Self-disciplined, I am invincible

Chapter 19 Young people who don’t care about virtue are like rat tail juice!

At this moment, I glanced at the erhu thrown in the corner of the hall. I saw the erhu music I had learned from the Internet many years ago. This time, with the blessing of the music's attributes, I gradually woke up from my mind.

"Okay, then Junior Brother is showing off his shame. If there is anything wrong, please forgive me, sisters!"

Li Dan was not a coy character. He walked over and picked up the erhu and played it lightly. The quality was excellent.

Lu Shiyao also looked up at Li Dan at this moment.

After this period of contact, she suddenly realized that her understanding of Li Dan was far from enough.

He seems to know everything!

Master Lu leaned against the wall and gave up the chair for Li Dan to sit on. More than 300 other senior sisters also looked at Li Dan curiously after applauding happily.

Even Ouyang Ling, who was sitting at the table, blinked and closed the love book with a serious look on his face.

She was already curious about this man she had just met.

Li Dan nodded, picked up the erhu and sat upright.

Seeing Li Dan's hand on the erhu, Master Lu nodded.

He has put in a lot of effort, at least his sitting posture and gestures are completely correct.

But at the next moment, her eyes suddenly froze.

Because in this short moment, Li Dan seemed to have suddenly changed into a different person.

He moved his hands and feet like a true master.

It's unclear, the way is unclear.

But all those who were studying music here felt a sense of awe in their hearts.

The entire hall fell silent, and some senior sisters seemed to have forgotten their anger, for fear of breaking this extremely wonderful atmosphere.

A strong sense of longing filled the entire hall at some point.

It also permeated all hearts.

Li Dan only felt that he seemed to be in perfect harmony with this world, and in his mind, he saw another picture that he had not seen for a long time.

It was Inuyasha, his favorite anime ever, and this music was the theme song of that heartbreaking moment. It was precisely because of this that he completely fell in love with this song.

Everyone was looking for the four soul jade that could make wishes come true, but when it came into the hands of those two people, they just made the simplest wish.

One wants to become an ordinary woman and be with the person she loves, and the other wants to win the heart of the person she likes...

The Four Souls Jade turned from white to black, extremely good and extremely evil, and looked down upon the power of the world, but in the end it failed to realize the wishes of mortals.

Sometimes simple love can only be an extravagant hope, but you can't get it.

All that is left is heartbreaking regret and longing.

This is one of Li Dan's favorite animations, and it is also a part of his youth that he will never forget.

The next moment, he moved. He raised his left hand and pressed it on the strings. He clasped the thumb and index finger of his right hand slightly, and a deep and clear voice began to echo throughout the hall.

The aftertaste is lingering, gentle and urgent.

Everyone remained motionless, listening to the melody.

Sometimes it's gentle and slow, sometimes it's round and round, and every time you pull the string, it makes your heart tremble.

Master Lu listened, and at some point, he quietly closed his eyes with tears streaming down his face.

She seemed to see her former self.

It is a kind of loneliness and longing from the heart. Only those who have the story can understand it.

Among the flowers falling, people are separated, the garden is full of regrets, where can I send my lovesickness?

Someone once said that when the forest is deep, I see deer, when the sea is blue, I see whales, and when I wake up from a dream, I see you.

But it is easy to see a deer when the forest is deep, and it is not difficult to see a whale in the deep sea. When I wake up and see you, it is like seeing a deer when the sea is blue and a whale in the deep forest.

Ouyang Ling's eyes were already red, and she really wanted to cry.

It seems that I have seen the most sadistic ending of a story novel I have ever read, which is heartbreaking.

The music is sometimes melodious and sometimes soothing, but it is full of loneliness and a sense of desolation.

Thoughts are like wind, intermittent, memories are like water, lasting for a long time.

She thought of the last sentence in the storybook.

"There is nothing else to do but enjoy the white tea. I am waiting for Feng Ye to wait for you!"

Li Dan continued to play his erhu, and some of the girls started to cry softly.

They are also people with stories.

Lu Shiyao looked at Li Dan seriously, with mixed feelings in her heart.

Is he so afraid of losing himself?

Turning longing into loneliness is contained in this melody.

As time passed quietly, the song ended, and Li Dan opened his eyes.

An ultimate piece of music, without any spiritual power added to it for blessing, but it strangely touched everyone's hearts.

And they have never heard such a melody.

Li Dan breathed a long sigh of relief and was filled with excitement.

He thought he would make a mistake, after all, it had been too long, but he didn't expect Ou Huang's possession to be pulled so smoothly.

Back then, I spent a lot of time learning this song for my favorite anime.

But soon Li Dan realized something was wrong.

The entire empty hall was quiet, and everyone's eyes were fixed on him.

Li Dan swallowed and quickly looked at Master Lu.

So does she.

what is wrong? Could it be that this melody already exists in your music circle and I am too frustrated?

Or is this style not in line with the current perception of ancient style?

I was careless. I should have chosen Pipa and played a song called "Pipa Language".

I probably learned it back then, although I'm not very familiar with it.

Li Dan coughed slightly, his palms sweating a little.

Just then, someone applauded.

Li Dan looked around and saw that it was Ouyang Ling, then Master Lu, followed by more than 300 senior sisters.

There was thunderous applause, everyone underestimated Li Dan.

This is a master who came to the novice village.

Even Lu Shiyao quietly applauded at this moment.


They have never heard this piece of music, but they feel the inseparable loneliness, longing, and fear from this melody.

This was probably created by Li Dan, and his true emotions were incorporated into it.

Everything is self-evident.

Ouyang Ling also wiped the corners of his eyes to suppress his inner excitement.

Because just now, she seemed to have found a wonderful feeling.

It is an artistic conception that can fill a complete ancient music score by itself.

Just like the enlightenment of spiritual practice, it can only be encountered but not sought.

But then, like a shooting star, it passed by and was nowhere to be found.

"Did you do this?" Master Lu asked excitedly.

Li Dan nodded subconsciously.

"No wonder it can complete Shiyao's music score. What's the name of this?"

Li Dan smiled: "'Thoughts Traveling Through Time and Space'."

Master Lu said oh.

Many senior sisters said oh.

Lu Shiyao underneath was blushing.

No wonder!


Li Dan quickly went down in embarrassment, but the applause never stopped for a long time.

Ouyang Ling winked at her new deskmate and took back the introductory music book she had given him not long ago.

So good at pretending!

Master Lu above looked at Ouyang Ling from Xing Palace, then looked at Li Dan, and smiled bitterly.

I thought you were a newbie, but I didn't expect you to be better than Ouyang Ling.

Pretend to be a pig and eat the tiger.

Young people who don't care about virtue are like mice tail juice!

In this way, he finally made it to the end of get out of class. After Master Lu left and let everyone have a good rest, Li Dan hurriedly rummaged through his storage bag.

He quickly took out eight love letters, rouge and gouache and two exquisite clothes, and came to Lu Shiyao.


Lu Shiyao looked at the gift in front of her and stood up.

His face turned red, and he was even more worried.

"G-Give it to me?"

Even she didn't notice that she started to stutter.

Finally, finally——

Li Dan nodded: "Well, it's yours, it's..."

Li Dan suddenly couldn't remember the names of these senior brothers, mainly because there were too many, and there were other senior sisters.

"They all have names. You'll know after you take them apart." Li Dan felt so embarrassed, why his memory has become so bad.

When more than 300 other senior sisters saw that Li Dan finally couldn't hold back and bravely took this step again, they suddenly burst into laughter.

Everyone seemed to be watching the excitement and surrounded the place, wondering what the gift was.

"Thank you, thank you," Lu Shiyao said softly, biting her lip.

To be honest, she was really happy at this moment, because Li Dan had completed the score, made breakthroughs in cultivation, and had a hidden meaning in the name of the piece he had just performed.

If there was no one, I would be so happy that I would jump three feet high.

I thought you were going to keep being angry with me again.

I didn’t expect that today——

Li Dan also noticed that there was a lot of people around him, and many senior sisters raised their eyebrows to cheer Li Dan.

Li Dan knew there was a misunderstanding and said quickly.

"Senior sisters, don't be anxious. The ones you have are all entrusted to you by the senior brothers who traveled away yesterday. Is Senior Sister Luo Miaohan Luo here? Your express delivery is not your gift——"

"Jiang Xinxin, Senior Sister Jiang, you have three copies, please check them."

"And the big's not that Senior Sister Liang Rui, these are yours."


Li Dan kept taking out the gifts, calling out people's names, tearing off the names he wrote on the gifts, and handing them over to everyone with confidence.

Only then did some women realize that Li Dan was given to someone else.

Some have seen it and scoffed.

There are some surprises.

Some of them had known it for a long time and rushed out of the Qianyin Palace with tears streaming down their faces and ran down the mountain.

Lu Shiyao just froze on the spot and quickly opened the love letter and other gifts.

Sure enough, none of them had his name written on them, they were all other people's names.

Looking at Li Dan, who was placing gifts in the crowd with a nonchalant attitude, her face suddenly turned red, and tears flowed down unsatisfactorily.

Still intentional.

To make me angry on purpose.

I have seen love rivals fight, but I have never seen someone send a love letter to a love rival so openly.

What on earth do you want to do? Do you have to let me explain it clearly in front of everyone like you?

She raised her head and tried not to shed tears.

Because she knew that he was secretly observing her.

I won't lose, absolutely not.

This is related to the status of the two parties in the future.

Ouyang Ling, who was secretly observing everything, looked at this scene and his mind was very active.

This is really interesting!

Did something go wrong between the two of them?

For example, is there a third party involved?

I love you, you love her, she loves him, or he loves him?


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