Self-disciplined, I am invincible

Chapter 416 Li Dan, sit down

The evil black impermanence and the evil spirit white impermanence are the left and right guardians created by strange and unknown things.

Even in the later stage, the other party was so annoyed by the personnel from both sides that they did not show up, and they were solely responsible for everything.

But in the end Weiwei wanted to travel through space and took them with him.

Then the space exploded one after another, and no one survived.

include them.

It wasn't until nearly a thousand years later that Sikong Du unexpectedly came back from the outside and inherited the other party's weird methods.

But now, the evil evil Black Impermanence has appeared.

Sikong Du, who was originally dead, also appeared.

This is an unusual signal, as if it indicates that a disaster is coming.

The worry-free sea is a forbidden land, and those mainly responsible for extracting resources are the top ten overlords of the Demon Realm and some other forces.

Such as the Black Emperor and the shrine.

Why does the evil evil black impermanence appear there?

Where is the other evil spirit Bai Wuchang?

Could it be that the original weirdness and ominousness were not dead, but were just buried there?

But everyone guessed that even if he didn't die, he would be in the wilderness on the fifth continent!

I have a headache and can't think clearly.

The Great Sage first talked about the matters and speculations about Hei Wuchang, which attracted everyone's attention, and then looked at Li Dan.

"The next thing is the third thing I want to say, about the fifth continent!"

Li Dan immediately looked at the great sage.

The great sage knew that Li Dan's senior brother was in the wilderness.

When Xia Wanrong celebrated her 100th birthday, although the great sage was not there, Dean Xuan Kongzi was.

The golden monkey, full of wild fighting spirit, came with Mu Tianxing's congratulations.

Everyone thought he was in the demon clan, but no one knew about Huang's existence.

Moreover, the reason why Li Dan came to Tianhe Academy in the first place was to find his senior brother.

At that time, Li Dan completed his self-discipline task, obtained the tracking talisman, and saw those black lakes, giant ants, stone men, etc. He also lied that it was his senior brother who asked him about the dream and asked the great sage insinuatingly.

The great sage did not tell him the truth.

But after that, he kept searching for any clues secretly.

I want to see how Mu Tianxing entered the fifth continent.

"The fifth continent—Desolation?"

As the great sage's voice fell, everyone present, including Lu Yan, Yin Jiuque, and even Murong Rou who was originally looking at Li Dan, were all puzzled.

Aren’t they four continents?

When did the fifth piece pop up again?

Li Dan quietly looked at everyone's expressions.

Unexpectedly, Yin Jiuque, who is a reserve member of the Ancient King Realm, does not know the existence of the fifth continent.

This confidentiality mechanism is amazing.

The great sage is also ready to do some popular science about this continent.

"In the ancient times, the continents were connected together, that is to say, there was only one giant continent. But after the Dark Blood Age, Li Dan, sit down, your questions are invalid. During that turmoil, even some awakened people today are not Know what happened!”

The great sage pointed at Li Dan, who had just raised his hand to ask a question.

Everyone looked over and Li Dan opened his mouth.

The Dark Blood Age was originally mentioned when Guanyin came to Jiang Zhe's mother's courtyard on Gulong Island.

Li Dan was very curious.

But I didn't expect the great sage to be so straightforward, even knowing what he wanted to ask.

I had no choice but to put down my hands.

This old fox——

"That Dark Blood Age caused the entire ancient era to be completely turbulent. Billions of living beings died, countless strong men fell, plateaus turned into plains, rivers turned into deserts, and even the entire continent was divided into four and completely fractured."

"After that, it collapsed year after year, leading to the current situation!"

Everyone was shocked when they heard this.

What an outrageous method this must have to break the continent into four pieces.

Even with Li Dan's current level of cultivation, a city might not be broken into pieces for him.

That's the entire continent.

Let’s not talk about how big the Eastern Continent is. The four continents used to be divided into one, which was simply terrifying.

Is this the action of the gods?

Everyone looked horrified.

The Dark Blood Age directly caused an era to break.

It's too scary.

The great sage continued: "I only know that after that time, the continent was separated, and there were very few living people. Some strong people or special survivors got something. They swallowed it and began to sleep, and their bodies became immortal, which was used for transition."

"Because it was impossible to survive in that era. There were even magma eruptions everywhere. Trees, birds, birds and beasts were dying. They could only survive by sleeping."

"But even in deep sleep, some people died due to accidents, some people died due to human ignorance and destruction in ancient times, and some even became fossils due to geographical changes."

The great sage looked at Li Dan.

Li Dan thought of the creature that appeared in the academy's stone gambling place.

"Only a small number of people were supposed to be sleeping back then, and the number of people who survived has continued to decrease due to the continuous changes. Among those who have woken up now, there are also some who are still sleeping in places we don't know."

"According to what was said above, the things they swallowed back then are now researched and have a certain age. If you are not awakened within a hundred years, you will die completely. No matter how powerful your cultivation was at the beginning, you will be turned into a pile of withered bones. "

"This is why both the Black Emperor and the shrine have been working hard to find it in recent years."

When Li Dan heard this, he sighed.

The great sage continued: "After so long of preparation, let's talk about the fifth continent. After the outbreak of the Dark Blood Age, the continent separated, but part of it disappeared mysteriously. Its scale was not as big as the current four continents. We don’t know exactly how big it is.”

"It may be just one city, or it may be hundreds of cities. The reason why we call it a continent is because it is a real continent from the ancient times, and a complete ecological system is preserved there."

"Every plant and tree in the past, the ancient giant beasts and creatures are all there. Just like Li Dan and Master Fang, as alchemists, it is difficult to find a single elixir. But there, let alone thousands of years, they became extinct ten thousand years ago. Everything you need.”

"However, no one can get in, and the entrance is not known. Even the Black Emperor and the higher-ups of the shrine exchanged information between the two parties, hoping to find it and then start a dispute!"

Lu Yan quickly said: "Then have you found it?"

She is also an alchemist. When Grandpa Shu gave Li Dan a seven-thousand-year-old elixir, she almost became jealous.

Fortunately, Li Dan didn't ask for it, and her "internship" mission was interrupted by the invasion of the dark forest.

The great sage shook his head: "No, at present we speculate that the fifth continent has been drifting in the void that we don't know, and is even moving every moment. At the end of the ancient times, some people said that it was the last refuge. Dangerous places, just look for them.”

"In ancient times, a few people woke up and were cultivating forces to search for him. In this era, they have not been found after more than a hundred thousand years. Even in the end, some people thought that this was a rumor to deceive others at the end of the ancient era."

"The missing piece of land has long sunk to the bottom of the sea. To be honest, a few years ago I questioned the order from above to search for it, until Li Dan told me what he had dreamed about, and the golden bird that was used to pay Xia Wanrong's birthday. monkey!"

Everyone looked at Li Dan again.

Li Dan coughed dryly. He couldn't explain the tracking talisman, so he licked his face and said, "Yes, yes, I just dreamed about it. How could it be?"

The great sage smiled and said: "Little friend Li Dan, can you tell us about the various scenes that your senior brother saw in your dreams when you were in the academy?"

Xiao Weng from the Southern Continent also looked over, full of curiosity.

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