Senior Sister, Please Help Me Practice

154. Chapter 152 Shura Field, Master Vs. Senior Sister [4K Please Subscribe! ]

Chapter 152 Shura Field, Master vs Senior Sister [4k please subscribe! ]


An Muxi, whose legs were still a little numb, was stunned at first, and then her cheeks turned red. She hesitated and tried to defend herself but couldn't come up with any words. In the end, she could only say in anger.

"Master, you still talk about me!"

"You did such a thing with Chu Ming without telling me! Do you know that this is against the ethics of master and disciple?"


Wu Zuirao's eyes flashed, and then he glanced at Chu Ming, who was sitting by the couch and hurriedly getting dressed, and smiled coquettishly.

"Ming'er and I are in love with each other and we are not related by blood, so how can it violate ethics and morals?"

"What's more, master-disciple is the most intimate relationship between people, and it is no different from Taoist couples."

"I just swapped relationships with Ming'er, master and disciple during the day, Taoist companion at night."

"Are you right, Ming'er?"


Seeing Wu Zuirao bring the topic to herself, Chu Ming, who was unprepared, subconsciously nodded slightly and agreed.

"That's right."

"You are a ghost!"

An Muxi was so angry that her head felt dizzy. Gritting her teeth, she picked up the cushion from the couch and threw it on the ground, pointing at it and saying coquettishly.

"Kneel down and sit up! This is your punishment! You can only get up after I let you get up!"


Seeing that An Muxi was angry, Chu Ming did not dare to play tricks. He knelt down on the cushions and put his hands on his knees. He couldn't help but sigh softly when he looked at the two women in front of him with their arms folded around their chests and defending each other.

Sure enough, Shura Field is still here...

Dear harem masters, please teach me what to do at this time. !

Do we need to use some manly dignity to break up the fight?

"Chu Ming is my Taoist companion. As our master, you can't steal it openly, right?"

"Muxi, why are you talking about it? Wouldn't it be better to share Chu Ming with my teacher?"

"It's me sharing it with you! It's not you and me! I am Chu Ming's first Taoist companion!"

"Really? But Ming'er's first victory was for his teacher."


Seeing the two people arguing with each other, Chu Ming finally summoned up the courage to cough a few times, puffed up his chest and spoke consolationly.

"Well, please stop arguing..."

An Muxi: "Shut up!"

Wu Zuirao: "Ming'er, don't speak yet."


Chu Ming shrank his neck and apologized in a low voice. Feeling guilty, he could only sigh helplessly again.

What are you arguing about? Can't we just be together?

I don't mind working a little harder every day...

"No wonder Chu Ming's cultivation improved by leaps and bounds that night, and he jumped directly from the Qi Refining Realm to the Foundation Building Realm. It turns out that it was Master who went to him to do double cultivation."

An Muxi bit her soft lips lightly and looked at Wu Zuirao's bright face with extremely complicated emotions.

You have to say that she hates Wu Zuirao. Not only does she not have such feelings, she is actually grateful.

After all, as a master, she gave Chu Ming a lot of help, protected the two of them in their growth and taught them skills. These contributions are undeniable.

But when she thought that Chu Ming had done that kind of thing with her master before her, An Muxi always felt a little sour and jealous in her heart.

Master, she was the first to get there!

So annoying!

Seemingly aware of An Muxi's irritable thoughts, Wu Zuirao came to her with a smile, hugged her into his arms, gently stroked her soft green hair and said softly.

"Sorry Muxi, I have actually been thinking about it for a long time as a teacher, whether to do this kind of thing with Chu Ming before you, but before I explain, I want to ask you a question."

"You are a half-fox demon with a naturally charming body, right?"


An Muxi's beautiful eyes widened in surprise, but her expression quickly returned to its original state, her eyes soft.

"Sure enough, this matter has not been hidden from you, Master."

"Then do you know how the master learned about it?"

Wu Zuirao said with a mysterious face, and smiled coquettishly when he saw An Muxi raised her eyelids and shook her head.

"My teacher is the Holy Lord of Ten Thousand Foxes."

After saying that, she raised her jade hand slightly, and nine fox tail shadows slowly appeared behind her. Every time they moved, terrifying spiritual energy fluctuations spread outward.

The space is distorted, as if the void will be shattered in the next second. Just taking a look at it makes you feel that your soul is being pulled out and sucked into it, unable to extricate yourself.

However, perhaps due to the suppression of his bloodline, An Muxi did not feel any discomfort, but his eyes widened in horror, and the urge in his heart to kneel on the ground could not dissipate for a long time.

Holy Lord of Ten Thousand Foxes?

Isn't this the totem symbol of the fox demon clan?

She is actually alive?

"Holy Lord!"

An Muxi's legs were trembling slightly, her eyelids were lowered, and just when she was about to kneel down, she was hugged into Wu Zuirao's arms again and smiled coquettishly.

"You should call me Master. It's best not to mention the name Holy Lord."


An Muxi's eyes were soft, and her heart was filled with a touch of warmth and touch.

I finally understand why Master saw that Chu Ming and I were half-fox demons and took us in. It turns out that she is the Holy Lord that our fox demon clan has been looking for!

It turns out that Master has been secretly protecting us!

"So, as my master, I practiced double cultivation with Chu Ming before you, just to relieve the natural charm accumulated in his body in advance."

"If you don't alleviate it in advance, you will be in trouble when Muxi and he practice dual cultivation."

Seeing the playful smile on Wu Zuirao's face, An Muxi suddenly recalled the night of the bridal chamber, when she was so tormented by Chu Ming and lost her soul. She immediately blushed and looked extremely shy.

That night, I was manipulated by Chu Ming and my back hurt, and my whole body was numb. It turned out that this was just the strength after his natural body had been relieved!

If Master hadn't been relieved, wouldn't she have to die in bed?

"Thank you, Master."

After hearing An Muxi's whisper of thanks, Wu Zuirao stroked her hot cheek and chuckled next to her red ear.

"Actually, as a teacher, I can't stand Chu Ming's bullying. I will have to rely more on you, Muxi, in the future."


An Muxi didn't reply. In fact, the grudge in her heart disappeared long ago after knowing that Wu Zuirao was really flying.

Master, as the Holy Lord of Ten Thousand Foxes, doesn’t mind sharing Chu Ming with me, so why should I mind?

Immediately, An Muxi kept peeking at Chu Ming to observe his facial expressions, while Wu Zuirao also looked at him with a smile.


Seeing that the two women who were whispering suddenly looked at him, Chu Ming looked confused, but still scratched his cheek awkwardly.

"Um...can I get up?"


With the acquiescence of An Muxi's hum, Chu Ming hurriedly stood up, looked at Wu Zuirao and smiled helplessly.

"Master, why don't you put on your clothes first?"


Wu Zuirao came to Chu Ming's side and pressed her delicate body close to him, holding his shoulders with a charming smile on her lips.

"You were in such a hurry to help me take off my clothes just now that they almost tore to pieces. Why do you want me to put them on now?"

"Xi'er is still here, Master, please put it on."

Seeing An Muxi's eyelids drooping slightly and her hands clasped in front of her body, Wu Zuirao's eyes flashed, and she didn't intend to continue teasing the two of them. She turned around with a smile, and Baidie's red robe covered her perfect look. Wrapped in jade body.

"You guys chat, I won't interrupt you as a teacher."

Wu Zuirao covered her mouth and smiled charmingly. Before leaving the wing, she patted An Muxi's shoulder again, leaned down and breathed softly into her ear.

"Muxi, it seems you can't bear it anymore? Go find Ming'er quickly."


Hearing this, An Muxi's cheeks turned red, but surprisingly she didn't refute. She just stared at Chu Ming with her beautiful eyes full of water vapor, and two blushes quickly appeared on both sides of her cheeks.

"Tell me, what's going on?"

"Master, hasn't she explained everything clearly?"

Chu Ming slowly came to An Muxi and hugged her tightly, apologizing sincerely.

"Xi'er, I'm sorry."

"I actually don't want to hide my relationship with you, but I haven't figured out how to explain it yet, because I'm afraid you won't be able to accept it."

"Hmph, I think you just want to hide it from me!"

An Muxi buried her blushing face deep into Chu Ming's arms and said coquettishly.

"I'm so angry right now! I hate you!"

"Then Xi'er, how can you not be angry with me?"

Chu Ming asked softly, but An Muxi did not answer. She just pushed him down on the couch and sat astride him. Her charming eyes were squinting with spring light, her expression was intoxicated, her delicate body was hot, and her mouth opened slightly. He spoke in a delicate tone.

"I'm jealous! I want you to love me! I want you to do to me what you did to Master!"


Is this a matter of comparison?

Seeing An Muxi's charming appearance on the verge of emotion, her body filled with strong hormonal aura, Chu Ming had an idea flash in his mind, and he immediately turned over to hold her in his arms and chuckled.

"Then Xi'er, can you promise me something?"

"What's up?"

After noticing that An Muxi began to squirm restlessly in his arms, Chu Ming chuckled, bit her small and delicate earlobe and whispered.

"How about joining Master next time?"


An Muxi blinked her beautiful eyes and looked a little confused, but after thinking for a moment, she was smart enough to understand the meaning of Chu Ming's words, and immediately her cheeks turned red and she said angrily.

"Chu Ming! Are you crazy? How can I talk to Master about her... Ugh!"

However, before An Muxi could finish her words, Chu Ming leaned down and pecked her thin, glistening lips. His hands intertwined with her white soft fingers and pressed them on the sheets.

"Xi'er, can you promise me?"

"I don't want it, uh uh..."

"You really don't want it?"

Chu Ming raised his eyebrows, and kissed An Muxi's delicate face and delicate collarbone as quickly as a sudden rain and wind, making her snort for a while. She didn't even notice that the sling had completely slipped to the crook of her arm, and her slender waist was slightly arched. , and soon fell into intoxication.

"Chu Ming, love me..."

"Then you promise me."

"No, that would be too shameful."

"If it doesn't work, I won't continue."

Chu Ming suddenly stood up, which made An Muxi, who was so hot and unbearable, as if he was about to cry. Her white and tender arms actively hooked around his neck to prevent him from leaving, and desperately raised his head to try to comfort Chu Ming.

"Don't go, why don't I promise you!"

"Xiao Xi'er is so good, I'll reward you with your favorite candied haws."

The corner of Chu Ming's mouth raised a proud smile that said "the plan is clear", and then she gently stroked her slender legs wrapped in damaged white silk and suddenly suggested.

"By the way, Xi'er, how about you wear white stockings next time and I ask Master to wear black stockings?"

"Chu Ming! Don't push yourself too far!"

An Muxi's dimple turned red and he kicked Chu Ming's chest hard, but his evil-intentioned jade feet were quickly subdued by him holding his delicate ankles.

"Chu Ming, am I better than Master?"

An hour later, An Muxi was curled up in Chu Ming's arms, covered with a quilt, her face full of happiness and sweetness, her cheeks rosy and rosy, obviously she had received a lot of nourishment.

Chu Ming, however, looked at the wooden beams with a dull expression, and couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

Sure enough, the old saying is true.

The most important thing is, why do you always have a strong desire to win and lose in some inexplicable places?

"Xi'er and Master each have their own merits."

"Don't try to get away with it!"

An Muxi obviously didn't like this, and grabbed little Chu Ming and said fiercely.

"Speak quickly! Where is Qianqiu!"

Don't touch your future!

Chu Ming suddenly felt a tremble all over his body, and hurriedly racked his brains to think about the differences between the two women.

"Master, she is more charming, and Xi'er, you are more obedient and well-behaved. You usually don't refuse what I ask you to shout."

"Chu Ming!"

An Muxi's jade cheeks were flushed with blush, and her face was full of embarrassment.

"That's not because you always make me shout when I'm unconscious! This doesn't count!"

"Okay, okay, don't count!"

For the sake of his future happiness, Chu Ming had no choice but to admit his mistake and beg for mercy. After a while, he sighed in disbelief.

"I really didn't expect you, Xi'er, to be less angry after seeing Master and I doing that."

"Who said that? I'm angry."

An Muxi puffed up her cheeks slightly and cooed very cutely.

"But then I thought about it. Anyway, I like you and I will be yours for the rest of my life. What else can't I think about?"

"Chu Ming, if you dare not like me one day and abandon me, I will never let you go!"

"This is certainly impossible."

Chu Ming was moved and hugged An Muxi's soft body tightly. While rubbing her ears against her temples, Chu Ming softly whispered sweet words of love into her ears.

"I will always like Xi'er, and I will never hide or deceive you."


An Muxi raised her eyebrows, and then the corners of her mouth curved into something that looked like a smile.

"Then are you hiding anything from me about your relationship with Muqing?"

! ?

Upon hearing An Muxi's words, Chu Ming's heart suddenly skipped a beat, and sweat dripped from his forehead.

Did Xi'er know what happened that night?

How was this discovered?

Peeping outside like today?

Or did An Muqing reveal his flaws when he returned?

Although Chu Ming was panicking inside, he still pretended to be cool.

"Muqing? What a normal relationship between me and her! There's nothing I can hide from you, Xi'er, right?"


Seeing Chu Ming's confused look, An Muxi didn't seem to give up, holding his arm and asking insinuatingly.

"Then let me ask you, the night before we separated from Muqing, did you think there was anything different about me?"

(End of chapter)

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