Heavenly Divine Court.

Buzz buzz...! A ray of blue light shot out, slowly forming a portal as tall as a person. The portal rippled, and a figure emerged from it.

Upon closer inspection, the figure that emerged was Bai Yuzhen from the Zhengfa Taoist Academy. He was the most dazzling genius in the Taoist Academy back then.

It only took less than thirty years for him to rise to heaven. After cultivating the Pure Yang Soul, he was spotted by a big shot and taken to the heaven, where he served in the "Tai Sui Department", one of the eight departments managed by the King of Heaven.

The Tai Sui department is under the command of King Chao Lie, one of the nine heavenly kings. This department is in charge of the change of time and year. The responsibilities of the important officials in the department are mainly to "follow the degrees of the stars in the sky and observe the past mistakes in the world." One of them The work involves corresponding matters related to the Virtual Dharma Realm network.

Bai Yuzhen was promoted by a big shot and was promoted quickly. It can be said that he has risen through the ranks. He is now the chief priest of the Taisui Department.

However, he himself also felt strong pressure. Because the Taisui Department was among the eight divisions of Shenting, its prominence was far higher than that of the "Lei Department" and "Dou Department" controlled by King Shangmo Fatian, or the Department of Jie Wutian King. Even in terms of status, the "Plague Department" headed by Luan Shengsi is not as good as the "Rites Department" headed by Luan Shengsi.

It can even be said that it is the last organization among the eight departments, but it controls the network of the virtual legal world, and its authority covers a very wide range. It can be said that it is the most "business" department among the eight departments.

The terrorist attack that occurred in the Central City has recently made the Taisui Department Director somewhat anxious.

"The movements of the forces on the other side are very unusual. This time, the shock brought about can almost be said to have caused the network nodes in Fengli Prefecture to be close to paralysis."

Bai Yuzhen always felt that something was wrong. This was not the first time he had dealt with the forces on the other side, and he knew the behavior of those crazy people.

"The madmen on the other side are crazy, but they are not completely unclear. This wave of terrorist attacks must have caused heavy losses to them. At least the huge resources accumulated over the years have been almost exhausted this time... …However, the attack only destroyed Fengli State, a remote area from the center of Tianzhou Continent. There is a strong atmosphere of conspiracy in this incident. "

Bai Yuzhen frowned.

The forces on the other side are very special. They have been attacked many times by the Divine Court in the past. Even the Bone Path and the Youluo Path were suppressed and subdued. There is no way to get rid of all the lunatics on the other side.

From Bai Yuzhen's point of view, the group of people on the other side are like centipede insects that have not been completely eliminated even after so many years.

The monks in the human world, as well as the common people, know very little about the forces on the other side, and they never have a correct understanding of the existence of the other side.

Even among the gods in the Heavenly Realm of Shenting, there are some people who think that there are big figures in Shenting who want to raise tigers to cause trouble and let these crazy people from the forces on the other side do nothing.

Bai Yuzhen is one of the few people who knows the true face of the other side. They clearly understand that the difficulties on the other side are not a force that can be solved casually using ordinary methods.

Outsiders only know that when the Three Realms were established, the Lord of the Divine Court swept the world and completely eradicated many forces.

However, the lineage of the other side survived in a special way. After recuperating, it gradually became a serious problem for Shenting.

In fact, the origin of the current other shore is not the ancient "other shore" that followed the ancient Taoist sect, but can be called the "new other shore".

Inside the other shore, there should be a rare divine object or strange object that can communicate with the ancient other shore in the past and inherit this lineage of Taoism.

However, it would be a big mistake to simply mistake today's forces on the other side for "reskinned" orthodoxy.

The monks in the "New Other Shore" are all lunatics and fanatics. According to some information collected by the "Shenzang Department", one of the eight divisions of Shenting, the group on the other side can be traced back to the period of history when the "Resident Demon" fought against Shenting.

At that time, the Lord of the Divine Court established the Three Realms system, which naturally attracted the hostility of many monks. The Divine Court's Heavenly Boundary set a rule that once a powerful person manifests his spirit, he must ascend after cultivating his soul.

There is also a reception pool, which can inspire the world to manifest its gods and forcibly welcome monks from the human world. The Heavenly Realm of Shenting does not allow powerful monks to exist in the secular world. General masters, such as the Shixian Sect, Zhengfa Taoist Academy, and monks from big families, who have reached the realm of manifesting the gods through cultivation, have issued talisman edicts from the Heavenly Realm of Shenting. Let it soar.

If this person never ascends, there will be various disasters brought upon him by the tribes of the Divine Court. Generally, people who have cultivated to the point of mastery of the soul will try to hide their aura, find a place to hide in the human world, and do not dare to take action at will.

Later, the tyranny of the divine court in the heavenly realm caused some monks in the human world to adopt a rebellious attitude. This group of people developed a certain secret method that could resist the divine court's inspiration. Even if they were forced to receive it, they could break this law and order.

Later, these powerful men who were known as the "resident devils" organized together to secretly fight against Shenting. Later, Shenting sent fighting generals from the fighting department to eradicate them after a brutal fight.

However, in that battle, several powerful God of War generals were also killed by the opponent's counterattack.

No need to think too much, among the "resident devils" at that time were some of the madmen from the other side.

After that shocking battle, the madmen on the other side did not die.

Judging from the records of the "Holy Tibetan Ministry", these madmen once obtained some kind of special magic object, which gave them a certain special life trajectory.

This kind of life trajectory gives the madmen on the other side a destiny that is completely opposite to that of ordinary people.

This is an extremely twisted fate. It is almost difficult for ordinary people to imagine what happened to these madmen... If you want to explain it, it is also very simple:

Normally, the life of all living beings in the world used to be a one-way journey, from birth to death. Every day was from today to tomorrow.

The fate of these madmen on the other side is completely opposite to that of ordinary monks. They can live from tomorrow to today, and then to yesterday.

In terms of time sequence, this flow of fate has not changed, but every time it goes through, it will go back to another day at the next point in time.

This leads to a strange phenomenon. After these madmen on the other side experience a death, they will continue to regress backwards from the time of death, experiencing regression day after day until they return to the original starting point.

Another strangest point is that when a monk on the other side returns to the point of birth, his life starts again, and then he goes through life to death again, and then starts a regression after death.

During this process, the madmen on the other side also mastered various intelligence and information about each regression. Using this characteristic, the other side also has the ability to change time. No, it should be said to be the ability to tamper with the timeline.

It is true that the top-level immortals and powerful people all have the ability to distort the long river of time and tamper with time to a certain extent. Some powerful powerful people who have understood the "Heaven's Heart of Truth" can also peek into the past and future to some extent and make various arrangements.

However, this is completely different from the characteristics of the change in the flow of destiny on the other side. Again, due to the establishment of the Temple of the Movement of All Laws, the Divine Court also discovered that the expansion and division of the flow of time became uncontrollable, which also led to a problem. Even for the Divine Court, it would be difficult to completely eliminate these people on the other side.

"Even the Lord of the Divine Court can't spare much energy to deal with the other side... Unless the people from the Immortal Palace are willing to help our Divine Court."

he muttered.

Many people also don't understand why the Divine Court is willing to tolerate the existence of the Immortal Palace. In fact, this is also a last resort.

The Lord of the Immortal Palace and the forces on the other side can be said to be at odds with each other. The two sides have been fighting for many years, and the Immortal Palace has a way to fight against the other side.

On the contrary, for Shenting, even with the supreme power of the Nine Heavenly Kings, it would be somewhat troublesome to completely eliminate them and eradicate them.

Of course, Bai Yuzhen also believes that there is a supreme being in the Divine Court that determines the universe - that is naturally the powerful Lord of the Divine Court. Many people firmly believe that if the Lord of the Divine Court personally takes action, this matter should be solved.

However, since the establishment of the Three Realms system, the Lord of the Divine Court has completely retreated behind the scenes, seeming to focus on one thing, making the leader and sole master of the Divine Court unable to spare the energy to solve this series of problems.

Bai Yuzhen didn't know that this phenomenon happened in another era. That is to say, the same thing happened in the timeline opened by You Emperor. Due to various reasons, You Emperor was unable to spare his energy to find ways to solve the internal and external troubles of the Great You Dynasty. This incident also happened to the Lord of the Divine Court, becoming Various hidden threats in the Three Realms system controlled by Shenting.

"This matter... is somewhat strange and must be reported to the superior."

Out of this thought, Bai Yuzhen stepped on the jade steps and stepped into a vast hall.

The main hall is surprisingly wide, and I don't know how many people it can accommodate. The floor covered with bricks and stones is extremely vast, and people standing in it feel very small, especially in the deepest part of the main hall, there is a stone portal.

The style of this stone gate is simple and simple, with various rare and exotic animals carved on it, complex patterns, and majestic. However, the depth of the stone gate is pitch black and deep, like a dark mixed hole. It seems that there is a strong uncivilized spirit gathered inside. dark.

Above the stone gate are engraved four celestial characters "Six Heavens of the First Judgment". They are vigorous and simple, and the handwriting is like sword marks. Each stroke contains the supreme mysteries of heaven and earth, and the immeasurable secrets that ghosts and gods cannot fathom... It is said that this is Chao Chao. The handwriting written by King Lietian himself.

Bai Yuzhen glanced at those four words, and his thoughts seemed to touch one of the straight sword marks. The spiritual power in the sword mark suddenly burst out, as if a sword in the air had carved its mark on his body.

Crack! At this moment, Bai Yuzhen had an illusion, that is, his body was cut in half and his whole person was torn apart.

"Powerful, so powerful! This is the sword intention of the King of Heaven condensed in the writing. Just one glance will trigger this sword intention. Although it will not hurt people, for those who are not strong enough, just one glance will trigger the sword intention. , can't even afford it..."

After all, Bai Yuzhen is a strong man in the Manifestation level. His spiritual realm is perfect and he will not be hurt by the sword. Moreover, King Chao Lie who wrote this line did not have this intention. He only had the four words "six days of punishment" Words, adhering to the mysteries of heaven and earth, attack from nothingness and point directly at people's hearts.

"However, if we slowly comprehend it here, we may be able to understand the will of the King of Swordsmanship, and we will be able to benefit from it."

While he was thinking, he looked behind the stone door. This door led directly to an immortal mansion and was also a place where King Chao Lie retreated. Although the mansion looks empty, it is actually guarded secretly by many invisible generals and powerful ghosts and gods.

"Bai Yuzhen of the Taisui Department wants to see the Holy Seat of the Heavenly King, and I hope you will report it."

It was several thousand feet away from the stone gate. Bai Yuzhen half-knelt down, and slowly lowered his head, only his loud voice turned into waves and transmitted out.

Time suddenly became extremely silent. About half a pillar of time after he finished speaking, a cold voice slowly sounded.

"You are Bai Yuzhen."

This was not the voice of King Chao Lie, but a rather unfamiliar voice, with a very faint pressure, as if a powerful immortal was passing on the message.

"I remember you are from the Jiaziyuan of the Tai Sui Department... Forget it, Bai Yuzhen, what are you doing?"

"It's like this."

Bai Yuzhen didn't know who the other party was, but outsiders couldn't break into the immortal palace where King Chao Lie was without permission. He quickly lowered his head and explained everything he had encountered recently.

After hearing everything, the immortal god in the immortal palace inside the stone gate sighed: "Bai Yuzhen, this immortal palace is where the king of heaven is in seclusion. You are the righteous god of the Tai Sui Department, you should also know this, right?"

"I know it."

Bai Yuzhen nodded.

"Then, I believe you also know the rules. If there is no urgent matter, no one can disturb the king of heaven in seclusion."

The voice of this mysterious immortal god was a little cold: "So, you use this kind of empty words, without any evidence, all your intuition and feeling, to disturb the king of heaven Chao Lie's seclusion?"

"I don't mean that."

Bai Yuzhen said righteously: "It's just that this matter is full of strangeness. I think..."

Suddenly, the powerful immortal god "hummed".

In an instant, an invisible murderous aura spread, and the air almost solidified. At this moment, Bai Yuzhen even felt like he was suffocating.

"Don't think, feel, or think... Bai Yuzhen, you are just a small official in the Jiaziyuan of the Tai Sui Department. The King of Heaven is busy with many things and has great responsibilities. It is not necessary for you to make blind judgments here on every small matter. Go back! When the King of Heaven is free, he will naturally summon you to the palace."


Suddenly, an invisible force blew over, like a gust of wind, blowing Bai Yuzhen, a powerful man, several somersaults before he could stand firm.

"What is going on?"

Bai Yuzhen was shocked and angry, and still couldn't figure out why he was turned away.

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