Can't wait?"

Chu Ming kissed An Muqing's forehead, then tied her hair into a double ponytail, and joked with a chuckle.

"I think this hairstyle suits you very well."

"You have a lot on your plate."

An Muqing shook her head, smoothed her ponytails, and lay on her side on the couch with a groan and closed her eyes tightly.

"I'm sleepy! If you don't continue, I'll take a rest."

"Isn't this coming?"

Chu Ming smiled slightly, and immediately lay on his side behind An Muqing in the same way. He hugged her slender waist and pulled her into his arms. While tasting the delicate skin on the back of her neck, he pressed Touching her belly.

"What are you doing!"

An Muqing was about to complain in embarrassment, but the next second her beautiful eyes suddenly widened, and Chu Ming's magnetic deep voice slowly floated over.

"Close your legs."


Is this what the original stock index means?

But this is too close!

If you don't pay attention for a little bit, wouldn't it be...

An Muqing's jade cheeks quickly turned red. Although she was extremely shy in her heart, her body was honest and she bowed her waist slightly into an S shape. She looked back and murmured sweetly.

"Is this okay?"

"very perfect."

Chu Ming once again pinched the tip of An Muqing's delicate chin, and held the slightly open and moist mouth from behind her.

(End of chapter)

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