Self-disciplined, I am invincible

Chapter 1151 It’s better to make trouble than to do nothing

Around the campfire.

Bodies everywhere.

The strong smell of blood caused the wolves around them to whimper softly with their eyes glowing green.

But he didn’t dare to step forward!

Because sitting next to the bonfire was a man who looked like an iron tower.

On his loose robe, he gently wiped the huge bloody knife on his legs.

Under the firelight, the disheveled hair, a beard at the corner of the mouth, and the faint scars on the face were visible.

Such a man gives people an unprecedented sense of security.

At least that's what the little girl next to me thinks.

She looked at the man's profile and clenched her hands tightly.

"Still scared?" The man turned his head slightly and looked at her.

The little girl immediately shook her head: "No, I'm not afraid."

"Why do these people want to kill you?" The man continued to wipe his weapon.

But the girl lowered her head: "Kill people and seize treasures, just eradicate the roots."

Hearing this answer, the man looked at her in surprise.

Because her words and expressions, apart from sadness, were filled with deep calm.

He was surprised that she could change her mood so quickly after just experiencing life and death.

"It seems they are your parents. This is the law of life in this world. The strong live and the weak die," the man sighed.

The girl stood up suddenly, as if she had made some decision.

"My name is Zhao Haitang. I want to be my teacher and ask my benefactor to accept me as his disciple!"

After the little girl finished speaking, there were three bangs.

The man smiled, waved his hand, and a flash of pink lightning passed by, gently helping her up.

"I have already accepted a disciple, and I don't want to accept a second one anytime soon!" the man said.

The girl's eyes gradually dimmed as she looked at the pink lightning on her arm.

"Do you think I'm great?" The man suddenly asked such a topic.

The girl immediately raised her head and nodded without hesitation: "Awesome, uncle, you are the most powerful person I have ever seen. You are more powerful than my parents, those uncles, and the bad guys lying around."

Hearing the girl's compliment, the man burst into laughter.

Seems very happy.

"I really hope you are telling the truth. However, I am only in the Saint King Realm. If I encounter a Great Saint Realm, they can crush me to death with just one finger. There are countless people in this world who are better than me. Wait until you arrive in the future. The world of Confucianism knows how big the world is."

"Confucianism?" The girl didn't understand. It seemed like it was the first time she heard this word.

The man didn't explain anything to him, he just moved his fingers.

The pink lightning wrapped around the girl's arm suddenly turned into a cute little pig.

This startled the girl, but she soon cheered up.

So interesting.

"Is it magical?"


"Do you want to?"

"I want to, but this is yours, uncle, I can't have it."

"I can give you a different one. I don't know the specific color."

"Really? But uncle, this is the first time we have met. If you are not willing to accept me as your disciple, why do you want to give me something?"

The girl couldn't put it down and touched the piggy's nose and ears, and looked at the man curiously.

The man looked up at the bright moon in the sky.

After a long while, he said: "Maybe it's because of the connection between eyes, or maybe, I see my former self in you."

"Uncle, were your parents also killed by bad people?"


"Then you are so powerful now, you must have taken revenge, right?"

"It's necessary. I've already reported it."

"I also want to repay it, and I will repay it with my own hands!" The girl's voice was extremely firm.

The man nodded: "Yes, come here and I will give you this good thing. Then, I will forget about you and someone will find you and give you a better platform for cultivation."

Seeing the uncle waving, the girl came over with the pink pig in her arms: "Uncle, why do you forget me? Haitang doesn't want to forget uncle. You are my benefactor, and I want to repay you."

"Repay the favor, no need. Don't blame me from now on. I just pulled you on this boat. As for forgetting you, it's to protect you."

"Uncle, can I know your name?"

"My name is not nice because I used to be a pig butcher and everyone likes to call me butcher."

"Is the person who came to pick me up your friend?"

"Well, that's right. He is a man with great magical powers. When the time comes, just follow him and practice hard. You will definitely get your own revenge."

"Then what should I call him? Do I need a code or something?"

"Hahaha, you are so weird. I can't believe it. You just experienced life, death, and siege. He will definitely like this kind of character. There are also secret codes. You can call him Dai. If he calls you Seven generations, that’s right.”

"Okay, uncle, your hands are so warm, I feel so sleepy, I really want to take a nap."

"Go to sleep. When you wake up, you will step into a new circle, have a new life, and also face new challenges. I'm sorry to drag you into this boat, but -"

Pink thunder suddenly surged around the butcher, and a terrifying wave of air came out, followed by a whimper from around him.

The wolves that were looking at him eagerly were blown away.

All of a sudden, the remaining limbs were flying around.

"They are all destined to die. Instead of doing nothing, it is better to make trouble!"


"Are you the one who came to pick me up?" Zhao Haitang looked at the uncle who appeared in front of him.

She blinked her eyes, he was so handsome and even younger than the butcher uncle.

Should I call him big brother?

But why can't I remember his appearance? It's so strange.

"Yeah!" The man took her little hand and flew into the air.

"Where's the butcher uncle?"

"He's in trouble."

"Hey, I have lightning in everything? It's green. When did it turn into a pig?"


"By the way, we haven't matched the password yet. I'm the seventh generation, which one are you?"


"It seems that you are Uncle Butcher's friend. I will practice hard with you and then personally avenge my parents and my uncles and uncles."



Three thousand years later, Daochen True Realm!

Seven sects near Linluoyuan were slaughtered by one person at the same time.

Looking at the burning mountain gate in front of him, Zhao Haitang at this moment seemed to be transformed into a female Shura.

What mercy, what innocence of others.

What does all this have to do with me.

How could you let those ordinary disciples go?

What I want is a clear idea.

Dressed in hunting clothes, she seemed to have opened the knot in her heart, and her cultivation level had once again risen to a new level.

Then he left for his former home without looking back.

Three thousand years have brought great changes.

A small town was actually built here.

Everyone has a smile on their face and everyone lives and works in peace and contentment.

She quietly ate some snacks in this small town and left with satisfaction.


After an unknown period of time, a piece of news came that shocked everyone in the world.

The sixth generation butcher of the Destroyer was killed.

When she arrived in disbelief, on a huge stone monument, the uncle she remembered from her childhood was split into limbs.

The head was nailed firmly to it.

Countless people were pointing and pointing, and everyone was celebrating.

There are also strong men patrolling secretly watching everyone.

She held back tears and looked at him.

At that moment, she seemed to understand the true meaning of her uncle saying that he wanted to forget her to protect her.

But there was nothing she could do.

"Go and complete your mission!"

In my ears, the voice of a generation came.

After looking around in the bustling crowd, he gritted his teeth and left, diving into the depths of the universe.

Go with the flow.

She didn't know if she was escaping or following Generation's words.

She just wanted to keep moving forward, keep moving forward.

Whenever you feel tired, stop and rest...

PS: Please give me a monthly ticket

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