Self-disciplined, I am invincible

Chapter 1350 Let’s go, I’ll take you...home!

Li Dan's sudden landing directly forced the team of 100,000 civilians to a halt.

The leader looked at Li Dan in horror.

They were a little confused because the man's face could clearly be seen, but they forgot about it in the blink of an eye, and there was no memory of him in their minds.

But then came Chu Zhengfeng and Hongying.

Seeing them, everyone gradually felt relieved.

They were the ones who rescued themselves and others.

"Don't be afraid, this is our young master. It was he who defeated a powerful enemy that gave us the opportunity to open the prison." Hongying couldn't help but speak excitedly.

She looked at Li Dan's back as if in a dream.

He is truly an idol.

Which girl from the Four Immortal Dynasties has never heard of the legendary life of Marshal Da Qin.

But because of his special status, he has never been lucky enough to see him.

Because he is either secretly deep behind enemy lines, performing a mission, or on the way to perform a mission.

All you can get are portraits and various news.

Even if it’s Hongying, this is the first time I’ve seen her today.

I knew that anyone who said he was dead was lying.

Li Dan raised his hand to interrupt Hongying's bragging. The victory in this battle was due to teamwork, not just him.

At this moment, he looked at everyone, holding the golden teleportation column in his hand, and slowly asked: "Where do you want to go?"

Everyone immediately began to communicate in low voices until an old voice sounded: "Dear Sir, we want to go home."

Li Dan looked over and saw that the person speaking was the old man who was supported by his granddaughter before. He was also the one who asked Hongying about the direction home.

His face was dirty, and he was lying on a somewhat muscular man.

Apparently, someone was carrying him home.

"Yeah, we want to go home."

"go home."

"Yes, you have to try it."


More and more voices filled the crowd, and finally turned into a will that reached the sky.

A strong pressure came down, and everyone suddenly fell silent.

"Then do you know how far this place is from the newly divided border between humans and Zerg? How dangerous is it on the road? Zerg, mountains, wild beasts, the forbidden areas that were formerly owned by the human race... How should we get there with such a huge group of people? "

Li Dan asked.

To be honest, Li Dan still doesn't know where the border is now.

However, this occupied area is equivalent to several previous small worlds.

In the small world in my hometown, I have not visited even a few of the tens of thousands of universes, let alone several.

With their pace, even if the road ahead was smooth and without any danger, they would probably not be able to cover even half of the distance in dozens of lifetimes.

Faced with Li Dan's questioning, everyone was silent.

But they don't know.

This latest area has been around for hundreds of thousands of years. As mortals with no cultivation qualifications, they actually have no idea where the human area that truly belongs to them is.

Because they seem to be hiding from birth.

I can’t remember how long it’s been, it’s been like this for generations.

Some people are specially born and raised in the Zerg stronghold, just like livestock, and then their parents become the food of the Zerg.

They are slowly fed, grow up, combine, give birth to the next generation, and follow the old path of their parents.

I am so confused that I don’t know what the purpose of my visit to this world is?

It seems that it is simply used as food to carry on the family line.

As luck would have it, a certain stronghold was breached by a strong human race, and they were set free, and then they hurriedly left in search of the resources they had.

They are confused and don't know where to go.

Maybe after walking a few steps, he was spotted by a different-looking Zerg laughing.

Or being chased by all kinds of terrifying monsters.

He was glanced at lightly by the powerful human race man flying with his sword from the sky.

However, there is a unified legend left by their ancestors that has always made them yearn for it.

That is, there is a pure land, a pure land that only belongs to the human race.

There, everyone can farm safely, open a restaurant, and chat over tea and mulberry trees.

No need to worry and hide every day.

The sky there is so blue and the air is so fresh.

Even their descendants with cultivation talents can be sent to the surrounding sects to fly with swords like those strong human beings in the sky.

In short, it was a free country.

They are the human area.

But they don’t know where or how far away that perfect place that they can’t even imagine in their minds is.

When they came out this time, a female fairy told them.

Everyone reached a unified pace.

Go to the human area and see. They don't want to die meaninglessly like their ancestors.

At this moment, facing Li Dan's questioning, a voice in the dark crowd shouted: "We are not afraid."

"We are not afraid!"

"We are not afraid!"


This sound seems to be contagious, one becomes ten, one hundred, one thousand, ten thousand...

Finally it turned into a huge and confident roar.

"We are not afraid!"

Chu Zhengfeng and Hongying looked moved, and both looked at Li Dan.

Li Dan didn't speak, he had mixed feelings in his heart.

Even after hundreds of thousands of years, for these ordinary people, that is the direction of home.

This is the fundamental difference between humans and Zerg.

Roots, feelings, yearning, cohesion...

This is the human race!

"Okay, I'll take you home!" Li Dan said.

Everyone immediately looked at Li Dan.

The same goes for Chu Zhengfeng and Hongying.

They also wanted to send my people home, but this was simply impossible.

Not to mention the difficulty of this journey, even when we get to the border, the first thing we have to deal with is the Zerg, and then I am the Human Race...

Moreover, all the battleships brought by Fengman were also damaged.

Is it possible to just walk through it step by step?

This is unrealistic and dangerous.

The young marshal appears here, and it is very likely that he has other tasks to do.

Don't let this drag him down.

Just as Chu Zhengfeng was about to speak, the human race in front of him knelt down in excitement.

"Thank you, sir!"

"Thank you, sir!"


The black mass kneeled down like a tidal wave.

For the first time in such a long time, a strong human being said that he wanted to send them home.

It's almost like a dream.

They want to live and go to the holy land that belongs to the human race.

Li Dan looked at the darkness and suddenly saw wisps of white air coming out of their bodies and going straight into his body.

The stagnant spiritual power that originally belonged to the early stage of the Order Realm began to loosen up.

Is this light?

But it was obvious that Chu Zhengfeng and Hongying couldn't see it.

Li Dan turned around suddenly and felt the operation of the teleportation column with his hands.

Only ordinary people can pass through it. Those with a little bit of spiritual power will not be able to get through it, no matter how hidden they are.

As for the other side, it is any area in the human area.

After understanding it, Li Dan injected spiritual power into it and then threw it out suddenly.

After the two golden pillars landed, they suddenly grew larger.

The two were even more involved with each other, slowly forming a layer of white mist.

The mist slowly became transparent, until behind this huge arch-like door, there was a place where birds were singing and the fragrance of flowers was fragrant.

The grass is green, the red rain is fragrant, and the pink walls and black tiles are hidden among the shades of green flowers.

There is also a beautiful view of the gurgling water under the small bridge and the rows of willows along the river.

There are also people carrying hoes on their backs, talking, laughing and saying hello.

Everyone was stunned. They looked at the scenery behind the arch, full of disbelief.

Chu Zhengfeng and Hongying also fell down and their eyes widened.

It seems they haven't seen each other for a long time.

He reached out and subconsciously wanted to touch it, but was bounced back by a strong force.

Seeing this, Li Dan suddenly laughed, turned around and shouted loudly.

"Let's go, I'll take you...home!"

Wow, thank you to me [Duyi] for the 9000 reward, thank you for your support!

Thank you to the two bosses of [Ash Tree] and [Eternity] for the 100 reward, thank you for your support!

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