Chapter 16: A Bountiful Harvest

Alchemy furnace?

Chu Ming looked at the pile of miscellaneous items in the water tank, feeling slightly surprised.

This thing can actually be used for alchemy?

It doesn't even have a mouth, so you can't see what's inside when refining pills. Do you have to lean over the edge and look inside when throwing in the materials?

This is really ridiculous!

"But the name Qiankun does sound quite intimidating, and I do urgently need a pill furnace..." Chu Ming pondered for a moment, then walked to the counter and lightly tapped the table, smiling at the bald-headed boss who was studying ancient books inside.

"Boss, do you buy pills here?"


The boss put down his book and looked Chu Ming up and down, slightly disdainful when he saw his youthful appearance. He stood up with an impatient expression.

"Of course we do! But let me make it clear first, this is the Hundred Treasures Pavilion, and we only buy pills with two pill marks..."

"Here you go!"

Before the boss could finish speaking, Chu Ming took out a jade bottle and placed it on the table, pouring out two round Tranquil Heart Pills.

"..." The boss picked up the Tranquil Heart Pills in astonishment, carefully examining them in his hand, unable to help but swallow a mouthful of saliva.

"Three pill marks, deep blue color, smooth and cool to the touch... These are Supreme Grade Tranquil Heart Pills!"

"I wonder how much you can offer?"

Looking at Chu Ming's harmless smile, the boss suddenly had a crooked idea, his gaze flickering.

"Ten Middle Grade spirit stones each."

"Boss, doing business requires integrity."

Although Chu Ming was smiling, the coldness in his words made the boss shiver, quickly coughing a few times to cover up his embarrassment.

The other party may be young, but he seems to be an expert!

Although the market price for Tranquil Heart Pills is 1000 Low Grade spirit stones, which is equivalent to ten Middle Grade spirit stones, that refers to the ordinary quality with two pill marks.

If it has three pill marks, the price would increase by about 30%, which is thirteen Middle Grade spirit stones each.

"Young friend, I won't beat around the bush."

The boss suddenly became sincere, rubbing his hands together and showing a flattering smile.

"Thirteen Middle Grade spirit stones each, let's consider it a friendly transaction, shall we?"


Chu Ming pretended to be thoughtful, then pointed to the water tank next to him and smiled.

"Boss, can you exchange the Middle Grade spirit stones for materials to refine Iceheart Pills at the same price, and also give me a water tank for storing herbs?"

"Iceheart Pills?!" The boss's eyes widened after a brief moment of surprise, seemingly not paying attention to the water tank.

Iceheart Pills are Fourth Grade pills! Why would you need materials to refine them?

Could it be that the young man in front of him is a Fourth Grade alchemist?

Wow, this is really scary!

"Um... please wait a moment."

The boss's tone became much more respectful, and he hurriedly ran into the back room, wiping the sweat from his forehead. He deeply regretted the bargaining he had just done with Chu Ming.

No wonder he knows so much, turns out he's a talented alchemist!

Although the identity of a Fourth Grade alchemist is still doubtful, even if there's a slight possibility, he can't miss the opportunity to build a good relationship with him!

After a while, the boss came out with seven sets of Iceheart Pill materials and five Middle Grade spirit stones, his face full of smiles.

"Because Iceheart Pills are so popular, I don't have much stock of its materials. According to the market price of three Middle Grade spirit stones per set, I'll give you an additional five Middle Grade spirit stones. How about that?"

"As for the water tank, it's no problem to give it to you as a gift! If you need it, I can even sell you pill materials at wholesale prices without making any profit!"

The boss spoke sincerely, his eyes filled with anticipation.

You see, the profit from those herbs is much less compared to building a good relationship with a genius young man who may be a Fourth Grade alchemist!

"Well, alright. Thank you, boss."

Chu Ming smiled and put the items into his spatial bag, about to leave when the boss hurriedly called him back.

"Wait! May I ask for your name, young friend?"

"Chu Ming."

Chu Ming calmly said very little and casually put the water jar into the "space bag" before leaving Hundred Treasures Pavilion.

Looking at the fading sunset on the horizon, he saw that it was already late in the day. After thinking for a moment, he decided to return to Fuyun Peak first and complete the task at Sacred Alchemy Hall tomorrow.

Today has indeed been quite fruitful!

When he returned to his room, Chu Ming eagerly began simulating the "Qiankun Pill Furnace."

[You were cast from Qiankun Stone, traversing countless spaces through Shattering Void, and finally arrived at a farmer's house, becoming their pickling jar for making salted vegetables.]

[You were extremely angry. How could my Qiankun Pill Furnace end up like this?]

[Unfortunately, this world lacks spiritual energy, so alchemy is impossible. Without any external demand, you became a useless jar that can only hold things.]

[Determined, you settled down... day after day, and finally researched the ultimate secret of pickling vegetables. Excited by achieving self-worth, you exploded and died.]

[Simulation complete. Since the "Qiankun Pill Furnace" is your personal item, there is only one reward to choose.]

[Current available entry to add:]

["Hand of Saltiness (Orange)": Although the taste of the pill becomes salty, the success rate of refining is increased several times.]


So it really became a pickling jar?

Chu Ming was already used to such results from the simulation and immediately used the Qiankun Pill Furnace, which had "Hand of Saltiness" added, to refine the Iceheart Pill.

After a few hours...

Late at night, the moon was bright and the stars were sparse.

In the center of the room, Chu Ming looked at the seven Iceheart Pills in his hand. Although he was physically and mentally exhausted from alchemy, his spirit was exceptionally excited.

Indeed, as the entry stated, none of the seven materials failed!

"Five with three lines, two with two lines... After giving some to Senior Sister, I can sell the rest and make a fortune!"

"Knock, knock!"

Just as Chu Ming was excited, a knocking sound suddenly came from the door, followed by a familiar cold voice.

"Chu Ming, are you asleep?"

Senior Sister?

Chu Ming's expression slightly froze, then he quickly opened the door and was surprised to see a petite and beautiful girl in a white dress standing before him.

"Senior Sister, why are you..."

"Are you okay?!"

Before Chu Ming could finish speaking, An Muxi pushed him into the room, supported his shoulders, and looked around anxiously. After confirming that he was not missing any limbs, she finally breathed a sigh of relief, her eyebrows slightly furrowed.

"I heard from Master that you suddenly exploded? What happened?"


What do you mean I exploded?!

Chu Ming's cheek twitched slightly, and he quickly recounted everything that happened in the morning.

"Phew... Master is really something. I saw her looking so sad, I thought something happened to you."

An Muxi's worry and fatigue were evident between her eyebrows. She looked like she had just finished something outside and rushed over without resting.

Senior Sister still cares about me!

Chu Ming felt a warm feeling in his heart for no apparent reason and smiled gently.

"Thank you for your concern, Senior Sister."

"Who said I'm concerned about you?!"

An Muxi snorted at his words, crossed her arms, and glanced at his slightly blushing face with a proud expression.

"I'm just afraid that if you, this pervert, die, no one will help me solve the Natural Charm Body. It's not that I care about you."

"Sure, sure."

Truly textbook tsundere.

Seeing Chu Ming's playful smile, An Muxi glared at him and turned to leave.

"Since you're fine, I'll leave now. Rest early."


Suddenly, Chu Ming blocked An Muxi's path, closed the door behind him, and startled her. She crossed her arms and looked at him warily.

"What do you want to do? I warn you, you can't beat me!"

"Senior Sister, I have found important information about the Natural Charm Body. Do you want to hear it?"

Chu Ming's expression suddenly became serious.

(End of this chapter)

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