Self-disciplined, I am invincible

Chapter 799: Not active in eating and having problems with work

The divine realm is at the elder level in any super sect, including the Jinling Sect.

That's real head strength and depth.

Now he is serving Li Dan.

And both parties looked very happy.

Li Dan coughed dryly, walked outside, and pretended to come to his room accidentally.

"How did you sleep last night? Are you getting used to the place you live in?"

I patted the door of the house and then walked in slowly.

Looking around, his eyes suddenly narrowed.

Because there was a black bubble floating on his bed.

This is the first time Li Dan has seen bubbles that are not white.

He suddenly felt happy, but soon started to mutter again.

It couldn't be some evil skill. If it were something like the "Sunflower Collection", wouldn't I be a loser if I absorbed it?

However, he remembered that there were runes flashing on these bubbles, and there were faint fonts inside, but he had to look carefully.

Ge Xiong behind him also walked in with a smile.

"Thank you, Pharmacist Li, for your concern. The stay is very comfortable. If it weren't for Pharmacist Li, I might live with the others. When I had breakfast today, I heard that some people grind their teeth, fart, talk in their sleep, and snore."

Ge Xiong said with a smile, his words full of gratitude.

Li Dan nodded, looked around, and then sat down on the bed.

"It's a little humid at night on the mountainside. If it gets too damp, you can go to the cabinet in my room. I have extra bedding there!" Li Dan made a gesture and flicked it with his butt.

Then he looked at the words inside the bubble with bad eyesight.

[Shadow Stealth +3]

Seeing such words, Li Dan immediately understood what it was, and without hesitation, he touched it directly with his hand.

Immediately, a different kind of supernatural aura entered his body, as if it was engraved in his bones.

It's just a bit sparse and vague.

He was able to sneak into the inner door or core area last night without being discovered, and still come back safe and sound.

It seems that this magical power should have helped him.

If he could master the magical powers that he was good at in the realm of gods, wouldn't he make a lot of money?

Thinking of this, Li Dan's heart suddenly started beating.

Ge Xiong couldn't help but feel warm in his heart when he saw Li Dan's concerned expression.

This little kid doesn't really have a senior brother who is very similar to him, right?

The people are quite nice.

He quickly said: "No, no, no, Medicine Master Li, thank you for your concern. This bedding is already very good."

Li Dan got up from the bed and looked around. There were no other bubbles, and he felt a little disappointed.

"Okay, if you need anything, just tell me. We are all away from home, so it's not easy. We must help each other if we can help each other!" Li Danhao said angrily.

Ge Xiong quickly thanked him.

"Let's go, follow me on a patrol!" Li Dan walked out of the room, and Ge Xiong quickly followed.

Along the way, Li Dan and Ge Xiong continuously patrolled various ring-shaped mountain ranges.

Many people saluted. After all, everyone knew that this pharmacist was not easy to mess with.

Especially the newcomers who came yesterday have already started to use it, which proves that there is no shortage of people in Jinling Sect. After they are dismissed, someone will soon replace them.

Such a unique cultivation environment and background.

They don't want to give up.

But the newcomer behind him, covered in tendons, is really lucky!

Not only do they have an independent residence, but they also don’t have to work.

I still have my salary, and I can talk to the pharmacist. It seems that I will have to fawn over in the future.

Li Dan took Ge Xiong to several mountain ranges, and would turn back before reaching the thousand acres of medicinal fields.

After all, it’s almost lunch time, and by the time we get back, we’ll almost be ready for a quick meal.

If you are not active in eating, you will have problems with your thinking, attitude and life.

Especially when it comes to work, there is definitely a problem.

You work too much, and your physical strength is exhausted quickly before you get hungry.

How long will it take me to check the 500,000 acres of medicinal fields?

The last time Qiong Feng took him on a flight, he probably scanned them, mainly to identify people.

Walking is so tiring now. I really want Ge Xiong to carry me on his back.

"I'm exhausted. I'm going back to my residence first. You can go get some food. Just put in more coriander as usual!" Li Dan ordered.

Ge Xiong nodded: "Okay, Pharmacist Li, I'll do it right away!"

Ge Xiong left after saluting.

Eating early means that he can have a good meal, there are few people around, and the people in the stove room have a good attitude and won't look impatient later.

When Li Dan returned to his residence, a few figures were about to come from the horizon in the distance.

They were all dressed in black robes and looked like they were doing things impartially.

Li Dan has already figured out clearly what kind of identity the Jinlingmen's clothing represents.

Besides, I came here last month.

They are law enforcement officers, and the team is led by a law enforcement envoy, a great holy realm!

Their main role is to strictly check the list of each registered person.

Determine whether there are any outsiders sneaking into the sect and doing evil things.

For example, some people come in and are bumped into by a certain outer disciple, who kills the person, silences them, and hides the body.

When they checked, hey, there was one person missing.

Where has this person gone?

I'll look for it. Regardless of whether I find the body or not, register here that you haven't gone out. Then something happened.

All cases must be screened immediately.

After all, there are elixirs everywhere in Jinlingmen, and the responsibility for losing your money is on us.

Li Dan saluted: "I've seen the law enforcement officer!"

"Token, name!" This great sage named Wang who had been here last month still said this.

Li Dan handed over the token, and the other party opened the Tiandao Network, and then compared it with Li Dan's appearance.

He nodded: "It is recorded that there is another person named Ge Xiong here?"

Just as Li Dan was about to explain, Ge Xiong came back with a food box.

Seeing this, he quickly saluted: "I have met the law enforcement envoy, the younger one is Ge Xiong, this is my token!"

The law enforcer who took the token looked at it, confirmed it on the Tiandao Network, and then returned the token.

He didn't say anything more, and then left with a proud head.

It's a big sect, no wonder even people from the realm of gods like Ge Xiong have to dress up and come in.

The following is a strict investigation, and there are restrictions everywhere.

Everyone has strict rules and regulations, and it is not unreasonable for Jinling Sect to develop.

Li Dan invited Ge Xiong to eat together, but Ge Xiong refused.

"Mr. Li, you can eat first. The fire kitchen is probably starting now. It's just right for me to go!"

After Ge Xiong finished speaking, he left.

Li Dan had no choice but to eat alone.

Just when he was halfway through eating, Jiang Qingyue came.

"Where are you eating?" Jiang Qingyue said with a smile.

Li Dan quickly stood up and invited Jiang Qingyue to eat together.

Jiang Qingyue shook her head and said seriously.

"Li Dan, how much do you know about pharmacology?"

Li Dan was puzzled: "Well, it's really hard to say. I'm still learning. What's wrong?"

Jiang Qingyue nodded: "That's right, some of the elixirs cultivated by our Jinling Sect are ours, and some seeds are handed over by other sects, and then they are collected at a certain time and the cultivation fee is paid.

There are also some restricted areas, or from other sects. In short, the best medicines from all over the world come together, and hundreds of flowers bloom, making the Jinling Sect worthy of its name. Anyway, it is very complicated, and I can’t explain it to you in a while.

Recently, some outgoing elders broke into an ancient area and obtained some elixirs, most of which were very precious. Some of them were unknown, let alone how to cultivate them.

So now we are collecting relevant clues. Of course, others don’t know this. I have also given a task, so I want to take you to the inner gate to try your luck and gain knowledge.

After all, so many elders don’t know each other. How can you, a medicine boy who has only been with a fifth-grade alchemist for a while, possibly know you? But the people above don’t want to make it public. How about it? Are you interested? "

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