Seeking immortality in a deceitful way starts by making oneself into a puppet

Chapter 84: People don’t look at Buddha’s face, and ordinary people don’t give alms to monks and Bud

In the middle of the open forest, the dry wood in a bright red fire made a crackling sound, and reddish sparks jumped out of the forest bonfire.

Beside the bonfire, He Ping was wearing a loose black robe and a bun on his head, tied tightly with a black silk ribbon. He was dressed casually.

Just now, he got out of the sedan chair and stopped to rest. He caught a few fresh fish by the stream, threaded them through the branches, and lit a fire to barbecue.

He Ping had the "Transfer Spell" to carry his belongings with him, and even the seasonings were all available. His craftsmanship was quite good, and after a while, a smell of meat wafted out.

"The weather here is extremely cold, but it is already winter. After winter enters the Western Wasteland, the temperature will be even colder than that of Beiguan Road."

He Ping raised his head and looked into the sky. Outside the empty forest, the sky was dark and clouds were gathering. The cold wind had stopped and started again, and a few snowflakes were falling silently.

As soon as it snowed, the wind gradually became stronger, and it was uncomfortable to blow on my face. In the past, if he wore anything on his body, he would feel weak and timid. Fortunately, now that the mandrill's heart provides strong energy, blood, and essence, his body seems to have a big furnace and he doesn't feel cold at all.

Just at the moment of rest, He Ping's eyes suddenly narrowed, and there was a slight vibration from the clay puppet hanging on his waist.

"Is the mark nearby?"

He Ping stood up slowly and cast his gaze towards the distant mountains and forests. There were large mountains connected together, with some snow piled on the tops of the mountains. There was an upright peak among them, and there were some sparse trees in the middle of the mountains.

"It should be in that direction."

He stretched out his right foot and clicked between his own shadows. The shadow suddenly lit up, and a circle of almost real water waves passed by. Four green shadows jumped out like lightning, rising into the sky with a whoosh, above his head. Flip up and fly around.

"Go and check it out."

What He Ping summoned from the shadows were four "Flying Green Bats". These small puppets were like small drones. They had extremely outstanding reconnaissance capabilities and could relay what they saw in less than a moment.

The mountains over there are all gray and black, with sparse vegetation on them. They are more than two or three kilometers away from the plains and are made of stubborn rocks. There are two or three inches of black moss growing on the rocks. They are extremely smooth and extremely steep.

"The aura of the mark is here, but where is the Niutou Ridge that Chi Xinzi mentioned?"

He has been deep into the Western Wilderness Road for several days, chasing the mark east and west, making a long circle. If he continues to the west, he will reach the edge of the Western Wilderness Road. There are sparsely populated areas and endless snow-capped mountains. After crossing the snow-capped mountains, there is a desert. After crossing the desert and continuing westward, we reach the far north, where there is a country called "Daxi Night Country".

"No matter what, the agreed place will not go to Xiye Kingdom. I guess Niutou Ridge should be nearby."

He whispered softly, and at the same time, four flying green bats flew around the sky and discovered a simple and ancient temple at the foot of the mountain.

"'Golden Bull Head Temple'?"

Winged Bat brought the Puppet-Eye Spiritual Ball for close reconnaissance. The temple was very old, and the plaque hanging in front of the door read "Golden Bull Head Temple".

He Ping knew that in the two hundred and fifty years since the founding of the Great You Dynasty, Buddhism had been exterminated three times and Taoism exterminated four times. The Buddhist and Taoist temples, Taoist temples, Shifang Jungle, and descendants' temples had all been wiped out.

Emperor You of the first generation still hated Buddhism. In his edict to exterminate Buddhism, he said that "ghost ways are flourishing and ignore public opinions", which "results in the failure of politics and religion, and the great destruction of etiquette and justice". He ordered the burning of what is known as "the most ancient temple in the world" Shizen Temple.

However, among the five paths in the world, the Western Wilderness Path is the most respected for Buddhism. Its territory is known as "Thousands of Temples and Tens of Thousands of Buddhas." He traveled all the way west and when he got close to the Western Wilderness Path, he found that there were still many remaining temples here, although they had long been empty. , but the mottled historical traces of its Zen temples and ancient temples still retain their majestic power, adding a bit of vicissitudes and simplicity to the majestic temples.

"Niutou Ridge, Jinniutou Temple... there must be some reason for this. I don't see any of the surrounding peaks that fit the position of Niutou Ridge..."

He Ping was puzzled by this, and he continued to control four flying green bats to approach the Golden Bull Head Temple for reconnaissance.

From a bird's-eye view, you can see that this temple is extremely majestic. After circling closer, you are even more surprised by the high walls, black tiles, and cornices in the Zen temple.

The interior of the temple is also extremely vast, with corridors and houses connected together. The green bricks all over the ground are extravagant and elegant, and the level of luxury is almost as good as the architectural specifications of the palace.

He knew that for such a temple to be built in such a barren area, it would take a lot of effort just to transport wood, bricks, and stones. This shows that a huge amount of manpower and material resources were spent.

"The shape and materials of such a temple can be compared with the ancestral home of my He family. In terms of specifications, it is even better. I don't know how much people and material resources were spent!"

When He Ping saw this magnificent temple, he would not sigh at its solemnity, but would only think of how much money had been spent.

"To build such a temple and erect so many palaces and pavilions, I don't know how many people's savings have to be raised. People will not look at the Buddha's face, and ordinary people will not give alms to the monks and Buddha. If you think about compassion and prioritize, it is better to help the suffering. And pity the poor... huh, that's also ridiculous."

As he spoke, he also stood up and flew towards the direction of the Golden Bull Head Temple. After a few echoes in the air, he jumped up to the crown of a nearby tree with a silk thread, and looked through the forest leaves into the mountain gate of the temple.


The red door of the temple was pushed open, and several figures in coarse clothes walked out.

"Sure enough, there is someone."

He Ping had noticed before that there was someone in the Golden Bull Head Temple. He was also concerned about this, so he did not send a puppet to go in directly to investigate. Besides, the mark also needed to be activated in person.

"What are these people doing in this empty temple? Could it be gangsters hiding in the empty temple."

Once the ancient temples and temples are vacant, they are most likely to become the dens of bandits. He Ping's eyebrows moved and his eyes moved towards the few people who left the courtyard gate again.

I saw a trailer pulled by two mules at the foot of the temple steps. There was an empty wooden cage on the trailer. These figures in coarse cloths talked and laughed, walked out of the temple, and then got on the mule. Car, drove away from the Golden Bull Head Temple.

"Cage...could it be that it was used for human trafficking? This vacant Golden Bull Head Temple was turned into a den for kidnappers?"

He Ping also did not use the "Secret Technique of Peeping from the Sky" to use the power of his soul to peek out of his body, and he could easily be discovered by others.

He only used the power of his soul to stimulate the acupuncture points around his eyes. Then, just blinking a few times, his vision was strengthened several times. This is also the secret method of the Immortal Puppet Sect, which is usually used to make puppet machines. Method, using this secret method to stimulate the eyes can make the eyesight sharper, enough to see lice as wheels and galloping horses as rocks.

Next, with his amazing falcon-like vision, he quickly noticed that in the Golden Bull Head Temple, except for a few collapsed houses, only one door of the main hall was opened, and the other doors were tightly closed. .

"Is there anyone in the main hall?"

He Ping frowned and looked around with squinted eyes. He couldn't help but wonder in his heart whether this was a trap secretly laid by Chi Xinzi.

Out of this deep sense of caution, he was not in a hurry to fly the flying green bats into the main hall, because he was a little worried about the secrets hidden in the main hall. In order to avoid alerting the snake, he did not get close, but just sat in the canopy of the giant tree and monitored " "Golden Bull Head Temple" movement.

Not long after, the sky above our heads was covered with dense clouds, and the flower-like snowflakes were boring but endlessly flying. Gradually, a layer of snow fell on the surrounding mountains and trees.

He Ping was not in a hurry. He calmed down and waited for a full hour. When the sky was completely dark, a large group of strong men in blue, surrounded by a fleet of exquisite carriages, slowly drove to the front of the Golden Bull Head Temple. .

"Why is there another team? It looks like a group of people from the world."

He seemed a little interested, and his narrowed eyes became a little bigger. A woman got out of the carriage and was helped out of the carriage by the maid beside him.

Then, this large group of people pushed open the temple door and walked towards the main hall of the temple.

"Go and find out where these people come from?"

With the tip of his finger, a flying green bat fell from the sky and hung silently upside down on the eaves outside the main hall. The "green bat thought method" captured the sound waves from the outside world, restrained them, and collected them like a bug. sounds around.

Thanks to book friends 20210604103907065, Void Hidden King Kong, and Zhiwuzhu for their reward support.

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