He thought secretly.

There are too many good things in the inner treasury of the Great You Dynasty. These rare treasures and precious cultivation materials are all sealed in the inner treasury. Wouldn’t it be a waste of time? Only if they fall into your own hands can they be put to better use. effect.

"However, in recent times, Jin Yao Peacock seems to dislike me for asking for too many things. She is quite annoyed and unwilling to pay attention to me. It will probably be difficult to find some good things from her this time."

He Ping touched his chin, thinking about what excuse he should make, and continued to get some good things from Jin Yao Peacock and Dong Mi.

At this time, his Pan Chi Yujue was faintly shaken, and it was obvious that there was news from Dong Mi.

"Ha, if you really say Cao Cao, Cao Cao will be here."

He Ping reached out and touched Yujue lightly, and saw lines of messages flashing. It turned out that Jin Yao Peacock wanted to see him again.

"Mashura, I heard that you were investigating the case of hell painter Sa Shili and were attacked by enemies. How were your injuries?"

Jin Yao Peacock asked this question first.

"Reporting to Master Peacock, it's almost done..."

He Ping explained the matter of being "injured in an attack" in a leisurely manner. After the incident at Tongbai Mountain, because he wanted to retreat, he said that he was injured and recuperating, so he locked up Pan Chi Yujue and ignored Jin Yao Peacock's summons. .

After picking up the Yujue that Dongmi had used for interrogation, he decided to try to fool him and made up another lie.

"I have not found out Sa Shili's true identity. However, I accidentally discovered some inside information and met a master named Sikong Tu. After a fight, I was injured after losing to him. This period During these days, I hid in the dark to recover from my injuries."

"Sikong Tui... this name seems to be the master of the evil sect that is rampant in the Dongli Road area. This person seems to have a name, what is the name of the 'Underworld Snake King'. He has established some kind of black evil sect in the east and commits crimes. , was noticed by Ji Quji, one of the Nine Envoys who secretly patrolled the southeastern coast at that time, and immediately came to pick out the cult and destroyed the Taoism of this person's hard training with one blow."

Jin Yao Peacock was also well-informed. She thought about it silently and revealed the identity of "Sikong Tui".

"If this person's strength is still there, then it's not a surprise that you were defeated by him. This person originally made a great name for himself on Dongli Road with his seventy-two formless snakes. If over the years, he has After breaking through the psychological shadow left by Ji Quji, his strength will definitely increase greatly!"

‘This woman is really hard to fool. Sikong Tui became famous at least forty years ago. I didn’t expect that she could still remember this! ’

He Ping felt helpless. Jin Yao Peacock was indeed difficult to fool, but he still had his own trump card.

"Although I suffered a loss at the hands of the 'Underworld Snake King', I also arrested one of his disciples and found a Wu Nuo spell from him called "The Underworld Snake King Curse". I observed This method is also quite strange, and I plan to dedicate it to Master Jin Yao Peacock."

Before, he did receive the "Nether Snake King Curse" from the Wu Nuo Cult from Sikong Tui. In terms of spells, this "Underworld Snake King Curse" can be regarded as a new and unusual one, and it is quite ingenious. But this kind of spell The law was of little use to him personally.

Even if "Dong Mi" has a big family and a big business, it may not be a bad thing to have a few more spells. It is more or less a credit to present this "Underworld Snake King Curse" that is of no use to him!

"You do have a heart."

Jin Yao Peacock nodded.

"Other than that, what else did you find?"


He Ping continued: "I suspect that there is a hidden figure behind Sikong Tui. This person's surname is Wu and his name is Qingzu. He should have some connection with a painter named Wu Qingsheng in the painting world..."

Hearing He Ping's words, Jin Yao Peacock frowned.

"Wu Qingsheng...Wu Qingsheng? This name...is so familiar!"

Suddenly, she seemed to have thought of something, and her voice was slightly startled.

"So that's what happened?"

Jin Yao Peacock seemed to understand something, showing a look of enlightenment, and she murmured.

"The ancestor of the Wu family is Wu Qingsheng. In this case, the incident in the past can be explained."

"Lord Jin Yao Peacock, what are you...?"

When He Ping heard Xian's intention, he immediately understood what Jin Yao Peacock must have been thinking, and quickly asked.

"There is nothing surprising about this. Wu Qingsheng is a disciple of the famous painter Nanyue Zong. Nanyue Zong is the painter most appreciated by Emperor You of the seventh generation. After Nanyue Zong got older, he rarely exhibited any works. He Among his disciples, Wu Qingsheng was also the leader. When the late emperor was still alive, he had a favorable view of Wu Qingsheng and wanted to invite him to the palace painting academy..."

Jin Yao Peacock was quite sad when he recalled this incident.

"This man is also talented, but his brain is not very good. He is a painter summoned by the Art Academy. The seventh generation Emperor You has been fond of pen and ink, painting, horseback riding, archery, and Cuju since he was a child. He is an all-rounder in civil and military affairs, but he is very interested in state affairs. I’m not interested. In the early years of the Yuan Dynasty, there were turmoils in Dongli and Nanhuang. Later, there was a big riot by the Thirty-Six Bandits. At that time, evil demons and monsters appeared together. Everyone said that it was a sign of great chaos in the world. Fortunately, after the eighth generation of Emperor You came to the throne, all the chaos was calmed down, and Dayou also looked like a renaissance."

"Wu Qingsheng has the style of a national scholar. He wanted to dissuade the Seventh Generation You Emperor, but he tried many times to dissuade him. Instead, he angered the emperor and was expelled from Baiyujing. After Wu Qingsheng left Yujing City, he was still worried about state affairs. He heard that The seventh generation of Emperor You became more and more dissolute and immoral, using traitors and villains to act tyrannically, being extremely extravagant and extravagant, and his heart became increasingly depressed."

"So Wu Qingsheng came up with an idea. He decided to use his painting skills to awaken the Seventh Generation You Emperor, hoping that the country would be as safe as Mount Tai. He expressed his feelings to his wife, and after her wife agreed, he strangled her to death. He secretly brought her body to a studio in Jiangxin Prefecture, and planned to use his wife's dead body as a prototype to draw a scroll of the "Nine Phases True Picture", hoping to use this picture to persuade Emperor You."

Wu Qingsheng is a talented painter, but also an extremely crazy person. The "Nine Phases True Picture" he wants to copy is derived from the Buddhist "White Bone View". Its purpose is to show the impermanence of the world through the disguised appearance of the beauty and the white bones.

For example, after the death of a peerless beauty, her intestines will be rotten and rotten. If anyone in the world is not freed, they will be nothing more than a cup of loess after a hundred years.

The disciples of Buddhism, taking this as a reference, often use exquisite painting skills to depict the nine signs of death after death: new death, fat swelling, blood smear, fat mess, bruises, connected bones, scattered bones, and ancient tombs, to observe their death. The final posture can achieve the goal of staying away from desires, quenching the desire for the body, understanding the path of impermanence and selflessness, and thus achieving a pure and enlightened state of mind.

Wu Qingsheng hid in the studio every day and painted by observing the gradually decaying corpse of his beloved wife. He originally planned to paint her appearance every ten days until the corpse turned into bones. He wanted to paint all the paintings. Volume, presented to the seventh generation Emperor You.

However, as the corpse decomposed faster, his plan became increasingly unable to keep up with the change in his wife's appearance, and he felt filled with grief, anger, and embarrassment.

In fact, this man had gone crazy at this time. Seeing that his plan to sacrifice his beloved wife was about to come to nothing, even crying and crying would not help... At this moment, he had a crazy thought in his heart and thought to himself, "I have once surpassed the ethics of the world. , why care about anything else?" So he left Jiangxin Prefecture and wandered around the nearby villages. Once he found a young and beautiful woman who was similar to his wife, he immediately approached her and pretended to take her portrait to lure her to a secluded place. After beating and killing her, Used to paint as if it were his wife’s body!

When He Ping heard this, a look of surprise appeared on his face. He also inquired about Wu Qingsheng's information in Jiangxin State, and the information recorded there was completely different from what Jin Yao Peacock described.

"This man is really crazy!"

"No, this can no longer be described as crazy..."

Jin Yao Peacock sighed softly and continued.

After obtaining the body, Wu Qingsheng became more motivated to paint. He hid the body in his studio on Jiangxin Island and waited until the body decomposed to a certain extent before he started painting.

After killing several people in a row like this, he became more and more careless in his actions. However, he was so obsessed that he had long forgotten his original thoughts.

Wu Qingsheng seemed to be painting just for the sake of painting, or maybe he was painting to kill people. Because his behavior was too ridiculous, he was also noticed by the masters of the Evil Slayer Division.

After he killed many people, he kidnapped his people and brought them to the island. Those whose relatives were killed also noticed his whereabouts. After some investigation by experts sent by the Evil Slayer Division, they finally found Wu Qingsheng's whereabouts. .

At that time, Wu Qingsheng was already on the verge of madness. Anyone who saw him found it difficult to compare him with the famous court figures of the past. He had sunken cheeks, a pointed nose, a ghostly look in his eyes, and unkempt hair and dirty clothes. He was as skinny as a stick, and he seemed to have lost most of his soul in order to paint, as if he was possessed by a demon.

The most bizarre thing is that he is not a martial artist and has never studied Taoism. However, the masters who broke into the Wu family's studio on Jiangxin Continent were unable to do anything to this man. After this man went crazy and became possessed, he seemed to have understood something. Weird and unpredictable methods were used to forcefully defeat the masters of the Evil Slayer Division.

It's just that this man repelled the masters of the Evil Slayer Division and didn't intend to escape. Instead, he returned to the studio and continued painting.

In the end, everyone had no choice but to use fire to burn the entire Wu family's residence, including the studio. Wu Qingsheng did not resist and allowed the fire to burn the Wu family to ashes.

When Jin Yao Peacock said this, his voice was a little weird.

"These records are basically only stored in the secret vaults of the Evil Slayer Department and the Blood Law Chamber. After all, Wu Qingsheng's actions involved the seventh generation You Emperor, and they cannot be spread out at will. Therefore, in Longhe County, Jinhe Continent The file only records that the Wu family was destroyed by fire, and other information was forcibly suppressed."


He Ping licked his lips, and his eyes became a little strange.

"I always feel that there is something fishy about this matter..."

"There is something even more strange." Jin Yao Peacock added unhurriedly: "Afterwards, the troops sent by the Evil Slayer Division discovered that there was an underground secret room hidden somewhere under the Wu family's mansion. After opening it, they found more than ten people. In addition to the female body, a well-arranged ritual scene was also found. It can be seen that Wu Qingsheng's obsession with the devil is even stranger than imagined, and there are some secrets behind it that we don't know."

"Is it the way to draw immortality?"

He Ping pretended to ask and expressed his own opinion.

"In my opinion, whether it's Hell Painter Sa Shili or the Wu family, they should all be people who draw immortality..."

"Hua Xian Dao?"

Jin Yao Peacock also frowned.

"Indeed, but our understanding of the Immortal Painting Dao is also quite limited. There is a saying that the origin of the Immortal Painting Dao is quite complicated. The inheritance of the Immortal Painting Dao may not originate from this world, but from an unknown world outside the sky."

"What does it mean?"

He Ping was greatly surprised.

After hearing what she said, the origin of this painting of immortality seemed confusing.

"Don't ask any more questions."

Jin Yao Peacock seemed to have spilled the beans. She coughed lightly and changed the subject.

"You have stayed in Jinhe Continent long enough, and you should have mastered a lot of local information. How has the situation in Jinhe Continent been these days?"

"After the battle at Tongbai Mountain, the aftermath of the earthquake had a great impact on the surrounding areas, and the situation here in Jinhe Prefecture is still a bit chaotic."

He Ping replied calmly: "The state has been severely affected. In addition to the earthquake turmoil a few months ago, it also caused nearby floods. All counties in the state are providing disaster relief and treatment. In addition to natural disasters, there are also monster disasters. Jinhe Prefecture originally There are no monsters causing trouble. I don’t know where some monsters and monsters have come from recently, causing trouble and causing a lot of trouble."

What he said is true. During this period of time in Jinhe Prefecture, there have been waves of ups and downs. In addition to natural disasters, there are also monsters causing troubles.

Of course, this is not a problem for one state or one government. Now, the whole territory of Dayou is facing the same problem.

Originally, the human world was relatively stable. Even if there were some monsters and small-scale monsters, they would not have much impact on various places.

For example, in Sui'an City where He Ping was located, there was a mandrill in the nearby Siding Mountain. However, there was only one such monster, so it would not cause a catastrophe. But now, as the abyss opens, the passage between the two worlds is everywhere. Yes, this caused the demons from the Abyss Realm to flow into the human world. Monsters were causing trouble all over the world, and the pressure on the Great You court suddenly increased.

"This is a 'demon tribulation'..."

Jin Yao Peacock also sighed.

"When Grand Tutor Yu Lili wrote "Song of Clouds and Heavens", he should have figured out that in this world, the 'Demon Tribulation' is the precursor of the Spring and Autumn Catastrophe. It is also a sign of unrest in the world, and it is definitely not a good thing."

As a member of the royal family, she had quite complicated feelings about this matter in her heart. After being silent for a while, Jin Yao Peacock spoke again.

"You presented this "Nether Snake King Curse". It is a spell from the Wu Nuo Sect. Among the Baiyue tribes in southern Xinjiang, there are not many monks who are proficient in this spell. There are also no books in the inner library of this thing. By including it, you have made a contribution, tell me what reward you want."

"Don't dare."

He Ping chuckled in his heart and said: "Recently I have been studying the corpse technique. Although I have encountered a bottleneck and it is difficult to make progress in my cultivation, I have some inspiration in the corpse refining method. It is just a material for sacrifice. There are still a few missing..."

"Materials...what kind?"

"In addition to several spiritual minerals such as gold and silver sand ore, Wudu Sand, and Tianchen Sand, there are also some scattered precious medicines."

"This doesn't sound like the materials needed for the corpse refining method, right?"

"The corpse refining method I have comprehended is the thirty-six corpse god refining methods secretly taught by the Shibi Sect. It is different from the black, red, green, gold, silver, copper and iron zombie refining methods of the Taoist sect. Therefore, The materials required are also different.”

He Ping was familiar with the PPT method in his previous life on earth, and he immediately fooled Jin Yao Peacock with a few clichés.

After all, the Shibi Sect has been exterminated for many years, and the original inheritance was also destroyed by the Buddhist and Taoist families. Very few people know the inside story. Jin Yao Peacock also knows the secret method of the Shibi Sect, which is very different from the corpse refining technique passed down in ancient times. , and was not too doubtful.

"I see."

Jin Yao Peacock is quite considerate of this "loyal" subordinate.

"I do have some gold and silver sand. As for the two exotic minerals, Wudu sand and Tianchen sand, I don't have them either. However, I do know where the output is. If you really plan to collect these two kinds of sand, I can give you some advice. Where can you search for it.”

Finally, she added.

"The elixirs you need are nothing. I'll ask someone to deliver them to you in a few days. By the way, over in Jinhe Prefecture, there will be people coming from Yujing City recently. You should be careful."


"That person's name is Sheng Yuzhou, and he is a prominent figure in the imperial court. The emperor, Situ Haoxing and others all think highly of this person. This person is also more difficult to deal with. If he goes to Jinhe Prefecture, then you will have to pay more attention to him. Be careful."

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