Self-disciplined, I am invincible

Chapter 650 Creatures in the Forbidden Zone (3rd update)

Li Dan signed a master-servant contract with Dahuang, so he could sense some things about it.

Following his memory, Li Dan saw the scene that happened at that time with first-person vision.

He asked it to hide, and then rushed forward with the others to deal with the living corpses.

Then his eyesight suddenly dropped, and he probably sat down.

There was no other movement, and all he could see was himself shaking with the fighting.

For some reason, Li Dan was a little moved when he saw this.

In its chaotic world, he probably has only one master or relative.

But after a while, the Ghost-faced Blood Harrier suddenly flew down from the tree and landed in front of Dahuang.

I guess he wants to control it because of its weak cultivation.

The Ghost Faced Blood Harrier's eyes suddenly turned scarlet, and the two baby arms at the corners of his mouth moved.

There seems to be a special ritual going on.

Li Dan felt guilty.

I didn't realize it at the time, which was really inappropriate.

Then he saw Dahuang tilting his head in confusion, and then grabbed him.

The Ghost-faced Blood Harrier seemed to be stunned, because his moves were useless against this lowly beast.

Just as it was about to resist, Wong Tai Sin pulled him over and bit its neck and began to suck blood.

Typical weasel nature state.

It wanted to resist, but it couldn't resist.

He was sucked out of blood by the rhubarb and then chewed to death.

After working on it for a long time, it turned out to be a paper tiger.

No wonder he couldn't get down from the tree.

After finally finding a low-level creature that was not in danger, he ran down and capsized in the gutter.

At this moment, Li Dan opened his eyes and sighed.

Don't know how to evaluate it.

All I can say is that stupid people are lucky, this is fate!

"What's this?"

Li Dan suddenly noticed that there seemed to be something in the intestines of the ghost-faced blood harrier, which had been eaten until only half of its body was left.

Pull it out gently.

It is a jade pendant, only the size of a thumb, but its shape is crude and simple, as warm and moist as mutton-fat jade.

On the back of the jade pendant are engraved the two tiny characters "Look Back".

Li Dan wondered, could it be that the ghost-faced blood harrier had eaten somewhere in the Cloud Tomb Mountains?

An ordinary jade pendant should have been digested long ago.

Li Dan tried to input spiritual power to see if it was a good treasure.

In an instant, a silvery light flashed inside the jade pendant.

Li Dan was stunned.

"Is this... the breath of time?"

After all, he often stays in Dahuang's fart. Although he doesn't understand the time realm, he can probably recognize it.

Yes, indeed...

Just as Li Dan's mind became active, he suddenly fell into a trance for a second.

After his eyes cleared, he actually sat where he was.

Holding two pieces of fairy jade in his hand, he was pretending to absorb them.

And looked at Yan Ruyu.

Wait, what's going on?

Li Dan was a little confused.

As soon as he turned his head, the Zimu boy immediately lowered his head and absorbed the fairy jade.

Look at Wong Tai Sin again, with his back to them now, sitting on the ground shaking his head and eating something.

Li Dan's heart beat loudly.

I had clearly experienced this scene just now. Was I hallucinating?

Soon his eyes lit up and he seemed to react.

Without leaving a trace, he got up and came to Dahuang. As expected, he was eating the corpse of the Ghost-faced Blood Harrier.

Seeing him looking over, Dahuang reluctantly pulled the body out of his mouth just like before.

"No, no, no, hurry up and eat!"

Li Dan first glanced at the exposed intestines of the Ghost-faced Blood Harrier.

The thing is indeed there.

Take it out immediately and return half of the body to Dahuang.

The jade pendant is exactly the same, but the color is much darker.

At this moment, Li Dan finally understood what [Backtracking] behind the jade pendant meant.

It's amazing, it takes me back ten breaths ago.

Who created it?

He is definitely a big man with profound research in the field of time.

Li Dan took out the fairy jade and placed it on top.

The next second, it stuck directly to it and slowly absorbed it.

The corners of Li Dan's mouth almost reached behind his ears.

Baby, big baby!

In order to prevent being discovered, Li Dan quickly put it into the divine palace. More than 2.2 million immortal jade were available for it to absorb and 'charge'. See how much you can absorb.

Then they hugged Dahuang and kissed fiercely.

You are simply my lucky star!

If you encounter a fatal danger, with the retrospective jade pendant, you can go directly back to the previous time period and avoid it perfectly.

Especially in a weird situation like now.

After a while, Wong Tai Sin ate all the Ghost-faced Blood Harrier, then burped with satisfaction and patted his belly.

A fiery energy flowed through its body.

It is estimated that after digesting the cultivation level, he can advance to a higher level.

"Everyone is almost rested, let's move on." Ye Yufei said as she got down from the tree.

Several people nodded.

Li Dan deliberately glanced at Yan Ruyu.

Sure enough, another mark disappeared under her butt.

"Who is she pointing the way to?" Li Dan was confused for a while.

The five of them continued to move forward, and Ye Yufei kept looking at the map.


Suddenly a huge roar suddenly echoed in the sky.

The five people immediately found cover and crouched down.

Li Dan stood up again and pulled Wong Tai Sin who was staying where he was.

As the black mist rolled, a huge golden dragon rolled over it, then roared past.

The coercion it exuded frightened Li Dan.

What a powerful dragon!

"It seems to be the golden dragon we went to Wanlong Ridge last time. Why did it appear here?" Ye Yufei said with an ugly face.

The last time they traveled was also outside the Dao Domain, and they went to a forbidden area called Wanlong Ridge.

It was this golden holy dragon that caused them a big loss at that time.

Only the four of them in the entire Fire Fox mercenary group escaped, and the rest were all dead.

The key thing is that this golden holy dragon has the terrifying strength of the Saint King. At that time, their mercenary group was simply affected by innocent people.

Fighting against it was another Saint King creature.

Unexpectedly, this time when we went to the Yun Tomb Mountains, we would meet each other again.

Luo Tu said: "Captain, you should be more careful. I don't know why, I always feel uneasy when I come out this time."

Looking at this veteran figure who has been with her for thousands of years and has been with the Fire Fox Mercenary Group since its establishment, Ye Yufei nodded in agreement.

"Master Luo, I understand. Please pay attention to your safety. After this mission is completed, I plan to disband the mercenary group and no longer work hard. When the time comes, I will support you in your old age!"

Ye Yufei looked at Luo Tu and said seriously.

She understood that Mr. Luo had not planned to follow him this time. His injuries were not healed yet, and it was all because of herself.

After so many years of cooperation, the relationship between the two parties is not so much the relationship between the group leader and the group members, but the family relationship between an elder and a junior.

At this moment, Luo Tu was not surprised at all when he heard that the mercenary group was to be disbanded. He just looked at her with a smile.


Just this one word explains everything.

After Yan Ruyu heard this, she didn't say anything. Instead, she glanced at Zimu without any trace.

Zi Mu also looked at it and nodded slightly.

Li Dan, a 'weak chicken' and a 'temporary worker', was simply ignored.

Li Dan looked at Dahuang.

As expected, this guy didn't react at all to blood pressure, not even instinct.

Several people waited for a while, and then stood up after the golden holy dragon disappeared.

This trip took another three days.

During this period, he encountered several attacks from other monsters, but was subdued all of them.

Luo Tu was accidentally injured, and Li Dan took action and treated the person as a cauldron.

The effect was good, and it made several other people look at it with new eyes.

Until they stopped at the end of the map given by their employer.

Seeing the scene in front of them, several people were stunned...

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