He Ping, who is dressed in white and looks like a young man from an aristocratic family, looks really good. He has a handsome face and regular facial features, and his appearance also exudes an elegant atmosphere. He is the kind of appearance that makes people fall in love with him at the first sight.

In fact, He Ping's current appearance is slightly different from that of the eldest young master of the He family in Sui'an City. This is the result of slight modification using disguise techniques. Except for those who are extremely close, outsiders will definitely not compare him with the eldest son of the He family in Sui'an City. He Ping connected.

"Young master, you're welcome."

The man in green shirt clasped his fists and said solemnly: "There are many women and children in our group, and the sun is getting late. After dark, there are many wild animals on this road, and there are also bandits. We just hope to borrow a few horses so that we can all go together." If we go together, the carriage is not necessary.”

This man seemed to be a messenger from the government, and his attitude was quite sincere. He just hoped that He Ping's team could lend a few spare horses. For such a long journey, a few of the packhorses and mules in the team were spared. Qingshan Ke only hoped to borrow a few so that he could use the horse's strength to keep up with the team.

"It doesn't matter."

He waved his hand.

"There is no one else in this carriage. You and your family are all family members. Wouldn't it be much more convenient to ride in the carriage... As for me, coincidentally, I am also tired of riding in the carriage, so I just happen to ride on horseback to enjoy the breeze."

Master He acted like a master and just said hello. Qi Baiyi quickly brought a horse and he rode on it by himself.

The guest in green shirt smiled bitterly. The other party invited him warmly, as if he never expected to be rejected, and how could he be rude? The man clasped his fists and bowed again.

"It's hard to deny kindness, so I can only express my thanks in advance."

"You're welcome."

He Ping held the riding crop in his hand and said with a smile: "Everyone, please come!"

The guest in Qingshan didn't refuse anymore, and put the two young women and three children beside him into the carriage. He asked Qi Baiyi to bring another horse, and he turned over and climbed into the saddle neatly.

The motorcade started moving again. He Ping laughed, pulled the reins, and walked alongside the green-shirted man.

"My surname is Mi. It's a good name. Please tell me what your surname is."

He Ping announced a new name. He called himself "Mi Liang", not to tease Qingshan Ke, but because of his newly acquired identity, this Mi Liang.

"It's just a cheap name, why is it so noble?" Qingshan replied politely: "My surname is He, my first name is Zhongheng. I am a local. I left the county with my family today. I came here to pay homage to a deceased friend. I don’t want the carriage to break down in the middle of the journey, so I’ll have to trouble the young master.”

"We are destined to meet each other on the roadside. Brother He, there is no need to be so polite."

He Ping smiled calmly and said unhurriedly: "I think Brother He has a dignified appearance and extraordinary bearing. He should be a member of the public family. I don't know if my guess is correct or not?"


He Zhongheng, the guest in green shirt, touched his face and glanced at He Ping with some confusion.

"How did Mr. Mi guess it?"

He Ping smiled at him.

"Brother He's thin-soled fast boots with an upturned head are often seen on the feet of county police officers in Yuntai County. I guess they are the same style."

He Zhongheng looked at the soap shoes on his feet, couldn't help but touch his face, and also laughed.

Next, the two of them continued to chat very well and happily.

The carriage drove for half an hour. He Zhongheng, the county government's catcher, also learned from this "Mi Liang" Mr. Mi that he was not a local. His ancestral home was in Yuntai County, Xihe Prefecture, Guan Nei - the Mi family was in Yun Taixian County is a well-known large family. The ancestors have produced two Jinshi and several people. It can be regarded as a scholarly family and an official family.

When it came to Mi Liang's grandfather's generation, his grandfather originally wanted to go to school. He went to Beijing to take exams many times, but failed every time. After returning home, he thought hard and was unwilling to succumb to his hometown and sit and eat while guarding his ancestral property. Empty mountain.

His grandfather became angry and left home to learn how to do business.

Mi Liang's grandfather was a businessman in the early days, specializing in fur goods. Later, the business grew bigger and bigger, and he handled more and more industries. From the initial fur and mink fur business, it developed into herbal medicines such as ginseng and deer antler, and wood from the mountains. mineral……

The Mi family turned from officials to businessmen, and their business was booming. By Mi Liang's father's generation, his father also followed his grandfather into business.

Later, his grandfather and father died one after another. With the long-term business outside the customs and the accumulation of two generations, the Mi family had little property, but the population of the clan declined, leaving him alone.

"There was a flood recently in my ancestral home, and the county was hit by a disaster. When my family's business expanded, we also had several shops in Longhe County. I heard people say that Longhe County is connected to the pass outside the pass, and there are many merchants here. It is a business place. Great place, this time I entered the customs from outside the customs, just to bring my men here to reopen a few shops."

"Mi Liang" smiled and told He Zhongheng why he came to Longhe County——

It turns out that Beiguan Road has long been regarded as a bitter cold place by the Central Plains. It is a vast area with sparsely populated areas and mostly undeveloped wild mountains and forests.

Just because of the frequent turmoil in Dongli and Nanling in recent years, as well as drought and floods, a large number of people flowed from inside the pass to outside the pass. As time went by, the population outside the pass increased, and so did the business.

Furthermore, Beiguan Road is also a window area connecting the vast area of ​​​​Mobei. In addition to the Tiele people, there are also Nidusuo people, Dangxiang people, and Rouran tribes. Some of these foreign tribes also have business with the pass. contacts.

Because tea cloth from the mainland was in high demand in Mobei outside the pass, fur and herbal materials from outside the pass also entered the pass. This brings great business opportunities.

After hearing this, He Zhongheng frowned slightly and seemed to think for a while before speaking slowly.

"Master Mi, I don't know if I should say something or not..."

"Brother He, if you have anything to say, it's okay to say it?"

He Ping smiled and said: "You and I hit it off immediately. If Brother He has any advice, I will naturally listen attentively."

"Don't take advice seriously."

He Zhongheng sighed: "It's just that if Mr. Mi wants to do business in Longhe County, it might not be a good idea."

"Why did Brother He say that?"

He Ping asked rhetorically.

"It is true that this county has a good geographical location. It is located on a central arterial road. Because the land route is gradually developing, it can connect the outside of the pass on the top and the Li River, Xuanhe and even the water and land in the pass on the bottom. It is destined to be a prosperous place. The land... eh! It's a pity that the atmosphere here is not good, and it is treacherous and unfair. There are many evil villains and scoundrels in Longhe County. These people bully the market and do anything."

He Zhongheng sighed and took another deep look at him.

"If you want to make a profit by doing business in a place like this, I'm afraid it won't be easy."

He Ping nodded.

——I understand, I understand, that is to say, the "simple folk customs" of Longhe County are comparable to Gotham, and the local people are also "warm and hospitable"... It's a pity that Brother He doesn't know this:

I, He Ping, deliberately chose this place to re-establish myself. It was because of this convenience, because this place is a mixed bag of fish and dragons, and a nest of snakes and rats... Hehe, if Longhe County hadn't been notorious for many years, would I rarely come here?

The identity of "Mi Liang" that He Ping mentioned before was not a random fabrication. Three years ago, he had someone secretly steal the identity of "Mi Liang" in Yuntai County, Xihe Prefecture, outside the customs.

The Mi family is indeed a prominent family in Yuntai County, but it is a pity that the number of people is small and the family is not prosperous. The last descendant of the Mi family, the real Mi Liang, contracted leprosy when he was more than ten years old. Later, he was sent to the countryside to recuperate by the loyal old servant of the Mi family. The outside world speculated that Mr. Mi was away. Study Tour.

This loyal servant would do this because leprosy was called "disease" at the time, and the world was talking about it. If word spread about it, it would only attract blank looks. Who would have expected that this old servant's actions to improve his son's reputation would lead to an accident.

The Mi family was really unfortunate. Mi Liang was seriously ill and died a few years after he contracted the "disease". The old servant also gradually lost strength and died a year later. At this point, the Mi family's property was in decline. Apart from an ancestral house, there was no meager property left.

At this time, these secret information about the Mi family were learned by He Ping's men, and He Ping ordered someone to sell out the few remaining slaves of the Mi family, playing a trick of stealing the rice and replacing it with others.

He Ping directly appeared as "Mi Liang", dressed in bright clothes, and returned to Yuntai County with a carriage carrying gold, silver and jewelry. The servants of the Mi family hurriedly went out to greet him and welcome him back as the eldest son of the Mi family. The ancestral home.

No one in Longhe County raised any suspicion, because since Mi Liang fell ill, he had avoided public attention and lived in seclusion. In addition, the elders of the clan had died, so no one could identify his true identity.

After He Ping became Mi Liang, he left to do business, secretly arranged for his men to poison several servants of the Mi family's ancestral home, and replaced them with a new group of people. As time went by, he occupied the magpie's nest and took away the rice. Family identity.

"Wouldn't it be a pity if I didn't make good use of my status as a young master of the Mi family, who comes from an official family and a well-known family..."

The He family was finished in Sui'an City. Most of the He family's mansion and properties in the city were destroyed by fire. Fortunately, He Ping had already transferred the cash and property accumulated at home under various names and quietly moved them out in a short period of time. There is no need to worry about daily expenses.

However, it is not a good habit to guard this huge sum of money like this and only go out but not in. He Ping does not intend to sit back and lose everything. He wants to find a place to continue to operate his own territory.

This time, he chose Longhe County. Longhe County is located in Jinhe Prefecture in Guannei. Jinhe has several counties, among which Longhe County is the richest. Geographically, this place is an important hub connecting the inside and outside of Guan. , if he could control the financial resources and connections here, it would be of great benefit to him.

"There are three gangs and nine guilds in Longhe County. They rely on their personal connections and are used to running rampant in the county. Outside the county seat, as for outside the county, although land routes are gradually developing, in the nearby Mingfeng Mountains, there are 'Hengyun There are many bandits in Shishanzhai, which is also a huge hidden danger."

When He Zhongheng talked about these topics, his face was gloomy, but his tone was a little solemn.

"It's a pity, if the local government can shoulder the responsibilities of parent officials, why come here?!"

When He Ping heard his words, his eyes couldn't help but light up.

This is interesting! As a member of the public family, He Zhongheng was not generous when he said such words.

It is taboo for people in the public sector to talk nonsense. Of course, it would be a bit exaggerated to say that these words were meant to satirize politics, but the worry and anger in his tone can be seen.

"This person may be of some use to me in my next plan!"

He Ping had another evil idea in his mind.

Suddenly, there was a clatter of horse hooves in the avenue ahead, and it seemed like a large group of people were heading in this direction.


He Zhongheng's expression changed drastically. The flag carried by the cavalry was a black flag with skulls.

"These are the bandits from Qingjian Mountain. Damn it, these people dare to act openly and rob money on official roads in broad daylight?!"

"Qingjianshan... bandits?"

He Ping's eyes also glanced at the black flag rushing towards the official road.

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