Self-disciplined, I am invincible

Chapter 160 Young boy (please subscribe)

Although Li Dan didn't care, he and Lin Pang still browsed the small advertisements for a while with great interest.

"Brother Li, what are you looking for?"

Li Dan blushed.

"Why aren't there any ads like that on here?"

"What kind?"

"Ahem, it's nothing, let's go!"

Under Lin Pang's confusion, the two of them entered the main hall of the mission hall.

There are crowds of people here, and the entire hall also has a super huge amethyst light curtain, which is connected through formations and publishes many tasks.

Someone needs to find a kind of elixir and configure the picture.

If there is a need to form a team to go out, we will recruit people and make requirements.

There are actually people who are recruiting to form a girl group, and they need height, cultivation, appearance, etc. to get recommendation votes.

And the band needs musicians...

If necessary, they will go to the corresponding window at the back to take orders. Once the number of people reaches the required level, the tasks on the amethyst light curtain will be quickly replaced with new ones.

On the other side, tasks are queued up to be released.

Bustling and busy.

Fatty Lin felt inferior when he saw it: "I feel like I can't do anything but accept the mission No. 367."

Li Dan looked at it and saw that it was a chef tasting task, but it shouldn't be easy to imagine.

Li Dan patted Lin Pang on the shoulder: "Believe me, your luck is the best I have ever seen. Someone has notarized this. Remember, life is not only about the present, but also about poetry and the distance."

Fatty Lin was immediately moved. Such encouragement warmed his heart in such a strange place.

Then he nodded heavily.

The two of them have been waiting in line at the task release window, and finally they arrived. Li Dan said: "I want to see the Great Sage!"

The people inside were stunned for a moment. This was another person who had spent too much money to take advantage of him.

Great Sage has not opened for more than a year.

Soon, a note was issued: "Go along the hall, the sage has been informed."

Li Dan took the note and walked deeper with Fatty Lin along the designated route.

"Why do I suddenly feel a little cheated? When we talk about sages, why do the staff in the mission hall look at us like they are looking at fools? Moreover, this place is getting more and more remote, and there are almost no lights. It is more suitable You're just pretending to be a god."

The two of them continued to go deeper, and it became darker and darker in front of them. The noise behind them was weakening, and Li Dan said a little uncertainly.

Fatty Lin was also a little uneasy at this moment. After all, the starting point was one million spiritual crystals, and it was his own advice to Brother Li.

"How about we go back? Anyway, we haven't paid yet."

"Forget it, let's make peace with it now that we've arrived. Besides, we're already here!" Li Dan stopped.

In front of them, a small room appeared with the words [Sage's Questions and Answers Ticket Office] on it.


At this moment, with a sound, the window board of the ticket office was suddenly opened, and a dazzling light shone out from inside. Li Dan and Lin Pang were caught off guard and subconsciously covered their eyes with their sleeves.

"Young boy, do you want this ticket for one million spiritual crystals, this ticket for two million, or this ticket for three million for other matters?"

A familiar voice sounded from the ticket window, and Li Dan squinted his eyes and suddenly felt a twitch in his face.

"It's you!"

What appeared in the window was the so-called river god that Li Dan met by the river.

The old man raised his snow-white eyebrows slightly and was stunned: "It turns out it's you who is dishonest."

Without saying a word, Li Dan pulled Fat Lin and turned around to leave.

He has determined that this is a 100% scam.


"Hey, hey, don't leave. Are you here to find someone?"

Seeing that Li Dan was about to leave, the old man in the window immediately became anxious and shouted through the door.

Li Dan didn't care.

"The person you are looking for is dying!"

As the old man's voice shouted again, Li Dan's footsteps suddenly stopped and he walked directly to the window with a frown on his face.

"I hope you won't frame me, otherwise, I will tear down your shabby shop!"

The old man suddenly smiled, lowered his eyebrows again, and three tickets, one black, one silver, and one gold, were suspended in front of Li Dan.

"Young boy, do you want this ticket for one million spiritual crystals, this ticket for two million, or this ticket for three million for other matters?"

Li Dan's hands clenched tightly subconsciously.

Didn't you figure out that I came to find someone? What do you mean by repeating it now?

Water word count?

This will get you scolded!

Li Dan threw a storage bag into the window and took the black ticket.

"I'm looking for someone to ask questions!"

The old man held the storage bag and put it in with his spiritual consciousness. After confirming the number, he put it into his sleeve.

"Young boy, congratulations on your successful purchase of a question ticket worth one million rare spiritual crystals. Please go to the next room and wait for a while. I will go and invite the great sage." After receiving it, go directly inside. Go.

Li Dan was stunned and punched the window: "You are not a sage in terms of emotions, so you said you were in danger just to prevent me from buying a ticket. You are so shameless."

At this moment, Fatty Lin also felt that the two of them had been deceived, and one million spiritual crystals were just gone.

He secretly glanced at Li Dan. He felt so guilty that he didn't dare to speak loudly. Instead, he gently pulled Li Dan's sleeve and pointed to the side.

There, a dark room appeared out of nowhere, and two eye-catching red lanterns hung outside the room.

Li Dan flicked his sleeves angrily and strode in directly.

Pushing open the room, it was still dark inside, but there were white candles all around that spontaneously ignited with a popping sound.

Only then did the two discover that there were two low chairs facing each other.

"Maybe it's not fake. Look, there are two futons here. We have exactly two," Fatty Lin pointed at the two futons on the low table below.

Li Dan looked at it and had no choice but to sigh, sit down on the futon, and wait quietly for the so-called summoner, the sage.

Fatty Lin also sat on it.

Time passed minute by minute, until half an hour later, when Li Dan began to wonder if the other party was absconding with the money, a secret door suddenly opened in the room.

Suddenly, a golden light shone out, causing the two of them to subconsciously squint their eyes again.

"Young boy, what do you want to ask? I, the great sage, will definitely give you a satisfactory answer!"

As the light dissipated, Li Dan suddenly stood up from the futon when he saw the old man who had changed into golden clothes.

He felt that his intelligence had been insulted like never before.

It took more than half an hour just to change clothes.

This is a scam.

At this moment, Li Dan felt that there was an uncontrollable flame about to burst out of his abdomen.

"Young boy, are you looking for this, this person, or this person?"

Just when Li Dan felt the righteousness rising from his abdomen, three more portraits suddenly appeared in front of the so-called sage.

The first one is exactly the portrait of Senior Brother Mu Tianxing.

The second picture is of second senior brother Xu Zhong.

As for the third picture, it is of a person whose face cannot be seen clearly, but there is a golden line between his eyebrows...

Thank you to the two big guys [I Have Sanduolan] and [Duyi] for their 100 reward. Thank you for your support.

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