Self-disciplined, I am invincible

Chapter 1606 The Third Legion of Great Qin!

Langye County!

Li Dan couldn't help but feel dizzy when he looked at the seventeenth princess who looked embarrassed in front of him.

Especially Jiang Shengnan, who was still trying his best to defend her.

Finally, he looked helplessly at Wei Huayang and others.

I am hiding here because I am afraid that the identities of several people will be exposed. They are all people who cannot be put on the stage.

It would be better for you to just bring us such a time bomb.

Didn't see the light? When a Senmu inspector comes, everyone except Wei Huayang will have to hide.

The seventeenth princess Yin Ruoxi who escaped from marriage is here. Once she is tracked down, there is no telling how many bigwigs will show up.

And what do you want the county governor Xiao Qinghe to do?

If he didn't report what he knew, would Da Qin lose face, or would he pretend to be deaf and dumb and not see it?

Isn't this difficult for others?

Jiang Shengnan on the side was still chattering and even came over to put his arms around Yin Ruoxi's shoulders, fully affirming her for daring to pursue her ideals and challenge authority.

Yin Ruoxi looked embarrassed when she was praised, but in the end she seemed to feel that she was really amazing.

Jiang Shengnan was even more proud, as if he had found a close friend for many years.

Li Dan covered his forehead speechlessly.

Can this apprentice quit?

As for everyone else, they are also waiting for Li Dan to make a decision.

Especially Xiao Qinghe, he is now being pushed to the forefront.

Staring at Li Dan eagerly.

As if sensing something was wrong in the atmosphere, Jiang Shengnan's voice gradually became much softer.

Yin Ruoxi also looked uneasy.

"Master Xiao, what's the news in Kyoto now?" Li Dan looked at Xiao Qinghe.

Xiao Qinghe said quickly: "Master, no news has come yet. It is probably under pressure. There were rumors that the Seventeenth Princess escaped now. It seems that everything is just a rumor."

Yes, it seems that for the sake of the face of the Great-Qin marriage, this matter has been reduced from a big deal to a trivial matter.

It is estimated that Kyoto is either searching for him secretly or has already found someone to replace him.

Just find it and send it back when the time comes.

Looking at Yin Ruoxi, who looked nervous and had trembling pupils, Li Dan couldn't make up his mind for a moment.

He looks nothing like that guy Yin Ting.

I don’t know which mother-in-law gave birth to her, but she must be Yin Ting’s younger sister.

"How many people know?" Li Dan asked.

Xiao Qinghe looked around the hall, and then handed over his hands: "It's just us. By the way, there are also my sons Xiao Xuan and Huang Qianjun. They were outside the hall and didn't come in."

Li Dan turned his head and looked at Zhou You who was watching the excitement: "Did you tell me?"

Zhou You curled his lips and shook the big gold chains on his ears and neck.

"Yeah, that's what I said. It's not a secret, and I swear, I won't tell anyone else." Zhou You said.

Li Dan sighed again.

What does this mean every day?

"Master, I don't want to go back. Please don't report me. You guys, just pretend you haven't seen me. I'll leave right away..." Yin Ruoxi sensed something was wrong and said hurriedly.

Li Dan raised his hand: "No one will report you, just wait. If someone finds out, Mr. Xiao, just send her away secretly."

Hearing that the decision was finally made, Yin Ruoxi looked overjoyed and thanked her quickly.

Jiang Shengnan also breathed a sigh of relief.

No matter how reluctant Xiao Qinghe was, he had no choice but to nod.

Li Dan looked at Princess Seventeen, he was not that kind of antique.

Faced with pressure from people he disliked and family members, running away from marriage to pursue what he wanted was a common occurrence in his previous life.

Sometimes he even admires it.

"Can I ask, do you know why Da Qin suddenly wants to marry Da Yu?"

Now, finally, a person from Kyoto is here, and he is also the protagonist, Li Dan asked curiously.

Yin Ruoxi shook her head after hearing this: "I'm not sure. I guess the two immortal dynasties want to join forces."

Well, I asked and didn’t ask.

Finally, he waved his hand and asked the two of them to leave.

"Big drum, pot helmet!" Li Dan said.

Immediately afterwards, Zhou You's ears twitched, and a big drum and a pot helmet appeared.

"What's wrong, young commander?" the two little guys asked suspendedly.

Zhou You, who was about to go out, was suddenly spun so hard that he almost fell down.

The big gold chain around his neck also turned into a Jinyan Zhiyang knife, and he came over excitedly.

Zhou You cursed for a while.

Li Dan said: "I just want the Tiger Talisman, nothing else."

The two flag spirits, Dagu and Guokui, quickly spit out the tiger charms of their respective legions and handed them to Li Dan.

Jin Yan Zhi Yang Dao was a little disappointed, thinking it could be of little help.

Li Dan's mind sank into it, and he held the tiger talisman with his left and right hands to explore.

Not a single star lit up inside. In Langye County, which had such a large flow of people, there were still no survivors from the two legions.

This makes Li Dan a little pity. Wu Jiuling and the others are not really the only ones left.

After handing the Tiger Talisman back to Dagu and Guokui and signaling them to go out, he began to sort out everything he had experienced during this period.


Time passed by day by day, and Li Dan gradually became free during the period after breaking through to the Half-Ancestral Realm.

While guiding Jiang Shengnan in alchemy, she also taught her some of her own special magical powers, such as the "Ten Directions Shura Sutra", etc., which made her progress rapidly.

As for Yin Ruoxi, she had already learned from Jiang Shengnan that the man in black robes and the other person with a kind voice were the tenth-grade alchemist, and she was filled with admiration.

Most of the time, he waited anxiously for his fate, holding his chin with his hands and watching the man in black robe teach Jiang Shengnan alchemy.

I felt envious in my heart.

It's great to have such a master who considers his disciple wholeheartedly.

Sister Kui'er is protected by Grandpa Yue Poshan.

Only myself...

She shook her head, trying not to think about these unhappy things, and just looked at the man in black robe.

Her voice sounded very young. Jiang Shengnan said that she had never seen what her master looked like.

It's really curious.

But in the next second, Li Dan, who was instructing Jiang Shengnan, suddenly raised his head and looked outside the governor's mansion.

Then he looked thoughtfully at Yin Ruoxi aside.

After Yin Ruoxi was in a daze for a moment, her face suddenly turned pale.

Jiang Shengnan also became nervous: "Follow me——"

After saying that, he quickly pulled Yin Ruoxi and ran towards the back door...

Boom boom boom!

Outside the entire county governor's mansion, the soldiers originally stationed there were chatting, and suddenly the ground trembled violently.

The loud roar caused by the sonorous and orderly footsteps shakes the mind.

If you listen carefully, it sounds like the sound of footsteps mixed with the sound of horse hooves, like thousands of troops marching across a long street in an instant, it is deafening.

Many government soldiers were immediately on alert.

At the same time, Xiao Qinghe also noticed something and hurriedly came out.

As he looked around, amidst the roaring sound, many people were hiding at the other end of the long street. Then, smoke and dust billowed, and an iron cavalry came galloping towards them, impacting like a frenzy, which was very shocking.

It was a cavalry force of about a thousand people.

Wearing pure black armor and galloping iron cavalry, they looked like a ghost army under the sun.

The martial power is fierce, with a strong iron-blooded energy, like an extremely sharp spear thrust straight at it, it seems that it can tear everything apart.

The terrifying pressure made the legs of these soldiers who had never been on the battlefield tremble.

Everyone looked at Xiao Qinghe in horror.

Xiao Qinghe narrowed his eyes and looked at a flag floating in this legion.

The pupils suddenly shrank.

[The Third Legion of Great Qin! 】

Isn't the Third Army stationed over the border? Why did it suddenly appear here?

Is it possible that he already knows that the Seventeenth Princess is with him?

Thinking of this, Xiao Qinghe's heart suddenly tightened.

Thank you to the boss [丨丿] for your 200 reward, and thank you to the boss [Dingfang Guide] of Bookstore for your 100 reward. Thank you for your support!

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