Shi Yulou claimed that those who were sent to the secret room, without exception, seemed to be a different person after they came back - they became like Shi Zhongyu who was possessed by the black rhinoceros, and their temperaments became extremely gloomy. , is also bloodthirsty and loves to eat raw meat.

"If I had to describe it, they were like demons wearing human skin. The black devil sent them into the mirror. When they came back, those people seemed to have been replaced by something. At that time, I felt... that The real immortal in the mirror doesn’t know what evil magic he cast to change those people.”

Shi Yulou felt horrified and could not bear this situation, because in addition to his son, his concubine, and several relatives at home, they were also taken to the secret room. When they came out, they turned into something else.

"It's an evil spirit. The so-called true immortal in the mirror is an evil spirit!"

It turns out that there is a mystery hidden in that fairy mirror. What lives inside is not a fairy, but an evil ghost from hell.

Shi Yulou took a deep breath.

"According to Wuzhuzi, there is a powerful ghost hidden in the mirror. Wuzhuzi calls it 'Vanajayin'. It claims to be a true immortal from ancient times. It has learned the truth thousands of years ago. It can swallow and drink water." The essence of the sun and the moon changes the mind and prolongs the body and life. The years go by and the achievements are profound, so as to escape human desires... But later, because of the great catastrophe of the Spring and Autumn Period, in order to avoid the disaster, he hid in this "Jade Island Immortal Mirror" among.”

"Actually, it should be a kind of terrifying evil spirit and ghost. There is no fairy palace or palace in the mirror. It is just a ghost realm transformed by the sound of the demon god Brahmanaka. There are also countless demons and ghosts in that ghost realm. People who are introduced into the mirror by evil spirits will have their souls taken away, leaving only their skins, which will be replaced by those demons."

"A few months later, most of the people in Xiaojing Villa were replaced. The voice of the Demonic Immortal Vanaga became even louder. At this moment, the sky outside the Villa suddenly changed, and black clouds shrouded it, and then... Hearing the sound of thunder, I didn’t know what happened, but thunder and fire came from the direction of the secret room, and blue and white lightning flashed..."

That day, it was like the sky was falling apart and the earth was shattering. Dark clouds covered the top of Tongbai Mountain, and lightning and thunder fell from the sky to the back of Tongbai Mountain from time to time.

Shi Yulou was also in a panic at that time. He felt like the "demon fairy" Vanagayin performed demonic magic and allowed the evil things in the demon mirror to harm people. He violated the power of God and was noticed by God. Thunder struck the back mountain.

Coincidentally, at the same time, the monsters in human skins in the village went crazy and began to attack the living people.

There were many dead and injured in Xiaojing Villa. Those monsters were so vicious that all the remaining living people in the village were bitten to death and devoured.

On the other hand, a golden light shield fell from the sky above the villa, and the entire villa and Tongbai Mountain were sealed into a strange formation.

This large formation can distort the surrounding space, isolating the inside and outside, and the demons and ghosts who cause trouble in the villa are also trapped in the formation.

Xiaojing Villa is filled with all kinds of strange formations, including phantom formations, puzzle formations and other serial formations. Coupled with space distortion, it has turned into a strange and bizarre place.

Shi Yulou could only find an opportunity to hide and use the talisman formation technique passed down by the Ancient Blue Sect to seal off the house where he lived to prevent the ghosts from discovering his location.

At this time, He Ping also noticed that this talisman array was not the kind of talisman array that exorcises ghosts and evil spirits. The effect of this talisman array was just to hide the aura in the room.

"That is to say, hiding in this house is equivalent to being invisible in the eyes of ghosts and monsters, and it is difficult to be discovered..."

Shi Yulou's statement is somewhat credible... According to his statement, he hid in this room and did not dare to go out to inquire. He ate some grain-proofing elixir made from hemp seeds, pine and cypress, and grass every day to sustain himself. Life, I have lived until now!

"I see!"

After He Ping heard this, he nodded slightly.

"In other words, you have been staying in this house since then and have not gone out?"


Shi Yulou smiled bitterly.

"This Taoist brother, my cultivation is weak. I am trapped in this formation and have no way to escape. There are countless evil ghosts and evil creatures lurking in Xiaojing Villa. If I leave this house and leave this courtyard, , it won’t take long before you are killed by those monsters and ghosts, and you will be trapped here.”

After finishing speaking, he sighed again.

"Brother Dao, I have something to ask for your help. This matter may not be a bad thing for Brother Dao. After all, if you want to leave Xiaojing Villa, Brother Dao should also know about this matter."

Suddenly, Shi Yulou's tone changed, revealing a bit of pretentiousness.

"Leaving Xiaojing Villa?"

He Ping lowered his voice and said, "Please tell me."

"First of all, my guess is that the Xiaojing Villa will become what it is now. It has something to do with the 'Yuji Fairy Mirror' on the back mountain. That is to say, this formation should have a great relationship with that fairy mirror. I'm afraid, if you want to leave here, you should go to the back mountain to find the secret room, and then find the 'Jade Mirror'."


A wooden door opened a crack, and a skinny arm stretched out. This hand was covered with age spots, and the skin was abnormally pale, as if it had not seen the sun for a long time.

"Cough, cough, cough!"

This hand held a jade box and slowly handed it over.

He Ping looked down and saw that the jade box in front of him was three inches wide and less than six inches long. There was a talisman and seal script on it. The owner of the hand, the old man hiding behind the door, sighed again.

"I am old and weak. Even if I want to leave, I can't do it. There is a magic talisman hidden in this jade box. It is said that it can break the blockade of the 'Yuji Fairy Mirror'. Holding this jade box, I must have a chance to break it." Open the formation's ban and escape from this hellish place."

The old man stopped talking here.

He Ping smiled slightly and said, "Is this really the case?"


When the old man heard this, he was also a little confused.

"Brother Dao, do you still have any doubts?"

"In general, I think what you said should be correct."

There was a trace of amusement in He Ping's eyes.

"It's just that what you said is not the truth, because you added some lies in the details... A lie that is half true and false is more substantial than making up a lie directly."

"Nonsense, why should I lie?!"

The old man sounded a little angry.

"Besides, I'm already behind bars. I can only hide here and survive. What's the point of lying to you!"

"You naturally have your intentions and motives for lying... But let's not mention it for now. There are some obvious problems in your lies." He Ping asked calmly: "The murder in Xiaojing Villa happened two years ago. , two years ago, the government sent people to investigate and found forty-eight corpses, including the head of the Shi family, Shi Yulou. If you are Shi Yulou, then who was the corpse that the government collected for burial?"

"Of course it's not my body, it's the demon god Brahmanakayin in the mirror. He used it to deceive people by using a blinding method on the body of outsiders. The body taken away by the government was just affected by its demonic magic. Those monsters that turned into the corpses of me and everyone in the Shi family were not executed..."

"All right!"

He Ping nodded: "If you insist on saying that, I will believe you. However, there is another strange thing. According to the rumors outside, the Shi family is a wealthy merchant family, but your Shi Yulou has never had any heirs. Later, for He inherited the incense and married a concubine. The concubine finally gave birth to a child, but because the eldest wife was jealous by nature, she tortured the young concubine a hundred times. The latter couldn't bear the humiliation and threw herself into a well... I want to ask Let’s check if this is the case.”

"Of course this is a rumor. My youngest son was replaced by a monster, so he will naturally not die. As for my concubine, she was also harmed by monsters. Such rumors will spread. It is also the ghosts who want to cover up their murderous behavior. Are you deliberately teaching outsiders to spread such remarks?"

Shi Yulou replied calmly.

"Okay, it makes sense for you to say that."

He Ping chuckled and did not argue with him, and continued to ask Shi Yulou.

"I remember you said that your senior brother Wu Zhizi was the first to discover the secret of the mirror. When he entered the mirror, his body turned into human skin, and then he possessed your son Shi Zhongyu. Afterwards, evil spirits came out of the mirror, wearing human skin and pretending to be living people. Is there such a thing?"


Shi Yulou responded calmly: "Those monsters and ghosts all come from the mirror. They cannot move in broad daylight, so they need to carry human skin to walk in the daylight and be under the bright sky."

"Then, why didn't any of these monsters leave Xiaojing Villa during that period?" he asked again.

"I think," Shi Yulou said righteously: "It should be the power of the demon fairy Vana Canaan that has an influence on those ghosts. They should be inseparable from the Tongbai Mountain area. It is also for this reason that these ghosts He didn’t bring trouble to anyone!”

"What you said is correct, but unfortunately, there is a flaw in it..."

He Ping shook his head.


Shi Yulou couldn't help but raise his eyebrows.

"The ghostly and evil energy in you is really too strong. With this ability, I'm afraid you can't hide it from me..."

He Pingping was expressionless. No one could have imagined that he would laugh out loud, take a step forward, and step down hard!


An invisible force rushed out, shattering the door of the wing room, destroying the first layer of talisman arrays arranged in the room, and shattering the second and third tiers of talisman array traps into powder.

The jade box also hit the ground with a "clang" and broke into pieces. Once it broke, it turned into black snake-like hair, squirming and twisting on the ground. There is a curse in this jade box. Once you get it, you will definitely be cursed.

"Also, you are not Shi Yulou at all. There is one biggest lie in your story, that is, you have distorted the identities of yourself and Shi Yulou. You are actually Shi Yulou's senior brother Wu Zhizi!"

He Ping chuckled, took another step, and his skinny arm was shattered. The old man behind the door showed a painful expression when his arm was broken. He was sweating profusely, and he took a few steps back, looking at the person entering. The faces of the figures in the wing changed drastically.

" did you guess that?!"

I attended a colleague's wedding banquet today. I drank and felt uncomfortable. I will update it today and will make up for it tomorrow!

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