"One Thought for a Thousand Years" is a mysterious magical power pioneered by Aihui Lotus. According to Qi Wugou, this magical power is not trivial, and the second effect is incredible. After it is activated, it will speed up the operation of human consciousness, and even practice Even the soul cannot be immune to this effect.

On the other hand, this magical power itself will not harm people. The effect of "One Thought for a Thousand Years" is itself intended to help people realize the Tao, to help disciples of the Buddhist sect understand Buddhism and meditate on the Tao in the stagnant time and space where heaven and earth are silent.

On the other hand, this move can also defeat the enemy and win, because during the activation process, in about an instant that takes less than a breath, that is, "in one thought", anyone who is brushed by the Buddha's light generated by "One Thought Qianqiu" will Its consciousness will last for a long time.

In other words, at least for this very small period of time, even if the opponent is a powerful person with a divine level, he will be completely helpless.

A moment of thought is a minute time that is almost impossible to grasp for ordinary people, but for a real master, this time difference has a chance to determine the outcome.

"As expected of Master Padmasambhava, this magical power of thousands of years is really wonderful. It itself contains a kind of Zen Buddhism. It can be seen that this senior has profound Dharma and extraordinary attainments. Moreover, this magical power does not seek to kill, but only seeks to kill." Limit the enemy, and if you are brushed by this magical power of Qianqiu, you will continue to experience the passage of time. People are like mountains, rocks and dead trees, experiencing the vicissitudes of time. If you don't want to be trapped in endless time, you can only beg for mercy!"

After listening to Qi Wugou's explanation, Shuiyue Monk also deeply felt the power of Ai Huilian Peanut, who created this magical power.

Although Yi Nian Qian Qiu is not a powerful Buddha-vein magical power, it does have the miraculous effect of punishing heretics. The effects of this magical power can be superimposed. Even if it is the first time, it will only turn a moment of time into several days;

If you win a second time, the time will be much longer than the last time, reaching several months;

The third time, the fourth time, the fifth time...at each interval, the superposition time will continue to skyrocket.

It's easy to say that you can win "a thousand thoughts" once, but if you are swept away by the brilliance of this admission continuously, you will fall into a state of complete silence.

"What a wonderful method?"

He Ping also noticed this. Padmasambhava is indeed very extraordinary. The "One Thought of Qianqiu" he created can be said to be a new and unique magical method. This Padmasambhava can single-handedly create The lineage of Buddhism in the Western Regions is indeed a figure who calls himself Buddha.

"Second brother."

After Qi Wugou understood "One Thought for a Thousand Years", he also had some feelings about the wonderful place of the reclining Buddha among the two trees of Salo.

"I have truly realized the benefits of this place of reclining Buddha. I don't know what considerations Master Padmasambhava had in moving the Salo Twin Forest to this time and space of the Demonic Well. However, to comprehend the Dharma here, Throwing aside confusion and enlightenment, one can overcome all the creations of the universe, and the color of the sky changes. The benefits are really endless..."

He sighed slightly and then said: "Second brother, this opportunity is rare. You are also a disciple of Buddhism. I believe Padmasambhava will not treat a Buddhist disciple like you badly. This opportunity is also rare."

"That's what I meant."

Shuiyue Monk also had some thoughts.

"But this place of the Reclining Buddha is quite strange. I want to study it further."

After the monk in white clothes finished speaking, he stood up and approached the place where the reclining Buddha was.

Shuiyue Monk's eyes focused on the place where the reclining Buddha was, and his brows furrowed slightly. The dent was not too big, it was just the dented part between the entangled tree roots and the surrounding black soil.

"The Place of the Reclining Buddha...Why did Padmasambhava move this holy place to this place?"

He observed carefully that if a person of short stature could just lie down on it, if he was slightly taller, he would feel very restricted and it would be difficult to spread his hands and feet.

Shuiyue Monk simply sat down and sat cross-legged on the side. He closed his eyes and sensed it carefully. After a while, he felt that the atmosphere around him was very strange. It seemed that this small place where the reclining Buddha was, was like before the explosion of the universe. A point where countless chaotic auras condensed.

Shuiyue Monk's whole body was shaken, and his heart was also extremely shocked. It was only a small area, but it could encompass the heaven, earth, time, space, and everything in the universe.

"What a place for a sleeping Buddha."

He didn't want to waste time, so he got up directly, then lay down on the ground of the Reclining Buddha, and then lay on his side in an auspicious sleeping posture.

Shuiyue Monk had his previous experience, his thoughts were dark, and he was closely involved in creation. He returned to the void, and his mind and thoughts also escaped into the void.

In an instant, he had a wonderful feeling, as if his mind had flown across the boundary between reality and fantasy, wandering into another dream world.

It was like being on a roller coaster. His thoughts were flying in the void. He didn't know how long it took before his spirit gradually calmed down.


Shuiyue Monk let out a faint breath and opened his eyes. Everything in front of him seemed to suddenly become clear. This time, he really gained something from his enlightenment. In other words, he received a gift from Padmasambhava and learned a strange magical power.

"Second brother."

Qi Wugou waited for half an hour. In fact, he had heard about it from Shui Yue Monk before. When he heard that he had realized the Dharma, he was immersed in it for a quarter of an hour.

As soon as Shui Yue Monk lay down, he fell asleep for half an hour. He was also a little worried in his heart. When Shui Yue Monk woke up, his brows relaxed.

Qi Wugou asked: "Looking at the second brother, he must have gained something, right?"


Shuiyue Monk nodded.

"Master Padmasambhava indeed hid an opportunity in the place where the reclining Buddha is. It should be prepared for future generations of Buddhas. I was lucky enough to get this gift from it, but in turn I owe Master Padmasambhava a cause and effect, too. I don’t know if it’s a blessing or a curse.”

"The theory of cause and effect has always been elusive."

Qi Wugou has not yet reached that level, and he does not believe in the theory of cause and effect. He shook his head and continued to ask: "So, the second brother should have understood the profound method created by Padmasambhava? "


Shuiyue Seng didn't mean to hide it. He answered calmly: "What I realized was a dream. This dream should be a dream left by Padmasambhava. This senior turned dreams into soil and used dreams to perform magic. He passed on to me a strange Buddhist truth, which is called the Great Dream Awakening Body. It is very wonderful and originates from the dream attainment method among the Six Dharmas of Naruo, a branch of Buddhism in the Western Regions."

In order to make it easier for Qi Wugou to understand, Shuiyue Monk closed his eyes slightly, and then opened them. There was also a dreamy atmosphere in his pupils, and then a strange aura floated around him, giving people a dreamy air. feeling.

Gradually, a figure slowly walked out of this dreamy aura. This figure was a swordsman wearing a robe outside and a warrior uniform inside.

"What is this place? I just drank some wine and took a nap, why did I come here?"

The young swordsman was a little confused, and his figure was a little hazy. Although it was not an illusion, it felt unreal, like a mist.


Qi Wugou was also stunned for a moment.

"Brother, why are you here?"

Yes, this young swordsman is Feng Feifan.

When Qi Wugou called him, he was a little stunned and looked straight at Qi Wugou. Suddenly, Feng Feifan slowly raised his head, his eyes flashing with strange brilliance.

"Second brother, third brother...why are you here?"

After a moment, Feng Feifan's eyes became strange, and he showed a vague look of vigilance.

"No... this place is not a mountain temple? Where did you come from, monsters? You took advantage of my sleep and used evil methods to confuse me, Feng Feifan, in my dream."

The Lord of the Robbery was not angry, but he was powerful, and a world-shaking sword energy erupted.

He shouted "take it".

With a hiss and a sound like cracking silk, the Tutan Sword Box behind Feng Feifan opened with a clang. In an instant, the sword energy of the Heavenly Punishment Divine Weapon rose into the sky, giving people an aura of "the atmosphere was swept away." A sword light tore through the void and slashed over.

Without even thinking about it, Qi Wugou waved his sleeves, and a burst of magic power swept over him. However, as soon as he took action, whether it was the sword light, the charcoal-coated sword box, or Feng Feifan, they all disappeared without a trace.


He was also shocked.

"This is the Great Dreaming Body."

Shuiyue Monk said in a deep voice: "This kind of magical power can collect the illusion of dreams and turn it into a dream body that is close to real and imaginary. My magic power is meager and cannot stimulate the final effect of this magical power. If it is used by someone with greater strength, If a monk comes to use it, he can bring the Great Dream Awakening to an incredible level..."

"I don't understand, second brother, what do you mean by this?"

Although Qi Wugou was shocked, he still didn't understand the meaning of Shuiyue Seng's words, "If it is used by a more powerful monk, the Great Dream Awakening Body can be used to an incredible extent."

"The reason is also very simple."

Shuiyue Monk explained unhurriedly: "There is a difference between dreams and reality. The Great Dream Body can turn dreams into reality. I just summoned a figure of Big Brother Feng Feifan, but do you think that Dream Body What's the difference between the 'Feng Fei Fei' and the real big brother?"

"Is he just a phantom in a dream?"

Qi Wugu frowned slightly.

"That's right."

Shuiyue Monk said calmly: "Now there is a question. Suppose this phantom possesses all the memories, experience, magic power, and cultivation of our brother Feng Feifan. All of these are indistinguishable from the real body, even itself. It’s real and flawless, so who can confirm that this phantom is false and Feng Fei is real?”

“What is real is itself real.”

Qi Wuguo replied in a deep voice.

"Not really."

Shuiyue Monk shook his head, his voice as calm as water.

"I gave you an example. You had a dream in which you turned into a butterfly. Then you woke up from the dream and you had a doubt. That is, it was not you who dreamed that you turned into a butterfly, but a butterfly. Dreaming becomes you... understand, whether the dream is real or not, at this level, it is a layer of cognition."

He waved his right hand gently, and a blue-winged butterfly floated out of his palm.

"I would like to ask, how do people in the world judge the difference between reality and illusion? Suppose someone has a dream, and someone in the dream has a second dream. In this dream, he is dreaming again. These dreams are embedded layer by layer. Set, do you think this dream, which is composed of many dreams that are constantly nested and looped, is real or illusory?"

"But since it's a dream, it's natural to wake up."

Qi Wugou looked at Shuiyue Seng's right hand. The butterfly flew for a while and turned into several butterflies, surrounding Shuiyue Seng's body, as if turning his figure into a dream.

"Yes, I will wake up from my dream."

Shuiyue Monk smiled and asked: "But if the universe, time and space are also a big dream, and the universe is just a dream in someone's mind, it takes billions of billions of years from birth to destruction, then we who are born in it can't You can tell whether a dream is real or not, right?"

"That's not a problem."

Qi Wugou gave a bitter smile: "But what does this have to do with this magical power, the Great Dream Awakening Body?"

Shuiyue Monk nodded: "The Great Dream Body has a special characteristic. This magical method uses its own cause and effect as a thread to collect the dreams of sentient beings and steal a dream body from them. The dream body can be completely Stealing everything from the original body, whether it is mana cultivation or the power itself, can theoretically be reproduced perfectly."

"You can regard it as a special external incarnation. It is as real as the external incarnation. The dream body has the word 'jue', and every dream body awakened has It is not much different from the main body. It is a visible entity that can communicate and fight independently, rather than an illusory existence."

"Once the dream body is activated by this Buddhist magical power, it is equivalent to having an extra powerful helper, and in the process, almost no mana is consumed, because the dream body does not rely on the soul, magic power, True Qi exists, but to activate this kind of Buddhist magical power, you need magic power to support it, and what maintains its existence is the computing power divided by the mind."

Shuiyue Monk explained in detail. It turns out that as long as the dream body is successfully activated, it will no longer consume its own mana and there will be no other losses. The only requirement is that it needs to split the huge mind and the mind to simulate the creation. The dream body.

This is really shocking. According to this statement, after the dream body is activated, it does not need to consume any mana. As long as it has huge spiritual power to maintain it, it can exist for a long time.

If you are a powerful person at the level of manifesting the spirit, you can use magic to have a true spirit, and you can also create a true energy clone with mana investment in a short time, or temporarily create an outer body, but unfortunately it requires the consumption of additional mana.

"Wait, wait a minute..."

Qi Wugou's eyes widened: "Doesn't this mean that the Mengjue body just now, that is, the eldest brother Feng Feifan, can show all the strength of the original body?"

"From the theoretical point of view of the 'Great Dream Body', it is indeed the case. Even the power of the Heavenly Punishment Divine Weapon can be reproduced by the Dream Body version of Feng Feifan."

Shuiyue Monk smiled slightly: "It's just that this is just a theory. In essence, the dream body is just a dream body, not the real body. If a person who can interpret such Buddhist magical powers has limited cultivation, it will be impossible. Truly restore the full power of the dream body.”

"Even so, it's no small matter."

When Qi Wugou heard this, he suddenly woke up and couldn't help but take a breath of cold air. His face was also filled with excitement.

"Even if you can reproduce a part of your power, wouldn't it be like having an extra master to help you at the critical moment?"

"Yes, but Mengjueshen also has its limits," the monk in white nodded and replied: "No matter how you say it, the magical power of Mengjueshen can't awaken beings beyond your imagination. No matter how hard you try, you won't be able to summon a master of the Divine level; even a master at the peak of the Divine level may not be able to summon a powerful person of the Immortal level. After all, there is a limit."

"Even so, this Buddhist magical power is incredible!"

Qi Wuguo sighed deeply.

"Master Padmasambhava actually gave this magical power to his second brother. It seems that the 'karma' created is really not small."

"I feel the same way."

Shuiyue Monk nodded.

However, he didn't explain it.

Except for Shui Yue Monk, only He Ping knew that this "Great Enlightenment Dream Body" was purely a powerful supernatural power at the level of a god.

"To be honest, the effect of this kind of magical power is very limited for masters who are still at the level of Taoism."

He Ping analyzed calmly.

"The strong ones who have entered the Dao level have not yet cultivated into the 'Heavenly Principle and True Heart'. Their little spiritual essence power and soul source cannot drive the dream body of the Great Awakening at all. It can be said that with just a little use, the brain will be exhausted and the mind will be exhausted. It will be drained.”

Only those who have mastered the level of "Heavenly Principle and True Heart" can continuously divide their mental thinking, be able to withstand this kind of consumption, maintain the summoned dream body, and even get the help of this dream body.

"This is somewhat similar to the 'primordial spirit fission method' passed down to later generations by ancient Taoist sects. You can forcibly divide your own spiritual power and create a clone that is almost consistent with the original mana. In fact, the general refining technique for external incarnations can create Even if his clone is able to gather his magic power, accumulate his true energy, and develop his magical powers... however, he is still very different from his true self in terms of Taoism."

——Tao Xing is the understanding and application of realm.

The higher a monk is in Taoism, the more likely he is to have full access to the magical functions of the Dharma Yuan Shen, and to exert 100% of the power of magical powers or magic power. On the contrary, if the Tao practice is not enough, there will be more or less losses.

As a descendant of the Immortal Puppet Sect, He Ping knows this very well.

In fact, even living puppets have this problem. Whether they are external incarnations or living puppets, they can slowly gather mana, but things like the Taoist realm cannot be reproduced perfectly.

The puppet masters of the past generations, as well as the seniors, have studied this issue for a long time, and have tried their best to smooth out the differences between the master and the puppet. It can only be said that this is a natural problem.

However, the dream body does not seem to have this problem. After activating the magical power of the great dream body, there is not much difference between the awakened dream body and the deity in terms of Taoism. This is very abnormal.

"However, with my own strength, I can only barely summon three powerful men of the manifesting level... However, these dream bodies have thoughts and wills. If I summon the Tao that I am familiar with, Friends, friends, disciples, juniors, the problem is not big, but if you summon an enemy who has a grudge against you, you might get stabbed in the back!"

He Ping couldn't help but reveal a wry smile when he thought of this.

If you think about this great dream power, you will find that it is of little use to you.

Not to mention that he can control various puppets to help him, and he also has no shortage of helpers to help him.

When it comes to my own interpersonal relationships, it can only be described as bleak.

He Ping also knew very well that he had made countless enemies in his life, and his enemies were all over the world. All his relatives and friends were either dead or killed by him...

"If I forcibly summoned masters of the Manifestation level, I could only find people like Pu Sanlong Yi. At least I could use force to intimidate the opponent and force him to act on my behalf. But if I summoned Yun Zhongting and Ajia Nizha Buddha, Longxiang Xianfo... I guess they might be attacked by them in the middle of the battle. However, Senior Liyun has a higher level of cultivation than me, and has already half-stepped into the threshold of immortal gods. As for Emperor You, there is no need to think about it. Mengjueshen's magical power cannot summon a master stronger than himself!"

He Ping shook his head.

I felt that I had drawn a lottery. If this "Great Dream Awakening Body" magical power fell into the hands of some powerful people with a manifesting level, it could be said to be able to exert unparalleled power.

It's a pity that the pearl secretly fell on me. I don't know if Padmasambhava is deliberately causing harm, or if this mysterious and powerful Buddhist in the Western Regions is deliberately doing it...


A jet-black rainbow light erupted, and it penetrated through the void for an unknown amount of time. There was a loud boom, and a strong evil energy erupted, like dozens of volcanoes erupting. From the distant void, a dense evil energy condensed, faintly Suddenly, a graceful voice sounded.

"It's you two little guys who are chasing down the 'Flying Demon' and the 'Bone Demon', and also killed the 'Liexue'. You are so audacious and don't know whether to live or die!"

The fluctuations of the powerful Xian Shen were transmitted suddenly, and Qi Wugou and Shui Yueseng were shaken, feeling as if they were being violently impacted.

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