——The corpse puppet technique is a puppet technique that can manipulate corpses recorded in the "Invisible Secret Scroll".

The corpse puppet technique is not a corpse refining technique. To put it bluntly, it is just a spell that uses corpses as puppets to control them.

The zombies or walking corpses either had too much resentment during their lifetimes, or were buried in the Yin earth evil cave by chance, absorbing too much Yin energy, and turned into rigor mortis.

Even the weakest walking zombie is not something that ordinary people can deal with. The corpse controlled by the corpse puppet technique is just a lookalike and does not have any strong strength.

"After all, if it is purely for killing people, it is more convenient to use paper puppets or wooden mandrill puppets. Furthermore, with the abilities of these people, they cannot stop my 'Miluo Sword'..."

In terms of means of killing, the "Miluo Sword" that can pull strings through the air and cut gold and jade is much stronger. However, He Ping's trip this time was not just for killing people.

This time, He Ping used the corpse puppet technique to control the "people of He Mansion" as bait, and deliberately entered the mountains along the east road with Changfeng Hui in order to show the enemy that he was weak and wanted to see what Changfeng Hui did. What exactly is Xiao Hao's plan...

As a result, Xiao Hao and his subordinates fell into his trap. After seeing the resurrected members of the He Mansion who had been killed, the Changfeng Society's gang members were all frightened to death, and they didn't even have much courage left to fight back. ...In the end, he was either intercepted by the corpse puppet, killed by the wooden mandrill puppet in the sedan, or captured on the spot.

Changfeng Hui is also a well-known force in Sui'an City. This time it has lost its leader Xiao Hao, and together with a group of elites who can be regarded as the core, it will be expelled from Beifu Prefecture from now on.

"The next step is to deal with these Changfeng Club gang members. There are more than seventy people from the Changfeng Club who came to ambush me, and there are another fifty or sixty gang members staying near Pingdingyu. We don't need to worry about these people for the time being. "

Nearly one-third of Xiao Hao and the Changfenghui people he brought with him died, and the rest were tied up.

However, He Ping did not intend to save the lives of this group of people. This group of people did not have much use value. He planned to wait until the information was dug out to make them all into corpse puppets, and then control them with the corpse puppet technique to facilitate his reception. Come down to act.

After He Ping captured Yan Laoer, the leader of the Changfeng Society, he began to torture him to extract a confession, and got a lot of secret information from this person.

"The Thirteen Feiyun Riders are not subordinates of Magistrate Sheng...these people come from a force called 'Chongyang Palace'..."

Yan Laoer is Xiao Hao's subordinate. Because of Xiao Hao's relationship, he knows some information about the Feiyun Thirteen Riders.

These so-called Thirteen Feiyun Riders are not the military officers under Magistrate Sheng, nor are they the generals of the Sheng family.

"'Chongyang Palace'... this should be a spiritual sect, not a gang in the martial arts world. Feiyun Thirteen is wearing black iron armor, which cannot be produced by a martial arts sect..."

He Ping recalled that the black iron armor worn by Zitang Lian and Qi Huiying had complex runes engraved on the armor plates, which could be regarded as "rune armor" in the world of cultivation.

Talisman armor does not necessarily have to be worn by practitioners. Even if ordinary people put on the armor, it can stimulate the talisman patterns and produce a body-protecting aura.

Zitang Lian and others can achieve invulnerability by wearing this kind of talisman, which is almost a magical weapon. They are generally invulnerable to water and fire. Their strength and defense will be strengthened. If it is put on the battlefield, the Feiyun Thirteen Cavalry will rely on this talisman. A, I'm afraid it's a meat grinder on the battlefield.

"Looking at it this way, the Feiyun Thirteen Riders are inferior to that one-horned mandrill. It's not too difficult to deal with it with my strength, but the gains outweigh the losses. It's better to let this group of people fight with the one-horned mandrill. Fight to weaken that monster..."

He Ping couldn't help but start making calculations. He glanced at Yan Laoer who was tied to the tree and asked again.

"Since you said that the 'Smiling Leopard' Xiao Hao is a confidant of Magistrate He and a secret agent in Sui'an City, then he must know a lot about Sheng Qingzhi. Let me ask you, what is the relationship between Sheng Qingzhi and the Chongyang Palace? What’s the relationship?”

The rise of the Changfeng Society is closely related to Sheng Qing. Xiao Hao is also a flatterer of Magistrate Sheng. Everyone in Sui'an City knows this, but what outsiders don't know is:

Xiao Hao was originally a servant of the Sheng family where Pan Qingzhi lived. In essence, the "Smiling Leopard" was not a hunting dog raised by the Sheng magistrate outside, but a "domestic dog" in a private residence.

This was also a secret told by Yan Laoer, the second-in-command of the Changfeng Society, personally. Hearing his words, He Ping's heart moved.

(Then again, what is the identity of Sheng Qingzhi? He is just a prefect. As a member of the government, why is he related to the Chongyang Palace, a spiritual sect...)

"I-I don't know about this either."

Yan Laoer looked at the man in black robe wearing a grimace mask in front of him, his heart beating nervously.

Even in the eyes of him, an old man in the world who has experienced many storms, this man in black robe is still a vicious and vicious devil.

After capturing everyone alive, the devil used torture to torture him and the Changfeng Society's gang members. What's even more frightening is that the devil obviously also has an evil method, which can kill living people and return their souls, turning them into a kind of zombie-like existence.

The devil even showed off directly in front of Yan Laoer. He first captured two gangsters and took two four-inch long gold needles to penetrate the Tianling and Dazhui points. The two gangsters died on the spot and "awoke" again not long after, but after they came back to life, There was no life at all, it just turned into a zombie-like existence.

What's confusing and weird is that after they become like this, the devil can control their actions like puppets.

"Among you, only those who are useful to me and can provide me with valuable information have a chance to survive. Otherwise, you only have a chance to be made into a corpse puppet..."

The man in black robe spoke coldly and his voice was hoarse and low. Judging from his tone, it seemed that he had no hesitation at all about turning a living person into a corpse puppet.

"Opportunities are for smart people, Yan Laoer, do you know this clearly or not?!"

"I said, I said..."

Yan Laoer's heart skipped a beat and he spoke hurriedly.

"Boss Xiao said that the Feiyun Thirteen Cavalry belonged to a senior fellow of Magistrate Sheng, who was a Taoist. Magistrate Sheng had spoken out to ask for these Thirteen Cavalry from this Taoist."

"Where has the Taoist priest gone now?"

After He Ping put on the mask, he used "ventriloquism" to speak.

There is an indescribable weirdness in his voice. On Earth, this speaking accent is jokingly called the "throat cancer voice." A superhero in a famous movie would speak this way every time he fights crime at night. Speak in this weird tone of voice.

"The Taoist priest seems to have something urgent and has already left Beizhou Mansion."

Yan Laoer answered honestly.

He Ping asked this man again and found out from his mouth that the Changfeng Society secretly communicated with the Feiyun Thirteen Cavalry in order to capture the person who could transmit the message in time when he became determined.

"The messenger is still on Xiao Hao. That thing is called the 'Blue Chong Flute'. It is said that as long as the green Chong Flute is played, the Thirteen Feiyun Riders will be able to know its location and rush over quickly."

Hearing what Yan Laoer said, He Ping quickly asked the wooden mandrill puppet to search Xiao Hao's body, and sure enough he found an emerald green jade flute - this jade flute was extremely beautifully made, and one end of the flute was decorated with the hands of a skilled craftsman. , carving out a jade cicada with four thin wings.

While playing with the "Bi Chong Flute", He Ping made a casual suggestion to Yan Laoer.

"Listen carefully. Next, I will give you a chance to do something for me. If you do it well, I will give you a chance to live."

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