Self-disciplined, I am invincible

Chapter 56 Reinforcement Eight Claws

Today's sea is rough, and rows of white-wave lakes are rolling together, sounding like thunder, and moving like thousands of horses galloping.

The sea surface was undulating, and the bottom of the sea was bustling with many unfamiliar faces.

In the original crater, there are now more than a thousand sea beasts of various colors, waiting to watch the cave.

Here, in addition to the sea lion and the male shark, there are two other sea monsters.

One is a turtle creature with an extremely hard turtle shell on its front and back and a shiny green head—Old Turtle!

The other one is a black octopus with a suction cup on its mouth and eight legs on its body - eight claws!

They are the two big monsters closest to this place in the nearby sea.

But at this moment, the two demons, the male shark and the sea lion, were sitting aside, looking at Ba Zhao in disbelief.

After they did get the news, they rushed to help him. After all, they still understood the truth of death and coldness, otherwise they would not be easy if the king knew about it.

But the surprise was that Ba Zhao, an old immortal, actually broke through to the middle stage of Huayuan Realm.

Everyone is obviously on the same level, how could you do this?

The guest suddenly becomes the host.

In the world of monsters, the most basic operation is the law of the jungle. I am stronger than you. As long as I defeat you, you must either surrender and I will take over your territory or die.

Although they didn't challenge me, if they really fought, I really couldn't beat them.

It has many hands.

Two fists are no match for four hands, let alone eight hands.

BaZhao sat quietly on it, looking at the old turtle, sea lion and male shark, and frowned.

"It is undeniable that the evolution of human beings is the most perfect fit between heaven and earth. We monsters are also learning from each other's strengths and striving for excellence, such as evolutionary transformation. We can, to the greatest extent possible, move closer to their physical characteristics and draw on their strengths while maintaining the original advantages. , is it wrong to make up for shortcomings?”

Faced with Ba Zhao's words, the three big demons shook their heads repeatedly, especially the male Shark looked at him and said nothing.

"That's fine, survival of the fittest is the law of nature, but why do you always use 'it' to describe us? This is serious discrimination against us and a trampling on our dignity." Ba Zhao said angrily.

Jiyao, you look at me, I look at you.

"We didn't use 'it'!"

"I'm not talking about you, but Zuo...forget it, you said that person will come today, right?" Ba Zhao asked with a sigh.

The sea lion nodded: "Judging from the insults he has given me for two consecutive days, he should come today as well. I always feel that he has a strong interest in insulting our sea clan."

BaZhao snorted: "A mere human in the middle stage of Huayuan Realm is a bit too arrogant. Now that Old Turtle and I are here, plus the more than 700 subordinates we brought with us, we still don't believe it. We can't catch him." Live with him?"

The old turtle who rarely spoke said: "Brother Ba Zhao is in the middle stage of Huayuan Realm. The three of us are in the early stage. With a thousand tribesmen, and in our territory, it should be easy to kill a human being. This time, It’s done!”

The sea lion nodded excitedly. It was already looking forward to the human coming soon to see what the gift it had prepared for him was like.

You will definitely be surprised.

The male shark thought for a while: "Brother Ba Zhao, we have to be cautious about this matter. It's best to take it by surprise. Judging from the two days of fighting, this human being takes advantage of us every time. After a while, he will He rushed out of the sea because he couldn't breathe. I guess that his broken back hand should also be set on the sea, so he must not be allowed to rush out."

Ba Zhao nodded: "This is pretty much what I thought. The shortcoming of human beings is that they cannot move under the sea for a long time, even if they are in the spirit gathering realm. This is our advantage and also our shortcoming, because we are in The same goes for land.”

"In that case, let's make a good plan. When he appears, Old Turtle will lead his troops to guard against the sky. He will never be given a chance to rush out for a breath. He will be suffocated to death, and you will waste time with me. He is a strong man in the middle stage of Huayuan Realm. If he counterattacks before death, it will be terrible. What we have to do is to constantly pierce his bubble cover."

"Puncture?" When the three big demons heard this, their eyes suddenly lit up.

"What an excellent hunter needs is enough patience. Since he wants to play, we will play with him. I would like to see how long he can last at the bottom of the sea!" After Ba Zhao finished speaking, a smile suddenly appeared at the corner of his mouth. , the other big demons also laughed.

The sea lion even smiled and burst into tears.

Thinking about last night, I waited for him on the sea for so long like a fool, but he actually went back.

It doesn't follow common sense at all.

"Take action!"



Li Dan once again entered the sea with ease and arrived at the sea lion's cave.

Seeing this, the three hundred or so lazy sea beasts here immediately surrounded him.

As for Li Dan, his aura is restrained at the moment, and what he reveals to the outside world is still the aura of the middle stage of Huayuan Realm. If you look too tall, what will people do if they know they are outmatched and don't chase you?

If you don’t chase me, you won’t be able to complete your self-discipline task.

The rewards for Wind Movement and Siren's Whisper are even gone.

Suffer more.

Not only that, Li Dan also put a bubble cover on himself. He had to keep his ace secretly in case of emergencies. This is the most basic operation for every cultivator.

What idiot would expose all his trump cards just by showing up? Isn't he looking for death?

Seeing these sea beasts who were so angry at him, Li Dan suddenly felt so kind.

Putting his hands on his hips, he shouted with a loud voice: "You monster, get out of here, why are you pretending to be a coward? Do you dare to agree to my call?"

"Damn human, you can't run away this time!" The next moment, a warm and angry voice sounded, and then, a green light flashed past, and then landed steadily in front.

Li Dan was stunned.

I went and a Neptune actually came out!

"Human, I have prepared a big gift for you this time. I wonder if you like it?" The sea lion flew out, followed closely by the male shark and Octopus.

With a roar, more than 700 sea beasts hiding in the surrounding sand rushed out with a roar, and suddenly surrounded Li Dan.

All of them smiled ferociously and clapped the weapons in their hands.

Li Dan looked at the four demons, especially his eyes lingered on the octopus.

It's immoral. There's a trap waiting for me.

Should I be lucky or unlucky?

Fortunately, I broke through to the late stage of Huayuan Realm last night, otherwise, it would really be possible for me to end up here.

However, you may be disappointed.

Li Dan suddenly pretended to be shocked and panicked.

Seeing Li Dan's expression, the sea lion and the male shark felt so happy.

Aren't you crazy? Show me how crazy you are.

Li Dan, on the other hand, moved back slightly without leaving any trace.

Then he suddenly lifted up and fell down!


The sole of his foot fell, and a dull explosion sounded loudly. Immediately, rolling mud and sand mixed with an invisible force shot out.

A series of shrill screams rang out, and the four big demons quickly pushed aside the sand, and they saw Li Dan slashing through a passage and escaping far away.

"Hurry up and chase me, Old Turtle, keep an eye on the top at all times, don't let him breathe!" Ba Zhao shouted anxiously, and then he and the other two demons directly chased after him...

Thank you boss [Be careful not to break your legs] for the 100 reward. Thank you for your support, thank you!

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