He Ping walked halfway when he bumped into a figure.

This figure came prepared and almost fell to the ground with a cry.

As soon as He Ping looked up, he saw a woman with a frown on her face and a beaded hairpin on her head. The woman looked young and was wearing a blue shirt and a light yellow silk scarf. The skirt has a Xiaojiabiyu temperament.

"It doesn't matter, it's just a trivial matter!"

He Ping smiled slightly, waved a folding fan in his hand, and said, "Be more careful when you walk in the future."

The girl smiled a little shyly, bowed her head to him, and then walked quickly towards the side street.

In the blink of an eye, the person disappeared into the crowd.

He Ping glanced at the girl's leaving figure, and a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"When you are really sleepy, someone will give you a pillow..."

This is not a chance encounter. This woman came well prepared. Moreover, with his cultivation, he would not be bumped into by someone for no reason. He would even reach into his arms and touch away the hidden treasure in his arms. Money bags of broken silver and miscellaneous items.

"What this woman uses to steal things is not stealing, but magic." He Ping reached into his arms and took out a small purse. Whatever important things he had on weekdays, he would hide them in his own shadow. This purse only contained some scraps of silver and sundries, just to show off.

But even so, no one else could even think of getting closer to him and stealing the money bag he was carrying when he got close.

In fact, in an instant, the woman removed the purse from her body and replaced it with this purse.

"It's not the Hinayana transportation method, nor the Five Ghost transportation method. This should be the Kong Kongmen's masterful Kong Kong method!"

He recalled that Chi Xinzi also said that among the casual cultivators in Nanling Road, there was a Kongkong Sect.

The Kongkong Sect has many evil deeds, and there are many thieves under its sect. They are confused with the secular world, running around the streets all day long, lurking in the crowds to cut off jewelry, and practicing the sect's magic by cutting hair.

The foundation of this sect is on Nanling Road, but the members of the sect like to travel around and abduct children from ordinary families to learn bad habits. The children they abduct will be arranged to become beggars or pickpockets.

People in the Kongkong Sect all take stealing as their sect and specialize in various techniques with the core of stealing. The ancestor of the Kongkong Sect is named Jing Jing'er, and he is good at "Star Reaching Hands". He is originally a thief. The stranger, from the dirty tricks of hair-cutting and pickpocketing, discovered the "Star Picker" that can pick up objects from the void.

Among those children, those who show their aptitude will be arranged to learn better spells and be taught more powerful spells. The most outstanding disciples of Kongkongmen master various secret attacks and ambush techniques. They are all master assassins.

After all, after practicing the Star-catching Hand to a certain extent, its skillful hand can capture people's hearts even from miles away;

During a fight, being able to use this technique in the gap to take the enemy's head is like searching a bag to retrieve an object. As for snatching weapons from the air, and taking people's lives in the dark, it is not a problem.

Precisely because of mastering the unique skill of "Star Reacher", in the spiritual world, the Kong Kong Sect has gradually become famous for ambushes and assassinations. The masters in its sect may not be strong enough to enter the Tao, but when it comes to assassinating people, Even a Taoist master would be stunned.

In the world of cultivation, there are many families and sects of casual cultivators who look down upon the Kong Kong Sect and think that the Kong Kong Sect's actions are too shabby. However, they do not dare to look down on people of this lineage.

"Kongkong Sect, this sect also has some influence on Nanling Road, and it belongs to the kind of sect that has friendship with the government. If we use the power of this sect, we may be able to get a 'place' to go to the Abyss Realm..."

Each level in the Earthly Abyss Realm contains various rare materials and treasures, which are beneficial to the cultivation of various sects.

At the entrance to the abyss in southern Xinjiang, the army and experts sent by the imperial court suppressed the abyss to prevent the demons from escaping and unable to free their hands to collect.

So, I thought of a compromise, which was to open up some quotas to allow local cultivating families and sects in Nanling Road to enter the Earth Abyss. On the one hand, these monks originally needed various medicinal materials and rare treasures from the Earth Abyss world. On the other hand, benefits can be extracted from it. For example, part of the elixirs and mineral deposits collected by these monks must be paid to the court, and both sides can get what they need.

This method of opening up "quotas" is naturally contrary to the court's policy of suppressing sects in various places. However, considering the special situation in southern Xinjiang, the court can only turn a blind eye.

He Ping grabbed the purse in his hand, and with a slight exertion of his palm, the purse broke apart and turned into powder and flowed out from his fingers.

At the same time, the girl in a crumpled blue shirt and light yellow skirt quickly turned from the crowd into a small alley next to her with small steps.

In the alley, her two accomplices had been waiting for a long time. One of them was a beggar wearing a tattered quail coat, and the other was long and thin, wearing a leather hat on his head, and his eyes were more black than white.

These three people, one woman and two men, all have slightly different appearances. One looks like Xiaojiabiyu, a woman with some family background; the other is a beggar begging on the street, and the last one wearing a fur hat looks like a licensed businessman.

The only thing the three of them have in common is that they all wear a green belt around their waists.

"How are you, Bai Ye'er, how was your harvest today?"

The beggar standing near the entrance of the alley asked in a low voice.

"Caught a fat sheep."

Bai Ye'er raised her head slightly and smiled, and Lao Qiu Hengqiu said: "That guy should be a foreigner. One look at his clothes can tell that he is not someone who is short of money. That silk and satin coat is not for everyone." If you can afford it, I don’t know which young master is coming to Tianyu City to join in the fun."


The beggar nodded and said: "A lot of people have come to the city this time, and the momentum is not small. I don't know what the reason is?"

"I heard that they wanted to arrest a man named Lou Chongxiao. This man seems to be the protector of the Azha Li Sect. A lot of people came at that time."

The man in the fur hat grinned.

"Stop talking about today's harvest."

"it's here."

Bai Ye'er took out the money bag, held it in her hand and shook it gently. Suddenly there was a crunching sound inside, and a smile immediately appeared at the corner of her mouth.

"Sounds like a lot."

The man in the leather hat also laughed.

"Okay, don't open it yet. Master Yutan has arrived in the city today and has temporarily settled in Luomen Temple. Today is the seventh day of July. As usual, the 'Hundred Sons Conference' will be held again. The empty gates in several nearby strongholds Everyone is here, let’s not delay here, let’s go see the ancestor first.”

"Is Master Yutan already here?"

Bai Ye'er and the beggar in white knotted quail clothes looked stern and looked a little ugly.

"Did Master Tan go to Sandaoqiao Dazedi, why did he return to Luomen Temple?"

The beggar asked in a low voice.

"How do I know this? But you also know that Master Yu has always been ruthless in his actions. If you accidentally offend him, there will be no good fruits."

When the man in the leather hat said this, Bai Ye'er and the beggar looked at each other.

Master Yutan is one of the current "Eight Patriarchs of the Eight Tans" of the Kongkong Sect. His cultivation is extremely advanced. He achieved spiritual perfection thirty years ago and is also a well-known figure in Nanling Road.

Of course, this "resounding" is due to Master Yutan's reputation as a ferocious spirit. There are many murderous and ruthless figures in the cultivation world of Nanling Road, but there are not many who are as vicious as Master Yutan.

This Master Yutan had a very high status in the Kongkong Sect, but his personality was extremely gloomy and eccentric, and he was cruel both internally and externally. Those who died at his hands would, without exception, have their left eye dug out as a weapon. mark to tell others that he killed him.

Moreover, Master Yu Tan had a peculiar habit during his childhood. He liked to eat human livers alive. If the disciples who served him in daily life disobeyed him, they would be cut open alive and the human livers taken out for consumption.

Both Bai Ye'er and the beggar in quail clothes were well aware of the terrifying nature of Master Yutan, and they were surprised when they heard that this master was going to hold the Hundred Sons Conference.

"'Hundred Sons Conference', why should we hold a Hundred Sons Conference at this juncture?"

Bai Yeer was very confused.

——The Hundred Sons Conference is a long-standing ceremony of the Kongkong Sect. Every once in a while, one hundred and eight children will be kidnapped from various places. For these one hundred or so children, the sect will hold an apprenticeship ceremony for them.

After the ceremony, they were included in the Kongkong Sect. These new disciples were all the lowest white ribbon disciples. Their characteristic was that they wore a white linen belt around their waists.

Disciples of Kong Kongmen, they start with white ribbons and need to learn to make a living by pickpocketing, performing arts, and begging on the streets. Among them, those with good qualifications and smartness will be taught the skills and arranged to become green ribbon disciples, and they will be slowly trained. , divided into eight levels from blue, yellow, brown, green, red, purple and gold;

Those who have clumsy qualifications and are considered difficult to achieve in the future will be eliminated and will never make any progress, lingering in the white ribbon.

Once they are unable to advance for a long time, the teachers will not pour resources into them. As time goes by, not to mention whether they will grow in the future, even food, clothing, and shelter will become a problem. Many children will die of hunger and cold before they reach adulthood. .

The Kongkong Sect has always followed this system. Bai Yeer and her two companions are all green belt disciples, and their levels are not low. They are considered middle-level disciples. The red ones who go up are the backbone of the sect.

If he is promoted to the Purple Ribbon Belt, he is a master who has achieved great spiritual success. If he reaches the Gold Level, it proves that this disciple is very qualified and has good talents. He can teach advanced Taoist skills such as "Star Reaching Hand".

Because of this bad habit and system, the Kongkong Sect has robbed many children and caused many human tragedies.

"Master Yu Tan presides over the Hundred Sons Conference. Besides Master Tan, are there any other teachers?"

Bai Yeer asked again.

"The one responsible for presiding over the conference is Uncle Yinxian Longyin."

The leather hat sighed: "However, Uncle Yin was injured by the Xuanyin Demon Mandrill before. If something goes wrong with you, it's best not to expect Uncle Yin to be able to help."

"There should be others, right?"

The beggar also asked a question.

Leather Hat could only smile bitterly.

"I only know that Master Yu Tan also invited several other figures from the spiritual world. As for who they are, I don't know who they are."

Bai Ye'er and the beggar shook their heads when they heard what he said.

These three people originally had a backer in the Kongkong Sect, and that was their master Ling Chengzi. However, Ling Chengzi was killed by a Xuanyin Demon Mandrill. The three people immediately lost this support, and their status in the Kongkong Sect was greatly reduced.

"This is troublesome."

Bai Yeer sighed.

Master Yu Tan is going to hold the Hundred Sons Conference, which is not a good thing for them. The Hundred Sons Conference, which is held as usual, is also an occasion to test the cultivation of the disciples in the school. If the disciples in the sect perform well, the teacher will Rewards, if the performance is extremely poor, you will be punished in various ways.

Master Yu Tan and his master Ling Chengzi were both one of the "Eight Ancestor Tan Masters". The two sides had always been at odds with each other. When Ling Chengzi died, his master uncle Yin Xianlong was also injured. His power in the Kongkong Sect was not what it used to be. If there was a Hundred Sons Conference, he would be The man surnamed Yu took the opportunity to attack, and the lives of the three people present might be in danger.

"Well, it's useless to talk about this now."

The leather hat shook its head.

"I think we should take out the gold and silver and see if we can sell it to Ji Huainan, Master Yutan's apprentice."

"That's right, plus what I've gained today!"

Bai Ye'er hooked the purse with her slender hand and shook it gently, and some broken silver fell from it.

"It's best to catch a few more fat sheep. That bad guy Ji Huainan has always been greedy. I really don't know how much money it takes to satisfy this guy who is greedy for money."

"I see, you are here?"

Suddenly, a cold voice came from behind her.

Almost at the same time, the leather hat and the beggar were startled. The leather hat wanted to move back, and the pupils in its eyes gradually became larger. The black eyeballs almost filled the entire eye sockets, and there seemed to be a faint light in the dark eyes. of light.

And the beggar fluttered his tattered hundred-knotted quail clothes. On the rags, which were patchwork and sewn with countless patches, countless colorful butterflies were also fluttering their wings.

Bai Ye'er's delicate hands also touched a white jade dagger hidden in her sleeve. In addition to practicing the "Kongkong Miaoshou", she also practiced a strange technique called "The Horse in the Gap".

"Kongkong Miaoshou" is just a spell for absorbing objects from the air. It is not profound. It is just that when used with this white jade dagger that has been refined, it can pierce a person's heart and cut a person's throat. It is a terrifying power. Assassination.


The person behind her coughed lightly, and her pretty face suddenly froze. The leather hat and the beggar were no exception. Their faces slowly turned pale, and beads of sweat began to appear on their foreheads and temples.

Bai Ye'er could see clearly that the young man whose wallet he had stolen was standing at the entrance of the alley. He was holding a folding fan and looking at him calmly. An inexplicable huge pressure was pressing down on the three people present. On people.

The strange phenomena on the leather hat and the beggar disappeared in an instant. Both of them found that their spells were malfunctioning, and there was an invisible pressure approaching. Only then did they realize that they had encountered a powerful master, and their heartbeats accelerated instantly. Breaking into a cold sweat.

"S-Senior... we are empty-minded people. What happened before was a misunderstanding..."

The beggar trembled and his voice trembled.

He Ping just looked at the three of them coldly and said: "It's just a small amount of money, it's nothing to me. It's just that if you take my things, you have to pay some corresponding price."

"What price?!"

Bai Yezi was very alert, and she vaguely sensed that something was wrong.

"Like this."

He Ping stretched out his hand, and his five fingers grasped a severed arm. The severed hand was cut off at an unknown time, and he also grasped a jade dagger.

Bai Yeer looked down and let out a scream. Her elbow was cut off by something, and with a pop, a large amount of blood spurted out.

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