Self-disciplined, I am invincible

Chapter 1062 Password, secret code, oh yeah! (asking for monthly ticket)

At present, the three building owners of Tianbao Tower are 100% convinced of Li Dan's deduction results.

This makes them no longer feel sorry for the things they gave away before, but truly value for money.

In fact, they had to verify it again and they were completely relieved.

After the three of them said goodbye to Li Dan, they hurried away.

Only Liang Zhichao was left, feeling grateful to Li Dan.

Li Dan is also happy.

He earned 7,000 secret points in vain, and currently has 24,000 left, only 26,000 short of reaching the middle stage of immortality.

And there is a high probability that it will still be the peak of the middle stage of the Immortal Realm.

Just like the original commander-in-chief put an end to it.

For others, just taking this step and shouting twenty-five water dumps before and after would take God knows how many years.

Sometimes even if you put all kinds of resources in your hands, you can't gather new Tao spiritual sounds.

Elimination is an example.

And now, how long did it take for Li Dan to break through from the divine realm to the immortal realm.

Moreover, they also personally gave them an eighteen-story tower in a prime location, plus 500 million immortal jade and a favor.

After all, what he saved was the backbone and soul of Tianbao Tower.

"Thank you, Brother Li!" Liang Zhichao gave another grateful salute.

Li Dan was also in a good mood.

"I'll work hard if you're grateful, you..."

Li Dan sighed again.

Of the three posters here, no one wants to solve the problem for Liang Zhichao.

I can't guide, but how can I remind?

You have to think of something.


Central Territory, Tianbao Tower Headquarters.

Since Tianbao Tower started out as a business, it is still like a huge spider web covering countless worlds. As a headquarters, it must be luxurious and mysterious.

The entire headquarters is located in this central region where every inch of land is like gold, covering an area of ​​thousands of acres.

Coupled with the cheapness of gold and silver, anything that can be plated with gold will never be plated with silver.

Everywhere is resplendent.

Under the sun, the reflected golden light will definitely blind your eyes.

Looking down from a high altitude, I am the most handsome guy on this street.

It doesn't matter if you don't attract attention.

The main entrance is even more shining.

A total of eighty-one pillars made of pure immortal jade support the dome building, which is extremely majestic.

The ground is covered with white jade, which is polished by water. You can walk on it and take pictures in it.

The guards standing at the door all pretended to be capable, and their sharp eyes like eagles were constantly scanning the crowd on the opposite street.

Judging from the auras faintly seeping out of these men's bodies, they are all in the immortal realm.

Of course, everyone knows what the true heritage of Tianbao Tower is.

After all, this is just the surface. Deep inside, God knows how many other realms are stationed there.

At this moment, three people came in a hurry.

When the guards saw this, they quickly saluted: "I have met three building owners."

The three of them nodded hurriedly.

Qian Dafu suddenly stopped, and his small eyes on his chubby face showed thoughts: "No, we will divide our work. Fourth child, haven't you seen the foothold of the Lord of the Holy Spirit Realm? Go and confirm it. We will contact Tiandao Network later."

After hearing the instructions, the fourth floor owner Shen Wanjin nodded.

Compared with Qian Dafu, the owner of the third floor, Shen Wanjin looks older.

But appearance doesn't mean anything, ability is everything.

Lao San's ability is second to none in Tianbao Tower, and he knows the importance of the matter when facing orders at this moment.

After all, this is the last proof for Li Dan, and it is also to ensure the smooth progress of the auction two months later.

"Okay, I'll send you a message when it's confirmed."

After Shen Wanjin finished speaking, he turned around and left without stopping, heading in the other direction.

"Lao Wu, according to the scheduled time, a batch of partial lists of the auction items must be released tomorrow morning. Fifty of them will be on it before the opening. If the forty-seventh ancient corpse is really the one, it must be replaced quickly.

Then report it to the printing department, and you will choose one with a similar price, ready to replace and report at any time. "

Qian Dafu looked at Liang Zhichao's grandmother again.

The fifth floor owner nodded: "I understand."

After saying that, he entered the gate and hurriedly went in the other direction.

Qian Dafu looked at the guard: "Have all the building owners come back?"

At this moment, a captain of the bodyguard who was in the Immortal Realm of Dzogchen came forward and saluted respectfully: "Report to the third building owner, except for the building owner and you, the others have not returned. They should be inspecting the venue."

Qian Dafu nodded.

The three still felt uneasy and were probably checking the stability of the space and the various restrictions within it.

After all, the second auction house is in a space, and it receives bigwigs from all walks of life.

There is no room for sloppiness.

Entering Tianbao headquarters, you will find ultimate luxury everywhere.

Qian Dafu hurried to the boss's residence, and heard the sound of practicing in a big hall far away.

"Welcome to my Tianbao Building. It really makes our building shine. I... No, no, it's too vulgar. This paragraph needs to be changed. I can't have it..."

Listening to the sounds inside, Qian Dafu smiled bitterly.

The boss has not hosted an auctioneer for so many years. Unexpectedly, he is also a little nervous now despite his usual calmness.

Yes, I don’t know what kind of aura I will face then.

It's weird if you're not nervous.

Forget it, we can't make him more nervous at this time.

Speaking of which, will you die by then?

Is there a realm master taking action?

Will the auction become a laughing stock?

None of this has been confirmed yet.

I'll tell you when it's confirmed and the matter is completed successfully.

Hey, there are no peaceful years in this world, it’s just that someone is carrying the burden for you.

Qian Dafu turned and left, heading towards the inner treasury.

The inner treasury is also a palace that looks like it was built by Tietong, with hidden auras everywhere.

I don’t know how many places there are on the other side.

They are all old people who have followed Tianbao Tower until today.

A trustworthy brother.

"Third floor master, why are you here?"

Seeing Qian Dafu coming with sweat profusely, the ground squirmed.

Immediately afterwards, three men from the Other Shore Realm appeared, with clouds lingering around their bodies, and their heads turning into five broken bridges that appeared and disappeared.

"Open the door. I'll go in and get something." Qian Dafu said.

The three of them looked at each other: "Token!"

Qian Dafu took out the token.

"Today's password!"

"I want to raise a dog, give it your name, and beat it every day as revenge on you." Qian Dafu said.

The three of them blinked and said in unison: "I will take your name in my next life, and then I will be beaten every day."

"Okay, the password is correct!"

The three handed the token to Qian Dafu.

"Thank you for your hard work!" Qian Dafu said and hurried in.

The three of them took out a manual: "The passwords are changed every day, and I can't remember them. Let's see what happens tomorrow. Maybe the host will come to test us again."


Enter the warehouse and open the heavy white jade door full of restrictions.

In an instant, spiritual energy rushed out like a tide, and the brilliance inside was so bright that people couldn't open their eyes.

Even if there are various weapons sealed by spiritual power, they still emit divine light and are dazzling.

There are medicinal herbs blooming, purple air lingering, exuding a charming fragrance.

There are incomplete ancient artifacts, majestic and mysterious, full of mysterious power.

A mysterious orb the size of a human head, surrounded by thousands of auspicious colors, hung in the air, rising and falling.

Everything here comes from all major worlds and has been judged to be extremely valuable before it can be settled in the headquarters' inner treasury.

All kinds of materials are so radiant that people want to catch them all in their hands.

But now Qian Dafu has long been accustomed to it and goes straight to another area...

Thanks to [Book Friends 20171027013436683] for the 1500 reward, thank you for your support

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