Self-disciplined, I am invincible

Chapter 456 The Horrifying Desolation (It’s Beginning, Please Subscribe)

Li Dan looked at the crazy looks of everyone around him, especially after seeing some bold intruders, his mind became active.

"This place is definitely a great secret!"

"Look, there seems to be a creature you've never seen before running past inside."

"I feel that this is the opportunity to break through to the Divine Mansion Realm this time!"

"Wait for me, remember the alliance when you get inside!"

"I have to find a formation master. Maybe there are some advanced restrictions inside that prevent me from moving forward."


Everyone was talking about it, but after a brief hesitation, they entered crazily.

Li Dan also looked at this scene.

He didn't know which secret realm or ancient ancestor's tomb this was.

It's definitely a lie to say I'm not interested.

What he lacks now is the opportunity to quickly improve his strength.

Just when he hesitated, three lines of words appeared in front of him.

[Faced with the opening of the fifth continent, you have the following choices]

[1. While everyone’s attention is diverted, escape from the territory of many holy places and regain a new life. Reward 100 pieces of fairy jade. Note: Fairy jade is a special spiritual power crystal cultivated in the ancient king realm. 】

[2. Enter with others, experience the savagery from the barbaric era, and challenge the dangers and opportunities. Reward wild pill. Note: After swallowing the Wild Pill, it can perfectly integrate its own aura into the fifth continent, like many wild beasts, similar to local growth, and the probability of discovering foreign intruders is reduced by 80%. 】

When he saw this message, Li Dan stood up suddenly and looked at the circle of light above his head in disbelief.

There, it turns out to be the entrance to the fifth continent?

Li Dan suddenly became excited.

He has many seventh-grade and eighth-grade elixir recipes that were spat out from the Ten Thousand Wood Cauldron, and these are of great use to him.

But because the medicinal materials inside had long since disappeared, he just left it alone.

Now he is an eighth-grade alchemist. Everything is ready and all he needs is the east wind.

Now, the east wind is coming.

What's more, he has someone on the fifth continent.

Senior Brother is always inside.

Moreover, when he used the tracking talisman in Tianhe Academy, he was very curious about the broken stone man, giant ants and other taboo things he saw.

If you choose the first choice, the reward will be fairy jade.

Something cultivated in the Ancient King Realm?

Isn't it a spiritual crystal? Or is it that the energy in the spiritual crystal can no longer satisfy the other party?

Skip this directly. He is only at the late stage of the Ancient Hou Realm, and his first goal is to deal with the Nine Aperture Exquisite Bead and break through to the Great Perfection of the Ancient Hou Realm.

The Ancient King Realm is too far away from him.

As for the second choice, the reward is Huang Dan.

This effect seems to be very good. After all, if the fifth continent had been closed since ancient times, so many people breaking in now would indeed be regarded as outsiders.

It should be easy for the local monsters to sense them.

And then hunt.

With this Wild Pill, although you are very likely to kill me, compared to others, everyone is hiding together and you will definitely escape.

Is this still a choice?

Li Dan clicked directly on the second item.

Soon, the first stream disappeared, and the second stream of light flickered,

In the divine palace, a gray pill appeared.

There was no grade, so Li Dan took it out and swallowed it directly into his abdomen.

Soon, a strange aura filled his body.

Even Li Dan himself felt as if he had lived in a rarely populated place for hundreds of years and seemed out of place with the people around him.

"Interesting!" Li Dan was overjoyed. Looking at the Nine-Aperture Exquisite Bead in his hand, he suddenly laughed.

"Everyone, I'm sorry, I'm taking you to a fun place. I look forward to your expressions then!"

After Li Dan finished talking to himself, he flew up into the air.

Senior brother, Xiaowu is here.

I have been looking for you for so long, can we reunite this time?

As it approached the halo, huge waves of suction continued to come out, and even more excitement flew in from the surroundings.

I really don’t know how many people will break into the fifth continent this time?

millions? Tens of millions or hundreds of millions?

How big is this continent?

And why did it hide in the void and let people from both camps search for it for hundreds of thousands of years?

In the Dark Blood Age, what kind of power split an entire continent apart into what it is today?

What's hidden here?

Weird and ominous, is it really buried somewhere?

There were so many unsolved mysteries that made Li Dan curious.

Looking at the excited expressions of the people around him, Li Dan didn't know what to say.

They would never have imagined that what greeted them was not some ruins or ancient tombs, but an era.

A complete ecosystem that has been operating well for hundreds of thousands of years.

With curiosity and confusion, Li Dan flew to the red halo.

A desolate and ancient aura slowly drifted out from in front of him.

Li Dan breathed a long sigh of relief, prepared his whole body, and flew in directly.

When he opened his eyes again, what appeared in front of him was a vast ancient forest.

Covering the sky and blocking out the sun.

Every tree here is unprecedentedly huge, not to mention the mortal world, even the demon realm.

A natural fragrance lingers in it, and a faint mist hovers among the trees.

"What a rich spiritual power of heaven and earth!" Li Dan took a breath of the air here, and his eyes suddenly lit up.

It's really original.

Behind him was the teleportation array, with others entering it in a steady stream.

Li Dan was about to leave first, after all, there were too many people here.

But suddenly, the whole ground trembled.

He quickly flew up and landed on a tree, suddenly stunned.

In the distance, a centipede nearly thirty meters long with a shining silver body snaked towards it.

As he moved forward, black mist continued to pour out of his scales, causing some trees to wither and die.

Passing by the rocks, there was a clanging sound and sparks flying.

Some people flew up and were really spotted by it.

He jumped directly over and screamed again and again.

"Are all ancient creatures so huge?" Li Dan murmured.


The next moment, a sharp sound rose from the sky. Its sound waves were like breaking through gold and cracking stone, which made Li Dan's ears sting.

Looking up, a ferocious giant bird that had never been seen before looked down at the crowd below.

The scarlet eyes were like two blood moons, filled with ferocity, and the sharp claws directly grabbed dozens of people who had just emerged from the teleportation, and put them into their mouths.

In the distance, there was a huge roar.

As if sensing the aura of a stranger that had never existed before, the ‘mountains’ stood up unexpectedly, jumping towards each other like humanoid creatures walking upright...

Li Danna was still able to ignore the screams and escapes of the crowd, and immediately spread his wings to escape.

Many people had just come out of the teleportation, and before they could appreciate where this place was, they were greeted by a bloody mouth full of smelly noses...

This is the wilderness hundreds of thousands of years ago.

Is this a corner of the ancient times?

Li Dan felt his scalp numb.

It’s hard to imagine how people like the Shrine and Black Emperor survived in this era.

Fortunately, at this moment, the Wild Pill took effect and began to integrate perfectly into the "collective" of the fifth continent, becoming a member and avoiding it perfectly.

The shortage is too great. Li Dan no longer considers looking for his senior brother. It is more important to save his life first.

Try to stay away from these angry outsiders along the way, because they can only attract these terrible wild beasts.

Although he is also a migrant, he has obtained a "green card" here!

At this moment, as Li Dan quickly distinguished the surrounding terrain and environment, systematic messages appeared in front of him.

[Ordinary mountain forest], the exploration value is low, you can obtain: worthless gravel and forest trees.

[Ordinary swamp] has average exploration value. There are a large number of low-level poisonous lizards and poisonous snakes living in it. You can obtain: poisonous lizard skin armor and venom.

Looking at these two lines of words, Li Dan immediately came to a sudden stop.

Eyes full of excitement.

System, I love you so much.

With these operating tips, his efficiency will be greatly increased and risks reduced.

Spreading its wings and soaring again, a stretch of mountains quickly came into view.

[Level 5 dangerous area], the search value is extremely high. There is a seventh-level wild monster living here, and its combat power is comparable to that of the ancient king.

Obtainable: A four-thousand-year-old Heavenly Punishment Grass.

Note: This herb can be exchanged for one hundred fairy jade.

Seeing this, Li Dan's eyes instantly lit up.

Immortal jade is a luxury item used for cultivation in the Ancient King Realm. If he had it now, he would definitely advance quickly by refining it.

Without saying a word, he folded his wings and hurriedly moved forward in hiding.

Soon, he saw a huge cave in the middle of the mountains.

Huge white skeletons were thrown outside the cave, and the sound of wind was heard inside.

It is said that rare elixirs must be guarded by spiritual beasts. The monsters in the ancient king realm cannot be defeated by Li Dan alone.

You need to get the tiger away from the mountain.

Soon, a smile appeared on Li Dan's lips.

Take out the Nine-Aperture Exquisite Bead from the Divine Mansion.

"Everyone, I'm sorry. If I don't want to throw this shit away, I'll ask you to help me. You'll be chasing my interest. I think you can come out in one day. Welcome to the new world. I hope you like this place! "

After Li Dan finished talking to himself, he held the bead and quietly went inside the cave...

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