"The strategy of using strength to fight against strength and using a borrowed sword to kill a donkey?"

Shi Lin was stunned and dazed for a while.

She is also a smart person. It's not that she couldn't imagine the secrets involved, but she simply can't do such a conspiracy.

The thought of going to Baibaolian Pavilion to steal things at the beginning was out of necessity and was almost a plan to break the pot and sink the boat.

"When fighting a snake, you must hit seven inches, and the strategy must be implemented to the key points," He Ping explained: "This strategy can ensure the safety of your Duyang Shi family, and Baibaolian Pavilion will not be embarrassed to retaliate against you again. , on the other hand, it can also expose the good deeds of the Fang family in Duyang City. If the cooperation with the Golden Flower Thief is exposed, hundreds of members of the Fang family will no longer be able to live in Duyang City~"

This method is really sophisticated and ruthless. Who is this senior, and why is he so familiar with conspiracy calculations?

Moreover, if this happens, the family surnamed Fang may be ruined, and the whole family may not be spared.

"Otherwise, what other methods do you have to solve the crisis of the Shi family? The Fang family is as powerful as tigers and wolves. They really intend to annex your Shi family. At this point, do you still want to worry about this..."

He Ping said coldly: "Your brothers were originally the mainstay of the Shi family. If they were still alive, how could they be reduced to you to manage the family business? You have never thought about what happened to them. of?"

"W-what did you say?"

Shi Lin's expression trembled.

This was something she had never thought about before.

But after being pointed out by He Ping, she also realized that the series of incidents that the Shi family encountered did not seem to be pure accidents.

"Could something happen to my three brothers...do they have anything to do with the Fang family?"

Just when she was thinking wildly, He Ping interrupted all the thoughts in her mind with one sentence, like a basin of cold water poured on her head.

"Finally, let me remind you that neither the Guyang Fang Family nor the Golden Flower Thief are simple characters, and there should be other stories behind this matter... and even an unknown mastermind. Add fuel to the flames.

If your little Guyang Shi family really wants to fight against this force, it will be nothing more than being crushed into powder. "

Her face suddenly turned pale.

He Ping sighed softly: "The strategy I came up with is just a way to use the enemy's strength to counterattack. It's not that I actively compete with this force, so I can make a fortune out of nothing. Follow my instructions and turn the danger into an easy one." It’s not difficult; but there are other thoughts, which are purely unreasonable thoughts.”

Having said this, Shi Lin's complexion improved slightly.


He Ping added: "I will explain the specific matters again."

After that, he clearly explained how to "conquer" Baibaolian Pavilion.

"If there is nothing wrong with what this senior said, then it's not impossible..."

After Shi Lin listened carefully and thought about it carefully, her mood became more stable.

Indeed, from the perspective of the Duyang Shi Family, this matter is basically a difficult matter. If we use the True Phoenix Immortal Sect and the Mujiao Clan, there may be a turn for the better.

After all, Baibaolian Pavilion is out to do business. If the reputation is too bad, it will not be a good thing for Baibaolian Pavilion.

"However, the Fang family actually teamed up with the Golden Flower Thief to intercept our Shi family's goods. I was completely unaware of this!"

Shi Lin was also quite frightened. The Golden Flower Thief was not an ordinary gangster. This group of people were overseas loose cultivators. They all belonged to an organization called the "Evil Star Alliance". The Golden Flower Thief was one of the Evil Star Alliance. Master.

This man was originally a disciple of an elder from the Ten Immortals Sect. He betrayed the sect because he massacred his fellow sect members and robbed magic weapons. He fled overseas and joined the Evil Star Alliance.

This evil star alliance is a group of evil people, all of them are vicious and vicious, specializing in killing people and stealing goods. They are a notorious evil party.

A giant thief like the Golden Flower Thief has always been wanted by all forces, but he has always been alive and well... Shi Lin couldn't help but think about it.

"It can be seen that there must be some secret support behind the Golden Flower Thief. Without the support of these forces, how could this little bandit survive under the dragnet set up by Shenting Control over the years? No one got caught!"

The Golden Flower Thief even took the Shi family's goods to the Baihualian Pavilion to sell them, but I don't know if Baihualian Pavilion is the Golden Flower Thief's next company, or is this giant thief's partner.

She suddenly had an idea and realized this secret that was not a "secret".

He Ping also seemed to see through her inner thoughts and chuckled: "The Golden Flower Thief may not be someone that a family like the Fang Family can hire. Nine times out of ten, he is a black glove of some big force."

"Some big shots want to do dirty work, why do they have to do it themselves? If they really want to do things, they use various means to find someone to do it on their behalf. There are two types of methods. One, Li Daitao is looking for someone to do it. People act as gunmen, instigating, buying, and using others to do their own dirty work.”

"Second, they are hypocritical but not crazy. In other words, they are just talking nonsense, 'I don't know what they did, I am innocent', or else they are avoiding the important and taking the easy responsibility, and only assume the responsibility of leadership... regardless of the Golden Flower Thief. No matter what kind of situation it is, there is no way to break away from the two."

"I understand everything."

Shi Lin herself has a wise mind. After He Ping's explanation, she quickly realized many truths and said: "So, senior, you are willing to help me for a certain reason, and also hope that our Shi family can help me." Do your best, senior."

"It's not like pie in the sky."

He Ping smiled and said, "I'm not interested in hiding it from you. I do need you to do something, but it doesn't have to be you. It's just that your circumstances coincide with what I'm going to do next. So I’m just going to do you a little favor.”

He snorted coldly: "Otherwise, if there are so many people with troubles there, wouldn't it be possible for everyone to help me? Besides, there are thousands of starving people who are starving to death on the streets because they don't have enough to eat, even if they want to Can it really be saved?"

"That's what senior said."

Shi Lin smiled bitterly and nodded.

She also saw clearly that in this game, it was because of her own value that she was favored by this senior, who also solved her problem.

This is also in line with what the previous senior said. If someone wants to do something, but it is not convenient for him to come forward, he will naturally find another agent. And he is this person.

"Senior, what should I do next?"

Shi Lin was very wise and asked this question immediately.

"It's very simple. What you have to do next is to cooperate with the 'Tiger Demon' Wei Wangsun and 'Qing Ling' Di Luo to make the matter even bigger and more dramatic... Don't worry, you only need to lend a hand in this matter. , just leave it to Wei Wangsun and Di Luo to handle the details."

He Ping smiled: "I'll also stop by the Li family to take a look. If nothing else, I should be able to figure out the whereabouts of the Golden Flower Thief."

At the same time as he spoke, a thought, like a huge whirlpool or a strong wind, came to the mansion of the Fang family in Guyang City.

The Fang family is a long-established family that is even more powerful than the Shi family. Their mansion is extremely luxurious, with many mansions inside and hidden enchantment formations.

In the entire Guyang City, apart from the Shi family, the Fang family is the richest, has the deepest foundation, and is the strongest. Recently, the momentum has been growing, and now he has the ambition to annex the Shi family and become the master of Guyang City.

It was already late at night, and in the hall of the Fang family, a pair of huge bright candles were burning high on a long table against the wall. The local city god was worshiped behind the case.

However, ordinary outsiders don't know that the Lord City God of Guyang City was originally the ghost of an ancestor of the Fang family. Because of his achievements during his lifetime, he was canonized as a god by the Divine Court and enjoyed the incense of this city.

Next to this standing statue of the City God, there are also statues of various gods. These clay sculptures of many gods are covered with a layer of red cloth.

There are fresh fruits on the large square table in front of the magic table. There are three master chairs in a row in front of the square table. The two sides are empty, and a tall middle-aged man sits in the middle.

This man is the head of the Fang family. He is wearing a loose robe. His name is Fang Xiongyang, and he is also a master at the Dao level.

After condensing the Yin Shen, the Taoist master's inner and outer visions have become integrated. Gradually, they become "inner saints and outer kings", and there is a powerful aura in every move and every move.

This hall is also the hall where the Fang family holds discussions on weekdays. The Fang family will only come to the hall to discuss matters when summoned by the head of the family, and ordinary family members do not have that qualification. Only the backbone of the family has this qualification.

At this moment, listening to the report from the servant, Fang Xiongyang's face showed joy.

"Very good, very good... There is obviously something wrong with the Shi family's business. It must be unable to operate."

In the meeting hall of the Fang family, there was an old man sitting on the chair next to him with a smile and nodding: "The methods of the Golden Flower Thief are really powerful. If the Shi family suffers this loss, I am afraid they will never get up again."

"This is also a member of the Shi family. If you are toasted, you will be fined with wine," another elder of the Fang family said slowly and thoughtfully: "We have already talked about the merger of the two families before, but the people in this family have a stubborn character. If it doesn’t work, hey, don’t blame us for not being benevolent and righteous..."

The Fang family is ambitious and has long planned to annex the Shi family to further strengthen the Fang family. This plan has been implemented for a long time. In the past, they even took the initiative to propose to the Shi family to swallow up the Shi family's property through marriage.

However, the Shi family had been wary of it for a long time and did not agree to the Fang family's attempt. This was also resented by the Fang family, so they specifically targeted the Shi family in various ways. For example, the matter of Shi Lin's brothers was also caused by the Fang family. The house has been arranged for many years.

"However, there are some risks in this matter."

Fang Xiongyang said in a deep voice: "Especially the Golden Flower Thief, who is wanted by all the major forces. Cooperating with such a person is in itself seeking the skin of a tiger, so be very careful... If nothing else, even if this news is known to others, It will bring great disaster to our Fang family."

As soon as he said this, many people present looked stern, and felt vaguely uneasy thinking about the origin of the Golden Flower Thief.

"How about," one of the Fang family elders made a gesture of wiping his neck: "If you don't do it, you won't stop. Once the thing is done, find an opportunity to get rid of the golden flower thief."

"Absolutely not."

Fang Xiongyang shook his head and sighed: "I have had this idea in the past, but first of all, the Golden Flower Thief is not a simple character, and the opponent's strength should be higher than mine;

Secondly, there is a certain force behind the Golden Flower Thief to support the situation, and our Fang family cannot offend them. If they really break up, they will end up with a disastrous end, and it may not be them. "

In the meeting room, the Fang family members were also a little depressed. The Golden Flower Thief did help them a lot and robbed the Shi family of their goods, but if this person turned against them one day, it would be hard to say what would happen to the Fang family.

He Ping heard all this and sneered: "The Fang family is well-informed and knows the interests involved... Unfortunately, they were blinded by greed and made a big mistake. The Fang family was stupid enough to make friends with the Golden Flower Thief. In the future, if something really happens, the forces behind the Golden Flower Thief can always take the blame..."

He knew very well that the person behind the Golden Flower Thief was not the Baibao Lotus Pavilion, but someone else.

Whether it was the Fang family or the Golden Flower Thief of the "Evil Star Alliance", their actions were essentially just the secret forces fanning the flames in the dark. At the same time, He Ping could also see through the whereabouts of this force.

"In the current situation, in this era, whether it is the forces on the other side, the Three Masters, the Baibao Lotus Pavilion, or even the Luansheng Group behind it... they all know nothing about the actual situation. The hidden force behind it is the real mastermind behind everything."

These Fang family members gathered together and continued to discuss some conspiracies, which were nothing more than plotting against the Shi family's property and family business.

In fact, most of the Fang family are also cultivators, and ordinary secular wealth is not worth the attention of cultivators.

But the business of the Shi family is to deal in various spiritual materials, elixirs, magic tools, and even some natural treasures from outside the domain.

The Shi family has a special bloodline, and its members are born with a kind of "Spiritual Eyes", which can be said to be invincible in doing all kinds of business.

On the other hand, the main business of the Shi family is the refining technology with the help of the "Spiritual Eyes".

Shi Lin has a formula in this regard. It can use a kind of jade and rare spiritual medicine in the world to melt, boil and refine a kind of jade liquid, called cold and warm fragrant jade. This spiritual jade has many miraculous effects and is most suitable for arranging a blessed land.

The benefits are huge. The Fang family is greedy for these two points. The annexation of the Shi family is also for these two goals.

"Well, these people are just in the situation and don't know it. I will find the Golden Flower Thief first..."

He Ping understood the thoughts of the Fang family and lost interest in the Fang family's affairs. He turned his thoughts to the Golden Flower Thief.

The Golden Flower Thief is also in Guyang City. This person is also very hidden. Except for the immortal god with infinite magical powers like He Ping, ordinary people may really have no way to find him.

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