An amazing scene appeared!

The woman in palace clothes enlarged her palm, and the huge power turned into a giant hand like a mountain. The fingers were like the roots of the mountain, and the lines on the palm shone brightly, like mountains and rivers, and like dragons, suddenly covering it.

Chi Xinzi, Lou Chongxiao and Nansha Diaosou felt that at this moment, the color of the sky and the earth changed, tens of thousands of mountains rolled in, and the boundless zhenqi showed overwhelming force.

"The "Thousand Mountains Dragon Seal", is it really the "Thousand Mountains Dragon Seal"?!"

Chi Xinzi's thoughts were spinning like electricity.

A drop of sweat ran down his back.

"Dragon Seal of Thousand Mountains" is the family secret of Ye Wen, Duke of Lu State. This technique is extremely powerful and contains the true power of the mountains of the earth. It also corresponds to the innate Gen position in the hexagram. It is as heavy as a real mountain. .


As soon as this terrifying giant palm fell, the three people below felt like there was a mountain pressure from all directions, making it difficult for their bodies to move.

This is the power of the Thousand Mountains Dragon Seal. With just a few gestures, it can shake the surroundings and generate endless mountain power.

"Oops, if I continue like this, I can't even think about it, so I'm going to be crushed to death!"

Nansha Diaosou's face was earth-colored, and as soon as those big hands as thick as mountains appeared, he had the illusion that he was going to be crushed and turned into powder.

However, on the other hand, the current "enemy" of this woman in palace attire is not his innocent son, but the white jade archway and the formation communicated by the archway.

As soon as the woman in palace clothes moved, it caused a series of reactions in the surrounding formations. The greater her power, the greater the counterattack from the formation restrictions. Just like a piece of bamboo, the more squeezed and bent, the stronger the rebound force. The bigger.

As soon as the big mountain hand formed by the Thousand Mountains Dragon Seal appeared, we saw Wen Tian's thunderous lightning and the electric snake suddenly stagnated. As the silver light flowed, the intertwined lightning suddenly shattered, one divided into two, two divided into four, four Divided into eight... Countless thunder balls as small as rosary beads exploded from the winding thunder net.

Countless thunderballs split apart, like countless rosary beads strung together, and an invisible force emerged in the void, causing the air to suddenly solidify and become sticky. The giant palm of the woman in palace attire also seemed to be stuck in the mud.

The next second, those thunderballs strung together like beads swelled up one by one, and countless rays of light surged, hitting them like heavy rain from all directions. This was a collective explosion!

The dazzling silver lightning instantly enveloped her figure.

The momentum this time was far greater than before. Hundreds or thousands of thunder beads amplified in the excitement of the formation, like stars suddenly lighting up in the night sky, filling her entire field of vision.

That was the power of the formation's counterattack. There were at least seven floating palaces around it, with countless lights shining inside. Various formations worked together, like a revolving lantern, circulating endlessly.

"The half-broken formation is showing off in front of me!"


Suddenly, with the woman in palace attire as the center, an aura suddenly rose up that destroyed the heaven and the earth, cut off the sea and divided the waves, and shattered the universe.

"...The nine forms of the true dragon, the dragon appears in the nine phases, the vastness is vast, the nine rays open the sky... I will let you experience the unrivaled magical power created by the supreme true dragon!!!"

In an instant, half of her body underwent earth-shaking changes. Her hands and feet became thicker, and scales appeared evenly on key parts.

The pretty face of this woman in palace attire also became hideous and terrifying, covered with fine scales.

Her head was also deformed and twisted, with double horns growing on her forehead, almost turning into a terrifying dragon head.

At the same time, this woman's body exuded a palpitating wave. This was obviously the dragon transformation secret method in "Dragon Demon Transformation". Among the nine evils of immortality, the Dragon Worship Cult's dragon transformation technique can make people... Obtain the blood of the dragon and reveal the power of the ancient dragon from ancient times.

However, the aura displayed by the palace-dressed woman in front of her was more majestic and violent, and even made Chi Xinzi feel that this power was more complete and complete!

"What kind of power is this? Could it be the Ashuto Dragon Fist of the Dragon Worship Sect!"

Chi Xinzi was astonished. He had not expected that this woman in palace attire was so powerful and ferocious. Could it be that she had mastered the Dragon Worship Sect's most powerful secret technique, the "Ashtuo Dragon Fist"? The Dragon Secret Technique was merged into one, and with one punch, thirteen dragon-shaped punches were created. The momentum overwhelmed all directions, shaking the world.

"What's the Ashuta Dragon Fist?"

The spirit of the woman in palace clothes sent a wave of fluctuations, and a disdainful voice sounded in the minds of the three of them.

"My 'Nine Forms of True Dragon' opens up the nine rays and condenses the nine true powers of the sun, moon, gold, wood, water, and fire. It is continuous and endless. You little mice, die together with me!!"

She closed her palm with her backhand and clenched her fist. The endless power seemed to be condensed in her fist, and she punched him with the power of the sun, moon and nine rays.

Following this punch, Nansha Diaosou felt that the whole world was exploding at this moment, endless light and heat were swaying in front of him, and the intention of the punch also exploded his soul in an instant.

The next moment, the white jade archway was turned into powder by this blow, and the square behind it was also broken layer by layer. Even several palaces were exploded into powder with a bang.


When the power of the fist fell, the invisible wave passed by, as if it was swept away. The connected formations exploded one after another, and several surrounding palaces were blown to pieces.


Lou Chongxiao also screamed, the spiritual light protecting him shattered, and his left shoulder was shattered.

Chi Xinzi was greatly shocked.

"What is the origin of this woman? 'Nine Forms of the True Dragon'... The Dragon Worship Sect's ultimate plan does not have this kind of technique!"

The situation was so critical, but Chi Xinzi did not admit defeat. Before making any decision, he would always leave something to chance. During his lifetime, except for his miscalculation in the duel with He Ping, he rarely made mistakes in other calculations.

This time, it was no exception. At the same time that Nansha Diaosou was the first to be killed, Chi Xinzi activated a treasure he had just mastered, which was the Seal of Shang.

This ancient human face seal suddenly emitted a ray of light, turning half of Lou Chongxiao's arm into a puddle of meat paste, and was wrapped in it as well as Chi Xinzi.


Shang Zheng's seal was activated, and as if it had penetrated the void of time, it suddenly jumped up and flew away through the air.


The half-dragon-transformed woman in palace attire was also shocked. The Shang Yuyin completely ignored her attack. Even the unparalleled magical power created by the Supreme True Dragon could not block the ancient human face seal. Instead, he found it. The opportunity broke through.

"No, that ancient human face seal has something to do with the ruins of the Immortal Palace. Just now there seemed to be a force from the depths of the ruins of the Immortal Palace, pulling these two people there. It's really strange. Could it be that these two people Among them, is there anyone who deserves to be robbed?"

In an instant, her expressionless face became dark and dark, and her eyes flickered a few times.

The woman in palace clothes did not pursue her, but her eyes looked far away into the depths of the ruins of the Immortal Palace. It was obvious that the Shangji Seal was leading the two people to a suspended palace in the deepest part of the ruins of the Immortal Palace. .

Chi Xinzi's experience quickly turned into pieces of information, a ball of light and shadow, and was transmitted to He Ping's mind.

He Ping, who had his eyes closed tightly, also opened his eyes, with thoughts hidden in his eyes.

"Fortunately, Chi Xinzi has figured out some of the Shangji Seal. He escaped and ascended to heaven for the time being. The ancient seal has some wonderful uses..."

He Ping began to think about it.

I don’t know if it’s a blessing in disguise, but it turns out that the Shang Fu Seal does have a hidden secret. It took Chi Xinzi a long time to get the ancient human face seal, and then he found some tricks, which really came in handy in an emergency.

Now, Chi Xinzi and Na Lou rushed to the sky, and they broke away from the woman in palace clothes and entered the deepest part of the ruins of the Immortal Palace. That place, compared with the strange scenes outside, can be regarded as a different world.

"But, what is the origin of that woman?"

The sudden appearance of the woman in palace clothes first relied on Baiyang Jie's skills to attack, but was later blocked by the formation. She suddenly used Laozi's "Nine Forms of True Dragon", which made He Ping's face flicker. I was very afraid.

"True Dragon...Nine Shapes? What a strange technique. The Dragon Worship Sect should not have this technique. However, the technique that can transform a person into a half-dragon posture must be related to the "Magic Dragon Transformation". But if we delve deeper into its origins, it seems a bit specious..."

Ashutuo Dragon Fist is extremely powerful, but it is also extremely difficult to practice. Historically, those who have been able to master the thirteen dragon-transformation techniques on the unnamed ancient stele in the Temple of the Dragon Worship Cult in the North have mastered this boxing technique. There are very few people.

"However, it may also be the lost secret technique of transforming into a dragon. After all, according to old legend, there are thirty-six chapters in "The Transformation of the Dragon". Could it be that that woman has mastered those lost techniques of transforming into a dragon and mixed in some other ones? As the skills go in, the body becomes a little weird."

He frowned, feeling increasingly doubtful about the origin of the woman in palace attire.

The monks of the Chongyang Palace, who just don't practice their own "Three Yang Tribulation", inexplicably learn the exercises of the Dragon Worship Sect, are they crazy?

The "Demon Dragon Transformation" of the Dragon Worship Sect may have been powerful enough to rank among the top ten in ancient times. However, in this era, it is far inferior to the transformation of magical powers in "Three Yang Tribulation". The Chongyang Palace's A monk who deliberately learns the Dragon Worship Cult's way of entering the Taoism is undoubtedly abandoning the near and seeking the far, and seeking fish at the end of the tree...

"No, is that woman really a monk from Chongyang Palace?!"

He Ping held his chin, confused.

"Whether he is a monk from the Chongyang Palace or not, if Chi Xinzi's guess is correct, then I must go to the ruins of the Immortal Palace, because based on Chi Xinzi's experience, the "Six Paths Wheel Diagram" may actually be hidden there. "It's possible that the scroll of the divine map in the book contains other treasures!"

He stood up quickly, and with the movement of his magic power, it turned into a stream of light and flew away through the air with a swishing sound.

According to some information from Chi Xinzi, and from various clues, he was able to sense the location of the ruins of the Immortal Palace.

He Ping calmed down and decided to set off now, not to go to the City of the Sun, but directly to the ruins of the Immortal Palace.

"If the divine map is really revealed, no one else will be allowed to get it except me! If necessary, I will kill you without mercy!"

His eyes were as cold as ice, and his heart was even colder.

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