Self-disciplined, I am invincible

Chapter 350 Meeting the old madman again (please subscribe)

Only some special cities will have one of the great sage's calligraphy notes.

Some of them may not be available no matter how many ancient warriors are stationed there!

Because Kowloon City is close to the Jiuyi Mountains and for some special reasons, one was specially given.

As the name suggests, this is something that only the Great Sage contacts you unilaterally.

It is your inner security and a supreme honor.

But since it was allocated, it has not been used for decades, but today, it was unblocked!

Asura winked at Jinglian. Jinglian understood and left with Li Dan.

Then, Asura quickly took out his token and put a drop of his own blood into it.

He kept muttering something in his mouth, and soon, streams of light flashed on the token.

Asura quickly affixed the calligraphy note on the token.

Soon, a soft light emerged from the musical notes and floated in mid-air.

Asura immediately knelt down on one knee, put one hand on his chest, and said in an excited voice: "Asura, the person in charge of Jinglong City, pays his respects..."

"Hey, Li Dan is here, right?"

Before Asura's voice could finish, the great sage's inquiry came from the mist that kept rolling.

Asura was stunned for a moment, as if he had heard wrongly.

"Reply, Sir Sage, Li Dan is here!"

"Oh, that's good. You are Asura, right? Find Li Dan and I'll tell him something!" The sound of voices kept rolling in the mist, which made Asura completely confused. .

I heard from the people in charge of those cities in the past that once the great sage's call came, there would always be urgent or secret missions released.

I've waited so long for this, and you actually opened your mouth to ask for Li Dan?

Who is the biological child?

But Asura obeyed immediately.

"Yes, Sir Sage, please wait a moment!"

After signaling the person holding the dish not to move, Asura immediately moved his feet. In just one breath, Li Dan and Jing Lian, who had just left, were lifted up like chickens.

Just when Jinglian was about to speak, Asura immediately covered her mouth.

These are confidential matters. You have always been thinking about the great sage, so you got involved.

Asura pushed Li Dan and pointed at the cloud.

Li Dan was confused.

"Young boy, are you here?" The great sage's voice came from inside.

Li Dan's face suddenly fell, full of reluctance.

"It turns out it's you, old man, why are you looking for me again?"

Seeing Li Dan like this, Asura and Jinglian's pupils both shrank.

Good guy, you are too bold.

But unexpectedly, the great sage didn't show any anger at all, but instead started laughing.

"We haven't seen you for a while, why are you so angry? Don't be angry. Someone was checking for information about you two days ago. I just found out that you went to Jinglong City and came to the site of the shrine. How do you feel? ?”

Li Dan looked around and crossed his arms: "It's okay, but let me say it first. Even if it's good, I won't join you. I'm used to being free, so don't waste your time."

"Actually, you don't understand the shrine at all. If you join, I can give you as much freedom as possible..."

"Stop it, stop it, I'm so good now. If there's shit, I'll poop halfway without clipping it off and just let it hang. Hey, I'm just playing~~"

The cloud was stunned for a moment, and then burst into laughter.

"Vulgar, but you are also a love saint after all. Well, I have figured out your character. I will slowly wait for you to change your mind." The great sage chuckled.

Li Dan pouted: "Then you can wait."

Seeing the conversation between Li Dan and the great sage, Asura was frightened.

It seems that I still underestimated Li Dan's potential and the great sage's regard for him.

Jingren, whose mouth was covered, had stars in her eyes.

It turned out that this was the voice of the Great Sage. It sounded so kind and kind, especially the joking voice, which made her feel warm.

Li Dan really didn't lie to her, it was exactly as he imagined.

"I was going to ask you. When I was in the academy, I told you that I had a dream about a huge lake, blood-red ants, stone men, and golden monkeys. You clearly knew that it was the fifth continent. But he pretended not to know anything, and even lied to me that it was a demon realm, but I simply believed it."

Li Dan seemed to have thought of something and said hurriedly.

The clouds continued to roll: "I heard what the dean said, and I didn't expect that your senior brother would be there. Besides, it was entirely for your own good that I didn't tell you at that time. Only you who are in the infantile transformation state can't get in touch with us. There's nothing you can do about it, it's just endless trouble for you."

Li Dan: "..."

Well, I can’t argue with you.

"Then what do you want to see me for this time?" Li Dan didn't intend to dwell on the matter. Anyway, the senior brother came back later and said it was fine.

Yunwu Fluctuation: "Last time I brought Yao Sheng back, I used some methods, but I didn't get any valuable clues. The matter about Guanyin was even set up with a self-destruct seal. As soon as I made contact, he blew himself up and died. Death."

"So I suspect that Guanyin is not a simple member of the Black Emperor. He is probably an awakened person from ancient times. I just don't know why he serves at the bottom in such a way."

"But King Qingyu woke up some time ago and gave me accurate information. Guanyin is really a royal family from ancient times, with the name Taoist Mingling."

"King Qingyu suppressed two members of the Black Emperor this time. One was the Undead Monarch and the other was a Chiwu Taoist. They are also members of the ancient royal family."

"Now the undead monarch has been taken back by the opponent and is slowly recovering, while Taoist Chiwu was killed by Guanyin while he was weak, and absorbed his origin to recover from the injuries he suffered in ancient times."

"Now that he has completely recovered, I'm afraid it won't be long before his latest body will enter the Ancient Hou realm, but its combat power will definitely be higher than many normal middle-stage Ancient Hou realms."

"I say this to give you a warning. Try not to have contact with him. This man was a brother of Taoist Chiwu back then, but he was betrayed and attacked by his brother. So now he has a moody personality. You know what I mean. "

After listening to the great sage's words, everyone present fell silent.

Especially Asura, he actually broke into a cold sweat.

Guanyin, who he has hunted down hundreds of times, is not from this era, but from the ancient royal family?


However, his new body, that is, the uncle Jinglian and others saw, has just broken through to the ancient realm, so to speak...

"Asura, I investigated and found out that your mission is to hunt down Guanyin. From now on, this mission is no longer your responsibility."

Asura was stunned, but also understood the organization's considerations, and immediately saluted: "Yes!"

Li Dan nodded slightly, but he still underestimated him.

At the same time, in a transcontinental teleportation array, the Great Sage with Long Eyebrows sat cross-legged, holding a burning rune in his hand.

Looking at the space passage in front of him, he continued: "One more thing. Your little girlfriend Lu Shiyao accidentally came into contact with our shrine and asked to join the special training. I only found out a few days ago that she has been sent Training in a special place.”

When Li Dan heard this, he immediately became angry. Before he could speak, the great sage's voice came again.

"I know you definitely don't want to. I immediately found someone to ask her to go back, but she refused. She only said one sentence."

Li Dan clenched his hands tightly: "What are you talking about?"

"She said that she doesn't want to be farther and farther away from you, but she doesn't want to rely on you either. She can do it on her own."

Li Dan was silent, and his hands slowly relaxed.

The last time I met her in Dajin, she was only in the middle stage of the Soul Gathering Realm.

Perhaps, if you have good talent, you can reach the late stage in three or four years, and then reach perfection, the early stage of infant transformation...

And I am already in the middle to late stage of the Divine Palace Realm.

It turns out that she never wanted to live in her own glory.

Yes, she is such a proud person. Why didn't she go to Yingluo Peak to see her when she and Jiang Zhe left?

Now that I heard that she had joined the shrine training, why did I feel a little uncomfortable.

Still a little... worried!

"Where is she?" Li Dan looked up.

"I can't tell you this, because it involves our secrets. Unless you join, I know you will definitely not do it. Don't worry, dangerous tasks will not be given to her. Maybe soon, you will see a different one. My little girlfriend, let’s see the true power of my shrine!”

Li Dan breathed a long sigh of relief: "I can't interfere in her way. Her temper...forget it, I hope you will do what you say. As a bargaining chip, I can tell you one thing. Be careful of people from the Tianyin Sect, Yao Sheng and Guanyin both had contact with them, so I saw it with my own eyes."

Li Dan decided to talk about what he saw through the old madman in the Land of Treasures.

"I know this, and it's already being arranged, but thank you for reminding me. There's one more thing. I just want to confirm with you, have you ever seen this person?"

As the great sage finished speaking, the layers of clouds and mist instantly began to roll violently.

Then, it slowly condensed into a somewhat blurry back.

This is an old man in green clothes with ragged clothes and white hair as white as snow.

Thunder and lightning roared behind him, as if the end of the world was coming and wanted to swallow up the entire void.

It seemed like he was standing in the air, and he seemed to be stepping on something.

It's just that the picture is too blurry and I can't see anything else.

But Li Dan still recognized it at a glance.

He is the old madman!

The only living old madman in the Eastern Wasteland Holy Land!

"What, what's wrong? I don't know you!"

Li Dan asked, pretending to be confused.

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