Self-disciplined, I am invincible

Chapter 240 Let’s stop the unhappiness today (first update)

"Being a bachelor is hard, being a bachelor is light. Who will heat the kang for the bachelor? Who will mend the clothes for the bachelor? Go home and go to bed in the middle of the night, hold the pillow and stay up until dawn..."

In the venue covered by vines, Li Dan hummed a song and applied earthy yellow paint.

This is already his tenth day in the Forest of Wood. Seeing that there are fewer and fewer stone men in the venue, he is full of pride.

And those elf warriors also woke up one after another.

However, Grandpa Shu seemed to have a grand plan and only allowed them to secretly visit his family at night.

When all the soldiers are unblocked, they can reunite with their families openly for one night, and then... set off!

Of the ten springs of life, seven have been taken over by others. No matter what, we have to get one or two back.

Moreover, the opponent would not have thought that they still had peak strength and could turn from defense to offense.

As for the hero's memorial place, that is, in the Vine Field, all elves are prohibited from paying respects, saying that it is being repaired.

Except for Li Dan, Xiaohuan and Lu Yan.

Lu Yan held the brush casually, stood on a tall tree man, and brushed slowly, her eyes looking at Li Dan's happy expression without any trace.

After several days of contact, Lu Yan still couldn't figure out which part of the shrine camp he was from?

The shrine camp is divided into multiple parts, and justice is administered by the ancient powerful men who have been found and awakened respectively.

Because they have a tacit understanding and experience in working together, they can distinguish some of the actions and plans of the Black Emperor.

After all, if the expectations are correct, they are all old acquaintances from eternity ago.

Therefore, it must be divided layer by layer, and each region has its own helmsman.

There are them in the Eastern Continent, the Western Continent and the Northern Continent, just like the feudal kings of mortal dynasties.

They work independently but work together to achieve the same goal.

However, I have never seen the old man who appeared in Leihai that time, nor the successor Li Dan.

Grandpa Shu even said that the old man belonged to the ancient royal family.

This is even more impossible. Currently, there is only one ancient royal family that has been found and awakened, and the rest are just a few ancient royal families.

Perhaps, the organization deliberately concealed it.

What is her identity? There are some hidden clues that she doesn't even need to know.

Wait, the shrine arranged for him to come over for training and help Mu Zhi Forest solve the crisis. This was a test.

Because I got clues, the members of the Black Emperor are in the dark forest, and they are consuming the spring of life. This is also my mission.

The sign of successful completion depends on whether you can get the seven-thousand-year-old elixir that Grandpa Shu has treasured for many years.

I know that if you don't let yourself be so passive and slack in your work, there will definitely be competitors who will appear and urge you to keep moving forward.

It's just that he came a year longer than her and he was just late.

This must be the case. Perhaps this is a competition between two people with different voices in power in the shrine camp.

Then I can't embarrass the grandfathers behind me.

However, if you think about it, it's wrong. Li Dan mainly didn't want the ultimate reward elixir.

Is it possible that there are also hidden tasks and rewards?

Need to figure it out and find the answer yourself?

Lu Yan's head grew bigger and bigger as she thought about it, and she shook her head in annoyance.

Xiaohuan carried the bucket and flew up with fluttering wings. He looked at Sister Lu Yan's uncomfortable look and then looked at Li Dan.

"Sister Lu Yan, do you like Brother Li? I see that you have been secretly looking at him," Xiaohuan asked.

When Lu Yan heard this, she was immediately shocked: "You, don't talk nonsense, I don't. He and I are in a competitive relationship and are rivals."

"But, he is at the sixth level, and you are at the fourth level."


Can you please stop attacking people like this? This gap is simply irreparable.

Who is it that secretly cultivated such a person who is even more evil than himself?

Xiaohuan watched Li Dan happily singing the song "Catch the Duck" again, and thought for a moment: "Actually, it's nothing. Think about it, you are both alchemists. If you get together, you must have many common topics. I heard Grandpa Shu say that Taoist monks on the human side like to have two jobs the most."

"Besides, you are just like Xiao Mo. He can't live with Xiao Hua. There will be no children. And, in our land of elves..."

"Stop it, stop it!" Lu Yan quickly stopped her when she saw Li Dan coming over after finishing swiping the elixir liquid.

This is nothing, we don’t know anything about him now.

"Hey, you two beauties, haven't you finished painting yet? I'm going to go back to eat after finishing this bucket. If I have time, I'll make a vanilla cake for you. It's delicious," Li Dan said with a smile.

Now, when he gets up every day, he first takes a look at the small goals in his storage bag.

Suddenly I am full of energy and full of energy.

Everything is so sunny and happy.

Let’s end today’s unhappiness. Tomorrow will still be brilliant, baby!

When Xiaohuan heard it, his eyes suddenly lit up. It was delicious.

"Okay, okay, I'll come when I'm done," Xiaohuan said quickly.

Lu Yan continued to brush: "I still have something to do, so I won't go."

Li Dan nodded, turned his head and glanced at the 'thawed' warriors. Each one was rolled up by the vines protruding from the ground and disappeared underneath. He nodded.

"Then Xiaohuan, I'm waiting for you."

Li Dan headed towards his mushroom house, smiling and greeting all the elves he saw along the way.

Don't tell me, this place is really like a paradise. If you ever leave in the future, you will have to use the video stone to record a birthday video.

I will use it to celebrate my master and my wife’s birthday next time. After all, this is a distant blessing from another continent and another race.

It will definitely be better than other senior brothers.

Li Dan giggled when he thought of this.

But at the next moment, he suddenly stopped and frowned.

The blue lightning between the eyebrows was like a small heart, beating hard and bringing with it an extremely disgusting emotion.

Here, members of the Black Emperor have infiltrated.

A breeze came, making the surrounding leaves rustle. Li Dan remained motionless, his whole body's spiritual power mobilized, and his hands slowly slid down.

A long sword slowly appeared from his hand.

Only then did I realize that this place was quiet.

What the hell, Grandpa Shu, don’t you have hands and eyes all over the sky? Your eyes and ears are everywhere, and you don’t even know someone has infiltrated you?

Bang bang bang!

Just then, the sound of applause sounded.

Li Dan suddenly turned his head and saw a squirming movement on a big tree in front of him.

Then, a chameleon-like creature slowly appeared.

And sitting on it was a bald man.

He looked young, wearing a black shirt, with deep-set eyes, and two faint green lights flashing in his eyes, giving people an eerie feeling.

Black imperial inscriptions flashed on his forehead, and complex patterns were tattooed on his head.

"I didn't expect you to be so alert. This kind of latent medicine powder that is unique to our clan has been hidden even from the controller of the Wood Forest, but it was discovered by a human race. The experiment failed, but there is no need to improve it. After all, You are the only exception."

The bald man jumped off the chameleon, then crossed his arms and looked at Li Dan with interest.

"Hey, what's this brother's name?"

Li Dan didn't answer, just on guard.

The bald man ignored Li Dan and said, "It doesn't matter. Although I, Gu You, never kill unknown people, I can occasionally make an exception. In the next life, remember not to get involved in everything."

After Gu You finished speaking, his eyes instantly focused, his feet moved, and he disappeared from the spot!

Thank you [Master Na] for the 100 reward, thank you for your support.

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