The crystal world is brilliant and boundless, with clusters of colorful rays of light floating in the air, turning into passages, which is beautiful and beautiful.

The Puppet Demon City continues to move in space. This huge city is like a large ship. During the flight, the airflow around the city forms intense rays of light. It is the violent aurora formed by rubbing against the vitality of the sky in Hong Ya Realm. .

The world of Hong Yadao is extremely vast. Every time He Ping goes to a place, he has to stop and spend some time observing the surrounding environment, avoiding void traps and dangers, or using his magic power to collect some strange crystals. , or capture some crystal creatures.

One of his goals here is to get the Yinghuo Strange Flower and complete the "Three Yang Tribulation". He flew all the way and searched everywhere, just to find out the whereabouts of this strange flower.

If it were in the past, he wouldn't have to go to such trouble. As long as he used the power of the soul to densely cover the entire void layer by layer, he could detect all kinds of movements by sweeping at will. However, when the soul in Hong Ya Realm is running, it will be blocked by all kinds of things. When reflected by the crystal, the effect is obviously much worse.

For this reason, the speed of the Puppet Demon City is much slower than before, but He Ping doesn't need to care about the time it takes to explore here...


Beast roars came from a crystal continent somewhere. A strange giant beast that looked like a crocodile and its lower limbs looked like insects was being besieged by thousands of morphing puppets.

These morphing puppets are made from local crystal stones. He Ping's Puppet Demon City is a very large-scale production base. Any materials thrown into it can be transformed into various puppets in the blink of an eye.

For example, morphing puppets are good at camouflage, and as long as they have enough materials, they can transform and produce themselves. As long as they are properly arranged, it won't take long to create an army.

However, this kind of mass-produced puppet is not only large in number, but has no combat power at all. This crystal crocodile that lives in the crystal world of Hongya Dao has a very impressive combat power, which is equivalent to a powerful person at the entry level, or a top level. Big monster.

The phantom puppets can spray out flames, and they can also spray out poisonous needles like a swarm of bees, but this crystal crocodile is not afraid of water and fire. The poisonous needles bombarded the skin of this strange beast, and actually exploded a series of sparks.

The opponent's skin is like fine steel, and ordinary attacks will not cause any damage at all.


Facing these densely packed phantom puppets, the crystal crocodile was not afraid due to its invulnerable skin. It opened its teeth and claws, swung its huge tail, and suddenly opened its bloody mouth. A stream of colorful crystal light was sprayed out. The one closest to it was Several puppets, when hit by light, turned into crystal statues and exploded in the air.

Taking advantage of this momentum, the Crystal Crocodile rushed left and right, relying on the hill-like terrain, trying to break out of the siege of the phantom puppets. The two sides continued to fight, forming a very spectacular battle scene.

"Oh, I didn't expect that this little crocodile is not weak at all."

He Ping was delighted when he saw Hunter Xin, raised his hand, and five streams of air shot out, turning into a big empty hand, and grabbed it in the air.

Gu Gu Gu Gu!

Seeing that the situation was not good, the crystal crocodile suddenly sank into the crystal ground and disappeared. He Ping's big hand made a "plop" sound and missed it.

"Ha! Still want to escape?"

He Ping smiled slightly and flipped his hands. He had long understood the "Supreme Yoga Vajrayana Shattered Vehicle". During the operation of the magic power, he had the Sixth Degree of Great Wisdom and Compassion in his heart. It can cut through the five voids and break through the five tribulations. It can be said that "the Dharma Realm encompasses "It is big and has nothing outside, and is densely packed with tiny dust and nothing is inside." It can go out and go in, and it can be transformed everywhere.

The Bodhisattva Vehicle in Buddhism believes that in this state, the mind is penetrating, and it can see the world of form and formless dust in the ten directions of the void. Thoughts can penetrate even the void. He Ping used his mighty magic power and grabbed it with all his strength. A crystal mountain peak exploded, and the crocodile with insect legs was turned over and struggled to be grabbed by the big hand of the void.

This strange crystal creature was captured into the Demon City of Puppet, and was thrown into the formation with his backhand. The crystal crocodile roared again and again, spitting out crystal light from its mouth like beads, and exploded in all directions, trying to blast through the big formation. The formation, but the formation in the puppet magic formation is so strong, it is like a mayfly shaking a tree, not moving at all.

Instead, the crystal crocodile bumped around in the formation, swarming through the ground like a frozen fly, looking for flaws and gaps in the formation, but in vain.

Leaving the crystal crocodile behind, He Ping sat down again. He was just bored in catching these crystal creatures. Now that he had dealt with the crystal crocodile, he started to think about serious matters again.

"Did the three fallen gods set up traps or had other plans? Or, the three false gods encountered some kind of accident and got trapped in that area..."

He Ping was always calm in his calculations. He also had some guesses in his mind about what happened to the three fallen gods. He was not impatient and just urged the puppet demon city to proceed slowly. After driving in the void for a while, he finally arrived. The location of the three fallen gods.


The metal city stopped in the air. After He Ping arrived here, he looked at the area and found that it was a void area.

"Have the three fallen gods really disappeared?"

He sat upright in the void, his eyes were filled with light, countless runes were woven in his pupils, and a slender beam of light shot out, penetrating the void and sweeping up.

"I see……"

His right hand slowly took out from the wide cuff, and a golden light slowly lit up on his fingertips.

Chi! !

A beam of light burst out, and something burst out in the void, making a loud roar like a bell.

Bang! The blazing white light stream formed by the light pillar exploded in front of the indestructible bronze color, turned into dots of white light, and slowly dissipated in place.

At this moment, in the void, there is a huge palace that is all bronze. This bronze palace exudes an ancient, long-standing, and unimaginable aura. On its gate, one on the left and one on the right, there is an ancient couplet written in ancient fonts.

"Holy virtue is so profound that it is as deep as the abyss."

"Life is like this, who knows what it is."

He Ping still didn't understand the deep meaning of these two lines of couplets, but he had a strange feeling that in these couplets, he was sighing some kind of grand image and expounding some kind of profound truth. In addition, there is a plaque in the giant bronze hall with the four characters "Nine Trials and Nine Abyss" written on it.

"Nine trials and nine abyss?"

He Ping immediately thought of the Xia Yuan Dong Yin line in the Three Yuan Demon Palace, and the supreme treasure of suppressing the teachings created by this line was called "Jiu Yuan Ce".

"Is it possible that this Bronze Temple is somehow related to the Xia Yuandong Yin lineage?"

He was also moved in his heart, and suddenly, a gentle and clear voice sounded.

"That's right, this Jiu Shen Jiu Yuan Pavilion used to be the main altar of Dong Yin Yulong Mountain in the Three Yuan Holy Palace. It was the place where our Dong Yin lineage established the religion. The descendants of the Zhong Yuan Qingxu line, I, split cloud, etc. You have been waiting here for a long time."

"A spiritual master from the Xiayuandongyin lineage?"

He Ping sensed in an instant that there was an extremely powerful primordial spirit dharma body hidden in the Jiu Shen Jiu Yuan Bronze Pavilion. This person's strength was even higher than his own, and he was probably a strong man close to the peak of manifestation.

"Before, three little fallen gods came here. I think these three guys are here to deal with you, and they came specifically to ask for my help."

The mysterious master who called himself "Splitting Cloud" let out a chuckle.

"It's a pity that these little gods, how do you know that you are the descendant of our Sanyuan Holy Palace and come from the same origin as my split cloud, and you still want to use my split cloud's hand to use the borrowed knife to kill people, it is simply a joke... However, I know that you have killed five fallen gods and plan to refine the eight fallen gods into treasures, so I will lend you flowers to offer these three little gods to you."

In the bronze palace, a ray of light flew out. He Ping stretched out his hand and grabbed the ray of light from the air. He found that it was a luminous sphere condensed by the three fallen gods.

The three little gods, Yu Tianzun, King Houming, and Lord Tongjie, were all crushed into a ball by the mighty magic power exerted by the Great Sage Splitting Clouds, and were squeezed into a small ball of light.

"Spare your life... Great Sage Splitting Cloud, spare your life...!"

"Great Sage, please accept your magical powers!"

"Liyun... you crazy bitch, why do you want to imprison me... Once that master of magic shows up, you will..."

These three false gods kept begging for life, begging for mercy, and cursing. This small ball of light was a small formation condensed with supreme magical power and boundless mana. The countless runes covered on the ball of light were intertwined. , suppressed this god.

In fact, Yu Tianzun, King Hooming, and the Lord of Tong Realm are not weak. Unfortunately, when they encountered the great monks of Lianxu Creation, they were caught like three chickens, with no possibility of resistance at all.

‘What does this split cloud mean? ’

He frowned slightly, and the light of wisdom shone between his brows, and his twinkling pupils also gave people the feeling that he was thinking all the time.

'I gave him a big gift as soon as I came up. As the saying goes, being courteous for nothing is a traitor or a thief. This person is a master of manifesting spirits from the Xiayuan lineage. How did she know that I secretly learned the Taoism of the Zhongyuan lineage. ’

He Ping wondered about the intention of the "Great Sage of Splitting Clouds", and after a moment of silence, he finally asked.

"Senior said he has been waiting for me for a long time, what do you mean by that? He doesn't remember knowing senior in the past..."

"You certainly don't know me."

The Great Sage Splitting Cloud laughed, and a spiritual wave was transmitted from the air.

"And I have known you for a long time. Speaking of which, do you know that there was a strange man named Old Man Xia in the Mai Dao Palace lineage. Many years ago, when the three lines in the Holy Palace were robbed, before I hid in Before Hong Ya Daoli escaped from the world, he unexpectedly met this strange man and asked him to use the Mayi Taoist palace's divination calculations, deduce Yili, and predict the future of my Sanyuan Holy Palace. I learned from this stranger's words I know a prophecy, and this prophecy involves you."

The Splitting Cloud Great Sage didn't show off, she directly told why she knew He Ping's origins.

Mayi Daogong is proficient in the art of prediction and divination. The secret method of "Tianxing Dianlong" contains endless wisdom. It is said that the supreme secret method hidden in this line of divination is not inferior to that of "Zun Shengsu Yaomu" The last chapter of the Dharani Mantra is the Future Sutra.

The Mayi Taoists of all ages are good at fortune-telling, and the predictions they make are all effective and rarely have deviations. Not to mention the Xiayuandongyin lineage, even those from the three sects of Buddhism, Mud Sect, and Xiantian I went to a Taoist priest to predict the future.

After the Great Sage Split Cloud suffered a disaster in the Sanyuan Holy Palace, she immediately evacuated the Jade Dragon Mountain Main Altar. After being chased by masters from various factions, she, her master, and hundreds of disciples fled overseas for a time, but they were By chance, I met the old man Yuexia, and learned about the future situation of the Sanyuan Holy Palace from the old man Yuexia.

"According to what the stranger said, the severance of the Three-Yuan Demonic Palace will last for hundreds of years. During this period, the Three-Yuan Dharma Line will be severed. Only Shangyuan Ziwei's lineage and Li Daitaojiang survived through the hands of Emperor You."

He Ping thought to himself, this is indeed true. The You family lineage has inherited the "Xuanxing Method", and when the first You Emperor founded the country, he should have accepted the Shangyuan Ziwei lineage that defected. This can also explain that The origin of Taoist Su Xin.

"Secondly, Xiayuan Dongyin's lineage brought disaster to Xiao Qiang and was destroyed by civil strife."

The Great Sage Split Cloud sighed deeply: "This incident is just as he expected. A traitor appeared in the Yin lineage of Xiayuandong, causing trouble for Xiao Qiang and causing the thousand-year inheritance to be destroyed. The calculation of this old man His ability is indeed to predict things like a god, even a master at the level of an immortal may not be able to see things as accurately as he does."

"What's the situation with Qingxu, one of the three holy palaces?"

He Ping was also very curious about this matter and couldn't help but ask.

"It's a long story. The Zhongyuan Qingxu lineage was actually the first to suffer external calamity. The Holy Land of the General Altar was suddenly invaded by foreign enemies, and the masters in the sect suffered heavy casualties."

The Great Sage Split Cloud was also a little helpless.

"We don't know much about what happened to Zhongyuan Qingxu's lineage at that time. We can only say that it was too chaotic at that time. Neither Ziwei's lineage nor our Dongyin lineage had time to help..."

According to the Great Sage Split Cloud, the Qingxu lineage was robbed the fastest, and the situation was the weirdest. At that time, there were many masters of the Qingxu lineage, as well as several masters of manifesting gods, and an ancestor of the Immortal God level was in charge. Overnight, the entire door was hit hard, and only a few people escaped.

"Yunxiao Dao Palace!?"

He Ping had a flash of inspiration and thought of the destruction of Yunxiao Dao Palace in the past.

The Great Sage Split Cloud continued to explain that after the Qingxu lineage was severely damaged, the Taiyi Taoist House, the archenemy of the Sanyuan Demon Palace, also took action. Later, major forces such as the Buddhist Sect and the Xiantian Three Sects also joined in to encircle and suppress the remaining The crape myrtle and Dongyin lineage.

In fact, there was still room for maneuver in the Sanyuan Demon Palace at that time. After all, the Demon Palace was also very powerful and had the most powerful treasure to suppress the teachings. However, during this period, it was attacked by a group of hidden enemies. These people were very good at assassinations and assassinations. , as a result, the two lines of Ziwei and Dongyin that had been encircled were broken up, and the disciples fled in all directions.

Taiyi Taoist Palace, Buddhism, Xiantian Three Sects and other forces secretly attacked the fallen dog, which severely damaged the remaining two channels of vitality in the Sanyuan Demon Palace, and the masters under the sect suffered heavy casualties.

After listening to the old stories told by the Great Sage Split Cloud, He Ping said calmly: "Senior, you tell me these secrets of the Three Yuan Holy Palace. You must have some deep purpose, right?"

The Great Sage Split Cloud chuckled.

"Forget it, I won't hide it from you. I intend to rebuild the Sanyuan Holy Palace. Unfortunately, things have changed. I am also unable to handle this matter alone. You are the successor of the Zhongyuan Qingxu lineage predicted by the old man, so I hope You can help me rebuild the Diyuan Holy Palace and pass on the teachings of this lineage."

He Ping touched his chin.

"In other words, Senior Liyun, do you want me to return the "Demon Planting" method?"

"What does this mean?"

Great Sage Liyun asked doubtfully: "First, since you have learned the Taoism of the Qingxu lineage, and there are no other successors of the Qingxu lineage, then you are the successor of the Qingxu lineage;

Secondly, after the Qingxu lineage suffered a calamity at that time, its disciples gave us the Dongyin lineage the entire "Nine Refinements of the Nether Demon", as well as various classics, Taoist scrolls, and magical instruments.

As for this move, its purpose is to allow our Dongyin lineage to select disciples and pass it on to ensure the immortality of the Qingxu lineage. For thousands of years, the Sansheng Palace has been working together to spread the Dharma for the same sect, find suitable talents, and pass on the righteous Dharma lineage to the Qingxu lineage. It is also the re-election of the Dongyin lineage. Why do I need you to return this magic to me? Isn't this unnecessary? "

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