He Ping had plans to escape when the ant mother appeared. He had already seen it and knew that the situation here was out of control and that if another war broke out, he would not be able to escape.

Furthermore, even big figures like the Red Fierce Ant Mother and the Chief of the Evil Slaying Department appeared together. If he didn't leave, it would be difficult for him to leave next time.

He briefly observed the situation and realized that the ant mother had the upper hand. This unrivaled demon was worthy of being the great sage of the Abyss Realm, and its demonic skills were extremely powerful.

It should be noted that the "Six-Color Disillusionment Technique" comes from "The Picture of Thousand Phantasms and Thousands of Illusions" and is by no means an invincible Taoist method. However, in the hands of this great sage among demons, six strange lights shrouded almost endlessly, and everyone present was enveloped. under it.

All parties except He Ping tried to break through the six demon lights. Wu Yin tried to attack them with his own blood flames, but failed to break them and was bounced back.

On the other side, except for Wu Qingzu, the zombie demons and moth priests wearing red copper armor no longer took action, but sat on the three stone pillars, seeming to maintain the damaged altar.

It must be to ensure that the "coordinates" of this layer are stable. Otherwise, without the altar, it will be difficult for the ant mother to lock the space-time coordinates of this layer through divine-level magic cultivation.

He Ping thought secretly.

"Behind this matter is the joint effort of Wanqing Sect and the Ant Mother of the Earth Abyss Realm. The one who really needs to worry about it should be the Great You Imperial Court... Also, behind this matter, there may be secret efforts by major forces from all sides. Game, under this situation, it is better for me to stay out of it as much as possible..."

After this thought emerged in his mind, he was ready. A burst of divine soul magic dispersed the true energy entrenched in the female mirror and refined the precious mirror.

In order to refine this treasured mirror, he spent a lot of energy. Now that the treasured mirror was refined, most of the mana and energy could be withdrawn.

He Ping no longer had this constraint, and the overwhelming mana flowed back like a reverse flow. He immediately became energetic. With a thought, in the next second, he waved his long sleeves, threw the paper man, transformed into his own appearance, and then cast a spell. Fa urged the soul-calling shadow-binding technique to wrap around it. The moment he escaped, it split and split again, turning into black lines and flying out in all directions.

This is the "Shadow Fractal Technique" of the Immortal Puppet Sect. Originally, it can only be practiced after studying three volumes of "Invisible Secrets".

He Ping was able to use it because he had already refined the Nine Shadow Gods, and he could be said to have already mastered the essence of the "Soul Summoning and Shadow Binding Technique", so there was no obstacle to using it.

Originally, the Nine Shadow Gods could not accommodate living creatures, but if they could kill the Nine Shadow Gods and fully master the access control method, there would naturally be no taboos.

Swish swish swish! I saw nine shadows traveling quickly, turning into thin black lines in the void. Wu Qingzu naturally wanted to stop them. The divine map he controlled shook slightly, and dense golden light locks were already hitting these shadows.

In this moment of mana surge, six shadows were shattered into pieces, and only three escaped unscathed.

"Bastard thing!"

Wu Qingzu was immediately furious. He ordered the demon god Brahmanakayin to give up his entanglement with Kumarajiva and instead pursue and kill one of the shadows. He also summoned two Asura kings from the divine map, one of which had the name of King Asura. Being Luo Qiantuo means roaring like thunder, also known as broad shoulders, because its shoulders are broad, roaring like thunder, and its appearance is also extremely ugly;

The first Asura King was named Vritra. He was born with three heads. He had great supernatural powers and could transform into a giant snake. He once swallowed the thunder god Indra. As soon as these two Asura Kings appeared, they emitted fierce and strange light. Chasing the shadow cast by He Ping who escaped.

"It's the Taoism of the Three Yuan Demon Palace, and it's the paper puppet of the Immortal Puppet Sect... What is the origin of this person?"

The Scarlet Fierce Ant Mother also noticed this scene, and the six-colored strange light filled the sky suddenly increased. The Ant Mother was about to use the forbidden method to capture the three shadows that escaped.

Suddenly, at this moment, the golden Buddha suddenly laughed and said slowly: "Mother Ant, it's not that easy to trap us!"

The Buddha clasped his hands together and recited a sentence.

"Just like an illusionist who makes all kinds of illusions based on grass, trees, tiles and stones, he creates various forms of all living beings and has all kinds of delusional thoughts; those delusions have no reality..."

Then, he rubbed his hands violently, and an invisible and material knife light tore through the air, causing the tidal demonic light to break into pieces one after another, just like splitting a chopstick with a sharp and ruthless giant blade. It's really overwhelming.

In an instant, the "Six Colors of Disillusionment" controlled by the ant mother suddenly lost control, and the light in the sky was also interrupted.


The ant mother was very angry.

How could it not know that this was another impermanent knife blasted by Situ Haoxing!

——The Impermanence Sword originates from the "impermanence of all actions" in the Three Dharma Seals. It says that all laws in the world are in the process of birth, existence, change and destruction all the time. What existed in the past has changed now; what exists now will eventually disappear in the future.

Therefore, the Impermanent Sword among the Three Dharma Seals can break all Taoist laws in the world. Its inherent principle of "all dharma is like an illusion and impermanence is real" is almost the nemesis of all laws in the world. As long as those who practice the "Impermanent Sword" can With endless cultivation, its power will also be far-reaching, and there is no limit to the distance between mountains and seas!

However, Situ Haoxing's cultivation has not reached that level. Besides, he is not from a serious Buddhist background. He is still unable to push the Impermanence Sword to the state of "destroying all laws". However, with this skill at the moment, there is no way to hinder him. It's not that difficult for the ant mother to come in person...

"How dare you let that man escape!"

The big demon suddenly thought of something, paused, and changed the subject.

"Originally, with your original number, a few of you were able to resist my magical power temporarily. Now that you have lost one person, how long can you continue to block our attack... Furthermore, the thief was hit The mirror originally belonged to the Kamikaze Kingdom Zunxing Sect, how do you explain it to that Master Kumarajiva?"

"Why is the ant mother so pretentious? Is she planning to let us go?"

Situ Haoxing smiled at first. He used the Impermanence Knife twice before and after, and the backlash became more and more severe. It was like a huge stone was stuffed in his chest. If he used the Impermanence Knife again, his heart would be as turbulent as waves, and he might not be able to use it.

'As 'that person' said, the Impermanence Sword is extremely powerful, and its backlash is also extremely strong. Unless the Ten True Suchnesses can be achieved, the greater the power of the Impermanence Sword, the greater its power to bite oneself, and the demons in one's own heart will be destroyed. The heavier! ’

The true form of the ant mother was hidden deep behind the crack in space. While controlling the light and shadow in the sky, she said calmly: "Junior, you are not from Shichan Temple. You are not good at practicing the Impermanence Sword. In Buddhism, you want to have no scruples. To use this Sword of Impermanence, you must at least attain the Immaculate Pure Reality. You are probably still wandering in the realm of Shengliu Zhenru. How many more times can you use this Sword of Impermanence..."

Although the demon sage spoke like this, it can also be proved that he is indeed more taboo about the Buddhist Impermanence Sword. This is because the Impermanence Sword is the nemesis of all magical powers in the world. However, these three seals have not been practiced by many Buddhist masters since ancient times. To succeed, if you don't have the right method and don't break through the ten obstacles to realize the truth, the more you practice the Impermanence Sword, the greater the harm will be.

‘This old monster has lived for so long, and he even knows about this kind of thing! ’

He suppressed the turmoil in his mind, his expression suddenly became serious, and he said loudly: "You heretics and demons, relying on sorcery and sorcery, just want to cause trouble in our country, Dayou Kingdom, and you are still planning and plotting. You want to overthrow the imperial court of Dayou, and if your conspiracy succeeds, wouldn’t it mean that our country will be destroyed and our people will be scattered!!”

In the last sentence, he shouted like thunder. This was the Buddhist lion's roar, which was the sound of subduing demons. It had supreme power. The sound penetrated the clouds and cracked the rocks, and came out like a thunder. Everyone present heard this sound, and their hearts were filled with excitement. It was also a shock.

"Such a profound level of cultivation. Situ Haoxing's ability is really powerful. No wonder the demon sages like Ant Mother have trouble subduing this person!"

The image of the golden Buddha also suddenly changed, turning into a middle-aged man wearing a uniform. This man wore a dark green robe and a crown of loyalty and tranquility. Rather than looking like a cultivator, he looked like a court official. The official's private attire.

This person is Situ Haoxing. He steps on the void, the sleeves of his dark green robe are flying, and he stands tall and proud, showing the style of the number one master of the Great You Dynasty.

"Mother Ant, you are just a demon. Don't use these remarks to sow discord between Dayou and Kamikaze. Master Kumaraye is a eminent monk in this world, how can he be offended by your words!"

Situ Haoxing was not stupid. He Ping stole a precious mirror. The Yuji Fairy Mirror was the most precious treasure of the Divine Wind Kingdom. It was divided into male and female mirrors. Wu Qingzu relied on this mirror to set up a dangerous situation at Xiaojing Villa in Tongbai Mountain. Just to set a trap and lure myself and others into the trap.

On the other hand, as long as that person takes away a precious mirror, the enemy in Tongbai Mountain will lose part of their support, which will also ease the current situation.

"Master Jiu Mo Luo Ye, that mirror is the most precious treasure of your country. I will definitely try to get it back afterwards. Master, please rest assured."

On the other side, Situ Haoxing first transmitted messages to Kumarajiva, and then used profound Buddhist chanting to communicate with Ji Quji and Yan Zhongji.

"It's a very important matter. We still need to work together to break this crisis. Ji Quji and Mr. Yan. Together, we can set up a four-wheel mandala formation. With the power of the formation, even if we fight But the ant mother also has a chance to escape and ascend to heaven! Now, I will pass on this formation to the three of you!"

In an instant, a mysterious and vast will rushed into the minds of the three of them. Countless thoughts came and went, and came and went. Kumaruoye, Ji Quji and Yan Zheji understood something in the blink of an eye. An extremely powerful magic circle.

"This magic circle requires four people to work together to set it up," Ji Quji thought in his mind.

"Could it be that the boss has planned it a long time ago? Even if Kumarajiva has other thoughts now, in order to protect himself, he can only help me and others... But, even with this formation, the most we can do is protect ourselves. , the arrangement of the demon and the Wanqing Sect still cannot be broken!"

With a thought in his mind and a brief communication with his junior brother Yan Zheji, he turned into two rays of brilliance, breaking through the six-color light on the periphery. It was as straight as a star pill, and the light flashed towards Situ Haoxing's side.

Situ Hao Ji and Yan Zheji's Yin Shen fell on the east and north corners, while he himself guarded the west side.

Kumarajiva paused to think for a moment, and without saying much, he collected the six-pointed golden wheel and used the Buddhist Heart Light Escape method to drift over and land on the west corner of the four-wheeled mandala array. The four major The master stepped into the four-wheel mandala formation, and the formation immediately started working.

"The four of us work together to kill the Wu Factor first!"

When the four of them entered the battle at the same time, Situ Haoxing said coldly: "This man is the elder of the Purple Armor Palace and a well-known evil disciple. It seems that the Ant Mother does not intend to let him go. This man is weak and weak." , after killing him, taking away his Dao-level cultivation and pressing him into the formation's eye, the power of the formation will immediately increase by 30%!"

When the other three masters heard the words, they immediately understood and each operated their methods according to the method taught by Situ Haoxing. In an instant, the external energy of the three people surged, countless vitality intertwined, the four-wheeled mandala formation was activated, and the surrounding six-color strange The light was forced on.


Situ Haoxing gave a low shout and stretched out his hand. Wu Yin, who was still struggling to support himself in the six-color disillusionment method, immediately felt like a disaster was coming.

As soon as the elder of the Purple Armor Palace raised his head, he saw a huge aura emitting from the formation, condensing into a strange force and suppressing it.

Wu Yin himself was trapped by the ant mother, like a fly that was pinned firmly and could not move away at this moment. As soon as the force of the large array pressed down, the mana gathered in his body was dissipated, and before the scream could be heard, he was right in front of him. Once black, he was killed on the spot.


The ant mother did not expect such a change. The six-color light came over, but the four-wheeled mandala array took the lead and sucked the factorless body into it.

"How brave!"

The demon sage also did not expect that Situ Haoxing would master this kind of strange formation. Thousands of strange lights poured out from all directions, intersecting with the Buddha's golden glow formed by the four-wheeled mandala formation. Second-rate.

"There is always an endless space between this ant mother and this layer of the abyss. It is impossible for the magic power to be able to do whatever it wants and be omnipotent! This four-wheel mandala formation is presided over by me, and it may not be inferior to it. ability!"

Situ Haoxing was one of the strongest people in the world. He used the Dragon Elephant Dharmakaya to gather the true energy of the other three masters present, and combined it with the four-wheeled mandala array to increase the mana. His skills immediately reached the extreme, breaking through. Shackles, reaching the magical level of magical cultivation.

"I just rely on this method to refine a Taoist master and forcibly push his own magic power to the level of manifesting the gods!"

The ant mother saw how powerful it was, and the six-colored demonic light condensed into a colorful light curtain, surging layer by layer, and squeezed towards the formation from all directions.

Immediately, two strands of true energy erupted from Situ Haoxing's body, one of which was the divine power of Dragon Elephant Great Prajna, and the other was the bright mandala true energy condensed with the help of the four-wheel mandala array. The two true qi, one gold and one White, collided with the endless light curtain squeezing around, countless potentials intertwined, the Buddha's light and demon light were magnetically attracted and grinding, and flowers and rain continued to splash all over the sky, just like fire trees and silver flowers, colorful fireworks, it was really beautiful.

"Okay, okay!"

The will of the ant mother penetrated the cracks in space, and the cold voice spread throughout the void.

"If I let you go today, Dayou will soon have another god-level warrior. It seems that I can only steal the killer to get rid of this scourge in the future!"

"No matter what the ant mother does, if you wait to destroy the earth's veins and open up the earth's orifices, I, Situ Haoxing, will be the sinner of Dayou."

Situ Haoxing clasped his hands together, and powerful strength gathered within his body.

"If you want to break through these two realms, you must first pass me!"

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