Self-disciplined, I am invincible

Chapter 716 There is a kind of driving called

In Li Dan's other consciousness, rows of bookshelves appeared.

There are so many things on it.

Li Dan was shocked. He had read so many novels in his previous life?

Soon, he discovered his dark history.

"Young Po", "Young Wife A Bai"...

Li Dan blushed.

Why did he manifest all these things? Wasn't he just a little younger at that time?

Li Dan coughed dryly and continued to look.

There is a kind of cultivation called "Piaomiao Journey"!

There is a kind of fairy called "Zhu Xian"!

There is a kind of emperor called "Shading the Sky"!

There is a kind of practice called "Immortal Rebellion"!

There is a kind of caution called "The Story of Mortals Cultivating Immortality"!

There is a kind of unyielding called "Legend of the Seven Realms"!

There is a kind of friendship called "The Fairy Sword and Divine Comedy"!

There is a kind of smoke called "The Fairy Sword Asks Love"!

There is something called "Buddha is the Tao"!

There is a truth called "Sword Comes"!

There is a kind of joy called "One Thought Eternal"!

There is a kind of driving called "Da Feng Watchman"!

There is a kind of stability called...


Li Dan looked at the books on the bookshelf and slowly fell silent after being excited.

These are all his youth.

Of course, these books currently require too many points, and I only have 1,000 initial points.

There are only a few copies that can be redeemed.

Li Dan glanced around for a while, and soon his eyes lit up.

It’s you.

But I’d better play for two days before writing the book.

I still have 30 million immortal jade with me, but now I have used 5 million immortal jade as travel expenses, but I still feel that it is not enough if I want to make a breakthrough.

Li Dan's consciousness withdrew and his mood improved a lot.

Refresh each section again.

Soon a piece of news on the headlines caught his eye, making him immediately nervous.

【shock! shock! shock! It is suspected that the second generation of Destroyer was found under a magma! 】

Destroyer refers to the collective name of the Immortal God from the second generation to the ninth generation.

There is a picture on it, which is very blurry.

In a magma, someone was meditating and practicing. They were recorded and uploaded to the Tiandao Network.

In just a short period of time, the reading volume reached hundreds of millions.

There is only one comment left [99999+].

It can be seen that as long as it involves the rumors and gossip about someone who wants to destroy the universe since they were born, they are the most active.

Whether true or false.

To be honest, he has never seen the Immortal God.

The last time we were synchronized, we only saw the back of the third generation. He went to save the soul of the sixth generation.

I haven’t seen it for four generations

Wu Dai only saw one black dot in the sky above Jingyang City, and there were countless black dots behind him. He glanced at it while chasing him.

Rokudai is dead.

The seventh generation is Sister Hua, I have never seen her.

Li Xiuyuan was the eighth generation.

Since Wu Dai is in Ziwei Ancient Star, he may have a chance to come into contact with Li Xiuyuan.

Is this figure really the second generation?

The second generation inherited from the Immortal God?

Li Dan looked at the comments.

"Day by day, it gets blurry at the critical moment."

"Seriously you lose, this is obviously eye-catching."

"Yes, I heard that the sixth generation of them had been divided into several pieces and their bodies were dismembered on the Kunlun Ancient Star, tens of thousands of years ago."

"What's the point of catching a second generation? If the sixth generation dies, the rest will be cut off. How can a ninth generation appear out of thin air?"

"Haha, my grandfather's grandfather's grandfather said that the ninth generation will destroy five of the universes. Isn't it okay now?"

"Those dream witches are just talking nonsense. Now the new dream witches have been passed down for who knows how many generations. Let them try to predict nonsense again."

"It doesn't matter, just destroy them all. As long as the Confucian world exists, if there are really nine generations, they will probably be reluctant to destroy it when they see such a convenient way of life in the Confucian world."

"Haha, you are easily beaten for comments like this."


Li Dan smiled bitterly. He still can't figure it out. How did they predict the so-called top ten cosmic dream witches?

The lineage of the Immortal God has been hunted down from the second generation to the present.

How many thousands of years has it passed, and no one has ever doubted the truth?

Still working so hard?

You guys are so idle that it hurts!

Li Dan sneered.

At this moment, a thin man came over with a pen and paper.

"Hello, young master, it's like this. I am in the business of collecting brainstorming ideas for film and television. My name is Pei Yun. I want to ask you a few questions. If you are recruited by me, you can get fairy jade as a reward. You see convenient?"

Li Dan closed the Tiandao Net and looked at this person.


Pei Yun quickly sat down with a smile on his face: "I have been watching the young master for a long time. From your ever-changing eyes, I can see that the young master seems to be a person with a lot of stories."

Li Dan: "..."

I was careless, I didn’t expect there was a peeping tom.

Pei Yun took out a pen and paper: "I want to ask, if your life was filmed as Tianying, what would you name Tianying?"

Li Dan understood that the sky shadow he was talking about was the movie from his previous life.

It was uploaded to the Tiandao Network and replaced other cosmic image stones. Isn't it Tianying.

Li Dan pondered, thought for a while, and said with a serious face: ""Don't bully the young to be poor", "Don't bully the middle-aged to be poor", "Don't bully the old to be poor", "The dead are the most important".

Pei Yun: "..."

Other people eating around also heard Li Dan's words.

Someone suddenly grinned and took a sip of wine.

Eyes are red.

I feel offended, but, but...

I have been in the Confucian world for many years, not to mention being listed by Tiandao, and I haven't even signed a contract.

When will the young man get six mantras when his head turns gray?

I'm still brushing here to see if there's anything good to brush.

Pei Yun was a little embarrassed and said: "Sir, please don't make trouble, I am serious."

Li Dan let out a long sigh: "Okay, let's pick another one, um, "How Steel Is Refined", "The Days I Lived in the World", and "My Daily Life with My Left and Right Hands".

Pei Yun cursed and walked away.

He finally figured out that this young man was making fun of him.

Li Dan also laughed, and his mood instantly improved.

Let you peek at the changes in my expression.

Has it been authorized by me?

After drinking and eating, Li Dan directly ordered a good room and prepared to lie on the bed and browse the Tiandao Network.

He hadn't felt this way for a long time.

Look at the geographical location of various places, the changes in the world, and various recruitment information.

I even searched specifically for information about [Destroyer].

Good guy, it’s so direct that it’s unimaginable.

But so far, everyone only has images of the Immortal God and the six dead generations, and nothing else. Not even men, women, old and children know about it.

But when Li Dan searched for the images of the Immortal God, they were basically from the back.

Tall and handsome, with pretty good senses.

It’s hard to find a profile, but there are hundreds of thousands of different versions.

Li Dan didn't know which one to believe for a moment?

I was dazed for a while and chose to give up.

I had to browse other sections again, especially making money.

See if there is any way. After all, I still need a stroke of immortal jade before I can reach the perfection of the saint realm.

Soon, a [Reward List] came into view of Li Dan.

Here, countless people throughout the Confucian world are offering rewards for something.

Including required items, enemies, and even some descriptions of appearance, hoping that others will provide clues and will pay the corresponding fairy jade.

Good guy, the Great Saint Realm is on the list, and he is suspected of molesting a certain saint.

The super sect offered a reward of 100 million immortal jade for clues.

If anyone fucking reported this, they would definitely make a fortune.

Of course, if you are not caught after reporting, then it will be terrible to face the revenge of a great saint.

Li Dan was watching with interest when suddenly, the voice of the system in his mind sounded again.

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