Senior Sister, Please Help Me Practice

107. Chapter 107 Night Of Flowers And Candles (5) [6K Please Subscribe! Please Vote For Me At The En

Chapter 107 Night of Flowers and Candles (5) [6k please subscribe! Please vote for me at the end of the month! ]

In the early morning, the crowing of the cock at dawn blends perfectly with the gentle and graceful breathing in the wing.


Chu Ming's legs trembled and she almost lost her balance. She was able to regain her composure only after mobilizing the spiritual power in her Dantian to fill her limbs and bones.

"I seem to have gone a little too far."

Chu Ming glanced at the morning sun outside the window, shook his head with a smile, and then gently cleaned An Muxi up. He carried her sleeping body to the bedside, placed her gently on the soft quilt and covered her with it. Good quilt.

"I'm sorry Xi'er, it's really hard on you."

Chu Ming stroked An Muxi's hair away from her forehead, lowered her head and kissed her softly, then said softly.

"We'll take a day off today and wait until you recover before setting off again."


Listening to the soft murmurs in his sleep, Chu Ming smiled knowingly, yawned, found a pair of clean clothes and put them on. He came to the hospital and stretched several times to relieve the sore muscles and bones all over his body. .

"How come the night is over before you have all the fun?"

Chu Ming half-covered his eyes and couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief as he gradually adapted to the sunlight.

I'll have to exercise some restraint next time.

This not only made him physically and mentally exhausted, but also made Xi'er feel groggy all night without even getting a good rest.

Staying up late is harmful!

Although I didn't stay up all night, at most it was an all-nighter, but it also had an impact on the movement of spiritual power in my body.

"But it shouldn't be a problem if you stay up late and eat a few delicious things."

The corners of Chu Ming's mouth raised slightly, and after licking his dry lips a few times, a perverted idea came to his mind.

Xi'er served and obeyed me like this tonight, then I will serve her next time. After all, I haven't given my full potential yet.

"But it's getting tiring, and dual cultivation brings a lot of benefits."

After the fatigue in his body gradually subsided, Chu Ming clenched his fists and was surprised to find that all aspects of his body were much stronger than yesterday, and he could even see some strange changes taking place.

"The Albizia Heart Sutra is indeed a good thing!"

Chu Ming brought up his personal panel, and the smile on his lips widened again.

As he expected, "Brahma Soul-Wood" has been upgraded from a red entry to a gold entry, and "Ice Spirit Soul" has also evolved from a blue entry to a red entry "Brahma Soul-Ice".

"Brahma Soul-Wood (Gold)"

[Characteristics of the entry: Greatly enhance the understanding of alchemy, greatly increase the wood attribute affinity, receive a "source of life" in the body, and increase the recovery speed of non-fatal injuries. ]

"Alchemy to cultivate understanding?"

Chu Ming thought for a moment and decided to study how much this "Brahma Soul-Wood" could improve his strength after turning into a golden entry, so he directly took out the Qiankun Alchemy Furnace from the space bag, sat cross-legged in the courtyard and started refining alchemy directly .

However, what surprised him was that it was originally difficult for him to refine Fifth Grade elixirs such as Ice Heart Pills, and at least five or six batches of materials would fail.

Nowadays, not only are there no failures, but every elixir has three lines of perfection, and there is almost no sign of mental exhaustion.

"I'm not even Rank Six in alchemy. Why is it so easy to refine Fifth Grade elixirs?"

Chu Ming looked at the personal panel in front of him and was puzzled. Finally, an idea flashed in his mind and he placed the nuclear elixir materials at his feet.

"If I can refine Sixth Grade elixirs, does that prove that the golden entry "Brahma Soul-Wood" has brought me an improvement in my elixir cultivation understanding, meaning that I can refine elixirs beyond grades? "

Chu Ming thought for a while and decided to try it out. After all, having a core is a symbol of a person's strength.

Regardless of whether it is necessary or not, just putting it there is enough to intimidate people.

According to the requirements of the nuclear elixir formula, Chu Ming cooled all the materials with spiritual power mixed with ice attributes, then put them into the Qiankun elixir furnace in batches and ignited the spiritual fire.


Looking at the emerald fireworks with two colors of ice and green blending inside, Chu Ming's forehead was slightly stained with sweat, and he carefully controlled it with his consciousness and mental power.


However, at this moment, in his ears that were paying full attention, the tiny cracking sound suddenly exploded like thunder, and the surface of the Qiankun Dan Furnace began to break into twisted cracks that glowed with fire.


Is this Qiankun Dan Furnace going to explode?

Isn't it made of a magical thing like the Universe Stone?

Chu Ming hurriedly retreated to the door of the master bedroom, feeling shocked and uncertain.

Do you want to go into the house and wake up Xi'er?

What is about to explode is the nuclear elixir I refined for the first time!

Although it is a Sixth Grade elixir, the name of this thing sounds scary. Will it directly blow up the entire bamboo forest into nothingness?

Just when Chu Ming was entangled in his heart, he heard a "bang" sound, and the surface of the Qiankun Dan Furnace burst into brilliant flames!

It’s over!

Chu Ming hurriedly used her spiritual power to protect the master bedroom behind her, feeling full of regret.

However, the astonishing nuclear explosion that he expected did not happen. Instead, an extremely salty smell of pickled vegetables slowly drifted in, making him open his eyes in confusion.

In front of me, the Qiankun Dan Furnace did not crack as imagined. It would be better to say that its surface fell off like a shell of earth, and the whole became smaller, but the golden and bronze appearance was more delicate and shiny, and even had a beautiful appearance. The landscape paintings were carved on it, which surprised Chu Ming.

It seems that I have somehow unlocked the second form of the Qiankun Dan Furnace?

So is this what you really look like? !

"Let me tell you, with this domineering name and the material of the Qiankun Stone, how could it possibly crack so easily."

Chu Ming breathed a sigh of relief, then slowly sat cross-legged in front of the Qiankun Dan Furnace, stretched out his hand to search for it with his spiritual consciousness, and took out the core pill in his palm.

"Is this a nuclear pill?"

Chu Ming felt something was wrong when he just held the core pill. Why is this pill so big? !

When he took it out, spread his palms and took a closer look, his pupils involuntarily dilated slightly.

Are you sure this thing is a pill?

It is golden and crystal clear, with an elliptical shape as big as an egg, and five lines of pills that exude astonishing fluctuations are faintly visible on the surface.

Five lines of pills?

This is not what surprised Chu Ming the most. What surprised him the most was that there was a pull ring at the end of the elixir!

Are you talking about the nuclear pill or the grenade pill?

It even comes with its own insurance?

Chu Ming's cheeks twitched slightly, and he quickly suppressed his curiosity to pull the ring apart, and carefully put away the core pill and the Qiankun pill furnace.

"The four pill lines represent the intelligent birth of the pill. What do the five pill lines represent? Conjuring hands and feet?"

Chu Ming couldn't help but frown. After thinking carefully to no avail, he stopped thinking about it. Instead, he took out a knife and lightly scratched his arm.

Looking at the wound that healed in an instant, he couldn't hide his excitement, and the excited smile at the corner of his mouth widened again.

Sure enough, after the qualitative change of "Brahma Soul-Wood", my body's self-healing ability has directly improved!

"The wood attribute is indeed the mildest type among all attributes. This kind of effect is simply unmatched by other attributes."

Chu Ming murmured to himself, then immediately called up his personal panel again and focused on another entry.

"Brahma Soul-Ice (Red)"

[Features of the entry: Greatly improve the affinity of ice elements, immune to the continuous frostbite caused by most ice spiritual powers, increase ice attributes by 100%, give yourself a certain ability to withstand cold and cold, and reduce the training time The chance of going crazy. ]

"The effect is pretty good! The last bit alone can overcome many special physiques."

Chu Ming nodded slightly with some satisfaction.

During the journey of spiritual practice, the most fearful thing is not encountering bottlenecks, but getting carried away.

That's why pills like Iceheart Pill are so popular.

As a result, just this entry can greatly prevent me from going crazy, which is great!

"But then again, it's nonsense. They are all entries obtained from Xi'er. Why hasn't there been any change in "You Lan Xin"? "

Chu Ming held her chin and thought for a moment, and a possibility suddenly appeared in her heart.

Could it be that this "Youlan Heart" was not something Xi'er brought with her, but something she acquired later by chance?

"But even if it is obtained later, the quality of the entries should be improved, right? After all, the "Hundred Demons Life and Death Book" obtained from the master has been upgraded. "

Chu Ming scratched his head and was puzzled, then breathed a sigh of relief and planned to go for a walk on the street to clear his mind and see if he could find some herbs to nourish the body.

Even An Muxi, who has a high level of cultivation, is a young girl who has never experienced anything in this area. What's more, she is still facing Chu Ming who is like an animal. Naturally, she needs something to recuperate her body that has lost too much water. .

"But it's so quiet. There's no one on the street."

Leaving the bamboo forest and coming to the main road of Huacheng, Chu Ming looked at the empty streets and the closed shops around him, feeling a little doubtful in his heart.

No matter how early it is, someone should be up and doing business.

This small change made Chu Ming suddenly become wary. Just when he was about to find a shop and knock on the door to inquire about the situation, a child with a big belly and a ragged body suddenly kicked in the door of a closed restaurant. out.


Chu Ming was shocked, and his pupils suddenly shrank.

This weird-looking beggar turned out to be the little boy he gave the candied haws to yesterday!

He was carrying a roasted chicken in each hand. Even though the oil stains and residue on his mouth proved that he could no longer eat it, he still tore off the chicken and stuffed it into his mouth without hesitation. His steps were empty and his face showed satisfaction. bright smile.

"I've never been so full! Yum! So delicious!"

"Hahahaha, now I don't have to be a starving ghost anymore!"

After that, under Chu Ming's surprised gaze, the little boy completely stuffed the whole chicken into his mouth. Immediately his belly turned red, and then it suddenly exploded, and swill mixed with a strong stench spurted out. out!


Chu Ming quickly covered her mouth and nose and took a few steps back, suppressing the desire to vomit in her heart. Looking at the little boy's bright smile that had long since lost its vitality but was still excited, his expression became particularly solemn and his hands clenched into fists angrily. .

What exactly is going on?

Why would he just push himself to death?

Chu Ming looked around, then narrowed his sharp eyes, and quickly poured the spiritual power in his Dantian into his spiritual sea, causing his spiritual awareness to rise sharply.

"This is……"

Suddenly, in his deep eyes, the originally deathly silent Huacheng was shrouded in a layer of light pink mist at some point, which ordinary people could not see at all.

Could it be that the strange behavior of the little beggar boy was related to the pink mist?

Chu Ming quickly held the dragon bone, held his breath and concentrated, and then quickly returned to the bamboo forest courtyard.

He pushed open the master bedroom door and locked it, then came to the bedside to carefully check An Muxi's condition. He breathed a sigh of relief when he found that her breathing was even and she was still sleeping soundly.

"It seems that the Youlan Heart that Xi'er and I have has a certain resistance to this kind of mist."

After Chu Ming helped An Muxi tuck the quilt, he left the master bedroom with a solemn expression, and then held the dragon bone in his hand tightly.

From this point of view, the pink mist should be some kind of illusion.

It's better not to let Xi'er get involved in this matter, to avoid situations that are beyond his control.

"It should be the fault of the flower on the top of Huafeng Mountain..."

After Chu Ming came to Huacheng again, he followed the flow path of the pink mist and found that its richness increased gradually, and the closer it was to the top of Huafeng Mountain, the richer it became.

And among the crimson clouds, a huge nine-color flower swayed slightly as if it was spreading pink seeds.


Chu Ming's eyes narrowed slightly, and his calves rushed towards the direction of Hua Feng. However, when he passed an alley, the strange laughter inside attracted him to pause briefly.

"Haha, look how happy these two are!"

"Hahaha! Yes, one fulfills his wish to have a wife he has not married for many years, and one fills his lonely heart that has been lonely for a long time. They must have had an epiphany on the path of 'happiness'!"

Chu Ming approached quietly and immediately found these two people dressed as ordinary farmers standing arm-in-arm at the entrance of the alley, eating melon seeds and looking into the alley with interest.

In front of them, the woman supported the wall and the man stood behind her. The two of them were doing indescribable movements, and their faces were filled with the same bright and weird smiles as the little beggar boy just now, which made people shudder.

"Is this all your fault?"

Chu Ming held the dragon bone in his hand, his eyes were cold, and his faint murderous intent made the two farmers turn around at the same time. One of them asked with a surprised smile.

"Hahaha, why are you okay?"

"Keke, I don't know. Could it be that while he looks sullen on the surface, he is already happy in his heart?"

The skinny farmer took out several coins from his pocket, danced like a fortune teller and scattered the coins, with this frightened and weird smile on his face.

"He actually just experienced the wedding night!"


After hearing this, the fat farmer on the side had a look of shock in his eyes. The fat on his face piled up, and he forced a smile.

"This man has experienced the four great joys?! Run away! He is very happy now and there is no way he will fall into an illusion!"

"Humph, want to escape?"

Seeing two farmers running into the alley, Chu Ming narrowed his eyes slightly and rushed forward with great strength on his calves. The dragon bones in his hands faintly exuded amazing life fluctuations.

I haven't used it since I learned the breathing stick technique, so now I'll let you do the surgery first!

In an instant, Chu Ming came behind the two farmers and swung the keel behind their heads with an astonishing sound of breaking through the air.

However, what surprised him was that the two farmers didn't know what they were saying, just like cicadas shedding their shells, leaving cloth and a piece of bloody human skin on the ground, and disappeared in the next second.


Chu Ming looked around cautiously and found that except for the two men and women who were still working, there was no trace of anyone else in the empty and silent alley.

"He ran pretty fast."

He picked up the cloth and human skin on the ground, inspected them carefully and threw them aside in disgust.

"Um... why don't you go to another place and continue?"

Chu Ming took a step forward to dissuade the two people who were still working. The embarrassment on his face suddenly became more solemn after seeing their posture.

This man and woman are constantly making peace like crazy wild animals, as if they have lost their reason and soul, and are only controlled by the simple desires in their hearts.

The blood seeping from their skin dyed their whole bodies red, and the highlights in their eyes had long dimmed. Only the stiff and bright smiles on their faces proved that they were still happy before they died.

Yes, these two people have died long ago, but under the influence of the illusion, they still maintain the actions they performed during their lifetime.


Chu Ming silently clasped the dragon bone in his hand, then raised it high, turning it into an ice spear and stabbing the bodies of the two people in front of him to the core.

However, the moment the blood spurted out, the cold breath froze the two of them instantly, and then turned into powder under the control of Chu Ming's consciousness.

"rest in peace."

Chu Ming put his hands together and bowed slightly, then retracted the keel and quickly left the alley, intending to return to the bamboo forest courtyard.

The entire Flower City has fallen into a strange illusion that can make people indulge in a sense of bliss and excitement. This situation is no longer controllable.

What he can do now is to take An Muxi away from the place of right and wrong.

However, when Chu Ming first came to the north of Huacheng, a familiar figure suddenly stopped in front of him, with a look of surprise on his face.

"Why didn't you fall into a fantasy?"


Chu Ming looked at the long crimson hair blowing in the wind in front of him, and couldn't help but have a flash of surprise in his eyes.

"Why are you still here?"

"I was sent by the Blazing Fire Immortal Sect to handle the matter."

Wearing a fiery red luxurious dress and an orange gauze shawl, An Muqing held her waist with both hands and looked excited as if I finally caught you.

"Your name is Chu Ming, right? I've met you again!"

"Is now the time to talk about this kind of thing?"

Chu Ming didn't have time to argue with An Muqing here. He pointed at the residents of Huacheng who were gradually gathering together not far away, with silly smiles on their faces as if they were bereft.

"People in Flower City are starting to go crazy. Is this how efficiently you, Blazing Fire Immortal Sect, are handling things?"

"How about the people from Lok Tianxing asking Duhun Jiumi to spread the illusory pollen this morning? We can solve it so quickly."

An Muqing muttered unhappily, and seemed to understand the priority of the task, so he hurriedly walked around Chu Ming and said coldly.

"I have something to do today, young lady. I will spare your life for the time being. Don't let me meet you again. I won't be able to do anything good for you next time I meet you!"


However, Chu Ming grabbed An Muqing's slender wrist, which made her raise her eyebrows slightly, slightly revealing the two small tiger teeth in her mouth, and said angrily.

"Chu Ming, what do you want to do?!"

"You want to go to the top of Huafeng Mountain to deal with that big flower?"

Chu Ming frowned slightly and kept thinking in his heart.

Is not this nonsensical!

She is the Saintess of the Blazing Fire Immortal Sect. Isn't the purpose of coming to Flower City to deal with the flower on the top of Flower Peak?

But is it okay to just let her go alone?

What if something unexpected happens?

If she dies, she dies. If Xi'er knows that I refused to save her sister in the future, she will definitely blame me!


An Muqing broke away from Chu Ming's right hand, raised her delicate chin and said proudly.

"Before you fall into the illusion, hurry up and participate in your alchemy competition in despair. I don't want to waste any time talking to you here."

"I will go with you."


Seeing Chu Ming's serious expression that didn't look like a joke, An Muqing was stunned at first, and then his face was filled with surprise. His originally irritable heart suddenly felt a little palpitating.


Why does he want to go with me?

Are you worried about my safety?


I only met him once, and it was such a bad meeting. Why did he help me so many times?

First he told me not to reveal the secret of my naturally beautiful body, then he kindly let me go, and now he wants to follow me to such a dangerous place in Huafeng?

Could it be possible that he...


An Muqing blurted out and asked, which made Chu Ming confused and looked particularly troubled.

Not wanting to expose his relationship with An Muxi, he was silent for a long time and then suddenly his eyes lit up and he blurted out without thinking.

"You forgot, I also have a naturally charming body, and my naturally charming body is about to explode."

"You are the only person I have found in the past few years who has a natural charm. I need you to suppress the explosion of the natural charm in my body, so you can't die!"

(End of chapter)

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