Senior Sister, Please Help Me Practice

111. Chapter 111 Senior Sister’S Generosity [Please Vote For Me At The Beginning Of 6K! Please Subsc

Chapter 111 Senior Sister’s Generosity [Please vote for me at the beginning of 6k! Please subscribe! ]


Before Chu Ming could react, An Muxi suddenly raised her snow-white swan neck and pressed her soft and delicate lips tightly against her. The delicate and cold touch made him tremble.


Xi'er, isn't she angry with me?

Why did they kiss suddenly?

Chu Ming was puzzled, but the elegant body fragrance of the person in his arms just after bathing seduced him out of the passion that was aroused by An Muqing.

He wrapped his arms around An Muxi's slender waist like a weak willow supporting the wind, turned from passive to active, turned around and slammed her against the locked door.

However, at this moment, a light blue light curtain suddenly appeared in front of him, which made Chu Ming come back to his senses, looking extremely surprised.

[Do you want to emulate An Muxi's "*"? ]


Chu Ming's eyes widened, and his face was filled with confusion when he saw this outrageous subtitle for the first time.

How can I still simulate this thing?

No, I seem to have simulated a keel before, and it seems to be really good!

But after all, it can be regarded as an ownerless thing after the death of the black dragon. You are going too far to simulate it!

Chu Ming chose simulation after some thought.

[As an important organ for human beings to eat and speak, you have almost lost its function due to the owner An Muxi's fasting and cold and arrogant personality. ]

[Looking at the companions around you who are being used by their master, you feel extremely frustrated and feel that you are just a waste who hangs around every day. ]

[Many others have ridiculed you, but only the "mouth" who is connected to your life will comfort you every time. ]

["At least we can still help the master take the elixir by cooperating with each other."]

["Kuizu" chuckled leisurely, his tone full of expectations for the future, "Sister Tongue, don't be discouraged, maybe one day we can help the master!" ]

[Because of "Mouth"'s words, you cheered up again, your heart ignited hope again, and you recognized her as your god sister. ]

[Sure enough, hard work pays off, An Muxi fell in love at first sight with Chu Ming, an outer sect alchemy boy when he entered the inner sect's examination, and you and your sister also talked about the workload of the previous few weeks on this day. ]

[Feeling the master's charming smile and more and more words, you and your sister are very grateful that Chu Ming, a handsome young man, can give you the real meaning of life. ]

[However, late one night, you suddenly received an urgent notice from your sister, saying that there would be guests from outside for academic exchanges with you. ]

[You are extremely surprised because apart from elixirs, you rarely meet strangers, let alone meet them. ]

[As time goes by, late one night, your sister suddenly informs you urgently that this meeting is not the previous group of people, but a heavyweight guest. ]

[You feel both surprised and curious! ]

[The simulation ends. Since "*" is exclusive to An Muxi, only reward one (item acquisition entry) can be selected. ]

[Can currently add entries: ]

["Agility (White)": Increase agility and agility. ]


Looking at the simulation process and the entries that could be added, Chu Ming was speechless for a moment and could only twitch his cheeks slightly to show respect.

This can no longer be called heaven-defying!

Just call Shuntian, it's worse than going against heaven!


Facing Chu Ming's gentleness, as the culprit of this beautiful morning, An Muxi obviously had some resentment and small emotions. While her delicate body and cherry lips took the initiative to greet her, her breath was snorting, her face became more rosy, and her originally clear eyes There was a layer of pink mist in the depths of his eyes.


However, what surprised her was that at this time, Chu Ming's warm hands should have started to do evil everywhere, teasing her tender jade skin with a hint of red.

But at this moment, he was holding her shoulders with both hands very faithfully, and forcefully pulled away the two people who were so glued to each other, breathing heavily.

"Xi'er, let's stop kissing for now. You can drink the soup first."


An Muxi licked her slightly swollen soft lips, licked her lips with unfinished intent, and pulled Chu Ming's clothes eagerly, her silky and charming eyes that seemed to be able to enchant people's souls. Same.

"Husband, continue~"

"Drink the soup first."

It's hard to imagine how much torture Chu Ming had to endure to resist An Muxi's seductive eyes and her soft coquettish voice.

I should have known it last night. Although Xi'er looked cold and arrogant on the surface, she was actually more coquettish than anyone else.

However, for the sake of her still-unrecovered body, Chu Ming finally endured it and filled her a bowl with the chicken broth from the earthen pot.

"Try it? You were tired last night. Drink some chicken soup to replenish your body."

Originally, An Muxi was still wondering why Chu Ming was so honest this morning, and even began to wonder if he had just gone out to steal someone behind her back.

However, after hearing his extremely gentle concern, An Muxi suddenly realized that the heat in her heart was instantly replaced by rich sweetness.

It turns out that he was worried about my health, no wonder...

An Muxi's eyebrows were slightly curved, and the corner of her mouth raised a playful smile. She immediately sat down opposite Chu Ming obediently, holding the porcelain bowl in both hands, and took a tentative sip of the broth with her thin lips slightly opened.

The moment the soup entered her stomach, she felt a sudden flow of heat rush into her limbs and bones. The sweat pores all over her body suddenly opened, and all the fatigue accumulated in her body disappeared.

"This soup can actually restore physical strength?!"

An Muxi's beautiful eyes widened, and a flash of surprise flashed in her eyes as she looked at Chu Ming.

"Where did you get it?"

"Do you believe me when I say I cooked it myself?"

Chu Ming chuckled slightly contentedly.

"I found a restaurant and borrowed their kitchen. I mixed the Jade Spirit Chicken and Qing Ling Grass that I brought with me and stewed this can of soup stock. It looks like the effect is pretty good."

"Not only is it great, my body feels like it came alive instantly!"

An Muxi said excitedly, and immediately enjoyed the soup Chu Ming cooked for herself with a look of satisfaction on her face, and the warmth in her heart could not dissipate for a long time.

Hey, husband, he cooked such a fragrant soup for me early in the morning, so happy!

Chu Ming looked at An Muxi's pretty face filled with a sweet smile and couldn't help but think carefully.

Xi'er didn't seem to notice that her tongue had become more flexible... Could it be that the effect of the entry changed subtly?

But let’s not talk about this for now. There is still a more important problem that has not been solved, and that is that the triggering conditions for human organ simulation are unknown.

Why didn't the simulation prompt trigger when I kissed Xi'er before?

Is it because of what we did last night?

Chu Ming's eyes suddenly lit up, and his expression suddenly dawned on him.

It turns out that’s the reason!

It was because of what I did that I was able to simulate Xi'er's human organs when we kissed.

But then again, what are the prerequisites for simulation?


Or should I touch it with my lips?

Chu Ming's mind was spinning so fast that he didn't even notice that An Muxi had already finished drinking the soup in the earthen pot and was looking at him lovingly with her cheeks in her hands.

My husband has done so much for me, and he still endured the intense heat in his heart caused by his natural beauty and refused to bully me.

You have to do something for him!

But I have to refuse that kind of thing. If I do it again, I'm afraid I will die directly.

But if that kind of thing doesn't work, other things should work...

An Muxi's eyes full of admiration and love suddenly filled with a layer of mist, and she slowly stood up with a devilish smile on her lips. She walked over to Chu Ming and sat down beside her. On his thighs, arms as white as lotus roots stretched out to wrap around his neck, staring lovingly into his slightly surprised eyes and saying coquettishly.

"Husband~ I'm not very full even after drinking a can of broth~ Husband, do you have any other food there?"

"Food? It's gone."

Chu Mingguang was silent in her own world, and for a while she didn't realize what An Muxi meant. She rolled her eyes resentfully and then licked her soft and plump red lips, with a sticky look in her eyes. The soul-stirring Meisi.

"Since there is no husband, Xi'er can only look for her on her own initiative."

This entry added to simulate human organs is definitely not changed subtly, but will take effect instantly!

Otherwise, Xi'er wouldn't have made such rapid progress!

Too terrible!

"Thank you, husband~"

Chu Ming breathed a sigh of relief, arranged some clothes, helped her stand up and sat on his lap, held her slender waist and hugged her soft body tightly, rubbing her ears and temples together, and said with a smile.

"Xi'er, I noticed that you have changed a lot since last night."

"You were not so proactive before. You often rejected me shyly before reluctantly. But why have you become so seductive like a goblin today?"

"Humph, it's not all your fault!"

An Muxi snorted, punched Chu Ming's chest with a blushing face, then curled up into his arms and whispered.

"I don't want to reward you. After all, you have done so much for me."

"As a wife, isn't it the right thing to serve your husband?"

An Muxi raised her head, wrapped her delicate arms around Chu Ming's neck and said pitifully.

"Or are you saying, husband, that you hate my unreserved behavior?"

"How could I hate it!"

Chu Ming retorted loudly, then looked down at An Muxi's snow-white swan jade neck and couldn't help but feel dazzled.

This morning she was still wearing the plain white dress she usually wears. Perhaps to avoid Chu Ming being jealous, she covered everything up tightly.

However, in the midst of the charm just now, her clothes became messy at some point. If you look down from above, you can clearly see the green lotus bellyband.

Seeing this scene, Chu Ming of course wanted to taste it carefully, so she bent down and pinched An Muxi's slightly opened thin cherry lips, and explored the lotus for a while, causing her to snort and hum unconsciously. Whisper.

"Xi'er, how about I tell you a good thing?"

Chu Ming's kiss slowly went down along An Muxi's snow-white swan jade neck, causing her blurred beautiful eyes to become brimming with spring water again, and she murmured in a low voice with consciousness.

"What...what good thing?"

"I just met your sister An Muqing."

In an instant, Chu Ming could clearly feel the cold jade muscle on his lips tremble suddenly. When he looked up, he found that An Muxi's white and tender arms holding his head suddenly stiffened, and his whole person was in a sluggish state. The depths of her charming bright eyes were filled with deep surprise and disbelief, and there was also a hint of long-simmering expectation.

"Have you met An Muqing? Impossible!"

"Why isn't it possible?"

Chu Ming smiled slightly, and then told her everything he did while she was asleep, including the appearance of Lok Tianxing and how Duhun Jiumi caused chaos in Huacheng.

Of course, the most important thing is the news about An Muqing, but Chu Ming guiltily concealed the fact that he took away her first kiss.

However, An Muxi didn't notice his slightly embarrassed face at all, and was immersed in the dreamy haze after learning the news about his sister.

Excitement, worry, disbelief...all kinds of complex emotions filled An Muxi's heart, causing her to whisper to herself over and over again.

"An Muqing is really alive, my sister is not dead..."

"Xi'er, as you guessed, your sister An Muqing joined the Blazing Fire Immortal Sect and became their Saintess."

Chu Ming stared at An Muxi's dazed pretty face and said softly.

"But I'm not sure if she misses the old sisterly relationship with you, so I didn't tell her about our affairs."

"That's very good."

An Muxi breathed a sigh of relief, a bitter smile appeared on her lips, and she lowered her eyelids slightly and said softly.

"Don't look at me missing her so much. In fact, the relationship between our sisters is not very good."

"This may also have something to do with my and her personalities."

"I am the kind of person who is not good at expressing my inner emotions, so in the more than ten years that I have been close to her, I have never expressed to her my sister's love for my sister."

"And she is the kind of careless, hot-tempered and stubborn child who often gets into trouble, but her mother and father dote on her."

"In desperation, I could only establish my authority as a sister in front of her to discipline her, so we had a small quarrel every three days and a big quarrel every five days. Sometimes she even deliberately snatched the things I liked to annoy me!"

Looking at An Muxi's pouty lips that could almost hang oil bottles, Chu Ming stroked her soft black hair and comforted her with a soft smile.

"Xi'er, you are actually doing the right thing. Habitual pampering is not the only form of expression of love."

"You educating her is actually a sign of loving her, but she was still young and didn't understand it at the time."

"Although I heard what you said, there may be some misunderstandings between you sisters, but I believe that this misunderstanding will be solved when you meet again after being separated for so long."


Listening to Chu Ming's softly comforting voice, An Muxi felt extremely happy, but not long after she was happy, she still sighed with worry.

"Actually, you don't know her personality. Maybe the reunion between our sisters is not as beautiful as you imagined."

"No, you haven't seen each other for a long time!"

Chu Ming said firmly with a confident look.

"Blood is thicker than water. I believe that with your sister's personality, if you meet each other, she will definitely pretend to be indifferent on the surface, but in fact she will be happy in her heart."


An Muxi raised her eyebrows with a playful smile on her lips.

"You know my sister so well? Did anything happen during the time you and she were together in Huafeng?"


Chu Ming panicked and quickly pretended to be confused and said in surprise.

"What could happen to her? Didn't I just save her life and help her blow up the Nine Mysteries of the Crossing Soul? What else could happen..."


An Muxi said oh meaningfully, and looking at Chu Ming's evasive eyes, her heart suddenly became lively, her eyes moved, she raised her head and breathed in his ear coquettishly.

"Husband, have you ever thought about finding a sister for me?"


Because he was still immersed in the guilt and shame of lying, Chu Ming blurted out the words without much thought.

"Xi'er, I already have you, how could I go looking for your sister! I, Chu Ming, can't do such a shameless thing!"

"Not my sister."

An Muxi rolled her eyes at Chu Ming angrily, then her face turned red and she whispered shyly.

"I mean, besides me, don't you have any other girls you like?"


Chu Ming was stunned at first, then looked confused, and said doubtfully with a hint of surprise.

"Xi'er, do you want me to find another one?"


An Muxi lowered her head shyly, and when she was about to say something, she was suddenly interrupted by Chu Ming's firm voice of indignation.

"Xi'er, I am devoted to you wholeheartedly! It's a lesson from heaven and earth! How could you test me with such words? I'm so sad!"


An Muxi snorted, pouting and looking at Chu Ming with a hint of resentment.

"Then what do you think happened to Mrs. Xu's family?"

"Her? Just for fun."

Chu Ming smiled helplessly.

"Xi'er, haven't I explained to you before that Xu Wanshu and I are only in a cooperative relationship to get what we want from each other."

"She took a fancy to my handsome appearance and my status as the deacon of the Holy Alchemy Palace, and I needed her assets to refine the elixir. That's all. There is really nothing between me and her..."

"I won't listen, I won't listen!"

An Muxi covered her ears with her hands and shook her head cutely. After Chu Ming was speechless, she gently curled up into his arms, her face flushed.

"I know your thoughts, so I don't mind if you take her in."

"Xi'er, what are you thinking about?"

Chu Ming couldn't help being speechless, covering his chest and pretending to be hurt.

"Don't you love me anymore?"

"Love! Of course I love you!"

An Muxi hugged Chu Ming's waist tightly, and after explaining urgently, his face immediately turned red, and he murmured shyly.

"Although I love you, I can't bear your love..."


Seeing Chu Ming's face full of confusion, An Muxi put her white and tender hands on her lower abdomen and rubbed it gently, then buried her hot cheeks deeply into his arms and said softly.

"I can't do it alone..."


Is that so? !

Chu Ming's eyes widened, and he suddenly seemed to understand something. His mouth opened slightly in an O shape. In addition to being surprised, there was also a trace of pride and excitement that belonged only to boys.

No wonder Xi'er, who was jealous every day because of her flirting with women, would take the initiative to mention it today and even asked me to help her find a sister.

Didn't expect it to be for this reason? !

Sure enough, what happened last night made her feel scared...

Chu Ming held An Muxi's delicate chin with her right hand and raised it slightly. Looking at her peach pink cheeks and her shy face, she couldn't help but leaned down again and pursed her soft cherry lips. After drinking it wantonly, a naughty smile hung on the corner of his mouth.

"Xi'er, don't you want to have me all to yourself?"

"I'm afraid that if I monopolize it, it will be difficult to concentrate on my practice."

An Muxi pouted aggrievedly, and drew circles on Chu Ming's chest with her right hand and said resentfully.

"You don't know how to show mercy to me, and you will try to bully me in some embarrassing way."

"Because I like you so much, I bully you."

Chu Ming stroked An Muxi's bangs and pecked her smooth and round forehead. The smile at the corner of her mouth not only did not dissipate, but became stronger.

"In that case, how about I change to someone who won't bully me!"


Before An Muxi could realize what she meant, Chu Ming picked her up like a princess, walked to the bed and put her down gently, licking her red lips with an evil smile on her face.

"Xi'er, my husband is here to serve you this time."

(End of chapter)

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