Self-disciplined, I am invincible

Chapter 2084 This job is very challenging for us

Seeing the pig tails being arranged, Tang Jiu hesitated and spoke.

"Senior, if you compare the portal of the small world to a blank piece of paper, after entering, it will be another dimension. From here, I'm afraid..."

Gu Zhengyi on the side quickly poked Tang Jiu in the arm.

Pig Tail also stopped and looked at the two of them: "You two just need to remember that if you believe in Lord Pig, you will have eternal life!"

In the distance, Wu Nima and Sun Yichui watched quietly, not knowing what the pig's tail was going to do.

But it's definitely not a good thing.

I don’t know how long it took, but Pigtail suddenly moved his hands together, and the air in front of him trembled and rippled.

Then, a "portal" that could only allow half a person to pass through suddenly appeared.

On the other side of the portal are some dense forests and stone pillars of various mythical beasts.

It's like a temple.

Such a scene immediately stunned Wu Nima and the other two.

Gu Zhengyi and Tang Jiu were even more stunned, admiring the pig tail that "dropped from the sky".

The two of them took a deep breath and their eyes suddenly brightened.

"It tastes like this, yes, it tastes like this!"

Pigtail clapped his hands: "I told you, if you believe in Mr. Pig, you will have eternal life. However, there are specialties in the art. I can do some things, but some things depend on you."

The two nodded and quickly picked up their clothes.

Watching the two of them put on professional crime uniforms, one digging and the other with a shovel, Pig Tail was amused.

"This job is very challenging for us, especially those from the Hongmeng realm," Gu Zhengyi said seriously.

Tang Jiu smiled and held his hands in front of the pig tail: "Senior, it's a joke. We brought these two clothes from our hometown. We have to wear them every time we go to the tomb. They can be said to be like amulets."

Pigtail nodded: "I know, this is called professionalism. Do you and your team have a name?"

"Yes, heritage hunter!" Gu Zhengyi said, already dressed.

Then, he and Tang Jiu looked at each other, took out three incense sticks, lit them, stuck them on the ground, and prayed for a while that everything would be safe and that there would be a big harvest.

"Senior, can we sing another song?" the two said sheepishly.

Pigtail blinked and looked at the scene in the small hole again to make sure that no one was paying attention here.

Then he frowned: "Are you all acting like a mother-in-law?"

Tang Jiu explained: "Such a senior, this is a kind of inheritance that our brothers have always upheld. Only when these tasks are completed can we go to the grave with peace of mind."

"Okay, okay, hurry up, I can't last long." Pigtail said impatiently.

After the two thanked each other, they knelt down on their knees and began to sing softly in front of the three sticks of incense: "Dig, dig, dig in the little tomb..."

Seeing how pious the two of them were, Pigtail began to look at the two of them again.

"No matter whether the tomb is large or small, it all hints to myself that it is a small tomb. It also has professional tools and clothing. It's interesting. It's really interesting. I haven't met such interesting people as you for a long time."

"Forget it, I won't cheat you two this time. Even if I cheat you, the power I can bring to the realm is pitifully small. I look down on this old pig from the corpse demon tribe. He attacked me in Xiaotiandi. This time, he set up an ambush and imprisoned me." That black locust, old pig, I’m so ashamed of myself.”

"If these two people can really dig up your ancestral graves, they can help me breathe a sigh of relief."

Pigtail thought to himself until the two finally finished their "preparations."

"Senior, will you come in with me?" Gu Zhengyi asked.

Pigtail thought for a moment: "Well, I'll accompany you two this time. I guess there are some things in there that your cultivation level can't resist, but other things are up to you."

"Thank you, senior, I will definitely gain a lot this time, I can foresee it."

The two of them bowed their waists excitedly and started to go in.


"Oh my god, it seems that this pig's tail has found two helpers to dig up someone's ancestral grave," Wu Nyima finally understood and was full of disbelief.

Sun Yichui also showed his contemplation: "Yes, did its temperament change too quickly? A few days ago, I had to find your senior brother, but now it has devoted itself to another thing. I can't understand it. I really can't understand it. .”

"It doesn't matter, as long as you don't disturb my senior brother and us, what should we do now?" Wu Nima asked Xiang Sun Yichui.

After Sun Yishuang thought about it, he looked at the place again: "Why don't you go out during this period of time and let your senior brother wander around. Let's keep an eye on this place first. Maybe we can have a mantis hunting cicada oriole." Behind you."

Wu Nima's eyes lit up after hearing this: "Okay, okay, those two people seem to be from the second level of Dao Fruit Realm and the first level of Dao Fruit Realm. As for the pig tail, it is only from the sixth level. It is thick-skinned and a little It’s difficult, let’s deploy it well.”

"Yes, for example, we can set up formations at their exits..."

The two reached a consensus and hurriedly lurked over...


Medicine clan.

Li Dan looked at the burning Lingyuan Cauldron in front of him, and then looked at the Spirit Master sitting cross-legged next to him.

The spirit master died six days ago. He never expected that when he was about to get rid of Xingtuo and pursue him, a powerful aura locked onto him, making him unable to move.

He was very familiar with this aura, because at the giant monument in Xiaotiandi, he had encountered this kind of plot and was "accidentally killed."

Corpse Demon Tribe!

Li Dan's eyes were full of murderous intent. This corpse demon was undoubtedly playing with fire. He didn't show up, but he used such despicable methods.

Just wait for me.

So after the spirit master was separated again, Li Dan simply refused to leave.

Because for now, the Xingtuo of the Corpse Demon Clan, the Nether Clan, the Blood Demon Clan and the Star Clan are on the same front.

Moreover, these people in the Hongmeng realm generally believe that they are just puppets every time, and they will only become more and more unruly.

Maybe he was killed before he could escape even a few steps.

This will only waste time and affect your mood.

Now he is at a critical moment in alchemy, and the first form of [Defense Lu Huang Fist] taught by his master has only touched the tip of the iceberg, and he needs to understand it carefully.

After all, the time rules cannot be used, and the only things he can rely on are [Black Dragon Suppressing Emperor Technique] and [Defense Lu Huang Fist].

In this way, a year passed quietly.

Over the past year, several major events have occurred in the Nine Heavens Alliance.

The first thing is that Wunima of the Martial God Clan has completely disappeared. I don’t know why, but it’s quite unaccustomed.

There are rumors that the person who was killed last time was the real person, but the big forces concealed the secret and then discussed who would take the body to the Martial God Clan.

The second thing: Xingtuo from the Star Clan who lived in the Blood Demon Clan left half a year ago.

Some people said that he couldn't wait for Wunima to show up and looked for him elsewhere. Others said that maybe he had the body of the Preparatory Warrior Clan with him.

The third thing: Some strange faces came to the Jiutian Alliance. They seemed to be of very noble status. The weakest ones were from the eighth level and the strongest ones were from the ninth level. They were invited to live in various families in batches.

Moreover, they all came to find Vunima when they spread the word.

The fourth thing is the most shocking, that is, the cemetery of the ancestors of the Corpse Demon Clan, one of the Nine Heavens Alliance, was dug up.

The tomb of the ninth-generation patriarch of his clan was dug up, and a large number of burial objects were lost.

If the little thief hadn't accidentally touched a hidden mechanism and the Corpse Demon Clan had received a warning, the entire ancestral mausoleum would have been quietly evacuated.

After all, no one expected that someone from the Corpse Demon Clan, who had carved out a small world to live on their own, would sneak behind and do such an unscrupulous thing.

The corpse demon tribe lost all face and was furious. They offered a reward of one million Hongmeng beads for clues...

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