Half a stick of incense ago, the beam bombardment of the Soul Burying Cannon had not yet arrived. Deep in this underground country, Jiang Lingxu, the leader of the Ten Thousand Dharma Alliance, was in contact with a mysterious guest. The two sides had a heated conversation. Huan, we are making plans for cooperation.

The visitor was wearing a black robe and a gold crown on his head. He was a young man. This man's face was handsome and mature, but also a bit sinister. He had a graceful and luxurious aura about him, but his eyes were as bright as flames. In addition to a sharp aura, it was also mixed with a very faint demonic aura.

The young man from Golden Crown called himself "Hu Liu", and he did not hide his origin. After arriving at the stronghold of the Ten Thousand Laws Alliance, he frankly told Jiang Lingxu and Ye Yuzhen that he was a member of the Heart Fox Monster Clan in the Earth Abyss Realm. a member of.

"Ancestor Xinhu has more than a hundred descendants of the Great Sage. Among the brothers, I am ranked sixth. According to the convention of your human race, just call me Hu Liu."

When Jiang Lingxu heard this, he immediately knew that this was a big shot in the Heart Fox Clan. Among the seven great saints in the Earthly Abyss Realm, although there were many descendants of the Great Saint Heart Fox, most of them were insignificant, and only the top ten were ranked among them. The ten most favored sons of the Fox Emperor.

Each of the ten sons of the Fox Emperor has a noble status and holds a position of power in the Heart Fox Demon Clan. They enjoy the greatest resource allocation of the Fox Demon Clan under the command of the Heart Fox Great Sage, and their status is only lower than that of the Heart Fox Great Sage. Some of Sheng's concubines are even taller. It can be said that all of them have the ability to control the wind and rain among the inner fox demon clan.

Even some veteran masters in the Heart Fox Demon Clan cannot compare. There is no way, because in the Heart Fox Demon Clan, the Heart Fox Great Sage is both heaven and earth.

The ten sons of the Fox Emperor were personally promoted and mentored by the Fox Saint, and received special favors. The top ten sons of the Fox Emperor were all extremely powerful, and some of them were only one step away from the realm of manifesting the gods.

In fact, among the top three sons of the Fox Emperor, there should be masters at the level of gods. Even if the Heart Fox Demon Clan is conservatively estimated, there are four major gods.

"Leader Jiang."

The young man in black robe said calmly: "I came to the human world this time because of the order of the number one emperor, and the arrangement of the Fox Saint. In order to form an alliance with the Ten Thousand Dharma Alliance, the great catastrophe of the Spring and Autumn Period is coming, except for the human world. In addition, even the Abyss world will be affected by disasters, so cooperating with you will be of great benefit to both you and me!"

Hu Liu, a young man in black robes, has an icy temperament all over his body. He is ranked sixth, so naturally he is not a demon fox who has cultivated to the manifest level. However, his cultivation is also amazing, and he is firmly at the pinnacle of Taoism.

Moreover, as he is at the peak of Taoism, he is only one layer of paper away from becoming a god. After breaking through, the sky is high and birds can fly, and the sea is wide and fish can jump.

"Zi Yan Shenjun" Ye Yuzhen is also secretly evaluating. He deeply feels that the Xinhu clan is strong. This young man in black robe is only ranked sixth among the Fox Emperor's sons. The cultivation strength of the top five can also be calculated. No small matter.

'Not to mention others, there are the four powerful masters of the manifesting level, as well as the unfathomable strong man Xinhu Great Sage who stands at the pinnacle of the manifesting realm, plus the countless strong men of the Xinhu race, and the earthly The demon soldiers enslaved in the Abyss Realm, if this force really breaks out of the Abyss Realm, except for the You Emperor, I am afraid that only the three innate sects can fight against it. Even the Mud Sect and the Dragon Worshiping Sect can only fight against it. Run away! ’

"Easy to say, easy to say."

Jiang Lingxu half-squinted his eyes, smiled slightly, and said: "The name of the Fox Saint is powerful in the abyss world, and it is also very prestigious in the practice world, but I don't know... what exactly is the alliance that the Fox Saint is doing? Alliance law?"

Hu Liuwen laughed after hearing this.

"Leader Jiang, don't worry. We, the Xinhu clan, have no ill intentions towards your alliance. The so-called cooperation is also an act of mutual benefit."

"What's the meaning of this?"

Jiang Lingxu asked again.

The young man in black robe smiled.

"As far as I know, the situation of your alliance is actually not good. A great catastrophe is coming. The world is unstable. All forces have plans. Many masters and strong men in the cultivation world will also revive. Those who have been hiding for many years will Strong men, as well as immortal masters who have disappeared without a trace, will also be born one after another."

"This is a situation where dragons and snakes rise up, and the earth is turned upside down. In fact, it has reached this point, and it is difficult for individuals to play a role in this game. Only those who have the level of immortals are qualified to participate in this great battle. .”

"Among all the forces in the world, although the Ten Thousand Dharma Alliance has gathered the Purple Armor Palace, the Ghost Crying Sect, and the Cursed Sword Sect, its strength is still far behind those established forces. Leader Jiang, am I right?"

"The Sixth Emperor is right."

Jiang Lingxu's eyes were dark and he replied calmly: "But our Ten Thousand Dharma Alliance has gathered the three major sects of the Nine Evils of Changsheng. In terms of strength, it is different from the old Buddhism, the Xiantian Three Sects, the Mud Sect, the Dragon Worship Sect, and the Daxi Sect. Compared with the old forces like the Night Kingdom, they are indeed slightly inferior, but among the emerging forces, they are also a sudden rise, and I hope you will not underestimate us, the Ten Thousand Dharma Alliance."

"Ha ha."

The young man in black robe waved his hand.

"Leader Jiang, please don't get me wrong. Our demon clan has always been straight-forward when speaking, and we are not used to your human clan talking in circles. I am just speaking truthfully and have no intention of belittling you. Furthermore, if it were not for the Alliance of Ten Thousand Dharmas, We, the Heart Fox Clan, will not cooperate with you if we have the strength ourselves. After all, the basis of cooperation is that the two sides are almost the same. If the gap between each other is really too big, then there will be no cooperation."

When Jiang Lingxu heard what Hu Liu said, he also nodded. What this young man in black robe said was indeed the actual situation. Even if the Heart Fox Clan knew how to choose a partner, they would not be able to find some cats and dogs. They would choose their own. Not surprising.

Seeing that Jiang Lingxu's expression had softened, the young man in black robe laughed in his heart and continued: "We have found out your strength very clearly. I am afraid that the Ten Thousand Dharma Alliance does not know the situation of our Heart Fox Demon Clan. The facts are Above, my Heart Fox clan is in a rather embarrassing situation in the Abyss Realm. In terms of the number of clans, it is never as numerous as the ant clan. In terms of strength, it is far inferior to the Jiao clan's infinite magic power and vast supernatural powers. When it comes to the physical body, They are tyrannical and naturally ferocious, not even as powerful as the ape demons and bull demons.

Originally, the Abyss Realm was not a suitable place for our Heart Fox Demon Clan to live, but because of Emperor You, another catastrophe unexpectedly occurred. Regarding this matter, Alliance Leader Jiang must have known very well that it was the evil dragon suppressed by Emperor You. "

"Evil dragon dragon vein?"

How could Jiang Lingxu not know that Nielong is the place where the Great You Nation's veins rest, and its roots spread across the endless earth, even reaching deep into the abyss world. This dragon vein was created by the bell spirit of heaven and earth, and You Emperor alone occupied this The dragon veins are cast into the supreme immortal foundation, and only then can one become the unparalleled true immortal.

'It is said that in the future, when a great catastrophe comes, the sky and the earth will merge into dragons. A heavenly dragon will descend from the source of heaven and combine with the energy of the evil dragon in the earth. The sky will collapse and the earth will collapse, triggering the disaster... This is not the end. You must know that once the evil dragon leaves, If he escapes and joins the dragon successfully, all the luck of the Great You Country will immediately run out...'

The You Emperor has been staying in seclusion in the Great You Underground Palace for a long time, also because he has to go all out to suppress the evil dragon spiritual vein.

It should be noted that that dragon vein is the general vein of dragon veins in the world, and it is related to the eight wastelands and the endless land.

If he hadn't devoted a lot of energy to this evil dragon's earth line, he wouldn't have been trapped in the underground palace, unable to concentrate on dealing with external affairs.

"Once the great catastrophe of heaven and earth comes, if the evil dragon escapes, the shock will spread to the deep layers of the abyss. At that time, the ninth layer of the abyss where the dragon demon, bull demon, and ape demon are located will not be greatly affected. If we become a small and weak tribe like our fox tribe, it will cause troubles and even lead to fights with other large tribes.

He coughed lightly: "The Earth Abyss Realm itself is not a paradise, and the fight between the Earth Abyss Demon Clan is fierce, far beyond the human realm. I, the Heart Fox Clan, have always had a grand idea, that is, they will try to move to the Earth Realm, and move to In the human world, it is quite difficult to realize this plan.”

When Jiang Lingxu heard this, he couldn't help laughing and said: "The emperor's words are intended to let me, the Ten Thousand Dharma Alliance, betray the human world in order to fulfill the Xinhu clan. However, this move will not only attract the cultivation world What good will the hostility of all forces do to our Ten Thousand Dharma Alliance!!"

He is not a fool. No matter what the monks in the cultivation world say, they will not agree that the demon clan forces occupy this continent and in turn dominate the human race. This is a basic bottom line, or in other words, this is not the bottom line, but A simple distinction of interests.

As the saying goes, "Those who are not of my race must have different minds." Demons and humans are very different. Since ancient times, they have often clashed. Demons often feed on humans, and human monks will also capture demons, skin and bones, and practice rituals. device.

The differences between humans and monsters are too great, and it is difficult for them to get along with each other. If the Heart Fox Great Sage really moves the Heart Fox Monster Clan to the human world, it will squeeze the living space of mortals and monks. Jiang Lingxu and If the Wan Dharma Alliance really does this, it will definitely be criticized by thousands of people, and its overthrow is imminent.

Secretly colluding with the demons of the Abyss Realm is not a big deal. Falling in favor of the demons of the Abyss Realm without any standpoint will cause public outrage.

Jiang Lingxu knew very well that he was not You Emperor. You Emperor dared to offend the public because of his boundless power. This Lord could be the enemy of the whole world because his strength was enough to suppress all forces in the world that opposed him.

He, the leader of the Wanfa Alliance, does not have this kind of ability. Once it really arouses collective hostility from all forces in the spiritual world, the consequences can be imagined.

Before Jiang Lingxu spoke, the young man in black robe could see his thoughts from his expression. He laughed and said: "Leader Jiang's concerns are not unreasonable, but we, the Heart Fox Demon Clan, have no intention of moving to the earth." We don’t want to trigger a fierce conflict with the human race, and we don’t want to trigger a human-monster war. In fact, this plan is a secret, and other forces in the Abyss Realm are not aware of it.”

"Secondly, we, the Heart Fox Demon Clan, are not particularly hostile to the human race and cultivating forces on the ground. On the contrary, our Heart Fox Clan intends to try to integrate into the human race. Alliance Leader Jiang should know the "Taoist Theory" of the Qi Hun Sect. This Taoist method?"

"Over the years, Fox Saint has studied this Taoist method for a long time, and gradually understood many key points. He has deeply studied the secret method of fetal transformation and shape-changing, and has been able to transform ordinary fox monsters into human forms, so-called moving to the earth. When we act in the human world, we, the Heart Fox Clan, do not act in the form of demons, but one after another, we transform into human forms, turn into human beings, and secretly infiltrate into the human world. As long as this is done, the resistance of the human race towards our demon race will be eliminated. Without a trace."

""Taoist Theory"? When did Fox Saint master this Taoist method?"

Jiang Lingxu can be considered a very powerful person in the city. When he suddenly heard this, a hint of shock appeared on Gu Jing Wubo's face. He had no knowledge of this matter, and he had never heard about it from the monks of the Qihun Sect. passed this information.

"Ke Yihan, the 'Soul-Eating Demon Lord' of the Qi Soul Sect, and the Fox Sage met each other many years ago. The two sides exchanged the Taoist methods they practiced. Ke Yihan exchanged the entire "Taoist Treatise" in the hands of the Fox Sage. Three volumes of "Brahma Wheel Book".

Both sides got what they needed. After Ke Yihan obtained the "Book of Brahma Wheels", he realized the secret of reincarnation and entered the lineage of the other side. Fox Sheng used the magical power of "Taoist Theory" to set up a plan to emigrate the clan. The transaction can be said to be a mutual gain for both parties. "

This was old news, but hearing it in the ears of Jiang Lingxu and Ye Yuzhen made them feel chilly.

This is probably the layout planned by the Heart Fox Great Sage and the Soul-Eating Demon King many years ago. If what Hu Liu said is true, the Heart Fox Great Sage can "transform" the Heart Fox Demon Clan at will, using the human race's With his posture integrated into the human world, there is almost no power that can resist the infiltration and invasion of the fox demon clan.

Hu Liu, a young man in black robe, said with a smile: "You two should understand what I mean, right? If we, the Heart Fox Demon Clan, want to gain a foothold in the human world, we need a bridgehead, and we hope that this bridgehead will be the Ten Thousand Dharma Alliance."

"We are not trying to destroy the human world, but we are planning to join you, that is, to give up the identity of demons and become humans... The 'transformation of the fetus' in "Taoist Theory" does not mean taking the body, nor using magic. He is not blind, but he has truly transformed into a human race and become a member of the human race. When the time comes, our Heart Fox Demon Clan will also advance and retreat together with the Ten Thousand Dharma Alliance."

Jiang Lingxu and Ye Yuzhen looked at each other with complicated expressions.

"This matter is no small matter, but we can also gain benefits from it."

Jiang Lingxu quickly analyzed, and he had to admit that if the Xinhu clan did this, the pressure on the Wanfa Alliance would be much less, and in this way, the stability of the alliance between the two parties could indeed be guaranteed. From this, we can also see The other party is indeed sincere.

"Leader Jiang, what do you think of this proposal?"

The young man in black robe asked, and at that moment, there was a violent noise, and deep in the void, it seemed as if a big sun exploded, condensing into a strong sun-like light, pouring out from an inch of the invisible void. When it was released, the entire underground country seemed to feel this power and a voice.


A beam of light tore through the void, like a green scar in the void, penetrating into the void from outside the desert.


The majestic sound resounded through the void, and the fluctuations of the soul-burial cannon were injected all at once. The radiation exploded like fire. At this moment, all the monks who moved with their souls and yin gods had their only spiritual light burned out, and their souls were burned out at this moment. , torn apart by the power of soul burial.

With just the first blow, hundreds of monks turned into idiots, their souls were shattered, and their lives were like candles in the wind.

Everyone in the underground kingdom was also shocked!

"who is it?"

"What kind of attack is this!!!"

Jiang Lingxu and Ye Yuzhen stood up with shocked expressions on their faces.

The underground kingdom of the Ten Thousand Laws Alliance was attacked!

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